What It's Like Living In Different Areas Of Tokyo

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hey guys welcome to TCT time yay today we are we talking about living in Japan and different areas that you can live in Japan it's a very diverse basically living here you can live right in the center of the city or on the outskirts oh it's a little more residential and comfortable or you can go way out into like rural parts of Japan so I wanted to hear about what these members have experienced living in Japan but first let's introduce everybody I'm Shizuka I hope you remember that by now this is Xi ot and Chris and mi yeh but she's the host of Tokyo creative play so you might know her from there already yes we let's talk about so first of all where are you guys living right now well I guess we got me specific yeah yeah so I live kind of on the edge I can't be too specific but I live on the edge of Tokyo and Saitama oh okay so it's a very like residential kind of area yeah it's not too City like you can kind of if you go up into a high point where I live you can see like a lot of city in the distance but for me it's a lot of more lower buildings like more smaller shops which is nice like a lot of really small family-owned places but also some really big supermarkets I think the further you get out of Tokyo to supermarkets getting bigger that's true because there's so much more space out there may be nice able to build things way out yes really cool yeah cheaper and a lot of people have cause so a lot of the it doesn't like a lot of moles like shopping malls so and there's like cinemas out there as well it's like a whole different world but it's so true they actually like you kind of imagine like the outskirts or rural areas not having very much but actually if it's kind of a the edge like between Tokyo and another Prefecture it's kind of just like leave everything because they've like so much space with movie theaters malls everything is there is so convenient it's really I think there's a lot of perks to living on that kind of side as well there's some like home centers where I can go and buy like hikes of wood and DIY stuff which I don't know where I would find it if I was like the center of Tokyo so there's that kind of positive thing to it I like that definitely but then the Train it takes a bit longer to get into the city that's always the downside that's the same for me because I also live on the outskirts of Tokyo it's technically in Tokyo don't even laugh about it I just live way out in the boonies which more or less I kind of do but it's still Tokyo okay you think that for it I live in a forest on a mountain she make it but I guess baby baby baby wait wait and you're you supposed to do that literally like forest are you supposed to get naked in the forehead no oh you mean no I mean like do that the feeling of all the forest aroma or like that least coming on right and then you get really relaxed right yeah the word yeah sexy to you like I would know he's a city boy so you wouldn't understand the the allure of the foreigner very alluring but yes I live on the outskirts it's just the right balance of like nature and residential neighborhood so we have the mall the mall like a you know shopping center with where you can do DIY stuff and yeah just really comfortable so it's a little far the downside is that you trade off like long travel times for a little bit of peace and quiet out there but I like it I wouldn't trade it for the city yet but how about you I think you used to live out but you moved into the city yeah I thought I was falling in Kanagawa the next to the west and then specifically the name is falesha mmm that may be famous for English MA I always come to the Tokyo when I work for the CBS company negative one no and sentiments for commute just commute to the office every day man I decided Oh since I've been busy I decided to move in Tokyo so now I'm living it I am the not the main main kind of city but still it's if I say that name everyone's like oh you're a very nice earlier kind of feeling know that town and then now the super different the people are more Tokyo people animated I personally felt the difference between Canada and Tokyo as the people living here is more like individual and in a very like focused on themselves yeah yeah it's a mm-hmm do you find it's different with like conversations you have with people I don't have anybody if no one say oh hey everyone don't greet you open the dull and they're so busy they've just got like yeah you don't even they wouldn't care to look at other people talk just like hey destination and go there and I don't see the people putting out that the street okay really in my area young idiot my Fujisawa maybe is they always fun thing they do in the morning yeah i sweetly sweets the road Oh old ladies yeah they're in my neighborhood and every time I get past and they're like sweeping up leaves and they'll be like yeah not just businesses those just some another right there right like that people yes yeah what I mean like directly outside their home yeah oh that's normal in America I mean cases that give your front lawn because what is an apartment there's exactly I don't know there's no yeah your turn I'm apartments when they actually owned the whole section I'm guessing we are then nothing is normal in fact once you go outside of your apartment needles there's no places to interact people where the in my you know the countryside and then people are going outside and just doing their own stuff and while they're doing naturally say oh ok what I'm on and you hope clean up their conversation right more communal mean that authority yeah so low right for yourself hey took your life I'm sure many the viewers might be your friends Little Giant shorty we're talking a lot of DMS from this video don't even bother doing she's gonna ignore you countryside maybe no countryside because you guys are technically in Tokyo but in anymore warm feeling yeah yeah definitely yeah like my I recognize my local shop people we talk people want to chat a lot yeah it's it's really a lot more casual because yeah before that I lived more close to the city part of things in Laguna Yamanote a line before I move it's very out right in the center yes so why don't you move out um my pops sucked oh no 20 28 square meter wasn't 8 square meter that's a really really see her thumbnail was like touching both walls like this yeah I think her like her shower was like a photographer toilet or something well no no her sink was up top no toy long you'd like to pull the sink away go to the toilet there was a sink back over and then have a shower next oh my goodness yeah and my apartment wasn't the smallest apartment in my building just fall right I could I had a love but if you paid absolutely like it was 3000 yen cheaper you could get it without the loft and so there was just a futon pushed to the corner of the room you couldn't even lay a futon out on that floor it was too small so I don't know lied yeah how do you how did you find that place how did I find it um I just saw I was in a bit of a pinch I was staying at an Airbnb when I first moved to Japan and I was gonna pay like heartless in two days and so I was searching through cuz I had a visa that was only six months lots of places would refuse to me so I had to look for foreigner friendly month-to-month contract cheap immediate move-in like everything included and that the options really suck mine was actually a really good option out of the ones that were available a lot of them didn't have balconies a lot of them were eight square meters no windows just like a tiny box with a kitchen which is like a sink and it was so you went to what I got Japanese real estate agent that's specifically made for foreigners who need houses quickly since quite a few of them out there I don't know if I should name them because I don't want to name and shame also since since I moved out they upped the price comment I wonder if people started wanting to move that because of the file video and the mill like oh my could make some money oh maybe you helped him out a little bit it was an online agent or offline online online yeah oh I'm just such like apartment in Tokyo foreigner visa and yeah so it's very convenient month-to-month all the utilities included you know it's fine but I had to be there long term I was there for 11 months because of my visa and it was that's too long it's too long of a time to be in that small space but why don't you have like blasted how come you didn't wanna live in a share house um so I lived in a share house at university uh and I just I was really ready for my new life in Tokyo I kind of idealized it and I was like I'm gonna get my own apartment it's gonna be by myself and living my own life in Tokyo and after living in a share house in Australia I was like I can't do this again and not not great experience and so I really and I'd lived in a dorm as well before that and so I was like I want to be independent I graduated I want to live by myself so yeah I did look at share houses but I was like I could pay the same amount for a nice share house or the same amount to have my own apartment on the ammonite a line with my own kitchen and balcony and and laughed and I that was kind of my ideal situation hmm um I actually didn't see the place before I moved in because I was at such short notice and so I was like I just had to take a gamble and I did it also before that they could only give it to me after 15 days so for 15 days I found the only a B&B that I could find that was still a for like the next day mm-hmm and it was a closet there was no windows ah it was I had the futon was curled up inside and but there was black hair in the shower there it was like a wall of food like rotting food there was a French guy there who only ate eggs all day I just smell like eggs all the time so getting out of that place my apartment my new apartment felt really amazing because it was like my own space a window oh my god oh we do yeah and then after like six months I was like okay it's feeling a bit small now I'm gonna to see if I can find somewhere else and I started my search and it took me five months to find somewhere else because of my visa problems Oh so if you're not Australian working holiday visa just be cautious is your visa only says six months and very few places will give you a house and country so just be diligent with your searches if you're on Australia visa Wow but it means that there are some options available it's just you're not gonna get something really great yeah yeah oh sure house is probably a good way to go yeah if I could go back I'd probably go for a nicer nicer share house right obviously it would have a nice I think nice short term yes and then actually try to think about what your next move yes yeah very true I was so stuck when like I want my own apartment eventually it did work out though there was an agency that did accept my visa and I got my next bomb which was 20 square meters and it was awesome it was wonderful it was great price and everything was cheaper than my eight square metre apartment for 28 square meters really uh it was a really really good deal but I can't reveal the agency because I'm still with them and they only do apartments in my one area yeah Wow but I mean it's it's still good to know like that you know that's kind of a struggle you're gonna have to deal with if you come to Japan a short term but I think yeah in terms of like share houses it seems that there are a lot of really good places nowadays just really nice facilities very clean and like right open so it seems like there's a lot of good options for sure houses now so yeah if yeah if you wanted to do your route that's cool too but there's other other options you did you made a share house I didn't know that yeah my friend he hauls and then and we met in touch yeah you you met her first yeah well she was social I was not I will come back from work and be like oh I want to go to bed I wonder out of one of them deal with all these people in the kitchen but they should be always cooking and then she'd be cooking oh it was nothing they had the CFL oh really yeah no we had like God before we moved in the building itself some like a year old or something and so yeah they had a theater room they had a gym the kitchen was absolutely massive yeah like the rice cookers was insane yeah I mean it was pretty freakin nice I thought for sure I was really and then are we only paying I was paying like 65 thousand yen for a single room and I think I think I was bigger than eight yeah yeah like that 15 square meters Emily it was the bed your closet refrigerator and then if you wanted any anything else it'd be common space mm-hmm but you know typically 65,000 yen you get free gym technically a really good deal right you get you get you get all the kitchen appliances right there so you don't buy any and you kitchen appliances yes I'll bet everything's furnished right so you don't to buy a bed neither the obviously needed buy some sheets but mattresses there as well so honey it's pretty it's really good like short term yeah I mean some people in our shower house we're living there for quite some time though hmm because actually now it's becoming more like Oh meet a foreigner or meet a Japanese person actually that's true a lot of people go there to me because you know Tara's house like the show terrace house I think people have that image now it's like let's live in a share house and we'll all live together like guys and girls and maybe they'll be a real man well I mean I think depend on the share house though like for example there's us are Charles was oak house Oh Cal Oh cows they have a bunch of outside cheaper in nice area buildings mm-hmm everything is really nice I would say there's other companies like share design which Ian our CTO does he's to help out there that company is very famous for their designer sure house so each each of their apartments is really cool are they expensive uh yeah so it's more of like you're you're targeting like mid-20s to high 20s right people who have a little extra money and want to meet other and typically they target creatives so a lot of you know photographers videographers designers are all staying there and then there's also like social apartment social apartments also basically trying to tackle is because I think there's no so much competition with shower houses that now they need to do one step higher it can just be nice like clean nice to be like cool now so now some of these have like actually Stros apartment has a literally a theater theater like this this theater that we you were an oak house with more like a very tiny you know Vince may be like I don't know a so far but this fear fear fits like what 20 20 chairs it's like and I feel yeah it's a cute Syria it's like a mini theater they look like pool tables and bunch of these cool things that you can do to collaborate or not collaborate but talk with other but new friends yeah I couldn't find you which easy way to make new friends yeah yeah yeah especially if you like just starting to move to the country I think it's a really great way to start off yeah yeah yeah cuz my friends recently moved and I've been searching for share houses for her and there's so many amazing options it's raising this so and it's pretty beautiful yeah there's still cheap I like their reasonable price and say yeah we found one for her and it's like a beautiful room and everything but there's like a garden outside and you can grow your own vegetables in each room gets their own garden box outside that you can plant in and the owner plants vegetables you can just go for it if you want to grab some and cook I'm like what is this tired of you know where was this when I was looking for houses like which I believe that but what kind of area is it sorry it's just like it sounds so amazing is it like in the really in the middle of the city in a convenient area not that one the only downside to that place is the area it's like there's nothing really though it's just a walk to the train station and I'm gonna see if I like it but I guess that's kind of a thing if you want like a really amazing place to live sometimes you have to sacrifice the location for that if you if you want to live in the city with heaps of stuff surrounding you then the house might be a little bit more normal a bit more expensive but if you move out you can probably get a better place with cheaper but right it's a bit hottest yen to the city or they might not be so much around you to do exactly and you can get so much more space if you go a little further out so if you want to be able to enjoy your space and like have that kind of freedom then you might need a sacrifice yeah the distance yeah what is it it just depends what kind of person you are and so you are a city boy right we need to talk Chris's fancy city living situation why me because I'm from the city in LA right right so Dan free me naturally living in the country doesn't really just I'm not used to it I was born in London City raised in LA City and I let me guess I gotta keep the city wouldn't you ever but wanna try it no not the only way I would want to live outside the city is I've had a beach house because I love the beach okay I think what you guys feel about this relaxation of being outside the city I feel the same thing if I'm next to a beach so my feel like waves and mist oh I love that if I get this ocean breeze I'm like yeah like bother than that but I think technically I'm guessing shirt and I probably came to the city for a reason I'm because we both lived in kanagawa prefecture prior to living in the city right I think I don't know for me I moved because I wanted to for business purposes doesn't make any sense to make our hour-and-a-half commute when I'm working so late it just it's just like why am i doing that I'd rather just walk home mm-hmm and have easy access to business meetings so if I have a knee jerk I like a second drinking party I can go to a Bunge and then take a cab home cause I'm you know very close right as opposed to oh [ __ ] I got meat the last train and all set up the business meetings kind of awkward situation because maybe the client wants to stay a little bit later feel like I can't stay because I live so damn far right like those scenarios happen often if you live outside the city I think because you guys are more the creative field it's not as important as if you encased like you're dealing with a you know very big client in a client meeting right mm-hmm so I think that's I'm guessing why we kind of moved to the city so I think if I had a job that I needed to be in Tokyo early in the morning every day I'd have to move in to really I don't think I could do that commute yeah yeah every day it's so hard I mean cuz oh no like that like in Japan and Tokyo is the worst because then you're stuck with all of these salary men these salary man uh workers yes right yeah and then in his crammed train and everybody's had bit crazy everyone's had their cigarettes how to bid the night before says all these smells going on but the worst thing is it's actually kind of humid inside the Train yeah anybody gets like this and you you feel the heat coming off of some other guy it's the work and then sometimes I feel really hot and I get stuck to a girl and I I'm so I'm so sorry I feel like because the girls are never really hot like they don't feel thirst you don't feel like there's the heat the garbage thank God it guys LED radiating well because they all wear a jacket and it's obviously too hot to wear a jacket I don't want to take it off yeah I always take my jacket off before I get the train keys I'm like I know this is how I know what this is gonna feel like so but they're getting there everyone's got their coats on it it's just like it's the most stressful way to start your day yeah and then knowing that you start the day like that and you end the day like that like the worst thing ever in the world so bad like the morning rush hour in the evening rush hour is just hell and the worst is probably summer like mid summer and like it's exactly as you say but then sometimes you're like pressed up against someone and I've had a time where like I was pressed up against them like you know older gentleman's and Sid older gentleman in a [ __ ] but I could see like the sweat like rolling off of his face and I'm like right underneath him and I can see it like your fingers even in a situation where you see some like dandruff on the guys see ya and then you see the white little specks oh my god I had that yesterday but I was taking the train back home at night and this guy was just I don't know why he didn't even give it you didn't can't you have a care in the world he was scratching is it on the trend you see the snow comes to me and I looked and you can it was so audible like you could hear this was like driving me insane and I looked at him and his whole coat was just like covered in dead graph and I'm just like I don't think if he keeps sitting here he wouldn't stop he's just like why why did you do this on the train while you're sitting I've seen those are the joys of commuting when you live if you live in the city maybe you can bike around and that's like a huge print or walk we're taking a train for like five minutes and yeah yeah that would be kind of a dream to be honest so yeah I actually to be honest I'm considering as much as I love living on the outskirts I'm considering moving to the city center for convenience sake just because I do come here every day to work but it's nice to be able to escape so there's pros and cons those notifications are in my opinion everyone has different preferences right maybe mich you like degree and I you like you're like a fielding right you're like me no like a beach person a person so if you are gonna move to Japan one day you got to figure out what's best for you and mm-hmm and you might not know it and then you can just try different places and if you don't like them cancel it out and try the next kind of crazy very true yeah but I think base if you wanna live in a city and you're on a budget share houses yeah so I think we can all agree on that yeah if you do want to live outside the city make sure that you are ready to tackle all the negatives that we've said about the trains and the rush-hour well that stuff plus maybe you know it will it also in Japan does last trains that kind of an early all of those little things you know yeah you're right if you're gonna live out out of the city you might want to choose your train line wisely yeah one that has a reasonable like last train time or starting time and it's not too crowded during rush hour that's worth looking at you yeah but there's pros and cons for both I don't know if we should take a vote on like I can't always on the outside of channel TC homes we have a new gym no no no sorry there's a new series on TC plate and a tell us about it chasey harms be looking at some of our creators and some of our employees at colleagues all about homes and seeing what different kinds of homes in Tokyo and around Tokyo look like and showing them off to you and show you the options that you can get while you're in Tokyo that's awesome oh it's kind of like cribs yeah the cribs check out my crib buy stocks we label it homes we didn't copy them at all it's got MTV Cribs [Laughter] so you can see the house how much he likes buildings oh yeah oh you can see my shoes that you can see that romantic side of my room huh yeah building so there's a lot to look forward to yes but thank you guys so much for joining us today it was a fun talk about city versus country life etc hope you guys learned a lot as well and let us know what you guys think or if you want to or what you guys want us to talk about in the next video and we'll talk about that for you anyway see you guys in the next TC tea time [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative Talk
Views: 32,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tokyo creative talk, tokyo creative tea time, tc tea time, living in tokyo, living in japan, tc homes, japan homes, cost of living in japan, japan, japanese, life in tokyo, rent in tokyo, houses in tokyo, tokyo life, whats life like in tokyo, whats life like in japan, is japan small, is japan crammed
Id: BZvh7hgICN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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