Counter-Strike 2 Pro Tips and Tricks...

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do you want to hit shots in Counter Strike two like this goodbye do you want to shoot people through walls on an Eco round one B ow what Andrew did you say that yes I did well don't you worry your little cotton socks I've got you covered with these brand new cheats I've been secretly developing it's a joke I'm joking it's a tips video okay Counter Strike 2 is a great example of a game that's simple to pick up and play but exceptionally hard to master however there are a lot of settings tips and tricks that can accelerate that learning curve for you helping to give you a big head start so I've gone away researched tested experimented and in this video I'm going to share with you what I found hopefully making your life just that little bit easier I also have to say a big thanks to Nvidia for sponsoring this one more on that later we're going to start with mouse sensitivity when it comes to this setting make sure that you find a sensitivity that feels comfortable to you I play 800 DPI one sensitivity in game I find it's a nice balance between speed and accuracy airing on the lower side but one setting that's often overlooked is zoom sensitivity there aren't many Zoom guns in the game the or and the Scout being the biggest too but you can tweak this to be either above one if you want a bit more speed with that scope or lower for more control it's a nice way of having a more specific feel to the scope guns compared to the normal rifle so play around with it I go for 0.8 Crosshair settings next and I'm going to show you what I use to start with I like these settings this Crosshair it gives me great visibility and accuracy without being distracting it's a tough one because it comes down to personal preference of course some players have really small crosshairs with no Gap other players go the opposite way some players have a DOT others don't one thing I would say though especially for new players is to stick with one of the simple crosshairs static crosshairs may seem boring but I still think that it's the best option overall Dynamic can be good because there is one Dynamic Crosshair that expands when you're moving so it can be a good indicator of when you've stopped moving completely so you know that you can shoot accurately but I would still always always recommend static maybe it's just the old school CS purist in me having said that I'll go back to my original Point use what feels good for you there's no right or wrong here just please don't use something crazy like this okay maybe for one round just to wind your mats up let's just quickly talk about peaking too because there's something very important you need to know here in CS2 the player models lean ever so slightly to the right because of the way they hold the weapons and the player camera isn't quite centered this means that you need to be careful when peaking certain angles cuz sometimes enemies can see you way before you can see them this is made far more obvious when you're closer to a surface that you're peeking from there isn't all that much you can do about this though to alleviate it apart from avoiding slow movements when checking angles because that's when you'll get caught out the most just know that sometimes you won't be able to see an enemy but they can see you and vice versa moving on video settings and these are pretty straightforward but very important first of all people should run their game in their monitors native resolution so 1080P or 1440p would be the most common some people do choose to use lower resolutions that's their preference of course but make sure that your monitor Hertz or refresh rate are set to the maximum possible in game and double check that on Windows 2 so you've got the smoothest gameplay experience boost player contrast enable that it will help you to see players better at long distances vital in the game I also disable vsync I then have anti- ainger 4X to smooth those jagged lines out although you can turn it off for small FPS boost Global Shadow quality I leave that on very high the reason for this is that shadows in Counter Strike 2 are so good that I have to have this on the highest setting to make them as crisp as possible trust me Shadows give away player positions a lot in this game and can benefit you with a huge gameplay Advantage I leave model and texture detail on high because I prefer to have it look just a little bit nice but if you're struggling four frames per second you can put this down to low texture filtering on forx you can knock it down to bilinear if you want but most players aren't going to notice a big dip in performance there shaded detail and particle detail on low this is an important one especially with Molotov or incendiary grenades you can really notice the difference between low and high particle detail low makes it so much easier to see through the smoke effect ambient occlusion probably best to turn off for most players but having it on medium can also improve the lighting and in turn Shadows if you've got some horsepower left to spare in your GPU I have hdr on performance although there was a bug with this setting that seems to be fixed now and make sure that super resolution is disabled and Nvidia reflex is either enabled or enabled plus boost this setting will give you the lowest input latency possible why is this important simply put lower system latency means that you'll be able to see and react to enemies quicker and yeah we're talking milliseconds but in a game like Counter Strike 2 milliseconds can be vital especially when you add everything together factoring server latency and your ping into the equation as well you want to know for a fact that if there's an enemy peaking a corner ideally you'll see them as soon as possible and when your Crosshair is on them you click and register a hit but what exactly is reflex well it's a technology introduced on Nvidia graphics cards that optimizes the rendering pipeline across the CPU and GPU removing stalls by synchronizing each step of the pipeline and reflex is most effective when the system is GPU bound or when the GPU is under high utiliz ation as it prevents the CPU from racing ahead of the GPU which in turn can cause a buildup in the render que increasing latency you don't want that to happen reflex can help with that to show what this looks like in practice N Video provided me with some footage recorded at 1,000 frames per second that's just insane and in the first example the player reacts to a peak in 57 milliseconds clicks the mouse unfortunately it's too late the shot misses but with reflex turned on that that delay is lower and so the player can actually connect with the shot there these milliseconds can also gain us a better chance of seeing peaking and reacting to peaking players sooner like we showed earlier on in the video in this particular example the delay is reduced from 55 milliseconds to 16 milliseconds with reflex turned on interestingly this feature is compatible with gForce gpus going back to the 900 series 2 like the classic GTX 980 however if you're in the market for something a bit more modern to use with reflex it'll get you around 200 FPS at 1080p on CS2 and you could consider the GeForce 460 or 460 TI for a highly competitive experience here on D two Deathmatch with maxed out Graphics at 1080p I was averaging around 220 to 260 FPS on a 4060 TI and there's a link below if you're interested in checking those out for yourself with that said thanks again to Nvidia for sponsoring that section of the video okay going back to the menu one of the biggest pieces of advice that I could Poss possibly give any new players or seasoned players alike is to bind keys to specific grenades in CS2 you're going to be throwing flashbangs smoke grenades Molotov and HS regularly the game moves fast and you don't want to be that guy scrolling through grenades with your mouse wheel to find the right one especially if you're trying to quickly find a smoke to extinguish a Molotov please do this go ahead bind specific keys to grenades for example I use f for flashbang t for smoke R for frag it doesn't matter what they are as as long as they're comfortable for you that way you'll always have the option to quickly switch to them when you need them oh and I'd also recommend making some radar changes make it as big as you feel comfortable with don't Center it around the player and zoom it out this way you can see pretty much the entire radar and when enemies are spotted you're going to be able to instantly see exactly where they are on the map in that moment now you might think well if I'm playing with a team that's got good communication surely that's not all that important but sadly that's not all always the case and even if it is say you're playing apps on Inferno or CT it's good information to see three dots pop up on the mini map as it's information that you wouldn't have had otherwise if your mini map was zoomed all the way in you just get the red things on the outskirts of it so it's just fine-tuning the information a bit and that can lead to Big gains I'd also advise maximizing your hood scale out too just to increase the presence of that on the screen next up this one is really cool in Counter Strike audio has always been one of the most pivotal important parts of the game hearing players footsteps reloads when they drop things it all matters and working out exactly where those sounds are coming from is super important CS2 luckily for us has some pretty different audio settings that could be useful for some players depending on your audio system first of all there's an EQ mix it's got three options natural crisp and smooth there are small nuances between all of them that I've tested and I've seen a lot of players suggesting that crisp is the best but personally I found natural to be the clearest for my audio setup and then you've got left and right isolation which you can put all the way up to 100% And this essentially makes the left and right audio far more prominent in essence making it easier to determine if a sound is coming from hard left or hard right or even behind you it's a hard one to explain but better to show you or demonstrate would be a better term if you wearing a headset you'll be able to tell the differences here definitely this is % left and right and then 50% left and right finally 100% left and right certainly some differences there and from my testing it seemed that a setting of 50 to 60% was a good value I could really pinpoint where people were if you're going to use it at 100% I think that's a bit too harsh but maybe you'll like that perspective correction on the other hand determines how the game handles audio outside of your field of view supposedly this makes the game sound a bit more like CS go and after my testing I'm going to leave this set to no overall audio I'm a bit reluctant to tell someone exactly what to use and say this is the best setting because everyone's got different audio setups it's more of an individual thing but I've shared what I use what I prefer so play around with these settings yourself and pick what you think works best for you how about the position of your gun too I would recommend tweaking this if you go to the options and then item you can change your view model position between desktop couch and classic I personally prefer classic which is more to the right while desktop is more to the left and couch is much bigger so it won't be the go-to for most people you can then further customize the position of the weapon with the following console commands this will allow you to further reposition the gun within certain tolerances now once you've got everything dialed in you're going to want to practice that's how you get your aim consistent the first thing that you can do is head into a deathmatch server and just try to get used to the guns or if you're a seasoned player it can be good to get your rain warmed up the problem with the vanilla death match in CS2 though is that it's not really great it's a freefor all and you spend more time being shot in the back and reloading then actually getting kills it's not really how you play real games so DM can sometimes get you into bad habits there are better Community servers though out there that can give you health and reloads on kills so spend more time aiming look out for those if you want a better experience but what are the Alternatives Well normally you would just head to the Counter-Strike workshop and download one maybe one of the aim training maps but sadly the workshop isn't active in counter- strike 2 just yet but that hasn't stopped Maps being ported over from Counterstrike go there is an a boox map available and I'll be sure to share the link for how to install that in the description below once you've got it installed it's a great way to warm up your aim you can change loads of settings here to make it a bit more realistic in terms of the armor and movement and it can be a very good way of getting your muscle memory locked in especially if you just change certain settings like your sensitivity remember to practice with multiple guns though not just the AK and you can enable head armor too so that will get you a more realistic practice experience with the M4 but believe it or not there are even better options including a service owned by CS Pro Al and XCS Pro pimp called refrag this is not a fre option though so it's only for the very dedicated hardcore players who are perhaps playing CS or aiming to play Cs on a more competitive level you sign up on the website and then when you want to play the system creates a server on demand that you join of course you're whitelisted so only people who sign up to the service can play on that server and there are numerous modes that you can test out but Crossfire for example puts you in a scenario where Bots Peak towards you in a semi-realistic way from various angles if you kill all the Bots it Cycles through to the next spot on the map and you do it all over again if you if you don't kill the Bots quick enough you die it's a great way of not only practicing your aim but really using movement and positioning to try and use cover to force single fights and not take fights against multiple enemies you can do it on any map and you can even change a lot of the bot settings in terms of how fast and deadly they are the base here is $7 a month though so it isn't for most players but it's a very nice system for those players who want another level of tool to practice with moving on you may have heard of a CS term called counter straing but what is it what does it mean well in CS2 you're playing model has a little bit of movement inertia that means that when you move either forwards or sideways when you let go of that movement key you don't instantly stop moving there's a little bit of momentum before you come to a complete stop it's not a lot and we're talking small margins here but it's enough to notice and mess with your accuracy what the top level players do is get good at counter straping this means that if you moving sideways pressing a to the left when you want to stop and shoot you instantly press D to the right to counter that movement and inertia likewise in the other direction it does take some getting used to and you don't have to learn it it's not a requirement to being good at the game but it can help in certain situations when you really need to stop on a diamond fire get that accuracy because remember moving has got a big penalty in CS2 something to always be mindful of that's all I've got for you guys I hope you enjoyed that and perhaps I've helped out in some way today thank you for watching and if you did enjoy the video do consider dropping me a like this took me bloody ages to put together once again huge shout out to our sponsor Nvidia and if you're interested in checking out those 40 series gpus the link is down below good luck out there practice makes perfect and you'll be on top of your game in no time at all I'll see you next time [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: jackfrags
Views: 222,454
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Keywords: cs2, counterstrike 2, counter-strike 2, cs2 tips, counter strike 2 tips
Id: WvBx_Tmjnbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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