How to pick open a lock with paper clip - life hack

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what's going on guys I'm bill and welcome to Bill's how-to today I'm going to show you guys how to pick a lock using a paper clip let's do this so what we've got here is a standard padlock seven pin padlock the only difference is obviously this one here is clear so this one here is a good padlock to be able to see exactly what's going on inside to help you develop your skills so you can get days online they're pretty cheap only a few dollars online so the aim of the game is as a whole row of pins up on top that you guys can see ok these pins are all cut at different heights so what that does is that locks that Barrel in place and doesn't allow it to turn so what you have to do is simply bump up all these pins in line in order to be able to turn that barrel so if we turn this around you'll be able to see once these focus so that a top little gold section on the inside ok you can see there that pin is the first pin in line so what we're going to do is we're going to use these paper clips so to standard paper clips we're going to turn these into two little tools so we can pick this lock I've seen a lot of people do some fancy things online turn them into rakes and individual picks and things like that so what I'm going to do I'm not gonna do that just very very easy okay all we're gonna do is simply bend this one here down like that on a 45 degree angle okay and I'll show you guys what we do that in the second with the other one we're just going to bend it out straight all the way [Music] or as straight as you can get it doesn't have to be precise so Bend that out straight once we've got a straight we're gonna Bend the two to meet each other and just fold that down so what you want to do in this case is this loop up the top you want to get it squashed as much as possible so if you put a bit of pressure on that it should fold down so once you're done that's what it looks like okay so it's pretty simple we haven't done anything special or difficult yet next thing you want to do is you want to put that loop down the bottom section of your padlock okay just at the start so we only want to get it in say about half a centimeter five mils or so just enough to be able to get it in there and get a bit of grip so right there on the bottom position that all right down the bottom like that and then once you've done that you just want to simply bend that across so get that in position bend that all the way across and now you've got your tensioning tool so once you've got your tension already all you do is slot it in the bottom of the lock just like that so you can see that's starting to actually turn the lock a little bit there'll be a little bit of play in there before we actually pick it so what you want to do is slot it in that bottom section using your finger we're gonna hold it in place and we're gonna keep tension on there one of the biggest mistakes people make is putting too much tension okay so we don't want to actually force it we just want to put enough to be able to turn it so just a little bit of tension just like that is enough to actually open up that lock so the reason why I bend it on a 45 degree angle is so that you can use it as both a rake and as an individual pin peak so what we do if we slot that in from this side okay you can see that's where we're aiming to hit those little pins up on the top that's what we do is we keep that up on the top section slot it all the way through and as I pull that up you can see that I'm actually moving the pins out of the way so what we need to do you can choose you can either sit there and pick it individual each pin as you go or you can rake it so by raking it it means you just slot your pin all the way through and then you simply pull back on all the pins that will give you the raking action moving all the pins as you go along so now we'll get started so put the tensioner down at the bottom put a bit of tension on there like we discussed before once you've got your tensioner in place then you can slot in your pick okay and what we're going to do is we're going to work these individually so now that we've done that we're ready to get started so put the tensioner down at the bottom put a little bit of tension on there and what we're going to use a peak so you've got two options we can either rake or we can individual picks I'll show you guys both methods so individually picking each pin as you go [Music] the upside about the clear lock is that you can actually see the pins so it makes a huge difference when you're learning how to pick [Music] so once we feel that click now you have to remember that your tensioner is actually pretty weight because we're using the paperclip now I felt that move so if we have a look you can say there it's on a bit of an angle you know obviously if I pull this out of the way paper flips gonna start to bend okay we can actually do it argument's sake and that will actually pop [Music] now we'll do it once again with the raking action tension on and then just keep breaking it you just continue to keep raking those pins until you feel it give way [Music] once that's done bang nice and easy if you find that the pins are actually really stiff or you've been working at it for a while what you do is just let go of that tensioner that'll reset the pins and the pins will line up once again and then you can start again what after you put the tension back on so I'll just show you guys what I mean by resetting the pins so let's say for argument's sake we've got the tension on okay we've pushed all our pins up once you put that tension on you'll find that the pins actually stay in position so that's the whole purpose of the tension as you pop up the pins individually they'll actually line up and I'll hold in place so long as you have tension on there they'll hold in place so let's say for argument's sake I've been working at this for a few minutes not getting anywhere I can feel that the pins are a bit solid in there they're not free so what I do is I simply release the tension and you can say those pins start to drop back down into place so that's the whole point so then we put the tension back on and we can get straight back into doing that so there you have it guys there's an easy way to pick blocks we're using paper clips no fancy or expensive tools needed very very easy hope you guys have enjoyed the video like comment and subscribe as always if there's anything else you guys want to learn how to do in or around your house put it in the comment section below and I'll be happy to show you guys how to do it until next time I'm bill thanks for watching Bill's how-to
Channel: Billshowto
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Keywords: lock picking with paper clips, lock picking, how to pick a lock with a paperclip, pick a lock, open a lock, how to pick locks with paperclips, pick lock with paperclip, open lock with paperclip, paperclip lock pick, pick a lock with a paperclip, paper clip, lock pick, how to pick a lock, how to open lock without key, how to pick a door lock, how to open a lock, how to pick a lock with paperclips, how to pick lock with paperclip, picking locks with paperclips, hair clips
Id: 8lQJlWmR1Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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