We RISKED Bad Decisions in AMPHIBIOUS Workshop Olympics!

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what's going on guys welcome back to multiplayer Monday today we're doing a triathlon Workshop Olympics where we have all assembled worlds with three different tiles uh it's going to be a road race a water race and an off-road race uh we all have different tiles but we all have different vehicles that we're going to choose uh we're actually going to choose them now scrap and what were the rules for the vehicles I think you are much better at articulating those oh the vehicles you just got to search for a vehicle that can do all three courses a single vehicle that could do all three courses on the workshop and you cannot spawn it in to test it out before you actually get on the courses so good judge it by its cover excellent I'm confused why you have two water races so uh I wasn't sure how big these actually were there aren't any obstacles you know they seem pretty straightforward so my idea was that when you get to the end of one you uh well you jump the border and you get into the other that's a lot of water rate if could be a lot of water race so we might just call it here and then for the off-road race uh we have this fantastic looking jungle is tile no it's not a jungle anyway it looks cool oh my goodness this looks detailed wow wow look like a lot how long is this thing is this is this called Drift course or something like that okay well uh I guess uh let's let's pick our vehicles guys I don't know what I want I have so far not made wise choices H this one looks interesting but also nope nope nope this one is tempting but oh never mind uses mods I have one that's super tempting but I don't know if it's going to be fast yeah that's the problem I'm going to go for it man I'm going to I'm going to risk cuz we can increase the engines right so I'm going to I'm just going to go for it true this is a great way to sell your product the turning radius is kind of bad and you cannot drive in rever but it's still a good car sold it looks like you're getting peed on what the heck is going on over there oh God dang it man I don't I don't know if I if I should do this this one has no mods here we go oh yeah all right you know what I'm just going to take a risk on this what are you guys doing here oh my goodness all right now we're done that did you guys pick your vehicles yeah yeah I picked my vehicle okay let's see uh wait let me grab my lift and uh we'll we'll show them all at once I guess 3 2 1 go oh my goodness what is that con what is you have a lizard I have a lizard I got a lizard I mean I guess it's it's amphibious isn't it it's amphibious gecko mine's a killer whale and killer whales eat lizards so you know oh could you not eat me please I don't know if they actually do that but okay I'm pretty sure killer whales eat lizard scrap man I think that's okay that is a crazy creation for this the lizard well both of your yeah they're both crazy in very different ways I love this thing man I've made some bad decisions in my life and this was not one of them here's why I picked mine mine is called amphibious off-roader by nice so like we got off-roading we got water stuff yeah but it's not the amphibious onroaders so I open my door I have I have a problem where who you have body roll that's the body of my vehicle what's your problem buddy what's going on there I I have a Thruster on the right side that activates but I don't understand why it's activating is there a sensor that it's hitting or I don't know it just seems to want to activate sometimes interesting guys I don't think I like my vehicle anymore watch when I turn what the heck it has a suspension glitch built in what that's perfect and now it's just lagging everything selfing AB oh my goodness this is R would you like to pick something else no this is what I got I got I'm stuck what I got that's the rules the rules let's do this line up lizard that thing floats yeah man all righty you guys ready road race time 3 2 1 go as long as I go straight I'll be fine God I'm I'm so slow the lizard is promising so far the lizard has good suspension I activate a Thruster okay the Thruster does not make me go any faster uh where's my engine that's the issue I had in one of the other vehicles I picked this is an electric engine build I didn't know that oh no man just drove straight great when something like looks like a great vehicle Cosmo drove straight off on my screen too he's here I'm chilling guys I'm good I'm just getting lag I guess I'm good yeah I think that's normal I was getting that in all of your guys videos I got to I got to bump up my engine speeds here is scamman ahead or is Cosmo ahead I'm I mean on my screen I'm in first so yeah like I don't even I'm I'm slow I'm very slow I'm having I love this thing man it's got such great handling this thing is amazing I actually forgot you know what I'm going to stop and let you guys catch up I'm going to see who buil this's coo who buil this all right when I turn my engines by pot lizard straight AV by potato lizard uh oh my good okay I need to turn my engines down by one you guys like lizards I never had a lizard no no I've never I don't know I saw a lizard in Mexico it was cool your definition of liking something is if you've eaten it so by that definition you don't like dogs because you haven't eaten a dog how is that my definition that's not my definition do you have lizard you spetti do you like spaghetti but spaghetti a food yeah spaghet not a lizard oh my God what are we talking about who leaves their lift in the middle of the race course oh sorry I was checking stuff all right I feel like I feel like I found a stable speed I feel good now yeah I am I am Electric engines though so I kind of max out real quick all right I see scrapman on the other side there KH is likeis in the hair con how's your how are your engines doing uh this is the max speed I have and the engines on this thing why did you pick a freaking like oh my gosh I have no idea where the hey orca whale he's he's a whale he's going to shine in the water race true true yeah he's a killer whale so yeah mine is called an off-roader it has extremely low ground clearance for an off-roader but I'm I'm I'm feeling good about the off-road race mine's a lizard uh we have to go through water it's just a little bit of though don't worry about it are you sure not enough to float I just went through I mean it's it's amphibious we're supposed to be amphibious for sure oh my God how long have you beaten this race yet Cosmo I'm I'm getting there I me if it's any constellation you know obvious real stable now I'm just going to get there and then you probably won't have to finish see I just got to slowly tap the steering and I don't flip over nice do are broken this thing is just so effortless to drive for a change I love it I I couldn't flip this thing even if I wanted to oh my gosh this thing is amazing the engines are probably hidden in the back oh my god oh no oh no okay we're catching up good am I catching up I think no oh you just teleported way up ahead oh did I okay yeah and I'm about to cross Finish Line oh I see you over there now okay two one sweet man if I was driving like this from the beginning dude this thing is amazing this thing is actually amazing all right by a couple notes you're going a little quicker you look good here let me now I'm yeah now I feel like I rly though it wants to roll to cross the finish nice coming in for second place nice grabing Crossing Perfect Look at that speed oh and there's Khan Khan just uh like on the bridge here just go left you know just do a zap Chee there's no checkpoints I see the short cut yeah yeah he's going for the Yeet he's going for the Yeet he did the ye just don't over eat though he almost over eat problem is I need to I should have increased my thrust earlier like my goodness it wheelies a bit going it's all right nice that thing is intimidating sweet we all finished is in has a tank oh oh why'd you do that I tried to stop it doesn't stop it doesn't stop all right you guys ready for the boat race yeah water race get my frames back I got zero frames right now all right where are we starting Cosmo we are starting right here I'm surprised you managed to finish the race oh boy with uh with that kind of steering dude that is wild yeah if I just tap it like this oh your whole body like shimmies it's so weird I know it's really weird y'all ready for this Connie you ready no I got to I got to I'm playing with oh right he's doing the settings all right let's go you guys ready let's do this let's go in the water into the water is the race starting or oh no we're just testing right now yeah we're just we're just getting in the water oh I can't stop guys I can't stop you actually can't stop my thrusters are on and that's it okay gotcha all right this is my Max Speed by the way I'd like to I'd like to I don't see you moving at all so uh I think I broke something I stop I don't move anymore I don't know what to do guys what is going on I don't know what to do this thing it just has thrusters are on mine is fantastic all right let's see let me get back in the water this time all right all right it works now I I must have broken something when I spawned I don't have reverse though this is my can you shove me off the wall oh I could try don't push me into the wall more great no thanks this is all I can do this is my max speed for the record this is it this is what I got I'm still try you're saying you're doing great and like this is as fast as I turn apparently wow are you going to be able to do this or can we just do if I'm on the wall I'm good oh my gosh do I just win water Race by default do I just do like an honorary lap to start the race whenever you wanto all right guys let's go start the race the race is on we're racing okay all right let me just SP I'll start from here all right sounds good all right are we going we're going okay all right let's go let's this is great I'm doing so well all right let me turn this first corter here I can't stop I'm sorry I somebody's lagging somebody's giving us 11 frames I'm trying I I can't stop pushing you I don't know what to do I'm goingo don't don't get involved cozmo please don't get involved in this I'm not I'm trying to get as far away as possible sing Oh do you guys still see me there cuz I'm not there oh oh yeah you're here on myen no I'm not there I'm I'm literally ahead of you guys at eight frames there you go oh I got my frames back me too ridiculous going to respa right here you know what guys we're just doing the one water race you know we're not jumping in any barriers or nothing just's just keep it simple all right you know I'm so much better when I just do some some some all right I'm in the water lizard is amazing I am in the water my problem is I don't burn like at all in the water like yeah that's I actually also don't turn it all the water the lizard has like delayed steering but it works well okay yeah this is a long roun off to edges is essentially what's happening now I'm on my side like I'm like a sad Orca at an aquarium somewhere I'm going to try to guys we're trying to free Willie Willie has to jump over the barrier at the end you know okay yeah yeah no that's oh no ok just teleported right in front of me uhoh together look yo I'm doing this this is how I guys T voting guys could you not could you not baby I have nool considered a possibility where you don't do these things what are you doing I don't what am I supposed to I can't I literally can't turn the thrusters off guys I'm getting eight frames stop down in front of my car and I can't move I'm going try to respawn fantastic there you go there you go thank you for the record that was my racing line that you cut off so uhhuh look this is how I turn now see I just do this and then oh my creation's going without me I got to get back in the water over here yeah oh I'm try why do these races seem so much shorter and then you're doing it and it's and it's very long looking at it from above it feels small I feel like it's actually massive there's so many turns there are a lot of turns on this one yeah oh I'm at the Y this creation is so conf it looks like there's so much detail and Care like taken on how this thing is built but it it does not boat it does not boat it does not very well boat very get it mind Batman if I come second in this boat race that's just a sad that's a sad day hey you have controls but it's like it's like trying to navigate a 1900's pirate ship through or an 1800s pirate ship through like are you taking a big shortcut right now what what are you talking about I don't know I don't see I wouldn't put it past them it's actually a really cool track that's my whale you guys had boats that worked you know then dude it said it was a freaking whale in the freaking title of the creation mine is called amphibious off-roader I am both offro and amphibious right now and it's not I'm I can't go anywhere perfect for the edes better than a lizard in the water I mean yeah I guess so but I'll have you guys know I'm at the Finish now okay I'm I'm working on it I on gra man just drove past me on the land amaz all right let's see what these guys are up to what did you I'm in the water I'm in the you're not in the water you just drove you right past me on in the water I'm amphibious I can do both I didn't take a shortcut or nothing con's con's on land for me as well I'm only on land now cuz Scrat man just passed me in on the land oh okay gotta yeah I I just rode up on the land to go on the straightway you just going straight the land the con yeah SC oh I'm still following the course okay okay yeah gotcha I literally can't turn in the water so I got to ride the edges the whole time oh hey hey I didn't actually all right all right all right that's how we're doing this oh no even turn not like this guys not like this not like this I saw it coming I tried to turn to the right I could do nothing to stop it okay no how do I where are we supposed to go we're supposed to go you guys are like you guys are it's going to take like another half an hour to get well you know what it's not my fault okay blame wait which way do I go right or left uh it doesn't matter it's a y uh why am I stuck good question uh oh no wait you can't do that there you go I got why going that way because you spawned it in the water goes automatically what the heck all right I'm just going to go for a ride with you let's go bro we're doing this you ready for this Yep this is this is thrilling where is Khan I'm up ahead i' I've gotten how did she get up ahead what do you mean what do you mean what do I mean I'm following the course gotcha oh my goodness oh yeah see the land is where like if I can just ride the land I'm I'm not I don't do that's boating all right yeah that that's some solid boating right there see that bang you see that bang yep oh nice yep I just see KH going up on land dipping back down going up on land dipping back down what are you talking about orcas do that all the time oh yeah yeah they're like yeah wait how did you get that you you're learned from you I learned it from you I didn't skip half the map I just cut some Corners what do you mean you cut half the map by cutting a little bit at a time no all right all right all right Fair Point there we go you made your argument we go I'm not I'm not in control I can't even tell where you guys are cuz I honestly see your vehicle spazzing out yeah my excuse is um I have no control over what's happening that's right you just hit me no he's at the for the Finish oh on my screen you just hit me and caused like eight FPS man there we go fair and square yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure all right I honestly think like I would take a do not finish I can't stop right now like I I just can't I'm I'm going to take a do not finish I'm not pressing nothing Cosmo oh my okay bye I'm getting off here this is my stop I can't wait for the offroad race all right Offroad race time let's go can't believe my vehic isage KH you might do well in the offroad you never know all righty guys are you ready for the last leg of this Triathlon all righty 3 2 1 go I really jump to start there but I just don't that's okay that's okay you you're making up for it now man it's all good got crab walk in R are you okay oh boy I'm going to go this way okay nice the lizard is going up the mountain baby oh my goodness I'm a mountain I don't know what to do oh that's a shortcut I'm actually kind of that's a shortcut oh I see that too bad I can't sharp enough can we no go for it yeah for sure oh my goodness I hit Cosmo on my screen and got a bunch of lag oh really no not on my scre I'm pretty certain that's not where Cosmo is nope it's not okay I'm good I've been good this whole well I've been good in that sense at least there we go there we go there's again I'm going to pass pass him on my screen interesting you are behind me but I don't know where either of you guys are I'm just driving the my screen I don't see either of you either like I actually just have no idea very unfortunate yeah I'm just I think I took a shortcut but I'm not entirely I'm quick man I'm fast as heck boy all right I'm go I feel like I'm going I'm just doing lizard things you know I'm I'm making some progress I think I have to just believe Cosmo when he say he's in first cuz I Hon yeah you know what this thing isn't I mean it it isn't good but it like you can kind of learn it right yeah you can adapt to it that's nice the lizard lets you make a lot of mistakes I'm not going to lie do like the lizard is very very great yeah see I'm in a constant state of correcting mistakes yeah yeah no I agree uhoh what is this this is a jump thank goodness for those trees those trees saved me that was a cool jump I didn't have to take it like that but that was neat I just wasn't sure if there was a gap or not so when you guys get to the uh the stone jump that's that's not a gap don't worry okay I think I just did it woo oh no I can't stop my thrusters oh no there we go did I just pass no not on my screen at least okay oh no you're you're uh you know you're you're there but you're not you're not here you catch my drift oh I am drifting right now nice should be using my Thruster more actually kind of sandbagging to be honest there you go there we go oh nice straight away oh this is so so pleasant yeah it's a nice off-road course I'm not going to lie and if I were to lie I'd say it was a bad off-road course how you doing KH where are you I'm doing great my orc did you get to the bridge yet yeah I know just pass the bridge oh no my Orca is really it's really fast it's so fast in fact I uh sold it um what did you buy what did you buy I bought a hum be from oh nice nice dude of like 2016 and it seems to be driving much better I have no chance catching up but at least now I don't want to like you know punch myself in the face fair enough that's feel great I uh I I can appreciate that I can respect that oh I does not it does not drive well at any speeds oh boy oh no no no don't definely not real wow oh wait no there's a mechanism for this yes there's a flippity flip mechanism and I just used it it worked great don't don't please oh my goodness I really did not want to fall down into the Gap again that would have been the worst I am actually being like very risky with my driving and there's a lot of cliffs you can just ye off of uh-huh did you just do that no okay good good I'm good I'm actually surprised I haven't done it oh yeah same like I justed in I was like wait a second I'm driving a little too dangerously for I got to the second oh the second the second one is sketch it's sketch yeah I almost fell out oh boy yeah me too yeah the really tough thing with my creation is if I get any air my thrusters turn on Max and I can't turn them off until I land gotcha that's weird yeah that's why I was in the water and had no control cuz the Clusters were just on all right I did it I'm at the end I think I don't know where I am but hopefully it's not too far from the end oh man this lizard's amazing okay I'm going to get into a flyer I love the lizard oh I see scrap man's name let's go meet him nice nice nice last couple corners here turns I'm good on straightaways I'm good on straightaways there's not a lot of straightaways left but you're almost done one more Corner oh my goodness he's just dripping you see the way this thing turns yeah it's so sketch like yeah my back lifts up and my thrust turns on all right there we go I actually finished it with this thing let's go see cons humy oh he's entering this where where's the finish I don't understand you're like halfway there I think I'm half it's at the end all right what what is Con driving nice little humy here nice dude yeah know that was great it was oh man you're so fast what's up Scooter Boy what's up dude I got that Lance scoot you know oh no you're you're actually much closer you're almost there am I yeah just like one more turn after this one oh or you can just run into the forest I was following you you were driving that no I'm I'm I'm the scoot man you don't follow me I'm already done oh he just teleported right here wow yeah he's right here he's done hey I'm totally done you actually finished this time oh no too many Creations oh wait hold on this wasn't this wasn't this wasn't my creation hold on let me uh uh hold on hold on a minute uh this thing is so hey look I did it look at y let me this lizard is so stable dude the lizard is amazing all right I dare you to try to drive mine I I don't want to I I had a very nice experience with mine so like oh my try to go in a direction what is this right what is this right what is this supposed to bees not work it doesn't work at all what in the world I got I hey I got through this entire off-road course with that thing can you believe that yes I believe you I was there oh okay uh well I hope you guys enjoyed that definitely go and check out the other guys Triathlon Olympics videos there's different Maps uh different vehicles and it's all equally as ridiculous so let us know in the comments down below if you like this format and we'll see you in the next one bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: Kosmonaut
Views: 35,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kosmo, kosmonaut, scrap mechanic kosmo, scrap mechanic kosmonaut, kosmo scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic amphibious, scrap mechanic amphibian, workshop olympics
Id: eunBM41s664
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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