Making an Ultimate Necron Army List 10th

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[Music] today we're going to take a look at my two very successful 1,000 Point lists to see if we can make an ultimate 2,000 Point nekron list and it's coming right up necrons Nick speaking and welcome to this video right today I'm going to make an army list an ultimate Army list from two of my very successful 1,000 Point lists now if you know this channel quite well you'll know that I generally don't like to play the norm The Meta sometimes I do I'll admit but not all of the time usually my lists are themed around a certain thing and I have two 1,000 Point themed lists which I'm going to combine and adjust and adapt into an ultimate 2,000 points list I'm going to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the 1,000 point Point lists and the tactics of how these lists work then adapt them into the 2,000 Point list hopefully this will be interesting in a list Building B in tactics and C in just well seeing how I go about doing it right let's have a look at my first 1,000 Point list okay so my first list is a destroyer cult themed list now fingers crossed when the Codex comes out very PR soon that we will actually get a destroyer cult a dynasty or whatever the new words are for it um what are the new words Detachment that's it hopefully we'll get a new Detachment for the Destroyer cult now at the end of ninth Edition I converted kit bashed a locust Lord I did this out of a locust heavy Destroyer I was really happy with the conversion I thought he looked really cool however I didn't get to play him in ninth Edition so I thought I would definitely put him on the table in 10th edition and of course he was my starting point for my Destroyer cult list now I know a lot of people don't like the Locust Destroyer models that we currently have the old ones and of course we are desperate for some new Miniatures which well I don't know whether we're going to get them yet but at some point we will because of course games work shop are getting rid of any Miniatures that have the green rods in them now personally I like the old Miniatures I don't have an issue with them I've been playing them for over 20 years now so they are actually one of my favorite Miniatures so of course with the Locust Lord is going to be some Locust destroyers so that's how I started my list the Locust Lord with of course the resurrection or because we don't pay for that now then six Locust Destro destroyers now if I was taking the Locust destroyers the Locust Lord of course was going to join them and I decided to give the Locust Lord the hyper material ablator giving the units the stealth ability and a cover save if your opponent is more than 12 in away now keeping the theme of Destroyers I had two units of three Locust destroyers in the list and of course I'm going to need some heavy support so I went for two units three heavy Destroyers with the gaus destructor I tried to fit three units in the list but I couldn't now I originally made this list before the current points changes I had two units of three scarabs and two units of five death marks in the list those are my auto include units to help me get secondary objectives I've made a video all about them and I'll link that video up for you at the end of this one so you can check it out next now my original list also had a single SLE Locust heavy destroyer in there as well with the admic Exterminator of course the Destroyer going up in points my original list was 995 points now after adding my two units of death marks in there and taking my unit of Scarab swarms away I actually had 15 points spare so what I did rather than having two units of death marks is I had just one unit of death marks and that meant I had 80 points left over which was ideal for a hex Mark Destroyer taking my list to exactly 1,000 points the hex Mark Destroyer had the same job that the death marks would do and that would be to deep strike to get some secondary objectives either engage nor fronts deploy teleport homers Behind Enemy Lines those type of secondary objectives now the Scarab swarms go in my deployment Zone in one corner the idea is of course to block any deep Strikers from coming in guessing their secondary objectives and then to do investigate signals when that card comes up for me now originally I had both Corners with Scarab swarms in which of course now I can't do so the role of the Locust heavy Destroyer with the exterminated gun is going to change slightly from what it was doing to be in the corner of my deployment Zone basically replacing one of the Scarab swarm units the two heavy Destroyer units will go on my home objective trying to kill as much as they can my Locust Lord of course with the big unit of Destroyers with the resurrection orb the minus one to hit giving that unit Critical Hits and a five plus very useful very difficult to kill actually more difficult than you might think uh the gun of course we know is only strength five however Critical Hits and a five plus of course rrolling ones to hit is pretty useful as for the other two small units of Destroyers they will go on the flanks and if needed go forward onto the central objectives however that isn't actually the plan with this Army this Army is going to sit back for as long as possible usually the first couple of turns I'm very good at shooting I've got a lot of shots however if I move forward I'm going to get destroyed because of course I'm not that great in close combat and I don't have any counter assault units there's nothing in here which is really ass saly even the Locust Lord with his overlord's blade he isn't that great in close combat so when I'm playing this list I do accept that our primaries are going to be tough to score the first couple of turns depending on the mission of course however hopefully I can destroy enough that by turn three four and five come around I'm able to push forward and grab those objectives and start scoring my primary and so far with all of the games that I've played with this list I've had great success I've won every game now I suppose what you're asking is well how about making a 2,000 Point Destroyer cult list well I did that I actually did that and I did win that game however it did highlight the flaw of the list and that is basically that yeah you do have to stand back um most of the game which is fine and works but it's probably not the best tactics to say right I'm not going to score uh primary objectives the first couple of turns I'm just going to hold back shoot and grab them later because well that's not going to win you every game uh so yeah it was flawed right let's have a look at my second 1,000 Point list again which I've had great success with Okay so this list is inspired Again by a single miniature which is usually how I list build I take a miniature that I want to play and I build a list around it uh and this one is well pretty meta to be fair but it's the Transcendent Katan I've seen everyone playing it having uh great success with it saying how great it is and I hadn't played it yet so I wanted to play the Transcendent Katan so first of all in the list is the Transcendent Katan and of course he's got the weave increased in points recent ly of course to 310 with the sepal weave but a fantastic enhancement and well we're just going to keep our fingers crossed that Games Workshop don't change that because having that four plus F no pain on him is absolutely awesome and of course not only that but he's able to teleport around the board uh when he advances so really really useful unit difficult to kill pretty decent shoot shoting pretty decent in close combat and definitely the Lynch pin of this list so adding to the list and next I wanted to play Tomb blades I'd only played tomb blades once in a game I ideally wanted to play two units of six but the list didn't develop in that way so I ended up with two units of three I had shadow looms and shield veins on them a three plus save and a five plus invulnerable save two two of the models had the particle Beamer and one had the twin tester carbine so I could advance and still do actions now talking of actions if you draw deploy teleport homers early in the game like turn one if you teleport to transcended Katan and then deploy teleport homers on the center objective then of course he can't shoot he's just got to stand there so I wanted to stop that from happening I want to be more aggressive with my Katan so I wanted something which could deploy teleport homers turn one income five flade ones flade ones of course can infiltrate straight onto the objective whilst yes I could move the tomb blades onto the center objective I've got another plan for them so yeah fled ones Center objective or potentially just in a really awkward position for my opponent maybe hiding behind a piece of terrain making a little play on the flanks for Behind Enemy Lines uh depending on the deployment map but effectively they're going to infiltrate they could potentially mess up with my opponent's infiltrating units and they're just going to be a pain for my opponent yes of course when they get targeted whether shot at or assaulted they're probably going to die but that's okay they're there for different reasons than killing stuff now of course I'm going to need some big guns in the list so income three Locust heavy destroyers and they're going to be led by a hex Mark Destroyer with the Sovereign coronal of course not actually uh joining the unit just leading the unit with the aura ability this means that I can move and of course still hit on twos or if I get a unit which I'm targeting that has minus one to hit of course his Aura ability is going to negate that pretty useful now of course this unit is going to go on my home objective and try to kill as much as it can from range next I have my two units of death marks for the same reason that I was talking about fire alarm every Wednesday when I'm recording a video now I've also got two units of death marks in the list to do the same job that's they were doing in the previous list now I tried to put two units of Scarab swarms in there as well but I was 10 points over I tried to jiggle the list as much as I could but I just couldn't get two units of scarabs in there so just one unit of scarabs that meant I had 30 points left so I decided to put a single Locust destroyer in the list 30 points taking me exactly to 1,000 points and that Destroyer is going to do the same job as the Scarab swarms basically go in the corner of my deployment Zone block any deep Strikers or reserves coming in from my enemy and of course investigate signals when that card comes up so in this list we've got our fixed positions infiltrating the flade ones the death marks in reserve the Locust destroyer and the scarabs in my corners and then the hexmark destroyer and the heavy destroyers on my home objective the Transcendent Katan and the tomb blades are the only units which are free to do what I want them to do the Transcendent Katan of course is going to start teleporting around the board causing trouble for my opponent taking my opponent's attention away from the rest of my Army the Tom blades start off hiding behind a piece of terrain and then come out as and when needed onto objectives I generally run the tomb blades together although sometimes I will split them up it really depends on the mission but once again I haven't lost with this list now this list is very good at scoring secondary objectives it can score primary pretty well as well although of course it's fairly Fragile with those small sort of MSU units now the Transcendent Katan uh pushes forward causes my opponent some issues they have to deal with him or potentially ignore him now the Transcendent Katan hasn't died yet but of course I know he is killable I mean you know one day he will go down and if he does then maybe the rest of my Army is going to be very vulnerable however I haven't lost too many units from this Army and it's performed incredibly well so that's where I got the idea to take these two very different lists and make an ultimate list where I think I can Whittle out the weaknesses of both lists maybe have a really strong non meta list okay Transcendent Katan maybe is meta but there's no Warriors there's no reanimators there's no Lich guard no crypto throws no technomancer you know what I mean okay so let's have a look at these two lists and see if we can combine them and make an ultimate necron list we're going to start with the Destroyer side of things so my Locust Lord is going to be in the list he going to be armed exactly the same and he's going to be leading a unit of locust destroyers a big unit of six now I'm going to keep the two small units of locust destroyers when I upgraded the Destroyer list before they became two units of six but of course I need to make points for the rest of the staff and two units of three actually work quite well now one thing about my list apart from the transcender kanatan who of course is a monster is I don't give up bring it down very easily especially the Destroyer list and that's one reason why I like to put the Locust heavy destroyers in as my heavy support so that isn't going to change I'm going to take the two units of locus heavy destroyers from my Destroyer list and I'm going to take the single unit from the Transcendent Katan Nest to give me three units of locust heavy destroyers they're going to operate in my back field of course killing as much as they can and I'm going to lead them with the Sovereign coronal hex Mark destroyer from the Transcendent Katan list Lora ability is really useful right next up it's my auto include units two units of death marks two units of three Scarab swarms we're then on to my Transcendent Katan half of the list and of course the Transcendent Katan with the weave is going to be in the list we're then going to have a look at the tomb blades now originally I said I wanted two units of six and I think that's what I'm going to do I'm going to increase the unit size to six for each of those because it just makes them a lot more survivable it means that when I go out to objectives if I can use terrain well then hopefully I'm going to be able to survive a lots more than a unit of three and then finally from the transcender Katan list is a unit of fled ones now I had five in my original list I wanted to up that to a unit of 10 which I did however that took me to 2,5 points and this is the one thing which I really hate about 10th edition overall I love it I think it's fantastic and I do find list building a lot easier in 10th edition however I do have quite a big issue with this I'm looking at my computer because that's where my notes are but yeah I'm five points over and in the old days it' be okay just drop a fade one there you go under 2,000 points however I've got to make some really big changes to this list just to lose that five points down to the fact of how Lisk building Works in 10th edition and it's really annoying now I really want those fled ones in the list it's part and parcel of how the Transcendent Katan side of the list works now I could free up some points for maybe dropping a destroyer one of the destroyers on the units of three however I think that compromises the unit quite a lot I could drop a heavy Destroyer but again I think it compromises those units now the FED ones can do the same job whether they're a units of five or 10 obviously if they're a unit of 10 they are a lot more durable potentially I could take two units of five fled ones if I wanted to however as I said I've got a points issue so I'm going to reduce the size of the 10 man unit down to five so five fled ones that gives me 65 points left and I went through all of the index how I could spend that 65 points and the only feasible option that I could come up with that suits this list is another unit of death marks not ideal I really really would love to have either two units of fled ones or one big unit of 10 fled ones but I think death marks could work in the list because an issue sometimes with the death marks is of course when they come down in either turn two or three maybe to score let's say Behind Enemy Lines once they're down they're sort of locked there where they are and of course yes I could use aidian destroyers uh maybe to sort of jump around but I've got the Transcendent Katan to do that oh I've just had a thought aidian destroyers how many points are they okay so 100 points so I could drop my two units of death marks maybe puts the aidian Destroyers in there instead but that leaves me with 30 points to spend and that's going to be hard to spend on this list plus the aidans weren't in my two original lists and the whole idea of this is to combine those two lists so it's back to three units of death marks so that's my final list 2,000 points I'm going to use all of the Destroyer units at the back of my Army around my deployment Zone around my home objectives and they're going to shoot as much as they can the Transcendent Katan is just going to go out and just distract and do whatever damage it can and score points as well of course and then the three units of death marks are going to go in reserve and they're going to do secondary objectives my two units of scarabs are going to go in the corners of my deployment Zone to block my opponent and then do the investigate signals when that comes up my fled ones are going to infiltrate just to be pest and annoying and potentially get a secondary objective in turn one and then my two units of Tomb blades are just going to push forward onto Central objectives I think this list has a lot of potential to do a a lot of damage and B to score very well with primary and secondary mission objectives but I'd love to know what you think let me know in the comments box below and if you want to see the Tactical video was talking about earlier here it is and here's a playlist to all of the other tactical videos that I've made
Channel: IDICBeer 40k - Necrons and More
Views: 11,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10th edition necron army, 10th edition necron army list, 10th edition necron list, 2000 point necron army 10th edition, 2000 point necron list 10th edition, 40k necron army list, competitive necron list 10th, competitive necron list 10th edition, good necron army list, necron army list, necron army list 10e, necron army list 10th, necron army list 10th edition, necron army list 2000 points, necron army list 2023, necron competitive list, necron competitive list 10th edition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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