Stuffed Pork Tenderloin - Chef Jean-Pierre

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friends this is a fantastic recipe then you can make everybody can make this is fabulous it's a pork tenderloin that has been brined stuffed with a spicy italian sausage with a port wine reduction amazing you can all do this go ahead and do it stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to do it all right friends i'm going to show you how to make this pork tenderloin it's wonderful the first thing we want to do is you want to brine your pork tenderloin friends and brining it means putting it in salt water i put molasses in there i put juniper berry then i crack i crack my juniper berry in there gives a little flavor to it don't worry about too much flavoring your brine the reason why you're brining is because you want to introduce moisture see jennifer berry just take them out of there they give a nice little strange flavor you'll see it's really cool you don't have them don't worry about them you don't need them it's not necessary it's one of those chef things and it's uh if you got him great if you don't have him don't worry about it it's very important to brine have you ever had a dry pork chop everybody say yeah i got him pork loin pork tenderloin pork is very lean no no fat than pork right and that makes it very dry i mean i've had a pork chop that was so dry and you break your teeth in it it's so dry so what we want to do is we want to introduce moisture that is why you brine the purpose of brining is to introduce let me tell you after you eat a pork tenderloin or a pork chop or a pork loin than your brine you'll never not do it again i promise you you do it one time you'll never not do it again this will be as moist as tender as delicious as a tenderloin of beef promise you make sure you dry it really good now because i'm gonna put a rub on it a little bit of a dry rub to give it a little flavor if you do a plain pork tenderloin you want to put a dry rub on it okay if you're doing a stuffed boat then they're all like we're gonna do right now you don't really need one but i'm gonna do another one another recipe when i put a dry rub and you want to make sure it's super super dry when you do that otherwise what's gonna happen it's gonna be like mud in there okay so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna cut this in half and i'm gonna butterfly okay it's very simple you see if you look at it right there this is pretty thick and it's very thin so we're going to take the thin side and we're going to cut it take this thin side and we're going to cut it in half just like this and you're going to flip it open you see look and when it's brine it's going to have that pink beautiful color in there see beautiful pink color beautiful right so now what i want to do what i need to do friends is i need to pound it so we're going to clean this up excuse me one second i got to get my sanitized towel right there that i have that i use all the time a little bit of bleach water because i cannot stand working in a dirty space i'm going to move this out of the way for now and then i'm going to put a plastic film on there okay and you notice i left my cutting board a little wet and that's part of the deal we're going to take a pork tenderloin i'm going to put it right there let me get my clean rag also all right and then we're going to take another piece of film put it right on top of it let's get rid of this so we don't have it in the middle and then we take a mig pounder and then we're going to pound it very simple right look a child could do this this right there folks is good if you're gonna cook or any road kill possums raccoons anything you want to use this if you have to use this don't eat it okay whatever it is now make sure the ends see the ends that's the end right there are thinner than the middle you're going to understand why in a minute all right so far so good now what we're going to do i think what we're going to do we're going to leave this save right here for now we got sausage right there i got some walnuts and this is a spicy italian sausage so it's got a little kick to it it's delicious a little bit of apricots have we got dry apricot you don't have dry apricot don't worry don't put dry apricot a little bit of cilantro then we're going to cut roughly cut just a little bit of cilantro i don't need a lot i wait the last second to chop it obviously you can see i forgot the choppers that's okay it'll be fine it'll be just fine right there see all right now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take my uh my magical glove and then i'm gonna mix this with my hand just like this see just like this you can certainly do it with your hand it's your food you're gonna eat it you're not going to eat my food so i could certainly do because i'm going to eat this but somehow i just think it's better if we do this so i got salt and pepper in a sausage so i don't need salt and pepper in there okay this is perfectly seasoned already the sausage is spicy italian it's delicious got the right amount the right amount of uh you buy this in a good italian market all right so now we're done with this we got a sausage now we're going to take a film out of there the bottom layer all right so far so good so far easy right you notice a little salt and pepper on a pork tenderloin because that didn't come season so we're gonna make sure we cover like that now we're going to take that sausage let me get a spoon to put the sausage in there and we're going to put it in in the middle you see just like this all right this was about two links of the sausage you don't want to put too much in there friends because if you put too much you're not going to be able to close it so as much as you want to put a lot like you would want to put all this right i know you you want to put the whole thing and then you can't close it right so make sure we got good we did all right so let me get rid of all this garbage right there so we have a clean place to work so now this is when we do it friends and it's not complicated okay look you close the end tap tap tap close the end remember we made them thinner right right right now we take the uh the plastic and we use it like we're going to make a sushi see look look look look a child could do this you see look take the plastic out because it don't taste right look at this look at this right make sure you get your plastic out right right there look at that check it out take it off together right now go like this roll it tight tight make sure it's all out on the side tight tight and then oh look you grab it right there and you roll it see look at this a child could do this pretty easy right you see i don't do anything complicated now what do we do i'll show you this is the the idea is to to make this in advance friends see so now look you got a beautiful sausage right there look right so let's say then um let let's say then you did it and it's not perfectly closed you see we got lucky here it's perfectly close okay we got lucky but if it's not perfectly closed you'll want to tie it okay you want to tie it my friends you want to tie it look it's very simple to tie it okay look you take a butcher twine i'll show you if you don't have a butcher twine then don't do it put it in a white pen like that just be careful it'll be all right it'll be nothing wrong with it okay the idea with a butcher twine is very simple you take a big piece of twine you put it in front of you about a foot a foot and a half right and then you go like this you go one two and then pull if you do one two and pull it stays right look dope like that and now you go like this right okay so now look pay attention now you see a lot of people what they do they cut they do it again they cut and do it again mama mia three days later they're still there right look look all you gotta do is just keep your finger right there like this look look and you go over and under over and under you see you see how i do it look at that a child could do this okay i'll do it again look you take it you go under like this you keep this guy straight remember that's the secret right there you keep this guy straight right there right here you go over and under you see look look look look how simple that is blue look how simple see anybody can do this look look the idea is not to pick it up to go like this see tight right there tight look look you go underneath right keep it like this just like this you look easy straight remember boom boom boom boom straight right you go like this over and under look over and under right here okay look how simple that is right okay so what do we do now we take it up we flip it on the other side and then if it's not closed good we close it right we're glad what do we do now look look look it's simple one two boom boom boom boom i don't know about the boom boom boom but what voila you see a sample that is what i do with my knife oh what's a good thing i got more see i got more where this one come from here you go voila and look right there you got a beautiful pork tenderloin how do we get to eat it i'm telling you we're not finished you watch it's beautiful we're going to take a beautiful butter olive oil we're going to take a little salt and pepper right there on the outside look at this friends we're going to pop this guy in the oven we're going to serve it with a beautiful sauce let me tell you the beautiful thing like i said if you don't have um if you don't want to tie it don't worry just be careful when you put it in it'll be all right it won't move as long as you take two tongs you put it in it won't it won't it won't fall apart i promise you i'll just show you that in case you didn't have a good closure in case you didn't pound it good or it's wide open you want you want to try to do this but this is pretty simple right see see everything i do is simple at the end of the day cooking is not complicated i'm telling you if i can do it you can do okay so maybe it takes you a little while to get this thing going but it's not that complicated right cut it in half get a sausage put a little apricot in there put a little nuts in there listen and throw anybody can do it i promise you it's not complicated so the first time you don't do it perfect second time a little better third time you're a pro fourth time you open up a restaurant god bless america all right let's saute this we want to get it to 375 make sure it's beautiful golden brown okay let's see what we got friends let's see what we got we're almost there i don't want to put it in a cold oiler i don't want to stew these things i want to get a beautiful golden brown color then i'm going to pop it in the oven all right and i'm going to make it i'm going to serve a little mashed potato and i'm going to make a little port wine sauce really simple right while it's in the oven will make the sauce okay so you stick with me you see it's not complicated i don't like to do complicated things now i'm going to make another video where we take the pork tenderloin i got one right here okay i'm going to do it will you take the pork tenderloin you put it in a brine matter of fact that's the way i do it because i'm going to make a paella recipe and i do it like that for the paella right so i'm going to do it we can just take the pork tenderloin put a rub on it pop it in the oven serve the mashed potatoes amazing and when you take it it's supposed to be pink so it's moist so it's delicious don't cook the pork tenderloin 180 degrees they'll tell you cooking 180 degrees you know most of those people should be shoemakers they shouldn't be uh food critics a lot of those clinics i'm telling you mama me this is cook oh let's do it most of the a lot of the food critics out there of or so-called uh people that call themselves chefs they they should become shoemakers and say they tell you to cook pork at 180 degrees you know what it would do to cook cut 180 degrees it'll give you shoe ladder oh or cook it 165 that's for chicken that's not for pork pork 145 145 140 145 it should be pink you know why they cook so high because they're afraid of trichonosis trichinosis we have another case of trichonosis in 55 years it's been eradicated even if it wasn't eradicated you know that it dies at 138 degrees so whenever somebody tell you cook cookbook at 180 degrees change channel go to the playboy channel okay so let me flip this guy right here we're going to get a beautiful golden brown i wanted some beautiful color okay friends i wanted some beautiful color i want it to be golden brown and i don't want to overcook it you'll see when i take it out it's going to be beautiful well i want to i want you to see what am i creating here what is that called right there that's called the mala reaction carmelization of protein that's flavor that's the same deal that is why we grill milk oh yeah baby you watch you watch if you could be here smelling it right now you will know what i'm talking about this is why i love being a chef i love the food i love the smell i love teaching people how to do it look at this look at this look at this bring over here bring over here bring over here let's see look look you like you like it's looking good right we're gonna get a brown on all sides friends remember i want the flavor on no side i'm doing this to create flavor i want it on all sides i don't want to just on one side what happened to the other side if we don't get them right there they'll cook but then they want enough caramelization we'll have some flavor in there you see now sometime it takes a little time to do these things folks but what are you going to do what are you going to do there's just the no no no other way around it all right i'll tell you what i don't want to keep you here waiting for me so i'm going to do this on my own i'm going to get them golden brown i'm going to pop them in the oven and when we come back we'll make the sauce and we'll serve it together okay so give me a few minutes go do something and come go do something i always tell a lot of people they go i got nothing to do okay so then stick around all right we're gonna do it let's take the pork out let's see what we got let's see what we got here friends let me just put it right here let me put it right there friends let's let it rest for a second we're going to take its temperature then we're going to get a plate and we're going to prepare this beautiful my friends your watch we're gonna make a beautiful plate with this let's take the plate over there let's check his temperature right let's take his temperature to make sure we're good feels pretty good to me but again i like it i like it very very pink i hope you like it the same my friends because if you like it well down that's not the case that's not what you're gonna get right there folks i'm pretty happy i got my 145 it's going to be pink but i like it pink i don't want it well done you want to weld down you keep it cooking a little bit longer okay but this is not going to be well done this is not going to be wet down my friends we're going to take the twine out right there except we're going to take it from the back look look here's what you do it you take it right there from the back you cut right and then you flip it around and look what you do you pull it right there cut pull it cut pull it cut pull it cut pull it cut so now my friends here's what you got to do you got to do me a favor you got to wait you got to wait a few minutes my friends because if i cut it right now you know what happened we lose all the juices when you do anything when you do a roast when you do a chicken a turkey you gotta give it some time for the juices to come back out because the juicer runs away from the heat and they go toward the middle we need the roots to come back out so we're going to give this guy a few minutes so go do something i'm going to turn it off for a few minutes because i want to wait i don't want to cut it out right now otherwise i lose all my juices i'm going to clean up my cutting board i'm going to get my slicer out and we're going to make a beautiful plate with the sauce i made these beautiful butter mashed potatoes i'm going to make a beautiful serving so give me a few minutes i'll be right back okay friends we waited a few minutes to let it rest now we're going to plate it and we're going to cook it and we already cooked it now we're gonna plate it we're gonna cut it oh yeah baby this is what i'm talking about right there friends look at this it's a piece of art look at this get in there please look at this is that a beauty or what is that a thing of beauty i love my life okay okay so what do we do now we're going to take a we're going to take out this beautiful sauce my friends look how beautiful that is look at this look at this look at this we made these beautiful mashed potatoes truffle mashed potatoes look how beautiful and smooth that is oh yeah look how beautiful and smooth that is right i put it in an ice cream scoop because it just makes it easier to serve it right and then look it's a perfect serving right there right and it's clean right and then you take it by there look look look look look look look at this folks oh oh yeah baby you can take a a little bit of a time very little my friends very little now you know less is more right there my friend this my friend is a pork tenderloin you'll be so proud to serve and it's going to be so amazing i want you to try it i know you're going to make it and you're going to love and you're going to go oh man i did good i know you're going to try it be sure to subscribe to our channel we need subscriber and and and give us a thumbs up if you like the recipe and don't forget to ring my bell so you get a recipe you'll get a notification every thursday when i put up a new video i hope you enjoy it go ahead and make it as fabulous see you next week
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 194,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to make, how to cook, pork loin, pork tenderloin, stuffed pork loin, stuffed pork tenderloin, how to cook pork, chef jean pierre, pork recipes, pork loin recipe, chef jean pierre onion, how to cook pork tenderloin, cooking shows on youtube, onyon chef, main dish, cooking show, chef jean pierre onion meme, pork tenderloin recipes, pork tenderloin in the oven, best chef on youtube, cooking video, most entertaining chef on youtube, cooking show meme, funny chef
Id: GZn7nhCJuy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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