How to Peek Effectively in CS2

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so there's kind of three fundamental things that you want to pay attention to when you're peeking number one you want to peek as fast as possible number two you want to stop as fast as possible and number three which is kind of the ultimate goal you want to click on them as fast as possible but clicking on them as fast as possible relies on the first two so let's focus on number one first which is peing as fast as possible you want to come around the corner with as much velocity as much momentum as you can there's two reasons for this one you're going to throw your enemies aim off because you're moving quicker which is going to force them to flick and two gives them less time to react the way you're going to want to optimize for that peek as far back from the corner as possible because by peeking closer I'm on the corner right now I can't see him at all but look at my leg look at my shoulder they're sticking out from around the corner he can see me I can't see him yet so by peeking further back I'm minimizing that which means that I am peeking faster relatively right so I'm moving slower on his screen that's true because I'm I'm close further away so there's less Parallax but critically I am not showing my hit box to him um sooner than I have to be right I'm seeing his hit box at the same time he's seeing mine right so you want to peek as far back as possible the other thing is you want to Peak with a or D never Peak with W this is like maybe the most important thing I'm going to talk about the entire video Never Peak with W because let's say I Peak with W let's say I'm walking around the corner like this there's two things that I'm doing that are bad very bad um your maximum velocity and Counterstrike let's say with holding a knife 250 units that's as fast as you can move doesn't matter if you're moving diagonally horizontally or forward what that means is that by moving diagonally you are subtracting from your horizontal component the coefficient I don't I'm not going to do Pythagorean theorem live um to to tell you exactly how much you're sing yourself down by but you are slowing down your horizontal component um because your your maximum movement is 250 units and some of that has to go into your forward component if you're going to Peak diagonally so that's the first reason the other reason is it makes Crosshair placement harder if I'm going to try to peek a corner let's say like with just W as a worst case example I'm going to have to go like this and then turn and shoot them that's terrible for your Crosshair placement that's Point number three we're going to get to that later but never ever ever walk around a corner with W like you're going to get yourself killed 100% of the time this is like the worst possible way to be peeking a corner um diagonally is also pretty bad for two reasons one you're putting yourself closer to the corner again so you're revealing your hit box sooner than you have to that's not good the other reason and this ties into point two is that you want to stop your movement as quickly as you can right as soon as I come around in the corner I want to be tapping my movement key to stop so that I'm ready to shoot and I'm accurate because you're not accurate when you're moving in Counter Strike so you want to come around the corner as fast as possible tap your movement key to stop make a small adjustment to your aim click and shoot them by moving with w and a you're giving yourself a way harder time with that like a hugely it's way more difficult um to counter strafe because you're going to have to hit s and D which means taking your uh like middle finger off of w to tap s and then hit D and it's messy and I have 24 2500 hours in this game and I can't do it cleanly so you can't either like I don't care if you have 6,000 hours I don't think anyone can do it cleanly because a it's not a good thing to be doing in the first place and B it's just a really awkward movement to have to do with your left hand so simplify your Peaks like literally just hold a tap D hold D tap a like that's that's it like that's the whole that's it that's all you have to do to peek and Counterstrike um the third component click as fast as possible that's basically the same thing to stop as fast as possible the only additional Factor when you want to click as fast as possible is that you need your Crosshair to be in a good spot in the first place right you need your Crosshair not to be over here don't be looking at the floor when you're when you're coming around this corner because then yeah sure I you know I came to a halt really fast I came around the corner with perfect fundamentals but now I got to move my Crosshair all the way up here to shoot the guy what are you crazy don't do that peek like this peek with your Crosshair at least pretty close to where it needs to be cuz then you only have to do a small adjustment before you shoot um so that that comes into crossair placement that's a whole another topic like on its own that I'm not ready to uh record a video on um but that sort of comes with a lot of time spent playing the game game so Focus fundamentally I would actually say on your Crosshair placement like that has to come before a good Peak however when you're coming around a corner just sort of remember like a small checklist of like how do I give myself the biggest advantage against this guy is possible right because you don't want to Peak with a disadvantage if you don't have to peek the corner with one key and then tap the opposite one because that's simple that's so easy like anyone can do that my mom can do that she doesn't play video games and she'd be she'd be she'd be good at it if she if I just told her hold a tap D like that's anyone can do that um it's way easier than hold W and a and then tap snd D to try to come to a stop or hold or hold control and then like slowly crab walk around the corner that's not a good way to Peak um but it's really really common um in lower levels like you see this all the time for Silvers novas even MGS um back in csgo I would see swinging angles like this like just walking around the corner like trying to clear things like it's stupid like essentially your checklist is can I be further away from the angle yes or no right can I peek from from further back than here yes I can so let's go back here can I swing faster right if I can I can I Peak with more momentum than right here like yeah I can I can get up to a faster speed if I peek from a little further off the angle all right can I stop faster yeah you can you can tap d as you come around the corner suddenly that's actually like a serviceable decent Peak obviously that Peak is going to be a lot better you've got a guy back here that's like throwing flashbangs for you and stuff like that's that's better you you want that however if you don't have any of that if you can't get any of that cuz you're playing with like a stack of randoms um and you can't call for flashes because you're playing in like 2000 ELO and nobody knows nades that's fine like you can still absolutely destroy people by just knowing how to come around a corner and knowing how to kind of destroy their advantages that they might have right again let's let's let's peek triple here so can you already see what I'm doing wrong I'm peeking from way too close look at all the room I have back here I can peek from all the way up here right right I'm not exposed to the guy triple yet I can be from here and I can swing and I can get myself up to a higher momentum I can get myself out further from the corner before I have to stop um I can minimize the amount of hit box that I'm showing I can swing it from here like that is and in fact this is something that I forget too even with 2500 hours played and um being Global Elite top 600 in Canada on face hit like that's I I still Peak that wrong um so anyone can improve um unless you are like literally I don't know like Mony or Nico or simple um robs you know like obviously they are going to peek that corner perfectly every time but you and I are not them so um yeah peek from as far back as you can like so um have your Crosshair in a good place like I didn't um and you're going to have a much easier time clearing sights and it's simpler it's way easier to clear a site like this like 100% I'm having a much easier time clearing it like this than someone would if they were trying to clear it like a silver does right the way that I'm doing it is it's simpler it's like it's like this kind of way that like and I'm actually clearing it way better than a Silverwood even when I'm trying to give him a bad example but like holding W like this is a terrible terrible terrible way to walk out onto this site CU if I'm holding W with anything other than like a Mac 10 cuz that's different um if I'm holding W with anything that is you know requires stopping to be to be accurate I'm going to have a I'm going to have a bad time because I'm going to have to tap s I'm going to have to Pivot my my mouse I'm going to have to flick try and shoot them I have to hit a crazy shot and you don't need to hit crazy shots you can just walk around the corner horizontally just walk horizontally that's that's the moral of the video anyway um I hope this is helpful I know it's a little bit rambly I know that I didn't get my points across probably is concisely as I I maybe should have but uh yeah um I hope you have a great day I hope you are enjoying Counter-Strike if you're new to the game and I hope that you uh come to find that you love it as much as so many of us already do thank you so much for watching and uh yeah that's all
Channel: matchbox
Views: 226,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Peeking Tutorial, How to peek in CS2, CS2 Aiming, CS2 beginner’s guide, Counter-Strike 2
Id: dYN6Vvr6wbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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