How to Play Vayne in Season 14 [Full Guide]

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okay so here's how to play vain in season 14 the first thing people tried to do with vain this season was play her with a lethality SL onot SL burst damage build which makes sense when considering how strong lethality items are right now but this is actually not the best way to play this champion and Vin one tricks quickly started to realize while the burst vein build is still around and quite a few people really enjoy playing it going for on hit items on vain is just overall better especially because these items also got buffed for her and unque ways however apart from the item changes the new season wasn't exactly kind to Vain she's an extremely difficult Champion to play anyway and the jungle changes effectively accentuated Vain's weak early game there are two game states in the Port Lane right now either the junglers try to Snowball the lane with a new gank paths camping all the time this can end very badly for you as the VIN player if executed poorly or both junglas contest void grbs completely leaving B Lane to their own devices in this case case vain must stand her ground in the 2b2 despite being a weak laner however if you know how to play around that you will be able to unlock Vain's late game po spikes which are stronger this season than ever before a high skill High reward Champion which can be very satisfying to play especially when you learn to apply everything I show you in this video I'll now tell you about Vain's optimal runin and item setups so you can copy those right away before then teaching you about her power spikes and how to take advantage of them but please keep in mind that vain is one of the more difficult marksmen you can play and you will also need lots of practice if you want to unlock her true potential however you can speed up this process by a lot if you don't just practice Vain by yourself but instead work with a true Challenger coach and hand tailored one-on-one lessons this is where my sponsor soloq solution comes in they have High ELO Challenger coaches for all five roles so anyone who wants to make fast and meaningful improvements at League of Legends will benefit greatly from their coaching program they've helped countless players to go from hard stuck silver to Diamond and Beyond since at the end of the day League of Legends is not a game of luck but a game of skill so a teacher who knows what they're doing is a guaranteed path to success of course coaching only makes sense for you if you're actually dedicated to climbing and solo que but if league is your main hobby which means you play at least 15 hours of ranked per week the coaching program could be just what you need to excel you'll find all the info and a link for booking in the description of the video with that being said let's talk about Vin's optimal season 14 Rune page you go for lethal Tempo Triumph Legend alacrity and kudrass with conditioning and overgrowth secondary Vain's value as a champion is her attack speed everything you can do is directly tied back to this stat and lethal Tempo is a natural choice because of that not only does the Rune itself give you more attack speed but it also synergizes with the attack speed you already buy and vain buys a lot of attack speed spoiler alert and well you need some attack speed first and foremost in order to actually get get the lethal Tempo Stacks it's kind of a weird dynamic lethal Tempo gives you attack speed which is good if you don't have attack speed but it only gives you the attack speed if you can already attack fast enough in the first place however for vain that's not a problem and lethal Tempo also takes the disadvantage away from buying too much attack speed which is of course the attack speed cap it is just the best scaling Keystone for vain and as you know vain is also a scaling Champion so go all in on that late game plan but this Rune make no mistake is good at all stages of the game even when you just have Berserker gaves you can already unlock its full potential in early skirmishes should it come to that but a general piece of advice you should avoid early skirmishes unless they're completely free but you'll see that in the analysis now for the next slots you want Triumph overheal is in a terrible state right now and presence of mind doesn't really make sense on Vain and Triumph is just a great Insurance you won't build all that much life steal because again the main stat you need is attack speed so Triumph will counteract that because you will take a lot of damage being the priority Target you are this Rune allows you to keep going in fights which is especially potent since you want longer fights in order to get maximum value from lethal Tempo and from your attack speed in general with that in mind it also shouldn't be a surprise that Legend alacrity is your next Rune of choice because again attack speed is everything on this champion and yes you don't buy as much life steal but Legend bloodline just takes ages to scale and Legend alacrity is a lot of upfront value with the most important stat for this Champion now kig grass is your default choice in the next row because V doesn't have any special synergies with the others well actually Last Stand could be good in some situations but please stay away from cutdown this Rune is not good on vain cutdown can be used on most ad carries against very tanky matchups but vain actually Stacks a lot of HP and she deals with tanks anyway with her W true damage so Cuda grass is the way to go I mean you can already see on the secondary path why cutd down is no good you go for conditioning and overgrowth after all and conditioning well it's quite straightforward a rune that does nothing during the early game again Bin's early game is weak you need to keep that in mind but in the late game this can be a game changer normally on a squishy champ ion the main value here is the flat armor and Magic resist but vain actually buys a lot of armor and Magic resist in her items too as you will see so conditioning has Extra Value in this case now overgrowth is another late game scaling Rune giving you a lot of HP to work with and has Synergy with cutdown I don't think I need to elaborate on that more but the HP is absolutely invaluable you know 80 carries are prone to getting one shot and especially vain because you're such a priority high damage Target and overgrowth will save you the reason vain can afford to that by the way is her W mainly because W is your late game insurance with enough attack speed you will have enough damage always to gun down any opponent other AD carriers would need the attack damage from absolute focus and Gathering storm but again unan is just much better to spec into defensive stats okay now before I show you the best item build let's quickly talk about that burst damage build I alluded to earlier if you really want to play this and it is viable in my opinion just slightly outclassed by the other build here you go first item stormm Riser then finished Berserker gaves then Essence Reaver and then voltaic cyclos sword collector and ghost blade as you can see your game plan fully revolves around burst damage with this one getting your que as strong as possible you'd also play this not with lethal Tempo but instead with fle footwork because you have to kite a lot with this build it falls off in the late game but again it is kept together by your W scaling so tanks will not shut this down and squishies just fall to this admittedly this is a lot of fun to play but again the best build is as follows you rush berserker's gaves as fast as possible then finish blade of the ruin King and then rage blade for the late game you have wits end and Terminus and then you have options of guardian angel experimental hexplate and even Jack show the protein for your last item berserker's gaves are crucial of course if you go for lethal Tempo because it's a lot of attack speed up front and a very cheap completed item it keeps you safe lets you pick your own fights and also unlocks a lot of damage as I've already said but blade of the runed king this is the big one this item got massively buffed for vein it looks minor but it actually makes a big difference back in the day you needed three Auto attacks in order to unlock blade of the ruined King's passive effect which drained the enemy of some health and also drained them off their movement speed this was quite nice because vain wants to get three attacks in any way with her W but nowadays blade of the ruined King Triggers on the first attack already it doesn't deal damage anymore but it still reduces the enemy movement speed which makes it easier to hit following attacks they are slowed down by blade of the ruin King's passive instantly you are sped up by your own passive and then you can just keep firing keep stacking that lethal Tempo and apply on hit damage it is a really crazy item on Vin unlocking a lot of what you want to do now rageblade second is also set in stone because the item is just way too efficient when you already have blade of the ruin King and Vin's W but the following items are quite interesting both wits end and Terminus are phenomenal on vain but you can get Terminus before W end in some matchups both items have their place but ironically not as offensive items but as semi defensive ones Wit's End is preferred as a third purchase because the item now gives tenacity ad8 carries have a tenacity option that doesn't force them away from Berserker griefs the enemy will try to lock you down when playing vain 24/7 essentially so the tenacity on Wit's End is invaluable but if they don't have much crowd control Terminus is a little bit better the reason is that Terminus gives you both armor and Magic resist as you keep attacking and again defensive stats on vain go a long way wits and plus Terminus make you surprisingly hard to take down while still enabling you to deal a lot of damage now for the last item you can just go Guardian Angel like most other AD carries because it's just a Great Value late game pick but experimental hex plate is also very interesting a lot of veins power comes from a ultimate and experimental hex plate makes that even more consistent more uptime on your ult and when you press it you just get more attack speed and more movement speed which makes hunting the enemy down even easier but to be fair in most situations hex plate would be Overkill and the main selling point is also the extra Health it provides in many situations jure the proteon would actually be the best last pickup because it not only provides Health but even more armor and Magic resist which gets Amplified fight over the course of the fight it is really just the perfect combo you already have a lot of Health from your Rune page you get stacking armor and Magic resist from Terminus while fighting and then even multiply that with a jack show value this build just does everything unlocks all of your damage while also preventing the enemy from just one-shotting you however a full item vein will likely carry the game anyway but the real problem is getting there in the first place so let's jump into the analysis so you see how that works Vin is extremely vulnerable during the early game you need to be patient and scale so you instead go for foolish early fights like this expect them to end poorly this Champion simply doesn't have a poking spell for trading and everything you can do depends on how much attack speed you have if you can't Auto attack you can't do anything and this also extends to your wave clear Vin during the early game is a complete punching bag so it is your job to stay safe and get as much Farm as you can yes you will lose some CS against good opponents but as long as you get experience you're doing fine and sure there will will be the occasional opening created for you by your support where you can get some attacks in but don't overcommit here you must play for your power spikes first and foremost the more you can just Farm it up and the closer you can stay near the safety of your Tower the better don't make the lane face unnecessarily complicated for yourself when you choose to play such a late game Powerhouse however your first big relative power Spike giving a lot of agency back to you actually comes earlier than you might think as soon as V reaches level six she suddenly turns into to a rather potent Allin dualist and you can be a little bit more aggressive now but of course don't get ahead of yourself anyway forcing early plays is always risky for a champion that needs to scale keep it safe keep it simple but of course should a promising opportunity present itself you are now perfectly equipped to capitalize team the first thing that enabled this play is Ezreal being out of position in the long bot Lane V is very good at chasing so when there is a lot of distance to cover vain can truly shine even catch up when Ezreal jumps and in addition to that karma is also far away turning the situation into a 2V1 in Vain's favor which is a good sign to go in and secondly on top of that we have the added Synergy between Vain and an enchanter support the enchanter has lots of Peel and disengage if you need it potentially so she can keep Vin safe even during an aggressive situation like this one Vin plus enchanter is much better than Vin plus any other type of support yet the true Tipping Point in the game the moment where you can start playing with confidence is not when you reach level six but when you also finish blade of the ruined King it is probably more helpful to watch From ezreal's perspective first controlling the lane bushes when playing vain is actually a very big deal as we just saw because with controlling the bushes When You Know The Enemy doesn't have a Ward and the enemy doesn't have a reliable way of checking Israel's Q hardly counts as you can see you can actually press R while still in the bush exit the bush in stealth so you can then sneak up on the enemy and start attacking them without them seeing it coming by the time they see you it's just too late in addition to that your DPS with blade of the ruined King and attack speed boots is just huge and especially the initial slow on your first Auto attack with blade of the ruined King enables your dueling potential fully the enemy has very little chance to get away at that point this blade of the ruined King po spikers also where you can start to help nearby skirmishes in a meaningful way your front to back fighting is great since it really doesn't matter whom you attack due to your W true damage any Target will go down quickly and especially in the jungle it is also very easy to unlock the stun from your e leaving the victim helpless however this is no reason to start letting your guard down you are still the priority Target and while you're scaling defensive runes are helpful they will not save you from everything in this clip it is probably easy for you to see what will actually keep you safe vain is a good 1V one dualist but don't expect the enemies to play into that they will assassinate you in numbers to one- shot you so you absolutely need to be close to a teammate with Peele if you are alone here you would be dead instantly but with Lulu you unlock all of Wayne's damage and can turn the situation around completely so never go alone unless you know where the enemies are and this is also true in the mid and late game ideally you never operate without having an ally nearby who can help you when you get attacked again and trust me the enemy will be greeding for your blood and wandering off by yourself is going to be costly but as long as you have a Lulu behind you well renger will not even dare he will just run yet keep in mind that your own positioning also must be at least decent here vain suddenly finds herself front lining while the enemy approaches so if she wants her team to have a chance of keeping her safe she must change that as fast as possible here we could see a preventive flash backwards into her team which is crucial because once you are locked up you're out of options use Flash defensively to fix your positioning evidently safety should be your number one concern during that late game team fighting phase but especially when your flash is ready you can be quite daring you might be a priority Target but this is also the strongest point in the game for you you would essentially never position this aggressively when flashes on cool down but V has it here so she can set herself up to capitalize on Mal fight's ultimate engage you of course have to know when to pull the trigger with flash but this one's easy just dodge the first hard crowd control spell that would otherwise hit you and you're good to go in general however you want the enemy to overextend into you not vice versa they will get greedy eventually and as long as you don't isolate yourself from your teammates you will be in position to punish their greed but of course if you want to actually unlock Vin's late game Power your most important task is to not feed during the lane phase however you can watch my full ad Carry Lane phas guide by clicking the link on your screen
Channel: MissFortuneDaBes
Views: 15,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends Guide, Guide, League of Legends, MissFortuneDaBes, Miss Fortune Da Baes, Miss Fortune Baes, MFDB, Miss Fortune Da Bae, Miss Fortune Bae, vayne, vayne guide
Id: E0vj_S-4iNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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