How to place junk items in your CAMP on Fallout 76 Tutorial / build trick (work in progress!)

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hello my fellow yodeling yetis i'm mr church today we're not doing a build tutorial um i will continue those in my next video today i'm going to be looking at some build mechanic that if it were possible to do would greatly enhance um all of our builds and would bring so much uniqueness uh to each build an individuality that we can't currently do or can we um and that is placing junk items in your camp now this is a work in progress and it's something that i've almost figured out but not quite i'm going to show you what i did to get this effect in my camp and then i'm gonna at the end i'm gonna show you why it's not actually viable to do and you can all be disappointed because i waited until the very end to show you that you can say hey you just click baited me and i'll be like well no this is the disclaimer for that don't get your hopes too high they will be dashed to pieces on the rocks but i figure you guys love disappointment otherwise why would he be watching a video for fallout 76 now what you see when you merge this into another display cases the items inside it pop up to the top this means we can do a lot with those pieces so what you're going to do is merge them so that they pop up to the top and then drop merge the display case into the foundation to hide that display case now there's a couple of different things you can do in this clip here i'm showing you that you can do it a little bit so that um then you just line it up with like the top of a desk for example and then what i'm gonna do is once it's fully lined up with that i can burn the display case and then put that desk through it so that it you know the stuff on top looks like it's sitting on the desk now while i do this i will say uh we've been asking to place junk items in our camp since the game came out and because of this shocking disconnect between the developers at bethesda gaming studios and the fallout 76 player base they thought that meant that we want boxes to put four perfectly placed and spaced apart items uh as if our house is some kind of colonial museum and um we're surprised when in fact that's not what we meant and we actually meant well look around in the god damn world that we're playing in you will see junk scattered here and there not placed in a four grid pattern of perfectly positioned and centered items and you can tell a story with how those junk items are placed but as you can see this looks amazing and this is the kind of thing that i've always wanted to be able to do is put you know a typewriter on my desk see how much life this adds to this small little space you can see exactly what i've been doing on that desk it isn't you know completely empty with one lamp on it like we our desks always have to be because we have the ability to put junk on them now at this point in this process i was getting a real stiffy and you know what i mean when you just just start to feel that special feeling deep down inside i've made a breakthrough you know this is going to change camp building for uh so many people and it's going to be a great new addition for the bag of tricks that we like to you know hold in our hands as sweating profusely as we're shoving potato chips into our mouth and screeching like a pterodactyl if you don't do those things i'm sorry for the stereotyping i've spent enough time in area chat to know that it is a pastime of many fallout 76 players and i'm sorry for lumping you in with those people but i definitely have heard my share of prehistoric prattling now i'm going to just be showing you there's a couple of different ways that you can do this exact merge and i will say because i didn't state this yet if you want to place a display case or anything on top of a display case you have to blueprint that item you want to place on it with a floor something and place the blueprint on it you can't just set it down it's not going to place and i'll link the video where i got that information from i didn't come up with that but i've been playing with techniques that i've learned from other content creators and this is just one of the many things you can do with the ability to have junk items floating now fallout 76 um the building in it is you know pretty unique and the player base is pretty unique as i've already mentioned with the you know pterodactyl stuff but like if you think about it it's post-apocalyptic junk is a huge part of the game it always has been and having the ability to place junk items would also incentivize the junk grind we would be going out and actually finding junk to put in our camps that would be fun you know there's something to do besides killing the scorch beast queen in seven seconds because they buffed legacies because they weren't hitting hard enough and that's fair you know sometimes i'm like well what the that took 15 seconds to kill that is i don't have time for this so luckily now we can just drop it quicker than i dropped my pants that one well actually i'm not supposed to talk about that anymore um so let's move on uh to you know this is just one example and then if you want to do you know have a bunch of stuff on one surface you could probably merge some of these together um and i'm going to be making like a table with like a some person with sitting here but think about how much work i'm going through to do this and also keep in mind remember by the way this is going to be yanked out from underneath you because i'm going to show you at the end why this doesn't actually work in your camps and you wouldn't want to do this but i'm waiting for the end so you can be just as disappointed as i was well actually less because i'm actually warning you i i thought this was going to work you know this is working so far why wouldn't it um so that looks awesome right imagine if they gave us a display case that wasn't visible so that we could just set it on top of things and put stuff in it and we could position it this way now you could walk up to it and interact with it you could see it in build mode to delete it and move it around and stuff whoops i didn't get that one quite low enough but you can't really who cares um but like imagine if the display cases they they added one that allowed us to just set junk in our camps it would be the same technique they wouldn't need to add a new system they wouldn't need to do anything crazy just re-skin and and build a different display case that's smaller maybe it's like a matte like a flat thing that you can place down if this sounds something like something interesting to you and the reason why i went through this video even though i realized it's not viable is i was hoping that if you guys you know has saw some of the examples of what you can do when you can place junk in your camps if you don't already have some ideas there maybe it could be something worth sharing and spreading around and saying hey um at bethesda gaming studios uh you know that game that we like to play despite your best efforts to make it miserable for us um this would be something that would improve the quality of life for all the camp builders you know because it's that thing that we've been begging on our hands and knees you know naked with blood stains on us since the game came out to please add um could you just let us do it there's so much junk like it's it's a junk based hoarders paradise game why wouldn't junk be part of the base building when you have a bunch of people saying hey can you please let us place junk in the camps and you give us display cases that look like they came from a colonial museum i get a little confused uh did you think we wanted to like put on display musket balls or something or like civil war era dresses because we can't put those dresses into we can't put clothes in the display cases either so i don't know what the point of that was um i'm just confused like do you think that's what we wanted we wanted a museum display box for our camp yeah let's put that next to the lazy boy in the kitchen i've seen a lot of those in many people's houses believe me so that yeah i guess that makes sense right wait huh so like maybe if there was a little bit of maybe i remember what it's called like when you like listen to what the players want and do that because like they're the ones playing the game and funding it with their other atom shop purchases and scoreboard advancements and stuff like that but look how much more life it brings to a junkie uh workshop area you can really bring that clutter in and there's so much junk items that look awesome in a junky setting there's so many cool junk items that can be used for this but let's look at what i did so you can see some examples so if you look here you i kind of showed how i did this already so you saw um i placed the um kettle in the pan on that oven a little bit lower and then over here this desk i love how this desk turned out but i've always wanted to be able to place a typewriter on a desk it was just there's just so much that that adds just there and um you know the guy sitting reading the paper eating his sugar bombs which do look like mold i couldn't you know that's spoiled food i couldn't find a bowl of cereal and then the kid that's that's not a kitchen if you think that's the kitchen uh something's wrong with your eating habits this is a bathroom that's correct over here is a bedroom i'm getting my rooms correct this time and i put some stuff on the bed and i also put some stuff on the desk just to you know but this is my favorite here the the junkiness look how much the shittiness brings to the ship build i love this oh my god i'm gonna come over to your house tomorrow and show you some examples of what you can really do with this uh with with junk placement and camp i don't listen if you've made it this far in the video i really appreciate it thank you so much but it's time for your hearts to be broken because i'm going to show you why this isn't viable this doesn't work because you can't actually keep your your junk items that way so what happens is you know soak it in take one last look at it and say goodbye to hours of of hard work um because uh the glitch that i came up with is a workaround um goodbye cruel world no as a workaround for placing junk it doesn't work i'm still in the process of it in fact if you guys have any suggestions of how this could be fixed let me know in the comments section but here's the problem display cases um load in and then they load the junk in them because that stuff is your stuff what that does is it resets everything in the display case every time you load in it i think it checks the stuff and that might be something extra added because there was a lot of duplication going on using display cases so there might be some extra checks in there but whatever the case may be however it's happening i don't know exactly the mechanics anytime the camp reloads so this means if you join a new world or if you deactivate your camp and reactivate it um it reloads those display cases and the items are placed down in them where they're supposed to be that means they're not on top of them that means all this merging we did it's completely undone you can see the nuka-cola bottle down there sticking out of the ground um and that's heartbreaking but you know i mean you can still use this technique if like you're gonna film something or for one specific case you want some junk sitting out and you know you're going to be in that world for a while but for an actual build that you want persistent that's not going to be viable and like the plunger handle sticking out oh good and there's not even wallpaper on this wall anymore sweet beautiful um but yeah it's just look at these builds in the emptiness and remember like how much life there was with a clutter there and think about like how much better this could be right if we had junk but i wanted to make this video even though i was disappointed and realized oh wow all the stuff i just did doesn't actually work because i want to show you guys first of all here's like video example of how good it could look if we could put junk in our camps um and how close i came you know and it's like that one night when i was like oh but then no you know and that was disappointing um but also like if you guys can figure out a way to keep it persistent then this is viable you know if there's a way to keep that stuff merged up how it was i don't know there might be a process that can be done um also this could be shared this could be spread tell bethesda hey uh remember how we asked to have junk items that we could place in our camps and you said here's a box well this is actually what we meant that might be helpful if you um you know are not yet subscribed consider subscribing it really helps the channel out i really appreciate it thank you so much to my patrons for your support uh you guys have stuck with me longer than um you should have probably uh i stream on twitch follow me there for dumb streams and uh watching me be stupid um i'll be building more content for your watcher enjoyment soon and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Mister Church
Views: 90,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, fallout, fallout 76, bethesda, tutorial, camp, build, steel dawn, wastelanders
Id: wPfu9DsI0ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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