We need to talk about the new Monk

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so One D and D just dropped a new UA that has some pretty interesting stuff that nobody cares about cuz there is a new monk baby monks are fixed kind of that it's complicated let's talk about it so monks have struggled for a long time and the previous monk fix One D and D put out was terrible nobody liked it the new one starts off kind of sus as well monks still have a d8 hit dice which is very low for a marshal class they also still have no armor options many people think monks should have a d10 hit dice myself included however what I do like is monks can now use their dexterity modifier for shove and grapple checks before monks sucked at these now they're really good the damage of the monk unarmed strikes is still upgraded it's not much but it was desperately needed and finally you can now make a single unarmed strike as a bonus action at any time you don't need to have taken the attack action first this is Niche but you know technically it's an upgrade but hold on to your gese because level two goes crazy disciple points AKA key points you still only get two most fixes for the monk from third party creators my monk fixes included start off by giving the monk a broader pool of key points the One D and D monk did not do this instead they did two things firstly patient defense and step of the wind now let you disengage or Dash as a bonus action no disciple Point required but you also have the option of spending a disciple point to dodge with patient defense or disengage and double your jump distance with step of the wind I like this my monk fix did a very similar thing it was weird that the Rogues could Dash disengage and hide from level one for free and monks had to spend key points to do that it's still going to be better 90% of the time to Flurry of Blows as your bonus action but this is a positive but the really cracked feature is uncanny metabolism this is nutty when you roll initiative you regain all your expended disciple points wow that is awesome and it only gets better as you level up but you can only do it once per long rest but remember you get all your discipline points back on a short rest anyway so you can burn them all in combat without fear and if an encounter starts before you can short rest don't worry you're covered great feature is what we've all been hoping for for the last decade but don't get it twisted this feature doesn't break monks it just makes them not awful some people are blinded by this but monks need a lot more if they're going to really be high I tier combats so let's see if they can keep it going or if it All Falls Down are these restraints actually necessary well that depends are you over your dice addiction dice addiction I haven't thought about dice in years uh-huh okay okay so what do you think if I show you these that's a crimson metal Hol red dragon dice set yes it is I feel fine fine cool dice bro I'm I'm over it they almost look good enough to eat give me those di I'll kill you I'll kill your family you cheap diry B yeah he ain't cured get your D and D shorts custom Crimson metal Holo red dragon dice today link below stunningly crafted beautifully balanced and readable plus 20% off on all dice if you grab them now we've got them ready to go so if you order today they'll ship immediately in time for the holidays this is a limited Supply dice drop so get yours while stocks last it is a great way to support the channel and get something beautiful to show off in your games they are good enough to eat legally I have to say that was a joke thanks for all the support and grab them at DND shorts.com Link in description so level three deflect attack is the new name for deflect missiles it now lets you reduce damage from any attack ranged or melee as long as it deals bludgeoning slashing or piercing damage very nice if you reduce that damage to zero you can also attack the the Target that hit you back and this attack deals slightly more damage in the new version than the old version did and because you effectively have more discipline points than the old monkad key you're not going to feel bad about using this you also get your subclass at this level but we got to talk about those separately level four is the good oldfashioned ASI and the orbital leap slowfall is completely unchanged but level five is another stunning development stunning strike is back and it's even better than it was kind of now when it enemy succeeds on the saving throw against being stunned they still take damage equal to a roll of your Martial Arts die plus your wisdom modifier there is a downside and that is that you can only attempt this once per turn and that is a huge L to the Monk's power level Monk's best feature was just burning through key points on every attack to get the stunning strike to land because a stunned enemy is basically a dead enemy in D and D it's just too powerful a condition now the stunning strike itself is better but the overall ability is worse and look I don't hate it monks just burning stunning strikes was kind of boring and uninspired this promotes a healthier game Dynamic but let's not pretend that it's not a massive weakening of the Monk's power at level six your unarmed strikes can now deal Force damage cool you bypass some resistances and immunities and you get your second subclass feature level seven you get Evasion for better deck saves and level eight is another ASI then at level 9 you can move across water and long vertical surfaces but if you end your movement there you will fall okay level 7 to9 kind of boring not going to lie this is the weakest part of the monk right now this stuff just feels kind of filler at a time where spellcasters are getting their fifth level spells level 10 is new though heightened discipline now your Flurry of Blows deals three unarmed strikes not two that's big that's five attacks a turn without any Shenanigans you also gain temporary hit points when you use a discipline point to activate your patient defense which is a feature I gave monks 8 months ago pretty sus Wizards finally when you use step of the wind you can carry a large or smaller creature with you but the creature has to be willing this is so lame it would be so fun if you could kidnap enemies with this feature but you know ask your DM see if they'll let you snatch up an owl bear and Sprint through some spike growth also at level 10 at the end of the turn you can cure yourself of the Charmed frightened or poisoned conditions by sheer willpower then there's a subclass at level 11 and nothing at level 12 just an ASI level 13 you can now use your deflect attacks on any attacks not just those that deal bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage which is fine kind of weak for level 13 not going to lie level 14 you get Proficiency in all saving throws and you can spend a discipline point to roll a failed save this was a great feature on the old monk it's a great feature here level 15 when you roll initiative and you have three or fewer discipline points you regain points until you have four this kind of feels like a dead feature to me like it's something that they pulled across from the old monk but this Niche is completely filled by uncanny metabolism in my opinion in case you can't tell the new monk is kind of falling off in power in the late game here level 16 ASI level 17 subclass feature and level 18 is superior defense at the start of the turn burn three discipline points bin B Bop you resist all damage except Force for 1 minute this is good action economy and it makes your deflect attacks even better because you resist all damage the amount that you have to reduce damage by to deflect it back is a lot lower so you're going to be hitting people back a lot more often basically final feature level 20 your decks and wisdom modifiers increase by four up to 26 yeah they basically stole the Barbarian Capstone feature no harm there it's a good feature it caps at 26 because now at level 19 all classes can take a feat that raises an ability score up to 22 at the maximum I don't mind this I've seen some people hating on it but level 19 is very late to get a feat to change up your play style and by that time your stats are usually maxed anyway so it kind of makes sense right to me this feels like what the monk should have been all along it's maybe one great core class feature away from being actually amazing like for me I would love the running on water and walls thing to be moved into step of the wind and maybe open up room somewhere for an extra ASI I don't know I'm just spitballing here of course the loss of repeating the stunning strike feature on every attack means the most powerful thing the monk could ever do no longer works but the rest of the monk is stronger it's still underpowered compared to spellcasters and I think they really could have used a d10 hit dice but wait there's a subass the one that used to be called The Way of the open hand is now just called the hand it's similar honestly you get a few minor Buffs to Flurry of Blows at level three you can heal yourself at level six this time without spending disciple points to do that which is nice and and you can now use step of the wind and another bonus action like Flurry of Blows for example from level 11 in the same bonus action which is great for someone who wants to run in punch someone in the balls and run away again the big change is at level 17 the old quivering Palm feature was among the most beloved features in Dungeons and Dragons you hit a Target you spend three key points and you imbue it with imperceptible vibrations then at any time in the next few days you can use an action and cause that's Target to explode they make a con save and on a fail they straight up die they fall directly to zero hit points it's power word kill on a success they still take 10 d10 necrotic damage now it's worse you spend four discipline points not three and on a failed save a target takes 12 d10 force damage or half as much on a success the upside is you can use just one of your attacks to detonate these vibrations it doesn't take an entire action the downside is it's so much less cool the cool factor is straight up gone here I don't know why modern watsy design is so against giving Marshall characters crazy abilities at high levels the wizard can cast wish at level 17 let the monk murder people damn Allin though this is positive this is a positive video I like this monk I can't see any reason to use the old monk when this one is available but maybe keep the old open hand subass remember to check out DND shorts.com to grab the spectacular Crimson metal Hol red dragon dice they are so beautiful but we have a very limited amount in stock if you order quickly they'll go right out the door you'll get them by Christmas and it's 20% off if you order now also remember to like And subscribe check out other videos on the channel and yeah that's all I got have a good one
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 227,001
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Id: Xk1GmwqxxGo
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Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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