How to Play Smolder Like a PRO [Deep Analysis]

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all right this is how Pro players are playing smoulder right now people have been experimenting a lot with smolder but we are at a point where we can clearly see what works well on this champion and what isn't working and in this video we are taking a deep dive into the smolder games of the Korean Pro Player Viper and of the North American Pro Player Isa they both take their unique spin on smolder but as a quick summary it is safe to say that crit builds with Essence Reaver for their core item are best on this champion and that you should stay away from Bruiser builds with Trinity force and whatnot Essence Reaver is just too perfect with small d q which is your main spell while still allowing you to take advantage of all the crit ratios the champion has also quick shout out to my sponsor soloq solution who are offering highquality one-on-one League of Legends coaching sessions so you can climb as fast as possible booking information in the description if you're interested but let's now jump directly into the games okay so this is the game Viper plays on smolder and he is using this conqueror page which is quite interesting on a spell-based marksman like smolder but there is definitely alternative options for example Isa is using the fet footwork page right here I personally have a strong opinion on which I think is better but um why why spoil the fun for you let me know what you think which one you prefer however here's a quick rundown of vipus items and of course in Lane you need to be very careful especially when you start with C which I would advise against because Doran blade is just so powerful and K yes you're playing a scaling champion and Viper is looking for that scaling but you're sacrificing a lot of early agency and making the early game even riskier than it already is and lo and behold they're instantly starting a trade or even a full fight level one/ level two in the bot Lane let's see how that plays out so the PS Viper is going unpunished for his greedy C start instead of getting doran's blade but this is just because the enemy are focusing his support which is in my opinion a misplay from them because smoulder is such an easy target to be honest but he can just stay there stack as conqueror in this situation conqueror for sure a uh quite high value Rune and ultimately the combination of that fully stacked conqueror plus the uh large amounts of Minion aggro and of course the arrival of Swain no what's his name Graves do swing this in Viper's favor but this was super risky and especially when you go for plays like these dorren blade is a lot more consistence now viad tries to go base here but he spends a lot of time trying to fix the wave and zigs is looking to cancel him which means he has to stay in fight this looks very sketchy right off the start but I mean nus found the engage Sur Vier is just going for it but okay Summoners go and I think he's out but yeah on when you play smallo you need to be ex extremely safe you don't want to die early you just want to sit in lane and stack your q and as you saw in the quick item overview he's also going for a manam mune so he bought TI right away trying to stack that in tandem with his Q of course but I mean look at this no early game presence whatsoever in his item build I mean yes he got a long sword finally but t plus C is such a passive start it is again understandable considering smolder power curve as a champion but you also don't want to Forfeit every single piece of early game agency so I don't know I think this is overly risky and greedy but of course if you manage to go unpunished for these scaling items as opposed to early game Power items then more power to you and by the way a small little detail to keep in mind is if you have a look at I hope your screen's big enough but if you have a look at the bottom left corner the cutdown value Viper already got is quite impressive that of course makes K start a little more appealing you have to keep in mind smolder space HP is as as low as Caitlyn's so if you don't go for the 100 extra Health from dorance item cutdown can do a lot of work even in the early game but of course in the late game this Rune will go crazy as well because again smolder is still incredibly squishy but in the meantime Viper of course just stacking his q more and more getting the minions low than pressing Q once you get the 25 Stacks so Q deals AOE damage as you can see bam two stacks at once but you have to set the minions up beforehand of course another neat detail is that despite being a late game champ ion who really hates early fights smolder is not really um stuck unlike other late game hyper carries when he needs to fight or Skirmish in the jungle because as you just saw he can Traverse the wall with ease then spam his spells and hopefully stay safe but yeah I mean my general piece of advice is stay out of trouble as we can see Viper also not committing here to anything just going back and resuming to farm with I mean he's using Auto attacks a fair bit because Q still has a rather long cool down but he had the triple Q stack with one spell also looking for the w harass whenever he can get it so he can get more stacks off of champion hits with spells and yeah again keeping your e to stay safe hopefully not getting caught because you are playing such a squishy early game Champion I mean not early game champion in the sense of strong early but Squishy in the early game also Squishy in the late game but in the early game it matters so much more because you can't really fight back and now Viper has Sheen which makes for even easier Q spam even more value because you have to keep in mind Viper or smolder Q is essentially like a misfortune que it is a glorify Auto attack it's point and click just like an auto attack it even scales with your auto attack range with rapid fire Cannon for instance and it also applies it not only triggers by casting the sheen effect but also applies it directly because it again it counts as an auto attack for most intensive [Music] purposes all right interesting fight I mean it makes sense the enemy tried to contest the dragon but it was a little too optimistic by the way can we talk about the value from presence of my real quick because I don't think it's doing too much actually right now yes of course he he got some Mana back in that fight but earlier he was om in Lane anyway with this Rune needs to stack tier needs to sit back and as soon as you hit Essence re especially when you also have uh the manamune you will never go oom again in presence of mind is completely zero value in my opinion you should rather pick Triumph or even overheal if you want to okay smolder a little bit out of position and it looks like another scum just coming up yep he gets hit by the zigs instant follow up let's see what happens cting the back with range but he needs to dodge as much damage as possible especially with Zig okay this ends poorly yep I mean this this is exactly what I mean you have oh God the random ignite but you have to stay on your toes the fight overall not bad for blue team but as smaller when you die it's almost like with Senna Senna when she's dead can't get her Souls smoulder when he's dead can't get his Q Stacks quick comment on vipus macro here he goes mid lane because bot Lane's completely covered the fight is actually still going on if we have a look the wave is all the way under Tower so even if he went botl there's nothing to farm and Graves actually in trouble aelia coming down with a Teleport and I think that's the end of him yep there he goes huge shutdown but yeah smolder taking the mid lane wave in the meantime definitely good for keeping his stack count as high as possible also checking with his skill shots if someone's in the bush not daring to walk up but now he sees aelia in the mid lane so I think he dares okay he actually uses his Ultra wave clear if you want to have a look at this again the enemy has the wave under Tower and are threatening a tower dive should he approach with his little of I mean with the little of Health he has he's an easy target so using Ultra wave clear actually a smart play if you ask me yes losing the wave to your ultimate essentially and to the tower means you don't get Q Stacks but it's better than losing the minions altogether or than getting dived so um definitely understandable well it looks like we get another fight here let's see how smolder does now has the most important core item of essence Reaver that was actually very close smolder getting caught in the crowd control in combination with the zix ultimate he loses a lot of his HP which is a valuable resource when you're that squishy but he follow up on notilus and take down the maokai just barely but man these plays these fights even at that stage are still so risky on smolder in my opinion you need to play for at least 125 Stacks before you can really start doing some damage back on the other hand he's almost there 104 and Counting setting up again setting up the Caster minions to then one shot all three of them with one q and then also the melee minions so five Stacks from one wave that's good value when you get more items it's of course also easier to last it with Q because it's stronger and while Viper is farming in the bot Lane there's a lowy big fight happening here he tries to you know help them with ultimate hits nothing but I like the idea ultimate on smolder not really a consistent spell if you ask me it's kind of awkward in his kit and um well the the applications are kind of Fringe but it can do work occasionally especially with a big range also probably good disengage self peel with a 40% AOE slow if you happen to land it which is probably rather easy if everything or if every enemy on the on the screen is engaging on top of you and now there is a fight in the bot Lane of all places and Viper is calling his mom actually lands at this time which does make a difference huge damage on the front line but I mean does it really make a difference if we have a look here not to this is kind of caught um 1 V2 and he can't really defend 1 V3 pardon me and can't really defend himself so I mean at the end of the day yes the ultimate looked nice it did some damage but it's a 2v3 in the end and we're always in League of Legends numbers Advantage is the biggest deciding factor when it comes to fighting so Viper uh I like the optimism but ultimately just cost him a Summoners however now he has above 125 Stacks which means Q deals even bigger AOE damage and also the jungle camps the wraiths are or what are they call Raptors are a good source of Q Stacks in the mid game but yeah very important to just keep stacking you delete waves in the mid and late game which which makes for even more rampant stacks for Q and uh when the next team fight comes around you hopefully can make use of them let's see team very nicely traversing the wall to get to the first Target as fast as possible trying to fight front to back which is in my opinion the right way to play this champion because your que on the main target on the front line spreads to the back line ideally so you don't even lose OD on damage you actually get even more damage and here the ultimate in the choke point both aelia and zig are a little bit stuck zix can escape but aelia does end up getting hit and in the end blue team are able to close in on them as a result we see the kick from Leen getting zigs very low Viper waiting for his flap ability but getting over the wall such nice Target axis especially when you get more cool down reduction as the game goes on you get uh your Mobility spell up so often but the squirel with the Fed aelia was actually still kind of close smolder needs more time to scale he needs his well of course he wants his true damage he doesn't necessarily need needed but it's definitely a big part of his power budget the true damage execute on his Q on 225 Stacks Viper by the way is maxing e second not W as many players do which in my opinion is correct he only ever Max a spell like w second if the slow percentage increases with each skill point which is not the case but on E you get a lower coold down it's essentially the same as with Ezreal Ezreal also Maxes EC because it's his Mobility spell and having more access to your Mobility spell goes long way on a high value Target like the ad carry Q first of course for lower coold down so maximum stacking and because it's your main damage spell but emac second if we have a look here red team is taking the opportunity to go for a quick Dragon but blue team sees this as a chance and I'm not sure if that's a good thing because blue team trying to make use of the facts that red team are all in bside want to sneak Baron which uh I mean red team's already on their way so let's see how that plays out [Music] yeah as expected this didn't end well whatsoever Now red team are taking Baron as well putting blue team massively behind but at the very least Viper is still safe due to smaller's mobility and now he even has access to um the CRS before being able to recall or is he able to recall actually gets away with this right I mean he has Mobility spell back in a couple seconds if he's getting chased then I think he's done for yeah he's he's getting surrounded and there's no chance for a smolder in that position sad life and now Viper's team is staring down a baron push after he respawned and he's not at 225 Stacks right now so no true damage yet but I think we have a team fight coming [Music] up okay I got to admit this CAU me on off guard you have to keep in mind smolder does not nearly get stacks on Q for last hitting minions with it but also for hitting Champions with abilities in general and here we can also see again the great value of smolder ultimate in team fights also reinforcing the idea of fighting front to back with him because not only does it peel the front line off you but you still hit the back line despite not being close to them I mean right now the red team is a little bit scattered so uh not the most beautiful example of this but the point still stands of course and hitting all those people allowed Viper to get to the magic number of 225 now as Q applies true damage with the Elder buff execute effectively and this um actually makes quite a difference in this team fight if I dare say and again once you have surpassed that magic number unlocking the Elder Drake execute on your Q you can start going on the offensive a little bit look for fights you just spread your fire around with Q even if you had minions it just bounces behind them and looks like maokai is just dead here but I hope smolder lives that teleport from aelia is concerning I think he's dead yeah okay unlucky uh so of course you're still an ad carry and you live the ad carry life and now red team are perfectly grouped pushing for the end or having taken down the mid inhibitor they're really going for it here but I'm pretty sure Viper and his true damage have something to say about [Music] this down especially aelia is so fed she just shreds blue team to Pieces really even despite being close to their nextus towers and Canon does get an AOE ult off but it's just not enough blue team just Falls and in the end it's just smolder versus the world essentially but even without the last whisper item smolder very efficient against tanks when he has this 225 plus Stacks because of the true damage and the execute so he can stand his ground here and ultimately AOE burn execute both aelia and Gangplank who are greedy to finish and understandably so it was way too close for comfort if you ask me but smolders damage in the late game you you cannot ignore it really even if you're a fed aelia and even if you're a gang plank in the late game as a result of that Quadra kill blue team is finally able to make some progress they are getting this Baron and they are able to stabilize as a result of this Baron also if you have a look at the items smolder or Viper now going for the full Energizer plan with both storm Razer and rapid fire Cannon for max value Q's which is a good idea because a lot of your power budget is in your Q in my opinion storm Razer is uh not really necessary but rapid fire Cannon is such a high value item on smolder in my opinion you can go this even earlier I want to experiment with Essence Reaver straight into rapid fire Cannon uh personally because again once you have that extra range it's easier to stack Q in the mid game it's easier to apply Q in the late game it just does everything for you but yeah Baron was able to stabilize I but now Viper level 18 370 stacks and red team is trying to make an effort to go on the offensive again but let's see what happens in this coming team [Music] fight and here we have a good example of how to front to back team fight with smolder just applying your AOE burn with one Q then laying down your ultimate slowing down the entire team essentially plus look at the damage it dealt to zigs it's respectable damage in the late game actually not just utility also if you want to have another look at the bottom left Corner 2,800 damage from cutdown truly a scaling Rune and well conquerer smolder from Viper but let's now have a look at the smolder from [Music] Isa when we compare this smolder to what we saw from Viper uh when you have a look at the Rune page we can instantly see Fleet footwork instead of conqueror that's the main difference here conqueror of course a late game scaling Rune with the Adaptive Force but Fleet footwork well Isa certainly seems to Value early game safety a little bit more to get the scaling more reliably um but again let me know what you think about it it's definitely a trade-off and uh I I still won't tell you my opinion because I don't want to influence you here or actually at this point you probably already wrote a comment if you want to so I won't influence your answer with this in my opinion Fleet footwork is the wiser choice but uh anyway both seem to be viable and on the item build we can also see a difference we don't have the cult start we instead have a dorance blade start which might already matter if we have a look here directly going into an early fight smolder lost his potion right off the bat because of the level one from twitch but again if you are looking for Reliable scaling you should buff your early game a little bit and with dorren blade plus feet footwork you certainly are looking at a more reliable Lane phase which should allow you to get more Stacks more quickly but uh we'll see what happens I suppose if you look at the item build by the way fully uh we also see no tier you do have with this one an early C which I think is fine you can buy C on your first base on this Champion it should be quite nice but no tier of the Goddess so this time the full crit variant without the manamune in between and maokai just walking straight up instantly looking for a fight level two smolder or Isa here not worried at all to follow up I think it's fish again you can be a little bit more bold when you have the laen blade start in combination with Fleet footwork because it just makes for a much safer Lane phas but still you should use that safety to get farm and get for um I mean especially get Q Stacks reliably not to look for fights 24/7 if you want to fight early smolder is probably not the champion for you so Isa does have his call now after the early base after getting the wave under Tower so the big stacked wave pushes back to him which he can then farm with Q hopefully and okay it looks like maai is going for this and he is and uh it's a dead twitch isn't it right okay Sona keeps him alive huh yeah just barely but it's good enough uh anyway with this Rune setup and with doran's blade again you can follow up if your support finds an engage but you again you should be so safe you should not risk anything if you can help it and just get to that Q Stacks because without Q Stacks you're just doing nothing admittedly though that engage got twitched out of the Lane which puts Isa a little bit ahead gives him a plating gives him a farm Advantage as we can see it's right now 28 to 11 in smolder favor so um I mean twitch also not bad late game definitely one of those late game hyper carry Champions okay no AOE on Q yet so I always get excited when I see the low Health Caster minions but of course you need 25 Stacks to kill them all with one single q and in fact they're getting hard punished I didn't even realize I was so caught up in the Q stacking thing but yeah this is of course also a weakness of smolder the enemy has such an easy gank Target in you ideally you're doing both position defensively and keep your e up at all times to um further create distance should it be necessary right now Warwick is bot Lane to trying to do dragon so Isa again on the offensive looks like he's getting punished at least maokai is super low but maybe Warwick gets the dive in um in my opinion it's just better to go for the Dragon Here using L priority that way never mind MAA finds it and yeah easy finish but this Sona is leaving twitch to his own devices quite frequently uh certainly nice for smolder here but um poor twitch Man Poor twitch okay as we can see on the mini map Warwick finally trying to do Drake now that smolder was in base which can be iffy however we have the long skill shots over the wall plus the flight yeah he can join quickly especially with ghost popped and now Warwick still on the dragon which is kind of awkward okay now dragon is gone so Warwick can hopefully rejoin and yeah this is a massive lead for Isa that's crazy if you're playing a late game champion and have the fortune to get that fortune at an early game well the early game is your only weakness and if the early game goes well the late game should go even better also interesting to note by the way if you have a look at the items right here he bought Berserker griefs normally all smolder players just go for Lucidity boots for lower cooldowns which means more q's and they're also a little bit cheaper than Berserker griefs so there's also that oh okay he got the Canon minion but um IA looking for uh more Auto attacks I assume which is a a rare sight again but I mean you're still an ad carry you're still building CIT so Auto attacks do have value nonetheless on smolder you're always on that spell weaving game plan stacking your Q now he has Sheen as well and as we can see preparing the Minions trying to okay that was a little bit of a fail but still got two with one single q and with a casters okay also kind of poorly prepared only got one Caster with Q so not optimally stacking here but it's still good enough you're still pushing the wave still getting farm and gold which is most important and still some Q Stacks but of course if you can repair them in a way where you can get multiple Q Stacks uh with one Q that's good value and again the strong engage here ultimate really crucial even the self heal allowing to trade one for one at least but if we have a look it's see seems like it's a good engage on Twitch but I mean on the other hand small gets completely caught in the crowd control of sona's ultimates and then finds himself in a 1 V2 really just barely being able to finish off the twitch 1 V3 even if you want to count Zoe too but yeah not a not the most safe situation for the small up player he's kind of lucky he got away one for one in that case not counting maokai's inevitable death here too huh because well he or does he go down okay it goes on to ignite yeah so definitely good for red team but smolder at least got a kill no finished Essence Reaver yet but still working on those components and farming with Q under Tower a little bit awkward actually it's almost like a Tristana e where you might try to one or not one might try to last hit some minions with q but then ruin the others who get in an awkward HP range where the tower just gets them so definitely need to be careful with uh Q when you're pushed in when you have have more than 25 Stacks but I mean if you're completely left alone you can also just set up the minions and collect more Stacks that way so it's a double-edged sword and that roome is actually quite nice because you have the wave pushed in so it will push back to is he ambushing Sona looks like he is with berser G he might have the DPS to do this but so deep in the enemy jungle yeah retreating is the only logical Choice here you don't want to overcommit hitting the enemy with a couple spells is of course nice you get more free Q Stacks based basically but um then returning to the wave and stacking safely on those minions is certainly the right call you want to have good and consistent scaling on this Champion you don't need to go ham in the early game you just risk your scaling if you do this and even here being pushed up that far he makes this happen right the old for the self heal then he gets him all right sure uh of course he is ahead compared to the twitch but still Twitch in a duel against the smolder so definitely very important to land a good ult here not only for the self heal but also for the damage of course all right finished Essence Rea now pushing the Top Lane by himself which is quite risky if I dare say you're such a priority Target normally when you are Top Lane on ad carry you want to have your support with you just to be extra safe but uh looks like Isa is just collecting a lot of free um Stacks from his passive not only with his Q last hits but also just by just uh but how do you say this buttering no that's what you do with bread uh buffeting the enemy Swain also can we just appreciate how he just used ult for wave clear it's almost like with Misfortune what you can sometimes do if you want a proxy but he just uses it blatantly to push in the wave and it looks like a good play I don't know I'm I'm still not sure how to think of uh smolder ultimate it is it can be high value in duels and in team fights but it can also be inconsistent and pushing waves is guaranteed value so uh might be worth it and here luckily Warwick is nearby to clean up this mess huh in any case Isa is kind of feeling himself on the top Lane right now not even taking away enemy jungle camps stacking Q further okay Zach contests him because he wanted the camp for himself but War's also still there it's a one V2 in blue team's favor and when you can just freely hit an enemy with your abilities you get even more Stacks which is of course your main objective until you reach the magic number of 225 and as I've said even on just 125 you can already start team fighting quite efficiently because your Q turns into a very large AOE spell at that point even without the burn the true damage and the execute it's still good value now Isa is finally doing something a little more safe he is positioned in the mid lane farming there definitely also a good source of stacks and you're not as exposed as in the long Top Lane and you can easily just push the wave past River and then roam or in this case even base for more item power spikes yep finishing quick blades and Essence re quick Blades of course a nice combo also for all of you who keep postulating that you should Max W second on smolder Isa does it as well he I mean that sounded wrong Isa does Max E as well just like Viper did so this should be a clear indicator for you that it's probably correct and on paper it makes sense the pros are doing it please do yourself a favor and Max E second it is your Mobility spell and is very important and this looks like just a killfest for smolder he can join his team and get more Stacks get kill participation and grow stronger and stronger as the game progresses so this game okay this is actually kind of dodgy yeah okay smolder is still very squishy and he lives okay that's so lucky that's actually very lucky but um as long as it works and in the meantime if you have a look at the mini map corki split pushing the Top Lane while the enemy are busy fighting the bot Lane and trying to deal with smolder uh Team his team is just making progress on the map for free but this is admittedly a lucky game there getting away with so much with which way they really shouldn't get away um despite having that consistent and safe defensive Rune set up with the thoran blade start AA is playing quite aggressively this game I must say which is not really good if you want to consistently climb in Solo que and again as we could see you got lucky a couple times this game already which you shouldn't rely on too much if you want a consistent climb Also let's talk about presence of mind again in this Rune page as well it's not the only Mana Rune you also have Mana for band plus you still have Essence re he's never running o and presence of mind's effectively doing nothing again go overheal or Triumph and in this team fight again opening with ult which seems like a good team fight starting spell you can also tell your team to go in by just casting R because it's just a clear sign that you could follow up on this enemy are AOE slowed and damaged and uh this makes it even though it's not a hard CC spell makes it a good spell for shot calling but in this fight smoulder got finally what was coming for him he's fighting on low HP positioning in the riskiest ways all the time and if we have a look there in the vault lane or not in the bottom of the screen the Assassin is coming and he's finally going down which almost serves him well I must say he's playing so risky and as we can see Isa is finally working on that rapid fire Cannon speaking of safety speaking of positioning in a way where you can get punished for your low Health yeah and once you finish this item you can spam Q left and right in team fights without needing to risk anything still spreading that AOE damage and collecting more Stacks because again hitting Champions with Q gives you more Stacks but before the item is finished blue team are actually going for another Baron so smolder must be careful here not to get engaged on red team are challenging so let's see how this plays out actually so we see another engage with smold those ultimates let's have a look look at where it lands the range is really great and especially in these choke points you can use it to well it even connects onto Sona at least but you can use it to Zone the enemy away and in this case well red team managed to stop Baron for now but they pay for this with uh their talent life so still good for blue team and also good for smolder uh to stay close to his team here and not try to I don't a front line on this front which would probably get him killed with this low HP so yeah stay group together have your team to protect you and you can deal a lot of damage on this Champion but ironically enough after Talon is down the enemy jungler is no longer on the map so despite his sacrifice or despite the attempt blue team are still getting Baron out of a deal it looked probably riskier than it was because again red team tried to challenge this time without their jungler so without Smite so this is a completely free fight for blue team in this position and as you can see smoulder has bought the third item rapid farak Canon now so uh not only does this mean you have even higher uh output from your AO attacks in combination with Berserker griefs but of course the safety from q q from range in this team fight here smolder just stays with his team cast ultimate as usual and I mean at this point blue team are so far ahead they don't really have to worry about much and smolder can just stand in the middle of his team also unlocked his 225 Stacks power Spike so yeah now this the Q spam is very hard to avoid because of the rapid fire range and the payoff is massive you get more Stacks as we hit enemies and you AOE burn them all for True damage and the execute potentially now technically all that's left for blue team to do is push the lanes in which there are still objectives to take so Top Lane and Bot Lane in this case because mid lane inhibitor is already gone but it looks like they're getting ready for a fight in the jungle huh of course the front line Falls instantly the ultimate was not even necessary here blue team are just getting crushed the true damage and the numbers Advantage blue team have is just way too much Top Lane Falls the tower goes down the inhibitor goes down as well and blue team are already knocking at the Nexus Towers which might fall too if you look at the respawn timers it's only twitch and Zoe who twitch is opening strong on them but he goes down so if Zoe can't make a miracle happen um okay blue team are playing it safe well they need a wave first and foremost they need to push this in now Sona respawns and Zach respawns so they need to group they need to um abort mission for now but an easy path to victory in that position is to just all go bot Lane push in the last Tower and the last inhibitor and then you have converted this massive lead into a victory finally instead of taking the free win through the B Lane though they're grouping mid lane again it's not the cleanest macro but it should suffice in that position so uh yeah definitely more one of the more lucky smolder games but let me know what you think about this champion and also again in my opinion you need to play a clean Lane phase for this to work in order to get your Stacks reliably so if you need a quick reminder you can watch my ad Car Lane face guide by clicking the link on your screen
Channel: MissFortuneDaBes
Views: 15,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends Guide, Guide, League of Legends, MissFortuneDaBes, Miss Fortune Da Baes, Miss Fortune Baes, MFDB, Miss Fortune Da Bae, Miss Fortune Bae, Smolder, Smolder guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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