How to Play Jinx [Proven Strategies] - Jinx Guide

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Jinx had been an absolute late game Monster before she was so strong in fact that high elo1 tricks play her every single game to great success they keep their heads low during the early game only to then demolish everyone once to hit their power spikes and riots response is to buff jinx's late game even more what could go wrong huh when looking at the numbers to which we have access right now it doesn't look too remarkable at first glance at least Hern raid remained as stable as it can get so the Buffs did nothing right I mean it makes sense buffing a Champion's weakness in jinx's case her early game should be much more valuable since it eliminates counterplay but that didn't happen they buffed her late game which was strong either way so this is rather a buff that helps in situations in which you were winning before I guess um let's have a quick look at her pck what on Earth is that okay okay so just for context I've never seen a champion Quinn Tuple in pick rate overnight normally when a Champion's pick rate increases by just a little bit the win rate instantly plummets the reason is of course that all the new players who pick up the champion lack knowledge and experience and are therefore losing a lot of games for Jinx that didn't happen at all despite this what could that possibly mean well let's have a closer look at the actual patch notes and then analyze exactly what is happening in High ELO Jinx lobbies Jinx got buffed in three different aspects in total and the first one is a buff to her base stats it looks innocent enough right Health growth from 100 to 105 this means per level she gains five extra Health however while this buff does exactly nothing in the early game it kicks into gear exactly when Jinx wants to start team fighting you have to keep in mind Jinx always farms for her level 9 power Spike because then she has five points in Q Five Points in Q means max range in her rocket form which is very important for a champion that is immobile and an easy target for Assassins by having that max range rocket form unlocked however you can keep team fighting no matter what the enemy will have to hard commit to actually get through to you because you're so far away which is even boled by lethal tempo's bonus range and by your chomas which provide safety as well but now also by all the bonus Health you get at that point level 9 you already have 40 extra bonus Health which is essentially half a doran's blade for free on top of everything you already have and the longer the game goes the more this accumulates of course however I'd argue that this is actually the smallest of the Buffs which says quite a bit but look at the let's say second smallest second biggest I don't know her super mega Death rocket the 5 Seconds cooldown buff is whatever the cool down has never been exactly long but it's also not exactly spammable and 5 Seconds shouldn't matter too much in that regard but the damage buff is actually very substantial just for reference the damage increases with distance traveled and the maximum damage is unlocked by hitting someone from just one screen length away it's not a crazy distance it is very much achievable actually in most situations even and here not only do you get a 25 damage flat increase which is the same as Auto attacking with an extra pickaxe in your inventory but you also have a 15% bonus ad ratio on top of the ad ratio that already exists the 25 damage is most crucial on level six but the 15% bonus 0 ratio means all the late game items you buy will be even more valuable in any case these Buffs are nothing compared to this the enemy team always needed to be very careful around Jinx and team fight situations because of her passive one takeown means Jinx gets all the movement speed in the world plus a bonus attack speed steroid which amplifies what she does best anyway Auto attacking you until your screen turns gray but with this the enemy will fall like dominoes one take down can easily lead to a second either way and then you have 50% bonus total attack speed that's more than a full runon hurricane would give you just for comparison combine that with crit items with all the ad with Kraken Slayer with infinity edge what have you and lethal Tempo on top of that and you just have nowhere to go you can't fight you can't run you just die once that happens the numbers already speak volumes but a picture says more than a thousand words so let's see exactly what's happening as mentioned jinx's early game plan hasn't changed whatsoever she still needs to scale especially with champion levels but on the other hand kaisa her Lane opponent got nerfed this patch as well she has less armor now so if she goes too aggressive Jinx can try and look to punish with her ranged Auto attacks with her Q generally speaking however jinx's play style should be risk averse even to the point where giving up CS isn't out of the question as long as you get your levels you will be good to go so yes this is a little bit of an aggressive Lane phase and it would be better even to just play more passively especially in a situation like this level disadvantage with a wave automatically pushing towards you you should just be sitting way behind all you're really doing by walking up is invite the enemy jungler to come and gank you which can get quite dangerous for Jinx in this situation she can stay safe enough but they're still paying with a lot of Health which could have been avoid it and again this CS the farm the levels are so important Jinx rightfully stays on Tower takes the Cs to scale despite the massive fight in the jungle right now if you join there and lose all the Cs first of all joining on level two doesn't really accomplish much you can't really do much and the enemy would just kill you anyway so it feels bad to leave your team behind like this but there's really no alternative if you want to get your scaling on top of that the higher the ELO bracket in which you are the more you need to expect the enemy to know how big of a threat a late game Jinx is especially nowadays so repeat ganks must be be expected however thresh is able to keep Jinx safe enough and after pushing the minions out of your Tower you have a big minion wave yourself which can protect you ultimately as long as you set up the minion wave in a way that allows you to farm consistently your late game should be secure enough even if the enemy jungler pays you repeated visits jinx's level 9 power Spike has always been at the center of her game plan but with her improved level scaling now it is even more important whatever happens in other parts of the map really shouldn't concern you you can't influence it anyway and you have to stick to your game plan however when you do this you will be rewarded with such great scaling that you will be able to bail your team out later on they might get themselves in awkward situations right now but even if the enemy gets fed it doesn't matter because you can make up for that and while Jinx ultimately gets pressured away from her Tower and loses it this shouldn't concern you either it is quite common to lose the first tower on Jinx and as long as you stick to your guns and reach level 9 in a consistent way you're good to go this is the moment can switch gears the reason for this is of course that as soon as you hit Level 9 you can safely participate in any team fight which means you can safely trigger your passive no matter what happens and this allows Jinx to go absolutely crazy especially when fighting over objectives that can trigger your passive as well this fight looked almost harmless All Things Considered but the truth of the matter is the enemy team couldn't really contest anything they had to run away and disperse due to the threat of jinx's passive running preemptively rather than fighting is really the only choice the problem for red team is that they can't really team fight over anything they have to try to assassinate singular targets because as soon as one of their allies gets low they risk Jinx getting her resets so this puts them in quite the predicament and natilis and aali really pay the price here however blue team are feeling themselves a little bit too much here trying to take Baron when they really have no business to red team is still comparatively strong so they have to reset however what happens then is that red team are trying to take Baron trying to punish blue team for overstaying but these are exactly the situations in which the Jinx Buffs really shine of course red team is technically successful they are pressuring Baron but Jinx with her passive resets and her enormous damage from an ultimate is pressuring the red team members so are they really getting much out of the baron buff if half their team is dead after not goes down Jinx just goes crazy with her Auto attacks and the big rocket with the buffed damage is able to get kaisa so low that Canon now has an easy time cleaning kaisa up red teams simply have no choice but to yield to the pressure Jinx applies in team fights nowaday days now red teams still have Baron buff and are able to successfully Siege mid lane inhibitor and take down parts of blue team's base however they're getting themselves precisely in those situations they have to avoid against Jinx she gets reset after reset after reset in this fight once the first enemy Falls it's just so easy to kill the second one and then even easier to keep going Jinx nowadays in team fights is simply absurd to be fair red team are still playing a decent macro game seeing that blue team tried to take the dragon now they want to take Baron again using the time blue team needs to stop them but I mean at this point it's almost self-explanatory what will happen Jinx gets one takedown Jinx gets another take down her passive Stacks and stacks and stacks and blue team can either run or die and run if they're lucky sometimes not even that because the movement speed is just so absurd it's really tough trying to deal with the Jinx at this point even if you're now on your second Baron buff already but I mean I can kind of understand where red team is coming from here they think they have the advantage with Baron and they feel the need to try and pressure blue team's base which does work to some degree but again you have to be really careful not to overstay on low HP because even if one of your teammates die that just spells disaster however the enemy just doesn't seem to learn Yes red team were winning the entire map in the early game but due to jinx's enormous team fighting prowers this lead is far gone at this point they can't do anything but turtle in their base and hope for a blue team's mistake because Jinx in the late game is now one of the best hyper carries you can play in team fights her presence is simply unrivaled she is hard to assassinate once she has a late game items and team support due to her big range and once she gets that first kill I mean see for yourself the enemy has no chance to fight back anyway this is the patch to play Jinx if you want to and if you want to learn everything about the best strategies and itemization and runes click the link on your screen right there
Channel: MissFortuneDaBes
Views: 25,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends Guide, Guide, League of Legends, MissFortuneDaBes, Miss Fortune Da Baes, Miss Fortune Baes, MFDB, Miss Fortune Da Bae, Miss Fortune Bae, jinx, jinx buffs, jinx patch, jinx op, new jinx
Id: IhS8tF40Ixo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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