HOW TO PLAY CLERIC (feat. Jiggles)

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yeah yeah sure okay I can be there like five yeah I'll make a character I'll do it yeah I'll see you when I'm gonna play D&D always kneel down pray say God give me strength I don't know which class to play you yearn for guidance and something more with that healing word take these deep [ __ ] I'll pledge my soul and spirit or for you [Music] Dargis Don genies will be filled with lies [Music] mr. Gibson's [Music] prepare all your spell's each day I'll help you simplify and take cure wounds bless em riff ever fight do I have to be a healer is there anything more [ __ ] your subform now heal me on there's the door is that it my purpose to eat the fighter fighting the dark is done [Music] um gives inside all my enemies burn for the glory of God and the Holy Templar mean kills one I've got magic wizard knocking told me my wish [Music] my son you are trying to world bill dear sad what is it here suits me I have this gift for you world anvil you mean the online tool where you can make maps campaigns and notes all easily organized and searchable and an explorer browser you can also make D&D characters well you can also make D&D characters get started today with your world and full account and make your world campaign and data ventures and adventurers loving the bullet caught me on fire again that sucks that's fine I'll just put myself out so you're gonna play cleric ah the faithful support the party healer the wound closer well actually clerics aren't just healers they can also summon storms fire or even tricks for example ever you heard of our Lord and Savior giant meteor of dad here's how to play cleric [Music] clerics are notoriously one of the most holy classes to blame D&D at level 1 you get spell casting and your divine domain that's right clerics get their subclass right off the bat the two abilities go hand in hand clerics gain their magic from the God they worship and serve who in turn grants the miracles and powers kind of like a warlock but let's take a look at these divine domains all right so we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve domains for the cleric plus under its Arcana but I'm not gonna do them holy crap so let's give a brief description of each one so you get an idea which one you would like the most for your cleric arcane you'd have arcane magic like a wizard this is the coolest divine domain in my opinion I really think it's awesome because it deviates away from a normal cleric and gives them Matt because they worship the god of magic that's so freakin awesome oh I love it death oh you worship the gods of death and destruction you can double up on necromancy spells wheeled cooler swords and touch people to kill them Forge you're a crafting cleric you can power up weapons and armor and craft metal items if you have the materials you also gain some fire immunity and bonus armor class brave you worship the gods of life-and-death gaining the ability to manipulate both you can keep people alive and sure others die and detect undead because those are gross you all look at those teeth knowledge you worship the nerd gods and gain proficiency in skills tools and can read thoughts this cleric is devoted to learning self-improvement and being super smart I guess this subclass and Arcana makes clerics all versatile unique Oh life the one everybody picks your gods are those of positive energies and life you can heal the sick drive away undead and now you've accepted your fate of token healer of the group and when ad [ __ ] it might as well be the domain that can heal even more light you worship the gods of the Sun and flame you can cast fiery blinding spells to sear those who stand in thy path nature not a druid you worship the nature gods instead of serving nature well to be perfectly clear druids harness nature and its power in order to protect and use it nature is a form of life that is exhibited in all forms of the Material Plane druids act as nature meaning fires burn down forests animals are killed and traditions are stuck to nature clerics somewhere like wannabe hippies who worship the gods of nature in order to protect it major clerics would be protect full of druids or druids would either respect or piss off nature clerics tempest clerics of the storms you know what happens when a lich is struck by lightning same as everyone else except ledges are resistant to lightning so they'd actually take half damage Tempest clerics worship the wrath of nature the natural disasters that caused hundreds of casualties around the world annually do you harness that power to Thunderbolt people yeah that's pretty much it chicory you worship the gods of tricks pranks gamblers thieves and scoundrels you can charm others disguise yourself and make yourself vanish or double up on your appearance it's hard to know what to expect from a trickster cleric even to know they're a cleric this is really honestly a very unique cleric domain that I would love to see more of now your typical cleric would have flavored is something out of the norm and more fun the cool ones are the ones that are not typically very normal war you worship the ever-present battle of war calling down the gods to aid you in battle this is the fighter subclass for cleric you can attack a lot you can smite people is really close to paladin but at least you don't have to take another spell casting spell casting for a cleric is pretty dang complicated it can get quite overwhelming for a new player so if you're new unless you really really want to jump headfirst and do a complicated magic system like the druid and paladin and everybody else that isn't a bard wizard warlock a sorcerer Ranger am here's how it works as explicitly stated from the holy scribes and texts of dupe Magic's praise be unto him every day at which hour the waketh up in the moaning they prepared the numbers spells equal to thy wisdom plus level if they again choose it from XI ton of spells all spells art available to did cast so long defense be prepared those folk in the morning the domain gives these spells yawned art each moment did prepare so those gents act as permanent spells they can did cast in spell from the Deacon did cast did prepare spells with ice pellets slots which he can see it listed on declared page raised antigen magics and mainly find glory in thy spells so long is riches alright so a huge thing with the cleric is that yes you can prepare dozens of spells you don't need to write a bit a book or a level up to change them buy a lot of them have gold cost most spells and D&D have material components but if they have a gold cost you got to go out and buy it which most of the cleric spells have so before you cleric start being like hey I'm overpowered I have a d8 and can Hollow and scribe let's not forget you must pay for some of these spells and now you can be a tithing money-hungry priest second level channel divinity your domain gets an ability with it and all clerics it the ability to ward away the undead you present thy holy symbol and blends with I faith and proclaim the words Bagon grandma so she really is dead I had hoped perhaps she found a new life and undeath I could have at least just said goodbye to her one last time I shouldn't have left grandma I'm sorry are you okay it's a terrible day for a third levels there third levels third level you can cast some new spells like fine traps Oh watch out for that yeah oh there's another one yeah watch out for that one another one right there wow thanks God zone of truth hey men so uh do you like still consider us like friends I mean yeah okay okay well just give me one second what I'm just gonna do this real fast sort of quick circle it's called zone of truth I'm very over here why is this entites okay okay protected from Seibert let me ask you that again do you still consider us friends wait what what you had an easy time saying it earlier what's wrong what's wrong consider us lovers and gentle repose you you you're a cleric you're gonna you're gonna bring her back to life what no I'm gonna make sure she stays dead what the [ __ ] fourth level ability score improvement yay put it into wisdom yay a mid-level destroy Undead you present thy holy symbol in pledge my faith and proclaim the words come back to me grandma you also get third level spells lycra vilified daylight and bestowed curse and animate dead okay what why huh you play class that's primary feature is to destroy undead and then you can turn around and make more undead haha now I have the power to create an evil undead army Oh babies destroy undead in case you just need to destroy all of them what why do I have this I shrugged did you see me shrug I'm God I'm pretty sure if I saw you shrug my brain would explode Darwin that's true sixth level you cast channeled divinity a little more and you get a feature for your divine domain yay seventh level fourth level spells you can guess guardian of faith banishment and death ward so I have a funny story about death ward we were playing my main game known as immortals like a few years ago and one of the characters was the dwarf cleric of Life named grunt and he had given the ability to fly by an NPC in order to talk with him away from the group so they flew hundreds of feet into the air to speak once they finished the NPC teleported back down from the party forgetting about grad kind of intentions she was like a villain and grudge instead of flying back down just foul and cast a death wart on himself death warrant allows you to live after dropping to zero hit points so cried to fel hundreds and hundreds of feet slamming into the cobblestone breaking near every bone in his body and it all slowly congealed back together and he stood in a walk at one whole hip point cliff diving with clerics eighth level ability score improvement I am even more wiser destroying dead now at a higher destroy I'm dead now at higher level enemies and your domain feature ninth level fifth level spells gasps bells likes crying bass cure wounds and insect plague wire clerics so evil I think it's more of like a biblical thing tenth level divine intervention one of the coolest abilities in D&D in my opinion you can straight-up call up on a God and say hey bro I need help and if you roll below your level on a d100 god literally comes down and says I got you [ __ ] with me on my side 11th level destroy even more powerful Undead and 6th level spells smells like hero's feast plate or ally and create undead okay why why why are clerics just necromancer's they have all of these spells playing towards evil and villa needs true wizard you got yourself a good disguise for a necromancer hi I'm just declaring psych zombies and plagues and the wrath of Vecna 12th level ability score improvement yay 13th level you can cast seventh level spells such as regenerate firestorm and temple of the god fourteenth level except that your grandma is dead and she's likely in heaven with God except wait you have raised dead so you can get your grandma back 15th level dear God you can cast eight level spells like destroy San Francisco oh man that was a bad one sixteenth level ability score MC 76 gvf 9 a success 87 seventeenth level kill your undead grandma and realized the awful mistakes you've made and divine domain and ninth level spells such as astral projection gate Mass heal and true resurrection I could stop I've been fooled before I can't she's gone also I don't have twenty five thousand gold pieces 18th level channel divinity three times asleep nineteenth level ability score improvement 20th level divine intervention works every time you use it [Music]
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 831,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, critical, role, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, song, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm, songs, music
Id: J8K38UeKnWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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