How to ACTUALLY Hold Angles in CS2

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are you tired of getting peaked on are you tired of dying in this video I'm going to show you how to actually hold angles successfully in CS2 I went over dozens of pro demos to find out the most commonly working methods most of these will help you counter to peer's Advantage even against a mechanically Superior opponent and at the end of the video there is one more tip that I think even the pros aren't using quite enough before we can look at the different ways of holding angles we first need to learn how not to hold an angle this is something we can figure out quite easily in the practice mode all you need to do is jump on the T Side by an AK and now start clearing angles like you normally would so maybe you want to clear this angle first this means as a CT you don't want to be standing here then you clear below this cofins angle as C you don't want to be standing here and then you keep pushing further these are what we call the obvious angles you can use the practice tool to find them on any map and typically you want to avoid them although there are certain exceptions when the opponent isn't going to Peak you anyways but let's not focus on that yet and let's instead see how you should be holding angles opponents will typically try to pre- aim these obvious angles which you can counter by standing at an off angle before the angle itself this forces the opponent to flick with speed and precision which is not a bulletproof solution but does offset the peer's advantage this obviously works in majority of the maps and majority of the angles another upside of playing these off angles is that the opponent appears to be peaking slower if the opponent Peaks perpendicular to your crossair then your flick has to compensate to his full movement speed whereas if the opponent was running directly at you you wouldn't have to flick at all this why we typically want to be in around 45° angle so that we only have to compensate for half of his speed you can sometimes hold past the 45° angle if you think the opponent is peing close to the wall but this can quickly back fire if the opponent is pushing slowly in which case he's further away from the angle and he can see you before you can see him another equally strong option is to stand a little bit past the angle and if you're standing further away from the corner you can see the opponent before they can see you if you feel like there's only one opponent coming and you won't have to reposition after the kill you might want to add some vertical offset as well well this will make the opponent not only flick sideways but downwards or upwards as well the downside with these off angles is that you have no cover whatsoever and you are vulnerable to multiple opponents and flashbangs this is why they are best used in the late round when there are only a few opponents left and they have no utility or to counter an individual lurker jiggle picking is an easy way to not stand still but instead make yourself the peer the main issue I see with people jiggle peing is that they do it way too often without keeping any pauses while hidden the way you want to do this is you want to hide for a while give the opponent time to clear the angle you're at and then Peak the angle now that he's looking elsewhere already and if you do it this way even if somebody sees you crouch they may get impatient and you will get the peek on them anyways the obvious downside to this method is that the opponent could be Crossing while you're hidden and now you need a second teammate or you need to be aware of the flank the fast version of jiggle peaking is mainly useful for getting information which allows you to buy time for your teammates or swing with a slight delay to kill the opponent typically you don't want to be holding these millimeter angles cuz you won't have time to shoot anyways if anybody crosses and now you can get pushed from here while flashbangs could be popping up here or the opponent could simply pre- aim you just like we've shown before however these are an option for some maps such as ancient or the angle is so far away and it's so small that the opponent will not be able to see you and even if they cross that's completely fine cuz you're going to be retaking a anyways and it's your job to get one kill or two kills and not die just be aware of overusing these in the higher elos where the opponent could actually be pre- aiming you with their own AVP you can also get away with OG or creek here to deal some chip damage or even a deagle every now and then this basically applies to all angles where you can create long enough distance that it's unrealistic for the opponents to kill you consistently and it doesn't matter if they happen to cross you're only here to see if you can get a kill or not some other examples include Mirage ticket area where you can create these long distance angles Mirage short to aite or a more extreme example from nuke lockers all the way to outside and red which could catch some body for example clearing main those were just a few examples there are more of course and also this isn't bulletproof approach either more often than not you will not get to kill yourself and every once in a while you might even die to an angle such as this I truly believe that going aggressive is the most powerful option for pickup games regardless of your rank if you're doing aggressive solo plays you won't have to play around your teammates as much whereas the enemies are pushed out of their comfort zone and they will be forced to counter you instead which requires more game knowledge and team coordination that the solo GE players typically don't have if the play works out you either get an opening kill or a lot of map control and information and even if the play goes sou you get instant feedback on what went wrong and you learn and you improve Faster by placing yourself into these fast-paced situations however I've already covered this topic in numerous ways on my channel before so I will not be discussing it further on this video check out my other videos if you're interested this is the one that I think Pros are underestimating and I've never seen anybody talk about this before so I invented my own term for it and I call call it the blind spot the blind spot is an ultimate form of off angle where the opponent has already cleared you and has moved on to clear other angles way past your angle only to get shot to the side with no other option but to try a crazy flick it's also hard to get the trade kill to a blind spot cuz you have to swing a surprisingly far distance and when you're at the CT playing the blind spot it's like playing an off angle but with cover you can get one kill then hide and now you still have time to use util or you can rep Peak maybe you have a teammate helping you it's just a more powerful of angle the blind spot appears on all positions where you first clear an angle and now you have to move on to clear the next angles while further peeking out the opponent will get an easy pick on you and now he has cover to hide behind and here's the blind spot in action on Mirage bite where you clear bench don't see anybody Clear Sight don't see anybody and oops you're dead from the bench instead and here it is one more time in dust two now this is by no means a new thing it's just gotten better in CS2 now that the peer's advantage is stronger as well at least if the internet is to be believed and I've only seen seen this being discussed in the form of individual angles not as a general concept being used to counter the peer's advantage crazy enough all of the methods taught on this video follow one simple rule do not be in an angle that the opponent will pre- aim now this rule is vague for a reason cuz it allows us to break all the previously established concepts for example this angle in Nuke will get you a lot of kills if you only play this one the opponent will not pre- aim you so when they think Lobby is empty maybe you just catch a glimpse of somebody walking out here and now he doesn't know about you and you know he doesn't know about you and maybe he's coming back in 2 seconds that's when you can hide here he will not expect you here and you will get the kill every time another example is this angle in Mirage Apartments which I typically wouldn't recommend it gets cleared quite easily but if you have a teammate jumping information here and baiting the kills for you the opponents will typically ignore you and you can get multi- kills quite easily or maybe there's only 20 seconds left on the clock and you can hear the opponents running up from underground you know they will be in a rush to be at and they will not clear their angles properly as long as the enemies will not pre- aim you that's when you're in a good angle thanks for watching make sure to check out my other video here and subscribe for more educational content
Channel: Mahi
Views: 298,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2, peeker's advantage, peekers advantage, peekersadvantage, peeker's advantage in cs2, peekers advantage cs2, peekers advantage in cs2, hold, angles, hold angles, how to, learn to, howto, guide, counter-strike 2, counter-strike, how to hold angles, actually hold angles, holding angles, holding angles in cs2, peek, counter, counter peeker's advantage, counterstrike, cs 2, cs, jiggle peek, blind spot, off-angle, off angle, offangle, off, off angles, jiggling, jigglepeek, jiggle, blind, spot
Id: h9ae_nz-054
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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