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so you're gonna play monk on the one punch man of the group more like the many punch man you use key and stuff to move fast grab arrows out of midair and stun lock enemies to make your DM rage quit and wanna spin kick dodge stuff walk on water wait a second Jesus here is out of play monk before we get into that way I have a sponsor it's world anvil and you know what world anvil is the awesome world building tool that can help organize maps locations in your whole campaign pull us heroes to have everyone in on the fun but guess what there's a new feature to make this thing even better it's the Explorer feature you're able to browse everything in your world from the same page you can view all of your maps and timelines and search for articles secrets categories Maps timelines and notes imagine having all of that open while you're playing as a dungeon master it's your entire homebrew world at your fingertips you can name anything and be able to search it at the touch of this Explorer feature so go check that out it's really awesome and it really makes using world and whole that here's how to play monk monks are the easiest class in the game monks are the second easiest class in the game next to the fighter at level one there's literally only one thing you need to manage alerts and no number defense which our prey basically you know comes foo and slam-dunk your opponents by having a d4 4/5 damage and also you can add your wisdom to your AC because you are in my equipment nope don't even need it don't need swords just your plushie nubs level 2 key and unarmored movement ok we're starting to get a little complicated here I know it's gonna get real difficult this class gets crazy complicated so just watch out no literally a dude wrote an entire essay on why the monk isn't easier than the fighter on reddit so I get it man the monk is super hard and there's so much to manage I'll explain it the best I can here it goes you get points they're called key you spend the points to do stuff spend one do an extra punch spend one dodge spend one disengage or - that's it now I'm going to quickly explain this again since I didn't properly do it in my last video I think if you added a fighter and a monk to players who have never played D&D before I think the person playing the monk is going to have an easier time than the fighter the vague concepts and ephemeral ideas I conveyed and the monk is the easiest class video was to illustrate that I think that there's more rules you have to understand to play a fighter in comparison to a monk also on top of that monks barely have to manage equipment like armor and weapons since both are handled at level 1 I think on paper the fighter seems easier because it has a simpler idea and less abilities but I know in practice that this is the opposite I used to DM for an after-school program for kids under charter school I worked at and every kid that played a monk at an easier time understanding the game so there I'm done arguing this I'm done hearing about it from you guys as well please for the love of God don't light up the comments with more of this argument I'm not going to read it anyways our movement oh yeah this one's real hard to explain okay okay you move fast level three to flick missiles and monastic tradition deflect missiles lets you catch frames to weapon attacks out of mid-air and you can throw them back this is probably my favorite ability in the entirety of Dien d5e monastic tradition oh no don't be intimidated by the monk Jacob just try to imagine it and its underwear oh no it's complicated yet a monk out here with these monastic traditions that are super dope and add a lot of options to making a monk character in the BHB we got way of the open hand what the [ __ ] is the way the closed hand fisticuffs master wave the open hand is a pretty basic but still awesome subclass for monk you can blast me prone backwards you take away reactions you can also heal and meditate to gain the benefits of the sanctuary spell that's awesome we have the four elements you can go full Last Airbender and pick spell like abilities that give you unique options in combat I would go through all of them but there's a lot I love all the flavor with these abilities things of the fire snake is rad and fists of unbroken air okay where you create a blast of compressed air that's true like a mighty alright so is your trunk why are you doing [Music] way of Shadow you're basically a stealth monk you can create darkness and teleport anywhere in dim light or darkness this is an awesome pair with shadow sorcerer or even like a warlock that could see in magical darkness because you could cast darkness on yourself or in other areas and then teleport between the spots that you've chosen it's pretty dope Zenith ours guide way of the drunken master oh yeah we're going full Jackie Chan you take on the fighting style of a drunk guy and then channel key because why not I love it when the game gets wild with his rules and it's just like way of the shadow shadow dancers they serve as spies and assassins as a drunken master you can disengage as a part of your flurry of blows and stand up real easy and redirect attacks they hand other people you just stumble around the battlefield it's great way of the Ken's size simply put a monk that uses weapons you delve a little more into Fighter with this subclass and get some techniques to master combat you can deal extra damage and gain bonuses to armor class way did the Sun soul shield ping-pong balls made of the Sun and burn people with only light level 4 abilities come to bed good night and slow fall you're a parkour master and can reduce the damage from falling you float gracefully down to a gentle step unless it's like 300 feet and then you're just a pancake level 5 oh so this ability gets a lot of flack let's defend it for two seconds before I tear it to shreds basically you disrupt the key in an enemy you like dis align their chakras and stun them as a part of your attack if they fail a constitution saving throw they're stunned it costs a key and nothing else the stun lasts until the end of the Munks next turn this is a pretty cool ability because it gives a whole flavor of support to the monk where they can help out in the fight rather than just punching it can feel pretty awesome when you land it since you enable the bad guys from doing pretty much anything okay that's it this ability is broken alright so pretend your poopy little monk a fight so bad he's when you'd say hey I'm getting strike oh there's no limit on this other than ki basically just get all these stuns off of all of your attacks you want to so at level 5 you can do a flurry of blows put a stunning strike of every attack meaning that the enemy would need to succeed for God saves to not be stunned for a whole round oh I'm fully aware you could overload the monk with a lot of enemies but since you can break up your attack and movement you can do the same thing if you drive by punch everyone which can result in a mass for monsters stun which is insane not to mention a higher level monks could keep doing this every round they could even shorten it to just to stun attempts around since most combats and didi really only last five to six rounds anyways they're just gonna be the tip you'd give and take dishing out nocturnes unless the enemy has like plus 11 cops to stay to throw yet sit back there and go huh well I hope they succeed and stun sucks it doesn't give the monsters disadvantage it doesn't just make their speed zero no it takes away all their actions they lose a turn which they can dish out a bajillion times granted I know it doesn't stack don't light me up with the comments I'm not saying that it does that so anyways I'm done ranting about disability as DM I have been plagued by it for years and I hate it my only fix for it if your players are cool with changing it unlike mine is to limit it to one stun attempt around that doesn't completely nerf it doesn't make it a bonus action or cost Markey and I feel like a balance is the overall play style of 5e which is typically a one attempt around kind of system anyways level six ki empowered strike your fists are magical you'll get stun like a beholder for all all round you know magical already level seven evasion and stillness of mind man I really like how many abilities the monk gets definitely one of my favorite parts about the class evasion is the hip-hop zip zop I can dodge a fireball with a hoo ha we stillness of mind you can meditate in the middle of battle and get rid of being frightened or charmed well time purity of body your immune to poison and disease just straight up level 10 monks can't take poison damage or V disease alright that's cool level 13 tongue of the Sun and Moon you can speak all languages also other creatures can understand you if you talk to them level 14 diamonds soul you become proficient in all saving throws level 15 timeless body you don't age [Music] Jacob where you going [Music] it does not matter I am don't [Music] [Music] my powers draining I will die soon perhaps a touch of energy save me it's left you all for you shouldn't have no key points remaining you regain all our key [Music]
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 947,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, critical, role, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll
Id: tRMj_PyXQ_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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