Is donk a cheater or is he actually smart? - CS2

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and we all know that spray right this is a great spray down I guess he's just going to go through on the flash oh no he decides to just spray Frozen well there you go guys that's how you counter the smoke you just spray through it a lot of people might think like oh why is it so passive right oh actually this is how overpass works so guys this is new meta just Crouch spray everyone in the body and then learn how to transfer your spray to four people because anyone can speak out and Crouch spray someone a lot of people say like oh you need to buy an SMG to farm money right you need to buy utility on on antio but bro he just buys M4 and full keplar like he's playing fa hello what is Up Guys in today's video we're going to be unraveling the mystery of donk 26 kills eight deaths on overpass last map versus phe of I am katav final so let's check it out let's see what he's doing let's learn from him let's let's go first round this round don't as a USP going long I see some kind of setup with two people towards long one person checking mid is probably going to be listening for steps okay pushing in I want to I want you guys to make a note of how Don is crouching all the time whenever he's shooting he's like crouching shooting uh crouching strafing crouching strafing look see the crouches it's not it's not that common as you think it is because actually people with good aim tend to not Crouch for example Al doesn't Crouch that much with a pistol let's say Nico right he's going to be just strafing left and right and tapping and not really like crouching right don't has this habit of Crouch spraying with an AK Crouch spraying with an M4 all the time just crouching and dragging that spray it's not necessarily bad it's supposed to be easy to refrag him but apparently he can transfer his spray to anyone so before we continue the video I want to give a quick shout out to my sponsor xplay if you want to get CS2 skins by simply practicing your aim movement and other aspects of the game check out xplay Dogg sign in with steam complete tasks and withdraw skins to get your skins you have to complete challenges and accumulate enough points for skins you'd like to withdraw for completing challenges consistently you'll get an extra bonus each day then you go to the store select the skin you want and exchange it for the points on top of that have bunny hop and serve servers where they have already recreated features from csgo seven different surf Maps service in eight locations timers leaderboards and speed display and if you want to play with the top skins in CS2 for free and fully safe you can use the new skin changer tab sign up with the link in the description and get your first 500 x coins okay now playing passive also want you to notice guys how passive they start to play when they have Advantage they actually left the whole long area and balloons and Fountain and Conn they just play they're just chilling toilets right one guy close dividers Hero ztics on the half wall I mean not on the half wall but on the toilet's wall and don't just spotting they're fine to chill and that's going to be a theme of this map don't going back to side and to more passive angles as well it's not like in PS as people are staying like balloons front toilets right usually what you're going to see here from Spirit as I'm quite familiar with how they play they're just going to be going back to side he nice shot this is a sick setup of Shir right cuz he was spotting his cross from banana and he had the first Contact that's why D has had an easy kill cuz Shir was already spotted by the te and they didn't expect him close right that's all the setup that that's all the setup did here okay second round let's notice guys what he's doing versus versus Eco right a lot of people say like oh you need to buy an SMG to farm money right you need to buy utility on on antio but bro he just buys M4 and full klar like he's playing face it and he's about to uh Farm some some kills doesn't care about utility you know it's just aim pure mechanics okay just holding banana so see guys that's what that's what I was trying to say right not really going aggressive not going balloons not going inside con he just spots mid for a moment in case they Rush quickly and then he falls back and you would think like well a player like d would be AGG aggressive surely right going balloons going all the time pushing mid and [ __ ] which you see pretty often in packs by lower ranked players but no actually not because he could get cut off from con pinched with uh Tech KN and he doesn't want that so he plays smart as well well obviously if he's pulling that kind of stats he has to play smart but I just want to show you it's not only about shooting it's not only about aim it's about good positioning and being in position to to actually get those kills weating towards heaven I think he's spotted ahead I'm not sure okay he's going to play towards water now and the rotation is quite weird because he's actually the a player and last to rotate to a but that's how Spirit decided to play see one more thing I want you to notice he he fully ran out of the out of the smoke stairs to help his teammate right A lot of times I see players play they're like kind of too passive in the smokes too passive like waiting for some something right instead of just running out of the smoke full balls helping your teammates so that's quite important but you got to know when to do it when your teammates are actually fighting okay so he's going to be throwing that running smoke T Stars it's pretty good and then he's going to follow up with a moldy playground super strong combo I mean you might as well throw it every single round in your PS in your matches cuz it cuts off the the whole a push from the T and they're scared that you're close up okay guys so so to line up for the smoke you're going to go on the stairs over here you're going to move to the left until you line up this uh pipe with the top of these leaves and then you're going to left and right click run forward and jump from so the smoke will land the stairs over here and then for the molotov you're going to be aiming on the height of the stairs on this pipe and you're just going to release as after you pass the second divider so if you couple those two things it looks something like that you step out you line up the leaf with the pipe you run forward you jump through left and right click and you Molly you can throw the flash over and you can peek here and you can n behind the smoke as well for the Deep damage so if you guys are wondering what he was doing there like walking downstairs he was listening for steps con he didn't hear anyone in con so he decided let let me go back right cuz it's probably B like B short b monster contact or it's slow a and again as you notice guys he went back to S right it's 133 and he's already map he's not staying toilets a lot of people might think like oh why is it so fast passive right oh actually this is how overpass works there's so many angles for them to clear they're going to waste so much time and well standing in those angles and giving them the entries is not optimal and he even expects them to be quicker here towards banana than they are actually are but they're taking their time phas if you're wondering what the smoke was he drops the smoke for his side player so he can cut himself off oh no he's going to respoke monster actually never mind so the reason Chopper could rotate over here and the reason why they're smoking monster is because they have only two players on B right so Chopper has to be some kind of use for the B players so he smokes their monster well if smoke if monster is smoked and people can hold it on B at 5050 seconds you don't need Free People there right unless the t's decide to throw some good super good flash for monster and yeah he spot the shadow a kill sprays down another guy these kills they're nothing special right it just Peaks out and sprays it's the consistency of the of the sprays that's something special right because anyone can just peek out and Crouch spray someone right like it's not a big deal it's just the consist consistency of good positioning and um this timings for him so so again the same set of util I want you guys to start noticing the patterns cuz in your matches you should have your own patterns right he's throwing a flash right you might think why did he throw this flash well because he thrown the same set of UT and now he's throwing a flash to make them think oh again the same set of UT probably pushing Fountain right and again they go back to side 136 and they're pretty much on side already this is literally how shirro and Gambit have been playing for ages I've watched like Shiro demos back two years ago and they were playing the same style Shiro was always going back to side super ell with the op the same for simple in na'vi simple was actually if you watch like his demos like super closely he's going back to site all the time as well on overpass if you're still beinging in the myth of staying toilets then in a team game at least this is not a thing he's moving a bit around the area cuz they haven't spotted anyone towards a Shiro's pretty fine here on map especially they have only Tech 9 on on Long right they're going to push him but you might think what is the reason that they're pushing him well since there is only one guy long right probably if there was more people they would already be with him before right so since he's alone for such a long time it's not like he was alone and like four people are coming to help him no if he was alone that's probably a part of the Strat where he's Bing long and the rest of players are coming banana or maybe going B right in this case banana so that's why they're going to try to kill him this isolated player m is having some issues so karan's doing a good job and again a Crouch spray right and again he's crouching every spray he does he's crouching so you might say like here if if he was like Nico he would have just tapped this guy and he would have more bullets for this this player right or he would have killed that guy on B faster and have a reaction towards the right side quicker but well this is just his style crou spraying we can't hate on that if he's pulling that kind of numbers in in tournaments right to be honest for a long time I myself was against like Crouch spraying but if you can make it work and if you can actually track before like he he does right it's it looks very strong so so I guess we can explore some other options than being Nico you guys the same set of util The Flash Over N behind the smoke this time and falling back again 139 he's already back in divider and going to be he's going to be staying toilet the reason why he's staying toilets is Shiro's holding long right so he doesn't want the enemies to come in and backstab shirro from the left side here uh from long toilet right so that's the reason he's staying but if Shiro falls back he's going to probably fall back as well see shirro fell back he's falling back I mean not actually completely falling back this time so they they have played a couple of these rounds super passive from side and now they decide to pull off some something more aggressive so toilet setup this is a pretty strong setup shir's holding his toilets and Donkey is just holding the sper super strong and Chopper is already on side jump spotting long right that's the only thing he needs to spot in this case and they're fine on B and now Chopper is rotating and the reason Chopper is rotating here and the reason why he had time uh to basically stand on a for a moment is because monster was smoked I'm kind of don't understand the rotation that much I mean I guess they are expecting pH to come B Because Shir and Don haven't seen anybody but uh on B ztics and mag they they have two smokes right so they can keep remoking monster and that would be fine even if Chopper didn't rotate but well they have a read here I guess yeah Don is already pushing they they know that nobody was was in toilets two smokes still on mag and just one one was deployed we donke rotating here going to be late the party no no need for him to to to get any kills again same set of you ning cor now for the N that Don was throwing he was just bouncing it off the just bouncing It Off the Wall here but I don't actually recommend it unless you hear like a full rash right it's pretty much the only time you should throw it and it's going to be a pretty good n but it's like versus Eco when you hear like them fully rushing then that's when you going to be nading maybe he was like doing something anti face that he saw like face players run run here pretty quickly and he decided to that he's going to just keep ning that I think he heard someone in Con in this case pretty sure and again they're going back to side right so now it's it's pretty much their default versus they're basically going back to to map and side or for example to map and toilets I mean to map and the toilets wall do you guys know why he can jump spot like that and not be scared that someone's going to shoot him in the head as he's jumping because shir's holding his um his banana right so he's only spotting for the toilets cross and also one more thing Shiro got a kill here right on banana right so caran when he was peing towards divider he only saw Shiro so he thought like oh the oper is holding this this this angle right so there is no way in the world they're going to expect him here pushing up in that timing right because if you think about it caran dying right now if if Don was here he would have spotted Don first not the the op right so the the reason the reason D has a great timing here is that that shirro got the kill and we all know that spray right this is a great spray down let's rewatch that I want to see that in slowmo actually so the timing you guys already understand why why don't get the timing right he's right on him and now the second guy yeah it's just perfect control right you guys can see that the spray control and now he re adjust he's also expecting the angle he hides for a moment turns around cuz he thinks they could be front oh no the flash is coming it doesn't blind drops and again you guys see at the last bullets he even crouched right so it was not like burst move burst move it was like more like start spraying and Crouch almost like in the beginning of the spray it's super strong mechanics this sprak control was on point there again same set of util coming in he keeps throwing that n bouncing of the wall in in con apparently he thinks he's going to deal damage but it's not really timed right like any of these times maybe he could use it a bit later is every single time he's been throwing The N he didn't n anyone maybe he's expecting a rush and and they're going [Music] slow again the setup I mean now it's a bit it's getting a bit weird because they could be in the smoke right so it's more dangerous than the setup before but well they're going for the risk he just sprays rain in the body doesn't even need to headshot him and of course he was crouching when he was spraying let's see of course he did right so guys this is new meta just Crouch spray everybody in the everyone in the body and then learn how to transfer your spray to four people he here's a bit of over rotation and he realizes that but Frozen has a timing on him so this was actually a timing mistake from them from Spirit they over rotated right even though there for for quite a bit of time there wasn't anyone so one kill and now there is no one more pushing B and don't realize this actually never mind there is no mistake he actually instantly realizes when there is no one else pushing he just didn't think that at 30 seconds there could be one lurker and no one else on B right he just didn't expect that well caran was solo there and yeah this is a nice shot from broy oh looks like f are going to clean this round and they instantly take a time out let's see what are they going to change up on a at least nothing same set Molly coming in probably yep and the Flash over Peak he did he actually release that flash I think he did ning behind the smoke and going back to sight I assume no because Shiro is pushing up long oh that's what they changed so shirro has been playing passive passive passive and now in the round that actually matters a lot he decides to take that aggressive angle well dun needs to stay here the reason he needs to stay here again if shirro gets a kill on this position he probably is going to want to fall back later on right when he's going to be falling back or he's already falling back you without getting a kill you can't get killed from toilets front toilets okay so now Shir knows long is clear so he's going to be holding front toilets for for D so don can pretty much rotate towards B even yeah Hero has the whole angle right and what's great about this round is that Shiro have have cleared long before right he know that he knows that now one's long the timing for anyone to be on long if they go silently is off right it's another like 10 15 seconds you can hold like that and don't just running around the side cuz he knows no one's here now he's going to start checking long for Shiro just as I said this the timing of someone walking up is soon so that's why he checks it right [Music] now and of course he's crouching as he's shooting of bro of course he's crouching look crouch crouch one tops and he he crouch on that one top so he's combining crouching and movement right it could be even quite annoying to shoot someone like that who's all the time crouching standing up crouching standing up counterterrorist God damn I got to start crouching more I was wrong my whole life oh but to be honest there's different styles right and this style is working for d super well there is insane players who don't Crouch that much and again going back to the side let see shir's holding this is another setup they have Shir holding banana from this angle over here to the left and don't D jump spotting and then again do you remember that Round Guys where Don got the spray this is the same setup they do with Shiro now donkey is getting close and shirro is playing side but now they're playing a bit more separated so don is quite in a position where no one can help him and now Chopper comes in no sorry not Chopper it was uh mag this time to help okay got the spray down two kills good enough sick okay smoke Molotov again the same set of your all the time he was about to KN con but he decided not to I'm quite interested why he's throwing that KN all the time is it like so good for me it seems useless if he even if he hear steps like they would have to be like full rushing to get this n in the face again similar setup so at this point guys it's getting boring it's literally the same setup every single round not boring for Don winning this tournament and again flash for Shir to re agress and the Flash is not you might think like wait he threw the Flash and Shir wasn't picking right the flash is for them to stop holding the angle for a moment and get scared that someone was picking in that moment and the fact that shro walks up later not a big deal oh this is a different setup haven't seen him in this angle yet never mind so it's at 34 seconds right they don't have any information towards BW as you can guys notice at the radar they don't have B water control so that's why they just sh just flashed banana they've cleared the banana right so now they know is most likely an attack towards towards B and that's why don't rotate here doesn't rotate it need monster I think he n his Chopper like fully what the [ __ ] he Ned Chopper I don't know Don is not the best with nice guys he's been missing this sling con now he nades chopper for like 50 HP he's good at shooting but the Ning this going to get better and I just want you to notice one more thing he's again crouching on every of these shots I mean I'm mostly noticing it for myself but showing you guys as well because I'm oh he didn't Crouch now oh now for sure he Crouch okay he didn't Crouch once oh no you can do that another pause quite interested why they use this POS okay they just want to secure the just make sure that they when they run against same set of UT and immediately rotating wow immediate rotate oh okay the reason for that is I guess I mean no no he's just rotates oh nice the smoke you going to get anything out of that ooh oh this is a nice spray down Sick good control of the spray I love the control of the spray from D people have been complaining that in CS2 you can't spray well there you go counterterrorist win this whole guy this whole place play style of this guy is basic on spray so again he's rotating so as this game goes to the late parts of the of the game they start rotating immediately towards B and leaving Shir solo towards I read I'm quite interested if this is an anti Strat if they have like kind of a read that face later uh down the like later towards the towards the game goes towards B but uh it's quite smart I think because they have been playing pretty good on a and uh shos looks fine you know maybe they could get a timing on long but they take that risk and they tend to stack B more here towards the later parts of the uh game let's see if this works out for them now they decide to rotate back is there a reason for that I don't think so I think it's just a read right because they still don't have b control I mean now they hear a lot of steps but I guess the rotation is coming soon yeah and this was a a Mis call I guess they just had the r and they misread it oh nice spray down here and again just Crouch spraying oh that works perfectly so okay we have Shiro dropped P250 chopper with UT set and yeah there we go mag also didn't buy ke and just going towards a one long number five ZX and the rest banana it's quite weird that face is pushing like that randomly I guess they're quote unquote tilted from the distraction that he gave them on the city Side okay he misses donk can miss guys look just wh whiffed his Crosser all around the place w okay so jumping around probably talking about the full bu and just trying to get some something out of this round oh his dle got stolen mag okay guys so let's see how he counters that you because fa is is throwing the Deep smoke and Molly as well so he just smokes the mly I guess he's just going to go through on the flash oh no he decides to just spray Frozen well there you go guys that's how you counter the smoke you just pray through it now they just go together towards a side and again Crouch spray into the guy side Co leg truck was M SM smoke stairs and this is a good spray control actually notice this guys so he completely whiffs but he kind of stands up crouches again this weird technique but works oh the cross replacement that was actually pretty good flash towards mid okay again tring the guy mid and that's going to be the last round and we wrap it okay he doesn't even need to do anything cool guys there we have it 133 spirit is winning I am got of v a pretty good pretty strong performance from dong as always bro he amazes with this rating actually and uh he's not doing anything special as you can guys see this is a just Crouch sprace I mean maybe one insane spray out of the whole like 26 kills right it was like this Freeman spray this is pretty like out of this world but and the accuracy of every bullet but all the other kills pretty defa right it's just the timings and the not making mistakes that he he's impressive with right I really like his consistency cheering for this guy is pretty young so he has a long time in front of him to play here so yeah guys let's let's keep following keep learning from Mr D I'll probably hop on for another demo of his cuz he's insane and I want to learn from him too and uh yeah guys hope this was valuable Implement these things in your games and U have a nice day peace
Channel: pienixcs
Views: 99,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2, iem, donk cs2, donk, iem cs, iem csgo, iem katowice, donk iem katowice, cs2 best of iem katowice 2024, cs2 iem katowice group stage, s1mple cs2, cs2 donk, csgo major, donk nimmt die iem katowice auseinander, cs:go major, katowice 2024, cs2 rank, cs2 iem katwoice playoffs, cs2 donk highlights, best of donk, cs2 katowice, iem katowice 2024, katowice 2024 donk, donk katowice final, donk best of katowice, navi, counter strike 2, cs2 update, new cs2 update
Id: Kn8V3Y1bBPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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