How to Play Twitch in Season 14 [Full Guide]

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okay so here's how to play Twitch in season 14 twitch will always be a strong solo champion and this season is not an exception solo Q is all about punishing opposing mistakes you want to make the enemy greedy so they overextend and you can take advantage of them which gets harder the higher you climb aka the better your opponents are but when your Champion has invisibility in their kit this is substantially easier this is a highly valuable asset twitch has the stealth by itself will create loads of opportunities for you also being a strong defensive Escape tool should the enemy jungler try to gank you with the new Jungle paths so twitch just does what he does best like every year bullying enemies in stealth while also carrying late game team fights with his highs scaling AOE Auto attacks the item changes were also great for twitch even though he doesn't use the broken lethality items however twitch is a premier user of the new ADC item Terminus while also benefiting from the changes to onit items in general adding further to twitch's qualities as a solo que Champion you can also still play him with AP items allowing you to fix your team composition should all your allies just pick ad champions for some reason trust me this is a big plus because a full ad team always loses in the late game and if you want to climb you would have to dodge such a Lobby under normal circumstances so having that extra option on Twitch definitely goes a long way if you care about actually winning your games which I assume you do and therefore I will show you twitch's best run and item setups both for the ad and for the AP build should you need it but truth told ad twitch is stronger so only play ap if you have to after we get the theory out of the way I will also take you into an in-game analysis of course showing you exactly what twitch's game plan looks like in practice but speaking of practice League of Legends is a skill and practicing efficiently is crucial if you want to improve and climb most people do that by trial and error and at a certain point they have no clue what they are doing wrong anymore so they end up hardstuck and falsely attributing their stagnating ELO on bad luck and bad teammates but if this is you the harsh truth is that league is still a game of skill and that you in fact could be winning a lot of the games you're currently losing this is why I recommend not practicing league with trial and error but instead getting a qualified teacher who can tell you exactly what you need to do for this reason I am partnering with the League of Legends coaching company solo Q solution who are the sponsor of this video they have High ELO Challenger coaches for all five roles so no matter your play style they will be able to help you to take your gameplay to the next level of course this is not a magic pill you still need to put in the work yourself so the coaching can actually make you a better player imagine taking weekly piano lessons for example but not playing the piano at all in your free time you would also not become a great pianist however if you are playing solo que for at least 15 hours per week the coaching program from solo Q solution is the ideal tool for you you will see rapid improvements as your Challenger coach works with you in hand taay out one-on-one lessons and if you take the full course they also get guarantee that you reach Diamond yes they can guarantee that because league is a skill and any skill can be taught anyway if you're interested you can book your first session in the description and also find more information there okay but let's talk about twitch's Rune page you have lots of room for customization on this Champion but a very solid ad twitch Rune page is lethal Tempo presence of Mind Legend alacrity and quig grass with Taste of blood and treasure hunter secondary so for a keystone choice on ad twitch you already have options yes I said lethal Tempo here but press the attack is a noteworthy alternative as a quick rule of thumb lethal Tempo is much stronger in the late game whereas press the attack is much stronger during the early game and the early game is despite twitch being a late game hyper carry surprisingly strong on this champion because you get good wave clear and good dueling power twitch can dictate the pace of the lane with ease as you will see during the analysis and press the attack further adds to that again you can choose your Keystone based on personal preference but if you want a kind of system behind it you can pick lethal Tempo when your support is is a late game scaling Champion an enchanter like Janna or Lulu and press the attack when you support as an early game all-in Champion like Pike or Alistar I personally always play twitch with press the attack because I like the Rune so much but again it's totally up to you now the second slot presence of mind is quite valuable because it allows you to keep going with your Q resets during fights again your Q resets whenever you get a takedown and presence of Mind helps you actually pay for the Q reset but Triumph is also an alternative if you're confident in your Mana management Triumph also follows the the same logic but instead of refreshing your Mana it refreshes your health which also allows you to keep going but since your first item is a LIF steal item you're not that dependent on the healing really presence of mind is more consistent overall I would personally say because there also the interaction with your poison your poison ticking refreshing presence of mind's effect but Triumph is totally viable if you are confident in managing your Mana without presence of Mind Legend alacrity though is non-negotiable Twitch needs attack speed badly you need to get to six Stacks in poison in the early game you also need attack speed to stack the Tempo or to trigger press the attack and Legend alacrity just provides this stat raw up front 18% at Max stacks and also 3% already at zero Stacks making it the best legend Rune in that Row the only reason a marksman ever takes the heavily nerfed Legend bloodline is if they can't afford to pick life Steel in their build but twitch will get a life steal item as you will see now kig grass in the last slot is the most consistent overall if you don't have any special synergies with Last Stand or with cutdown which twitch does not cutdown is a late game scaling Rune and twitch is already very strong in the late game so he doesn't really need that while kig grass on the other hand allows it to bully the enemy more in Lane now the secondary choices are quite interesting Taste of Blood also a phenomenal Rune on Twitch because it's so easy to trigger with your poison especially with your W makes for a very safe and consistent Lane phase gives you a lot of agency at that stage of the game but an alternative would be Sudden Impact Sudden Impact over Taste of blood is less safety but The lethality changes actually also help this Rune twitch can trigger Sudden Impact easily while exiting his stealth of course which makes for great assassinations and good damage overall but again Taste of blood is very valuable during the lane phase makes it easier for you I personally would prefer Taste of blood treasure hunter is another great ad carry Rune because it gives you your items faster and AD carries are all about items but twitch also has a very strong ultimate so ultimate Hunter is something some people take and even Relentless Hunter is an option on Twitch if you want to lean more into twitch's assassination play style Relentless Hunter helps you get around the map faster and stealth get to your Target and get going but treasure hunter should be the most consistent overall and now before we move into the item section let's quickly also go over the Rune page for the AP twitch build because it is a little bit different for AP twitch you go hail of blades Taste of blood eyeball collection and Relentless Hunter with presence of mind and D laity secondary AP twitch is definitely an early game focused assassin and Hal of blades helps with that a lot on AP twitch you really want to get as many poison Stacks as possible as fast as you can so Hal of blades with a three Auto attacks up front in combination with a W poison Stacks will get get you to six Stacks in no time allowing you to get the full damage from e e has great AP scalings and your passive poison also has great AP scalings so this Rune page is really designed to maximize the poison Stacks you can get Taste of blood same logic as before phenomenal Rune on Twitch and he Sudden Impact doesn't really make sense because a lot of your damage is true damage which is not Amplified by armor penetration or magic penetration eyeball collection just gives you more AP and the more AP you get the better it's also a snowballing Rune so a no-brainer there now AP twitch definitely a good user of the aforementioned Relentless Hunter but on AP twitch I would also personally prefer treasure hunter still because again items are everything and I really like the Rune presence of Mind same logic as before since you just get more mana and on AP twitch that's even more important because a lot of your damage comes from your e so you have to be able to cast that every time and as you can already tell Legend alacrity also phenomenal The Upfront value in attack speed and attack speed being the most important stat to stack your poison Nob brainer and moving into the item section let's get the AP whichwich build out of the way real quick the full build I recommend is Nas's tooth first ionian boots of Lucidity next then shadowflame then death cap then run On's hurricane and last item Infinity Edge this is a very interesting build that became only possible in the new season now nasha's tooth andonian boots are nothing new on AP twitch you need your attack speed and you need your ability power nasha's tooth provides everything also gives you more value on your auto attacks with its on hit damage so again nothing changed there but the next item Shadow flame and death cap is where it gets interesting should you have the luxury of getting the money for needlessly large rods every time then you can even go death cap as the next item and Shadow flame later but this is the more likely order because sometimes you just have to buy tombs however the reworked shadowflame is just perfect on Twitch the magic penetration is not as valuable but it allows your passive and your e to crit the execute damage is insanely high with this one and it also works with the infinity edge crit modifier which is why the build continues as it does runon hurricane sets you up for Infinity Edge because that also makes the auto attack crit on Infinity Edge more valuable and it also allows you to spread poison to multiple Targets in late game team fights but in general AP twitch falls off in the late game this is the best attempt of mitigating that but yeah when you play ap twitch try to finish as fast as possible because even this build will still fall off and for the most part you should go for the ad build which goes as follows your core build on ad twitch again with lethal Tempo or press the attack is always doran's blade first of course then berserker's griefs blade of the ruined King and run On's hurricane rushing attack speed is very valuable on Twitch as I've said because you need to stack your poison you need to tricker press the attack or you need to stack lethal Tempo in addition to providing attack speed though blade of the ruined King also provides life steal which you don't have in your runes as you saw and the blade of the ruined King rework is phenomenal on Twitch because of his ultimate twitch's ultimate gives you a lot of range and makes your bullets hit AOE but the downside is your bullets are not dodgeable the enemy can run out of them however blade of the Run King allowing you to slow them on your first Auto attack means they can no longer Dodge the bullets realistically unless they flash a single AO attack or something so blade of the ruined King just makes the ultimate way more consistent and way more dangerous run on Hurricane allows you to spread poison to multiple targets as I've already said also applies blade of the ruined King to multiple enemies so it's the perfect team fighting item with this core you are fully live and you can Team fight whenever you need to now for the late game you have multiple options depends a little bit on your play style and also on your preferences but the options you have are Terminus rageblade wits end and experiment Al hex plate or you can even go more towards crit with Lord Doms and infinity edge or even tanky with Jaa The protean and Titanic Hydra Terminus allows you to go a little bit more aggressive with a stacking armor and Magic resist while also allowing you to deal with tanks consistently due to the stacking armor penetration and Magic penetration the perfect on hit item for the mid and late game and twitch is a perfect user rage blade is the rawest damage item you can get amplifying everything you want to do great item overall especially on lethal Tempo builds whs end another semi- defensive item providing valuable tenacity and stopping enemy Mages from one-shotting you experimental hexplate also quite interesting once more a lot of twitch's power budget is his ultimate allowing you to team fight like no one else and experimental hexplate makes that more consistent Lord Doms and infinity edge are the most aggressive continuation for the pressy attack enjoyers but I personally even prefer Jack show and Titanic Hydra a full build I like to go is Berserker GRE blit of the ruined King hurricane as I've said then Terminus then Jack show then Titanic this makes it so hard to take you down in the late game because not only are you stacking your resistances with Terminus but Jack show also has synergies with your passive and in longer fights in general it's very easy to stay in combat so unlocking the extra resistances is just a piece of cake in addition to that the health on Jacka The proteon sets you up for Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra is more like a Bruiser item in general but twitch hits multiple enemies at once with every Auto attack not only due to the run's hurricane but also because of his ultimate so the Titanic Hydra on hit effect is just crazy because it's another AOE component anyway as you can see see you can really mix and match and customize twitch however you like to suit your play style and it will be effective either way and equipped with that knowledge we will now go into the analysis so despite being a late game hyper carry twitch actually still has an extremely potent laning phase especially with pressy attack which this twitch here has the enemy must respect your damage potential at all times especially with an Allin support you definitely can and should make them feel your presence as illustrated by this interaction here notice that twitch is able to stand his ground despite starting the fight level one versus level two in most cases this would be a mortal sin but twitch's early game with prey attack really just is that strong but this is also a testament to how strong stealth is in Solo Q it is very easy for even High ELO opponents to make a mistake to mess up and to get caught ultimately also top tier flash needless to say of course we get all this madness due to the pike twitch Dynamic when you play with a more passive support or even when you're simply paired up with a bad player you can also play a very quiet Lane phase on Twitch and lean into his qualities as a late game hyper carry you scale with items rather well after all but the mere fact that twitch has the options to cause so much Mayhem in the bot Lane is very valuable in the Chaotic season 14 environment if you play your cards right you can create promising opportunities for your team that way for the most part however your priority will be acquiring Farm as to not set yourself up for failure during the mid game luckily though twitch's wave clear with w and E is above average allowing you to control the pace of the lane quite consistently this flexibility of your aggressive and passive play Styles is really your biggest asset many marksmen moan when their supports are roaming as they are not designed for a one we one lane but twitch can switch gears in an instant seeing on the mini map that there is zero risk of getting ganked you can force your opponent into very ugly situations with your stealth the combination of strong wave clear decent safety and amazing dueling power makes for a very nasty early game and while it is true that twitch is immobile your stealth alone already makes it almost impossible for the enemy to pressure you even when you are trapped in a 2V1 the enemy can try to punish you when stealth is on cool down or just wore off naturally but as long as you always save your Summoner spells for these emergencies you can turn the situation around in a blink of an eye and reverse all in with your powerful ultimate twitch is level six power spike is one of the strongest in all of Bot Lane not only is the bonus ad on the spell absurd when you're already stacking attack speed but the fact you can now hit both opponents at once is the final nail in the coffin and the stealth reset upon takedown is really the cherry on top normally trading lanes are a premium Target for ganks but by the time the opposing backup arrives you have your most important defensive tool back and can freely walk out of danger okay so when you manage to play a clean Lane phase either farming minions or Champions you should be able to consistently enter the mid game with blade of the ruin King and Berserker gaves these items are really all you need to carry mid game skirmishes and by staying close to the center of the map you will also be in the best position to join these fights when they eventually happen but as a matter of fact you will also be an easy target yourself in this position and while avoiding damage should be your priority this won't always be possible you still need to farm and your Q might be on coold down but while fighting on low HP is not ideal twitch still has that massive range on his ultimate you can deal great damage while staying far in the back if you have to just look at that positioning twitch is really never in danger of getting hit himself which is very important when you are fighting at that low HP and after applying enough life steal you can just clean up the fight front to back with your stealth resets now naturally when you don't mess up taking a lot of Prior damage this will be even better with your stealth you can join in on your teammates plays while also making it easy for the enemy to mess up and assess the situation incorrectly stealth mechanics are extremely powerful in Solo Q for this very reason okay so far so good but is all of this enough to carry 1 v9 I mean look at the game twitch's team already lost an inhibitor to affect solo laner many ADC players complain about the win Lane lose game phenomenon they feel they are doing everything they can but their team just loses the game for them and this also seems to be the case here blue team are just giving away every objective however twitch is still a late game hyper carry he easily outscales all the lane bullies who can't even bully him that hard to begin with your single Target DPS in the late game is very consistent but of course so is your AOE damage the enemy will still prioritize you whenever they can but out damaging a late game twitch with Runa hurricane is quite the task admittedly this was rather close because the twitch player here did not buy any of the defensive items but in exchange twitch of course also deals his damage faster again a matter of personal preference I'd say however I cannot deny that it is pretty hard to catch back up when playing twitch once you fall behind therefore playing a clean early game and using twitch's tools well is of utmost importance so I recommend you also check out my Eddie carrier Lane face guide by clicking the link on your screen
Channel: MissFortuneDaBes
Views: 8,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends Guide, Guide, League of Legends, MissFortuneDaBes, Miss Fortune Da Baes, Miss Fortune Baes, MFDB, Miss Fortune Da Bae, Miss Fortune Bae, twitch, twitch guide
Id: BPl8s_br5Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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