Immersive Prison Car House Using Floating Filing Cabinets | Fallout 76 CAMP Build Tutorial

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hello my fellow cloven Hooves I'm Mr church today we're going to be building inside a destroyed train car right here near Morgantown station just up the tracks there's a stretch of tracker here that's very flat and that's going to be perfect for what we want to do now some of you may know that when you try to build with a lot of the prefabs for some reason they come on these concrete slabs because you know how we want to make a bunch of monoliths to apcs and prison cars and in in Circus carts and a lot of times you know how you see those out in the world sitting on a concrete slab especially after an apocalypse what you don't see that huh that's interesting well that's so weird um I must be uh well I'm sure I'm sure there's a good reason for these to be sitting on concrete slabs even though it makes them look like fetid and makes them impossible and Incredibly useless in every way to try to work with them but no matter because Kiki B found a workaround so that we can actually use some of these prefabs for once in our lives without looking like a buffoon who's spamming all the items we purchased from the atom shop on White Springs green and if that's you that does that Gigi's sir congratulations for all your purchases making the world go around now we're going to be using this trick that kikibi showed uh how to shove stuff into the ground prefabs using doors so basically you place for this case we're going to place a prison door change it to any door that'll snap to a doorway and then we're gonna work over to so we can't place this right here because of the track but if we use a full-sized catwalk we can snap over one Foundation width place a uh floor down here just delete all this stuff you can delete everything um and then what we're going to do is pick this up and we're gonna lower this and so you can actually hold X and then use the R1 r or L1 on Xbox those are the other special buttons um on PC I think you just use the mouse wheel and scroll uh then switch it back of course to the train door which will Orient it in the right position and then we can snap the train back into position to that door um and it'll snap to either the normal train door or the prison car uh and I want to give a big shout out to Kiki B and I will link that video as well I've always wanted to do this to find a way to sync this down so it doesn't look like and I hadn't been able to so this is really helpful and it makes all things possible and the world to go around uh this is slightly sticking up so I'm just going to adjust it a little bit more to do that switch it back to that doorway and then I'm just going to lower this just a little bit again slightly ever so slightly bring this floor back over this way and uh you'll probably want to leave a build mode every once in a while if you're building in free cam mode it does start lagging but if you leave build mode and go back in seems to fix that issue I don't know if that happens on other platforms but it definitely happens on Playstation uh so you're gonna slap that back into place just like you always dreamed of switch it back into a train door and then of course just what we did before snap this back into place and it will be a beautiful time as always now I want to build inside this train while it's broken because while I do like how it looks I think when it's destroyed it looks awesome much more awesomely in fact and we're going to use a trick that we've used before on the channel using floating filing cabinet trick first what we're going to do though is we have to make a floor out of carpets so what you're going to do is you're going to put a carpet on another carpet slightly using in here to measure then you're going to drop merge the bottommost carpet and so basically uh so in this case we have done three already and um you're going to just jiggle around in free cam mode until everyone starts vomiting profusely and then you're gonna grab the lowest possible one and you're going to put that on a pressure plate which has been depressed more than I've been and just snap it down twice uh and then you're gonna come back in here I'm gonna you know you can put it in a back corner so you can measure easier it doesn't matter which side you do it on and then if you have stick drift it's even more fun to line it up side to side which is what I recommend if you get a Astro gaming controller it's a guaranteed stick drift in about 20 minutes and if that doesn't work just play one video game with them and the joystick will go on its own but don't worry you can buy a new joystick for 20 bucks plus shipping and replace it over and over again it's a good investment believe me now just come in here and uh again just place that what we have so far on top of slightly this one what we're doing is we're building a floor inside here now I want to explain something in this game if you build on top of or inside of a structure and then that structure is destroyed everything that gets its support from that structure will disappear okay so if you want to build inside a prefab or on a broken prefab um you're gonna have to do something special which I'm going to demonstrate using a couple of items that are very specific to the game now come back inside here put it in whatever corner you didn't do already it helps if you have a very keen ability to master free cam mode as I'm demonstrating here about 40 minutes later you should be able to place down one item after the lag buffering stops and then you're just going to come back out here vomiting as you go because of the camera work you're going to pick up what you have so far fly up into the outer space and bounce off a comet come back down gently gently does it place this inside here just like she said well let's just come on yeah see if the tracks are still there they are good and then um uh place this over that one again the way this is works is you're going to grab the the lowest possible item and then you're going to be merging that upward into what you already have uh you could really overthink something like this so don't don't freak out about it just calm down and uh just uh it's it's okay okay so pick it up it'll be like two drop merges um and it doesn't have to be perfect this is just a platform for us to build on so make it perfect please and uh you can grab it bring it back in we're going to keep doing this until we have the entire floor covered and uh so what we're gonna do is we're gonna place this whole floor thing that we made on top of one of the special items that I mentioned and that will allow us to build inside make sure you grab the lowest most piece because everything's stacked even though it doesn't look stacked this is a stack of carpets um and then this should be able this should be able to cover the whole floor just so that we can build inside the whole thing when it's destroyed which will become more obvious what I'm talking about in a bit so pull it this way Pull It come on you can do it and then just well you know so listen free cam mode is good it is really great um but uh I just I think that they could have made it a little bit different in how you for for example up and down are backwards what they should be because in every other aspect of build mode the other side is up and the other side is down if that makes any sense like R2 L2 up and down are backwards uh what they should be for moving items up and down so that is uh really confusing and I hope maybe they switch that otherwise I really like free cam mode it just takes some getting used to and it helps if you love throwing up constantly and you know some people have to purchase ipicac or use the mustard trick but for me it's free to just hop into the game just start jiggling up and down through time and space uh bouncing off this the walls of reality until I can find some semblance of inner peace and so far it's been working great except for the fact that I haven't found any of the inner peace thing that I've been mentioning but speaking of peaceful things that definitely will calm you down I have been streaming a lot over on Twitch uh four times a week the link for that will be in the description if you want to drop me a follow and come hang out I've been playing some Fallout 4 uh we're gonna go to Nuka World soon and that's gonna be fun maybe I'll buy you a balloon and uh also I've been doing some Grand Theft Auto and a RP server which has been silly uh might upload some clips from that in a moment when once I remember how to make YouTube videos I forgot spent a little while you'll all be honest but let's face it Papa needed a break to recharge his emotional batteries and to be charged with assault and battery that didn't happen but I thought it would be funny just because the word sounded similar and then I realized well that joke could leave me in federal prison so that was a humor and please shut up about it for the rest of the time that we make this video thing because it was I was making it up as I go now this is why some people say you should have really script your videos and I said well I could do that or we could just scrap the videos and then we don't have to worry about it to begin with they said that is an appealing idea I think that you're on to something there so that I didn't upload for about 66 days in 66 minutes um in six cents so what we're doing now is I'm using these avocado modular sofas to build a pile uh that we can place this on so what you're seeing is that says it's outside the build area it's also floating slightly uh because the whole chunk of carpets is going to need something underneath it uh if you want to place it up on something like that and it can stretch out into the void uh that's okay uh but you know so I'm just gonna make a temporary kind of like a floor of those sofas and this is so that we can get the carpets to be supported by the sofa and the reason why is these modular sofas along with filing cabinets consoles and some of the fences they have a special property where they float and this will allow us to build inside a destroyed structure because they float when you destroy the structure they won't disappear so if you build on top of the item that floats nothing disappears okay so we so I put this up on a carpet to guarantee that the sofa that gets the support of the whole thing will be one of these in this corner so that we won't be stuck with a modular sofa in the middle of our build if that makes any sense putting it up slightly just make sure that the carpet will snap to one of those instead of one of the random modular sofas that we have spread out across this way now we're going to drop merge it down until the modular sofa looks like it's sitting on the carpet when in reality according to the game the carpet is still sitting on the sofa technically so the support for all of this is going to be the sofa but it will look like it's all sitting on the carpets if that makes any sense it will if it doesn't make sense now in a few days once you've completed your uh astrophysics degree and have been able to discuss the deeper meanings of life with your family okay so just drop merge that down and this is one of my favorite tricks because it allows us to build in certain areas that we wouldn't be able to otherwise and allows us to utilize the very cool destroyed textures that a lot of the prefabs have and I've used this in several other builds which I will link in the description if you're interested in seeing what else you can do with this trick because it's very cool and awesome so just jiggle this around until you get everything to turn green and in this case green means you can place it down so go ahead and do that it's going to be a real treat okay now we have that and I'll demonstrate when we destroy this uh train car how beautiful the texture is and why I want to build in it so much see how it's kind of like prisony given that it's a prison car when I blow it up besides abstaining much damage and radiation Burns we get these massive blow holes in the sides which will be very cool for a design feature now we can actually just get rid of this and put it back in later don't panic because when you destroy the carpet um all those all those carpets when you destroy the uh sofa all the carpets disappear because they're sitting on the chair so that'll allow you to snap it back in place but first before we do let's throw some vines on it now the vines are intersecting with the thing so what we're going to do is throw some Vines down you can get rid of the wall by turning into a doorway get rid of those doors these these foundations that we have lined up and burn that which will allow you to put the train car back into place um and then so you're going to turn this back into the prison car door uh snap that back into place burn the before you repair those burn the thingy I'll show you what I mean here um but I think one thing I need to do uh before we go further is guzzle this water um hydration have you ever drank water and realized oh my God you know I almost died and didn't notice so I'm gonna put one last piece down I'm gonna stagger these foundations using a catwalk get rid of the prison car again burn these uh leaves their Vines actually so that so that we can double some up and then we're going to snap this over uh throw a wall in snap of iron in and turn that back into special paste make sure you burn all the vines so that the train car will go back in and at this point I'm going to recommend putting in vines on the other side before you proceed but I didn't do that instead I thought let's do this in a stupid way out of order you know so that I can show you anyway this is how that looks I think it looks really great because we still have these big wide open chunks which emulate windows but then the vines kind of help cover it in you know so that so it's a closed thing even though it's a big gaping hole does that make any sense no now what we're going to do is add a deck first I'm going to slap down some brambles that I want to be poking up through the deck this is like a little porch thing that we built on the side of the uh prison car and that's where uh that's where we can pile up our and also where we can get some score for building anything in a workshop or Camp GG now we're going to use roofs for that so snap of these across this way you will need to use the slanted ones and then flatten them down because using the flat ones they're intersecting with the train car so if you flatten this one down you can then get rid of this stuff and then you're able to just flatten these down I'm going to use the uh what's this one called the brown one for the deck I think that one looks great has a good Edge on it and now we can pile up stuff on the deck here and once we jiggle up and down in free cam mode at Mock speed to ensure that everyone gets sick now if you need to delete any of these uh you can just change the ones next to it like this and then they won't be locked up if you don't do that they will be locked up together if let's say I want to put a bramble here you can't as you can see put in flat ones again they intersect with everything going on there but if you change them into slanty's you can then slap them in change them back down as long as you leave one roof in you can delete any that you need now again I recommended putting vines on the other side before uh you put in this if you don't you'll have to turn these into Slants burn them all as well as the new vines before you can get the train car back into place as you can see that's not going to snap in right now we're going to have to burn the roofs so that it'll snap back into place that's simple enough just burn the out of them but if you put the vines in first you won't need to remove the train car anymore uh we only need to remain remove the Trend car so we can get the vines in so uh yeah put the vines in all around and then put the roof deck in is my recommendation and then you won't have to worry about any of that happening and you won't have to be screeching like a pterodactyl I know you still will I heard you in area chat last night and kind of shameful at this point what Bethesda is going to do is for no reason change how filing cabinets work and change how this the modular sofa works and the consoles Etc this is going to destroy a bunch of other stuff including uh how doors function how Vines function and how uh the of course the floating ability works so what you're gonna do is just quickly make a video addressing everything that got changed uh raging explaining and showing patiently why it's important to have an item in the game that functions this way so that you can make really cool structures maybe think about having in your video a demonstration of why this is a bad change and why it ruins existing uh blueprints that we have and ways of doing a lot of things are now broken maybe you can try to find some good in the situation but it's very dismal indeed and now nearly impossible to get certain things the way that we had them and uh maybe you could even uh figure out some workarounds in the meantime and maybe take a week to do this if you don't mind since the entire thing you just built is of course patched out and there's no reason making a tutorial on it right because uh the vines the doors and the modular sofa are all broken and you can no longer expect people to follow a tutorial that doesn't work uh once you finish doing that uh Bethesda will revert everything they just up before you release your video and then you can know that you spent a week for no reason doing nothing but at least they changed it so I can finish the build Hallelujah uh the one thing that pisses me off about what happened because yes that did happen they patched it out I made an entire video about it and uh before I release the video um they reverted the patch did they say something about reverting the patch no did they say anything about the situation in their Discord or on their forums or on Twitter what do we call that now no they didn't didn't they didn't say a thing and I don't I'm glad they reverted the patch obviously because it's a horrible patch it's a horrible thing to completely change how the functionality of one of the camp items Works without talking to the Community First hey is this something you use or want oh oh it was well we already did it that's okay um that's that's annoying yes but the fact that they don't bother saying a butt thing about it is what really pisses me off and it's alarming because it means they might try to fix filing cabinets again so if you're building this tutorial and it doesn't work uh it's because they up filing cabinets again and that affects the sofas and the fences and the modulars and the consoles uh because those all function the same way and this wolf is a metaphor for but that's the developers trying to chew on my balls for trying to make a camp in the Wasteland thank you so much Bethesda by the way my DMs are open if you want to talk to someone that actually has built in the game before and knows what things that camp Builders want and utilize then maybe before you make a sweeping patch to something that affects everyone in the game that builds you could talk to one person that might be able to say say hey don't waste time and energy doing that we don't want you to do that it'll actually make building a lot worse and more restrictive than it already is thank you so much I'm here all day you can reach me anytime I'm actually up pretty late usually sitting there uh just sitting in my bed shaking and weeping because of the overwhelming regurgitated buffoonery of this world that is seems to get worse the more I log into the game but thank you so much for reverting the patch I I know that you're probably just trying to make the game better but I do think that one of the things you could do to make it better would be having some communication with the people that you're trying to make it better for that's just my point of view and maybe it's skewed uh but you know ggs there are some things that could be worked on right now if you're looking for something in the camp to up for example there's a big box of smoke around the generators um and that has been there for about three or four years and I'm not sure if that's supposed to be uh rhomboid in nature but it sure sure is um anyway uh this is the build I forgot that I'm actually showing this because I got so worked up there for a minute I just need to drink some of my special juice for a second calm down this destroyed door if you want to put it there uh just good luck with that one that's actually a legacy door from when they patched the thing and then it was still sitting on the carpet for some reason anyway I sunk down those succulents into that filing cabinet blah blah blah no one cares about that because this is on fire because we used it too much now you'll see this the smoke from the generator actually is a square I wasn't kidding it's a quarter of the screen it always has been think about changing that before you uh change something in the game that we actually use every day thank you so much uh now these chairs outside there's they're part of the story that I was trying to tell with this build so remember that in your minds but out here I thought would be a good place to pile up a bunch of stuff that maybe a person that took this train car that doesn't work anymore and they're trying to like kind of you know rebuild their lives in here so there's there's mechanical pieces and there's also like uh domestic things like a lamp something that they might have salvaged from the nearby junkyard there's I love this new pile of that you get from the atom shop uh because usually the stuff like when you get piles of from the atom shop it's because yeah like it's not supposed to be but this one is and it function like it's it's amazing it's going to be great for so many builds um and I'm gonna use the out of it as well uh to put that down I just burned the uh the roof and then slap that into the ground the Spore plant uh there's like you know some a lot of like plants and a lot of uh like uh you know old the mattresses and barrels of things storage uh the square smoke from the generator um so many cool things like that just outside and then um I use this monitor array door but let's go inside once I I fell off so we can hop inside here uh and inside all the Comforts of home and I did uh use this door and I will say you don't have to use that door if you don't want to um that is a choice that was made but the reason I used it is it gives kind of like these 80s Vibes or something I don't know I I I like how it looks but if you don't think it fits this build I recommend using the Flying Fortress store because that one is really rusty and it opens uh to the it opens the right way like if you would want to um switch that out instead um which I can actually show right real quick uh like the um you will have to flip it around the other way I believe yeah because this one's facing this way so that it would open in but yeah this one if you use this store uh flip it around of course and then it'll open out to the left and this one also opens wider than a lot of doors and that is a very narrow uh hallway thing right outside the door and I think this one matches the build really well I almost went with this one but I wanted to use that monitor array door because I just got it and so like every time I get something new I want to immediately build it in my Camp that's called the barf building and I don't recommend it in general but I was able to kind of get it to fit with the Vibes I wanted in the living room here so I'm not mad at it but you might be angry with it and if you're angry about this store please let me know in the comments I don't care at all and then over here uh this I wanted to remind people that that yes this is a train car so uh these theater row seating uh the they're called seating they're not seats they're seating they're from the the new scoreboard I really like them a lot and there's variations of them which is also really cool so you can have some that are like half flipped up and all the way flipped up and all the way down and um so the closest thing I could think of to like a trained seat that we have especially that's like old and rotten looking and so I use this table here the closest thing I could think of too like a train table and this is the dining room but it's also like what we left in the car when we were changing it into something to live in um so we're kind of like utilizing what was already in the train and then I have these two seats here to blend them in with the rest of the the building so so it's kind of like think about it as like uh it suggests that the seating in here continued all the way down and so leaving those two in there kind of like they suggest to you that there were more than those seedings that those seatings all went all the way down on both sides perhaps um and so I really like how that looks and I like how it turned out I actually draw merged that box into that seat to get it under there and then this is a pile of junk which kind of helps uh blend and and uh uh what sort of divide the the living area from the dining room of course I have a lot of junk piled around here and I love how the vines look out the window I want to I want to point out that with that patch that came Vines were unable to be placed like they were before um and that would that is a massive massive horrible change so I'm very glad they reverted that change um and not just because every part of this build would have been unbuildable but that would have been especially this fridge is I stole it directly from vapid Valentine I'm gonna link the build where she put it in uh because the kitchen she built in the build where she built this floor is the best kitchen I've ever seen it's it's so good um go check her out if you're not uh subscribed to vapid Valentine she's one of the best builders in this game uh she's kind of weird like as a person but you can get past that in fact and uh find that she's uh very brilliant when it comes to design and I've actually learned a lot from her including the fact that this Nixie lamp if you look at it in build mode it doesn't turn off ever again until you like uh I think you can reload your camp and then it will but that's a bug that maybe could be addressed instead of nerfing the entirety of our camp builds for no reason that's just an idea there if you're looking for something to do on a on a Thursday afternoon you're like kind of bored you're like hey uh Jimmy do you have anything for me to do because I I already finished not working on the lighting in the game and uh we didn't finish uh fast traveling yet so is there anything for me to do because I frankly I have absolutely nothing to do um I haven't even finished the social menu bug because I'm not working on that so uh I can't think of what to do uh like I got really tired of not fixing the social menu bug of not fixing fast traveling so maybe there's something we can do that'll make people how about instead of happy angry and sad can we do that because I think people play video games personally in my opinion to get pissed off that's why that's why you guys are here and enjoying this video and uh by the way if you're enjoying the video uh sorry about that I think you need therapy but also consider subscribing it really helps the algorithm out especially when you're an idiot and you never upload um and uh so um and I'm an idiot never upload so like it'll help it out and if you uh click on that Bell that means you'll get a notification when I upload allegedly but notifications on YouTube never work for some reason I'm not sure why but if you hit that Bell YouTube still thinks that you love me so then they say Hey you are loved and then they show my video to more people and that's really uh validating for me and then someone that never got validation as a child wow who needs therapy when you can make these Builds on YouTube that's what I'm saying so um I did sync that lamp down into that thing and I could have been talking about that while I was running around looking at it pointedly but instead I was talking about stuff that was and made no sense so that's good great great tutorial hope you followed everything I said so far word to word that word two word is not something people say but I love how this massive hole with the vines over it kind of works as like a massive bay window above the kitchen and then of course by the dining room where you're sitting here I think it looks really great on the inside and I really love how this turned out I know that I haven't been uploading a lot recently um and that's because I don't want to put out content that feels like because I don't care about it because you and I both know how that feels when we're playing this game and I'm not going to be someone that is um putting out garbage like if I don't love what I'm doing I don't want to do it frankly so um when that means when you do see a build video uh I enjoyed doing it I loved uh how it turned out um I'm happy to play the game what uh so I hope that makes up for it somewhat and uh if you guys are really miss me that much uh follow me on Twitch I do stream frequently you can come hang out anytime you want except for when I'm not live which of course is kind of awkward also if you're not in the Discord already uh the link for that will be in the description as well I always Post in there when I when I post an upload and when I go live on Twitch uh so it's easy to keep up with stuff sometimes we do uh community events and things like that but as you can see everything is built on top of that modular sofa and then the modular sofa because it has the same mechanics as the filing cabinet is allowed to float and with that train car being destroyed all of this stuff would be gone it would be empty in there if it wasn't for the floating uh chair we wouldn't be able to have those big open windows on the sides and they're really rustic looking interior would be really closed in so I think it's a massive massive thing that we're able to do I'm really happy about that build mechanic and I hope that Bethesda doesn't try again to patch it out if you're watching this anyone that has anything to do with any of those things please I'm begging you I'll do anything I'm on my hands and knees uh please just just let it be in the game I I didn't do anything to you except for that one thing I said in that one video I'm gonna give a massive shout out to my patrons and channel members for your support I can't tell you how much it means that you guys are supporting me still even when I've been uh uploading so infrequently um it really means a lot and uh so thank you so much for that um if you're interested in uh interested in supporting me in that way the link for my patreon is in the Discord um I haven't been uploading very frequently but I have been streaming a lot on Twitch um I am making content just maybe not the same kind of content you might be used to over on YouTube but I'm not done with YouTube videos obviously that's what this one means um and again I just want to say uh thank you guys so much for sticking along sticking along with me that made sense uh as I'm figuring out what I'm doing with my life because I'm a weird person that doesn't have everything figured out that's kind of one of those special things about me is I'm not perfect so uh thank you guys so much for hanging out I hope you enjoyed the video and the therapy session and uh we'll see you in the next video I guess is what they say at the end of the videos that are on YouTube and that's what this one is it's on YouTube it's a video I'm waving for so long is it gonna stop soon I really hope it stops
Channel: Mister Church
Views: 15,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, fallout, fallout 76, bethesda, tutorial, camp, build, steel dawn, wastelanders, immersive
Id: uv5x66a8LD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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