Fallout 76: Collectron Tier List, All Collectrons from Worst to Best.

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hey fellow voles it's angry turtle and today I have for you a full list of all the collectons from the worst to the best I do own them all if you are missing some most likely sooner or later you will be able to get them through atom shop when this we never know but they do appear there the old season collectron the other old atom shop collectons the new collectron and santatron most likely soon will appear for free now sponsor just a quick announcement from gfuel it's time for Black Friday it's a BOGO sale and even better those are limited edition black light tabs yeah it's cool I absolutely don't need it and I want it so check it out yourself Link in description and I have only one collectron in tier C the worst possible in my opinion there is no lower like every collectron will help you out with something but one is absolutely the worst so I have them in tier C B A and absolute best the super collectron in tier s so the worst one is the one that you can see auto Miner and the reason for that it's because it's collecting ore and why you don't want ore you need resources to smell the ore in order to use it for anything it does not collect anything else particularly useful so there therefore Auto Miner collect is tierc the worst one we can currently have and for those of you that are new to the collectron if you are looking for particular look into your collectron you can choose whichever one you like and still use a different Scavenging option so you have this terminal and you can swap it to whatever is good so I'm not judging the look of collectron but what option this particular collectron is unlocking for you so this collectron unlocks scavenge or sub routine you need to buy a collectron to unlock option I do own them all so I have all the options but now next on the list oh and if you need a little bit of help I have this collector list with what they are extracting a little bit outdated and I mark this stuff on the green I will give you a original link to the list without anything marked as it was as this is produced by the plan collectors Discord and it is a little bit outdated the newest on are not here but on my list I will be talking about every collectron even those that are not on this handy list so regular scavenger collectron station this one is tier B it's useful let bring you some junk you can scrap it you can use it in Scrap Box and that's about it next in tib is boss collectron station it is harvesting some stuff and Worth to mention here that boss collecton can scavenge ballistic fiber which is good and some sugar bombs but look how long is the list it's a downside so long list means that he will bring a lot of useless stuff and only very rarely a good stuff otherwise it will made it to tier a then we have Scavenging station gold bat again tib it is the same as regular scavenger B just additionally we'll bring you some gold that unfortunately we're are not talking about gold bullion the gold scrap that is not super valuable in Fallout Universe then we have red rocket collectron station still tib unfortunately the stuff as you can see here Automotive Parts none of those are super needed for anything and are heavier than regular scrap so will hold a little bit less not great tier B then another tier B it's a Fetch collectron and both fetch collectons will be the same they do offer slightly different look one is junkyard one is regular but none of them is bringing anything particularly good it's just regular junk tier B and now we are jumping into tier a we have Nuka Quantum collectron very cool good looking collectron unfortunately not as good to made it to tier s for what it's Gathering as this collectron has very limited options for nuac Cola not even all of them and in addition it's collecting ultrasite and nuclear waste scrap which are not very much needed but all the cola that he will harvest this is great if you like Cola it's great so it's a oh and I'm not sure if I mentioned silver collectron it's the same as gold collectron so it was in tier B I think I didn't mention it they both in tier B just silver scrap instead of gold scrap doesn't really make a difference then next in tier a fashn collecton station this personally I really like because of several items it will harvest for you the harvesting option it's called fashn treats and it will harvest for you a lot of food and alcohol items but important one quite often it will bring sugar bombs which are really good really good and needed for crafting at least for me so that's why it's making two a next we have Rider collectron station making it to tier a and don't forget some of the collectons have more than one harvesting option and usually one is good one is terrible and that's the case as well with radar collectron station as it would be tier B if you choose just ammo and some weapons but if you choose to collect cams and alcohol it does gather a huge selection of cams and alcohols including some useful ones some very useful ones and some ingredients to craft a useful ones so if you are a heavy cam user in follow 76 this collectron is absolutely tier a for you and and then we are jumping to tier s absolutely exceptional at something so first communist collect station it as well comes with two option to harvest and one and one of those options is plaria this is s deer because like there is a lot of food all of this food is useful but K fungus K fungus soup and T soup are unique food items giving poison resistance that cannot be obtained in the game by any other means but by this collectron so that's why it's making it to tier s it will bring you items you cannot get otherwise and poison resistance is very handy as well as all the food and regular stuff he will harvest that is useful then we have famous Santa tro it is absolutely TI s especially during holiday cach event that is coming that is coming every December so it will be here and why is it TI s two reasons for that first during the event it will collect gifts and you can build santatron in workshops so we can collect insane amount of gifts and on top of that it is bringing sugar bombs from time to time that need and they avable so I will definitely go for santatron to have it in your collection especially that it's always free every time the Santa's coming December coming santatron is free in item shop so grab it next time it appears and lastly the last one in tier s NAA Cola collection station the regular one why the regular one way better loot table regular ncac Cola collectron station as you can see in here will collect you basically almost every nuca cola type and there is no rubbish apart from nacac colola empty bottles but there is no other rubbish only good nuac Cola and combine with the fact that so often you have daily challenges to collect some nuca colas or to drink some nuca colas and that nuca Cola is basically delicious you want to have it in your collection if possible and that will conclude the list of all collectons and their tier just make sure whatever collector you place set a harvesting option to what you actually need and that being said Thank You lot for watching and see you all in the next one
Channel: Angry Turtle
Views: 18,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout76, guide, list, how it works, the best, collectron, best collectron, loot list
Id: jJ8jZlcpUHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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