this kid just BROKE CS2... | donk Demo Review

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donk that's a name that you might have been hearing a lot in the CS2 Community recently and it's not for no reason because recently this kid has been absolutely tearing aart the tier one scene in counter- strike 2 and he's only 17 years old and as a matter of fact this is actually the first ever tier one land event that he's played and not only did he impress he absolutely dominated and set a record with of a 1.7 rating across the entire event which has quite literally never been seen before so I want to hop into a map from the grand finals versus f and see how we managed to tear them apart on nuke and we're going to hop right into it right after a quick word from our sponsor today's video is sponsored by skinmy skin SM get the site you can trade skins that you already have to get some skins that you might want that way you can hop into your next game with some fresh new skins all you have to do is log into the site through Steam put in the skins that you don't want anymore grab the skins that you do and then click trade trades happen almost immediately and any balance that you don't use in the trade will roll over for a trade that you might do in the future right now you can get a free $5 if you were to use code Austin on the site and if you were to use my code you would get an additional 5% on top of the 30% deposit bonus so let's say if you deposit $100 that means you would get $135 if you use my code to deposit so make sure you guys check out skins funky and let's get right back into the video so we're going to hop right into it now here we are it is CT side of nuke now this was actually the first map of the grand finals and they get to start on CT side and of course nuke is a ct- sided map so things are looking good already and what we're going to see here is Don is our outside player so we have a lot of experience of watching outside demos on this channel we used to watch demos we used to watch some electronic demos back in the day and now we get to watch Don he does things a little bit differently though because Don is a very aggressive player and we're going to start off here and you're going to see exactly what I mean he pushes right into the door here to catch down to catch out robs rather and then he continues peeking to catch broi now I'm going to tell you something that you're going to hear a lot this demo review which is that Don is a very aggressive player and he loves to Peak but that doesn't mean that he's an over peer and it doesn't mean that he just abuses peer's Advantage because on land peer's Advantage doesn't doesn't actually exist that much what I mean is that Don is a player who likes to decide when the fight is going to happen you'll very rarely find him holding an angle and instead you're going to see a lot of times Don is going to be holding an angle and then un peaking and rep peaking that way if somebody were to Peak into him he will have an advantage by deciding when the fight's going to happen because if you hold an angle the person that Peaks into you is the one that's ready for you most of the time because they're going to be pre- aiming you whereas if you consistently are the one peing slun peaking you're going to be ready like mentally to take the kill and you'll see that a lot in this game that Don is going to be peing a lot and that's just how he plays the game but he's really good at it and his crossair placement is also pretty insane like I've covered a lot of players on this channel who have insane Crosser placement we've done bit we've done RS but Don is a little bit different because he's quite literally always aiming in the right spot kind of hard to explain but this was an Eco it's a 3K not too impressive but he's already up to five on the second second round of the grand finals now as the outside player Don is going to start most of the rounds if not all of them with this Molotov that he just through now the point of that Molotov of course is to deny the early back Red Cross I've accidentally tapped out while trying to pause sorry about that the Molly lands right here and if anybody wants to cross back red you which is under all these smokes very unfortunate that you can't see this uh they are going to have to take a little bit of Molly damage and as you could see uh rain did eat that Molly very standard stuff now the outside smokes have been thrown the standard cross ones the ones that actually are on the map and with that we're going to flash above garage and what we want to do is we want to clear in front of the glaive smoke so what's happening here is of course I'm going to go ahead and go into free cam he is going to want to clear in front because it's very common for players to walk up on the left side of the smoke and try to catch a gap on some players who are spamming these smokes for example if somebody's spamming from mini they can sometimes kill them while they're spamming they can also hold for people who are not suspecting a garage player but most importantly uh it's just nice to know that this area is clear so that they can't sneak mini on you they can't you know catch you off guard and uh you know that's that's just one thing that the outside player likes to do the other thing that they like to do is they like to uh nade the smokes now which we'll rewind it while I was slow moded and you'll see here he's going to go ahead and Flash above he's going to clear this out it's clear he's spamming the right side of the smoke for that lurk that we just talked about and now this is new to CS2 uh ning the outside smokes is very important in this game now because of course getting to secret requires smoke cover and you can now n the smokes so on random timings throughout the game the outside player will n these smokes that are up so that they can you know reveal the location of the enemies and this is going to happen a lot in this game we'll talk about it a couple of times here and there but for the most part this is uh you know standard play looking around spamming around doesn't see anything and because of that he's going to rotate he knows that they can be down secret the rant player is probably going to go down to b or an a player will go down the vent that's standard rotations so because of that he's going to fill and if it wasn't him it would be shirou but shirou is currently occupied on the left side of garage so because Shiro is here he can tell Don to leave because they can't go mini they cannot go CT uh without them Crossing Shiro so he lets Don rotate so don decides to rotate to heaven but then he realizes that it doesn't make a lot of sense for him them to be in for him to be in heaven because well we know that they're down secret we know they are cuz they made noise there's at least somebody down secret it doesn't make sense to be a why do we need to be here if anything we need to be ramp so that we can go down to B if not rotating to B right now is a good play that's what he's thinking so he's going to rotate to ramp in the meantime zonx is actually going to get contact with carrian here and a swift trade from robs the goat Lobby lurk by the way which I will talk about a little bit here robs we already covered one time on the channel top right of your screen you can watch the robs demo review he's an insane Lobby lur and I'm not even trying to glaze him but seriously he is absolutely insane at what he does and if you want to learn how to lurk like robs you can check that review out now robs has a really good round here and he's able to counter the Donk effect even though this round is very convincing for faas I mean look they're on the lower site they've completely cleared it the bomb is down this round is really hard but there's something that donk does in this game which again I will just refer to as the Donk effect going forward and you might be wondering Austin what exactly is the Donk effect well what it is is it's the ability to take an unwinable around and make it winable so they're sat behind the ramp smoke spamming away it's hopeless they're stuck behind the door what are they going to do well what you do is you just rely on the Firepower of Don he's going to step through the right side of the smoke and he's just going to kill two look nobody that you know can just walk out of the ramp smoke and kill two people on the retake that's almost unheard of sure in this round it doesn't look that impressive but for the rest of the game I want you to keep saying it's not that impressive because if he does it every round it's starting to look oh like it could be uh you know not lucky so he has the Donk effect to take an unwinable round and make it winnable and not only is it winnable they they do win because rain's going to get traded out and where is robs well robs is doing the robs he's a Lobby lurk he's in lobby his entire goal is to lurk so that he can win these late round scenarios and luckily for FaZe this time he pulls through with a spectacular 1 V2 again I mean this is something that only robs can really get away with will pull it back but it was a loss cause I mean look they lose everything like even though FaZe won the round look at their money I mean they have nothing like 4K like this is this is miserable going into the round some of these players have $3,000 in this round that's miserable but again that's just the Donk effect Bas realistically if they were playing any other team in the world they would probably just cleanly win that post plant robs would to clean it up probably and that would just be it they'd be two to one still but they'd be a lot more comfortable but there's just something about this kid who I I can't even explain it he just always knows what he's doing and speaking of always knowing let me show you this round so this is a round that a lot of outside players are going to be familiar with it's around where they throw the outside smokes and you're in mini so what would you do as a mini player well I just showed you and told you in the round before what you might do you might spam the outside smokes from mini and that was the entire purpose of clearing this glaive area out before well this time he is going to be spamming Z ontic is going to be making sure that nobody does the lurk on him so he's going to spam the smokes and not only does he just Spam he insta kills rain that's just unfortunate I mean rain didn't even have a chance rain didn't even make a mistake no like what mistake was made well there wasn't any sometimes it happens right well you know what doesn't happen What doesn't happen is the second time that somebody tries to cross you don't get insta killed by the same person in the middle of the open I mean like realistically okay this round if I was watching an old csgo OverWatch game and I thought somebody was wall hacking and I saw somebody do this I would just call him a cheater even with the ability to see X-ray and know that I'm watching Pros I still go bro how did he do that like I've been playing for quite some time 5 years now at a pretty high level myself in North America which doesn't really mean anything but it does mean that I know what I'm talking about when I say this is not normal I have watched so many demos of outside players in the past and I've never quite seen I've never seen anyone do it quite like this uh two instant kills very impressive I think Don has the ability to see people through walls and I'm not joking I think he genuinely has an embodied Counterstrike to a point where he knows every timing for everything and I don't even know how to explain it he's 17 years old I mean he can only get better so that's the scary thing uh either way RP Frozen RP rain no mistakes made this round for FaZe there was a no mistakes made this round so what do you do well anyway we'll let the rest of the round play out Don is going to go ahead and just kind of you know walk around spam the smokes just buy in some time making sure that there's no funny business uh he's going to walk back and get boosted into heaven and we've you know seen this before so he just jumps up to Tetris gets boosted Heaven uh and now he's going to rotate back over which is actually kind of clever let me show you the boost for those of you guys who are watching that don't know the top Hut player can actually boost a player up to heaven is the only way to get back up and because of this rotation he's actually able to be in the perfect spot for the attempt to win the round here so FaZe regroup outside they still try to salvage this they regroup outside and they know Don was mini cuz he spam the players except all of a sudden Don is zwu and he's killing two more wait okay so let me let me rewind from From ph's perspective okay the mini map is completely broken they just saw donk mini he killed two players counterterrorist so when they swing here the last thing that they're expecting is to see Don not I mean it could have been the ramp player but to see donk like zyu like the level of play here is insane but also the individual like like level is all it's just insane I don't even have the word like I'm actually fumbling over my words because genuinely like these plays don't make any sense and we're only on round four now we're going into round five let's have a look so round five what do we have we have Don yet again outside starts with that Molly I talked about the nade what's the nade for well what we just talked about sometimes people run through that Molly it's a default Molly which means you throw it every round it's what default means you throw it by default [ __ ] Molly comes through what happens people run through the Molly to catch the timing so what does Don do he needs it oh so the next time rain tries any funny business he would get donked right well luckily rain didn't decide to go that way this time and they are on a full Eco now these rounds don't seem that exciting normally but when you watch dunk there's just something about it like I I don't know like yes normally I would just skip a full Eco but for some reason I just feel like we should watch this one so he's spotting outside confidently okay now I've seen this particular round many times a ramp Eco Rush what happens well the person jhall fights so the ramp person can go down to B so he doesn't die what is the win condition for the team in all Glocks the win condition is they kill the jhall player and then they're able to get to heaven that's their win condition most of the time but for some reason in I've seen this round get out of hand many of times whenever uh I watch the Players Play Let's see what it would look like from Shiro's perspective now keep in mind Shiro is one of the best players in the world in his own right like he's an oper right he's going to peek out ramp here he's going to get a sloppy well not a sloppy a first kill and then a sloppy spray on the second guy now that's this is literally one of the top 10 players in the world we're looking at that's how you do it and I don't see anything wrong here but then when Don does it Don walks in bop bop bop this is laser beam now again it is versus a full Eco and I don't mean to overhype it but these things are not normal in CS it might not look that impressive on a one round basis but I'm telling you he's been doing this the entire event that I am Cavit he did it every single game every single round he looks like the best player in the world and quite frankly who's to say he's not I mean to post numbers like he's been posting like this is outrageous I mean seriously you just don't see this so we'll get into this round round six starts with the default Molly glaive uh smoke is thrown now what do we have coming into mini now you might be confused on this start okay let me let me kind of break it down for you we'll go into point4 speed so I can actually move so shirro hasn't been oping so far this game so normally the oper would play towards heaven he would play towards garage this side or he would start ramp maybe he would start heaven to hold a right these are very normal Opera starts right but shirou is starting back garage every round and holding this now because of that this line is always permanently held which means that they can always go down secret theoretically no matter what Don does uh they should always be able to go down secret the outside smokes there's nobody contesting this except for Don H which means that Don is allowed to go wherever he wants as long as he communicates that they can go down secret which they will always be able to right with the smokes of course uh but they can't get wrapped that's why shirou keeps doing this that's why zonx did it the round that shirro didn't do it is because they cannot get AIT they cannot get aslit this way nothing can happen right a very safe way to play it's been meta for a long time they have somebody back garage and the reason I'm highlighting that is because this is a very important understanding that this spot is allowing Don to play the spots that he is playing it allows him to rotate to ramp that one round to have the Donk effect it allows him to rotate and get boosted up heaven to come back around because somebody is always making sure that they cannot go this way and spirit has a pretty good understanding that they can go down secret and it doesn't matter because the ramp player will rotate down or maybe even Don himself will rotate down the vent so it's always just an understanding and it's okay to play like that to leave that Gap it's okay to play like that because the team is playing around it if you're trying this in your pugs you're probably trolling because the entire team doesn't understand what's going on but Spirit they get it so just to explain why Don is allowed to do what he does that's kind of the way it works so here we have this round this is a round uh FaZe get a man Advantage Don's gun is gone yes I don't know what happened to Don gun it's stuck to his back in the demo great Don's gun okay there it is so let me paint the picture of the round FaZe has a man Advantage what happened robs got a kill as the lobby lurk and now it's a four versus five now so this round was different phase through this lurk smoke that we're seeing here on the screen what this lurk smoke does is it actually counters the counter that we were just talking about let me rewind it a little bit put it in point4 speed I the CS2 demo viewer is criminally bad and this glaive smoke allows the CTS to go to back red and you know exist here so phases counter is to smoke the lurk smoke off that we're seeing on our left uh on our right rather so that they can creep up and clear this out and then they can throw outside smokes because it's just kind of how it works that's what they do as you saw the utility they Ned the glaive smoke back so that the guy Silo could see if there was anybody here pretty good team play if you ask me but what you did just hear is you did just hear two people shoot at once which is normal for faas but what isn't normal is the lack of pressure in lobby now robs walking in and taking a fight on somebody is actually pretty indicative of there being only one person Lobby because typically if you're in a Lobby setup you're not going to be doing that if you're by yourself you want to put some pressure as if there's more than one person there it's kind of just the mental games that go on in tier one so something tells Don that there's heavy outside pressure because of the smokes and the utility that they've so what Don does is he realizes what's going on and he's going to rotate he needs to rotate at a four versus 5 there's only one person on a site one person ramp and you don't have to be that great at CS to know that if five people on phase go after one person on spirit it's probably going to be a phase Victory so don knows that because it's an outside default he needs to rotate but before he does he's going to drop this nade on Silo unfortunately Frozen was anticipating that won't be ticked he's on the left side now he knows that they still want to progress outside so he's going to throw this Molotov to buy Shiro some time back garage to breathe and maybe even force them to try to split mini where Shir would be activated uh because instead of trying to go down secret from Red they might walk in front here and try to go mini now I know the the mini map is bug but Shir has this line like we've talked about which means this Molly is actually really good to help his teammate get activated so before the lur smoke Fades dongs wants to get out of here and where is Don going to rotate well he could go anywhere realistically Don doubling up with anybody here is a good play and he's going to start by going ramp and he would stay ramp if it weren't for the fact that shirou is going to get smoked outside and off of those smokes he's actually going to nade the outside smokes and he's going to spot out rain and actually kill him now this is going to be a little bit dank but let me explain what this means so faas are notorious for having rain be their outside player and spirit knows that what does that mean though what that means is that if there's outside pressure no matter what it is rain will always be outside if there's one person outside it's rain if there's four people outside rain will be there too but the point is is that if you kill somebody and that person is rain most likely that might be the only person there is what I'm trying to get at and they know that and because they killed rain which is the dedicated outside guy uh don realizes wait a minute you just killed rain you know he's going to come here and double up he's like they could still be outside Shiro's falling away I don't think he's that convinced he's like you know actually they're not throwing anything outside no mollies no flashes like to be honest they're regrouping somewhere else now they know that the utility starts coming in for a and Don is going to be able to rotate up before the exit comes in and this is something that we talked about before when he gets up here what would Don do what what does Don do the exx in they're already out holding heaven and he knows that they're outdoor Chopper is probably calling that what would you do in this situation would you Peak probably not it's a lost cause you might start peeking when your teammates starts shooting maybe you have a chance I mean there's like realistically no real way back in I mean you're locked out unless your name is donk in which case you're just going to go ahead and peek anyway get one peek again and get another and it's just another example of the Donk effect I mean seriously like how does anybody get away with this I mean sure a lot of players in the tier one scene and maybe even in the tier 2 scene can step out heaven and get two kills but let's remember who Don is playing he's playing FaZe like the best team in the world literally like he's just stepping out and killing two broki was holding him and he still got out and just killed like two he got two and not like sure maybe if he steps out and he gets one I could understand that but he gets two that's how it always is more of the Donk effect now Frozen won't be winning that clutch and that will force phas to be in an interesting situation so we'll get on round seven here the Don effect is in full effect they Dro him the AK which is I mean kind of funny you don't really see this a lot the pros are actually dropping their best player at the AK which gives him an advantage um round starts he throws his Molly and gets dropped another Molly this has been something that's been happening all game except this time shuro is actually not with him outside so because of that Don is going to you know of course respect that and he can't just run around so the outside smoke comes in just one of them by the way which is also weird maybe CS2 meta some more stuff to be discovered and he's going to Molly secret and the reason is of course he wants to make sure that since there's a lot of timings here there's a lot of timings he needs to make sure that he is confident when he tells his team they cannot be down secret because there's a lot of communication on nuke and there's a lot of timings to be caught now he could just sit there and hold that and make sure that nobody goes secret or he could just say well there's only one smoke they're probably not going to cross because somebody could be watching him from Heaven There isn't anybody there but there could be and rain is not just going to walk out and cross probably so he could just say they're probably not down secret or he can Molly and say they're definitely not down secret and it allows him to reposition into a better spot to get more info and now that the molotov is fading he can come back and check okay now I know there's nobody down secret I also know there's nobody close mini which means actually outside might be clear and then all of a sudden he's going to you know break the smoke looks for that rain lur what he's looking for is somebody to be creeping behind that smoke getting ready to go down it's not there now he's pretty confident here off of all of that information that there's nobody outside the ramp hit comes in ZX is going ramp ramp ramp so don is like well outside's clear seems like it makes sense to me he's still aware of the possibility of rain and rain's going to peek out catch him lacking now this doesn't happen a lot to Don but this was a really smart play from rain and I have to respect it because it does result in a round win which is great we got a we got a great round win from fze it's an Eco they played it really well the ramp pop was spectacular and it actually outplayed Don which is really hard to do so that's a good round from FaZe Don didn't even really do anything wrong everything that he did was actually really smart what he broke the smoke he moled everything that he did made sense up until the last part where he tries to rotate to his team and he gets caught off that's always going to happen it is Counter-Strike after all um you know you can't be perfect all the time and even though he was pretty much perfect I mean there's still some things that are just out of your control what do we have this round though this round Don is going to start lower now as the outside player you have the luxury of starting the round in secret and when you do that most of the time it's because your Opera is outside spotting for you and whenever the outside smokes come in your will either flash you to peek from top stairs if you had the time or he's just going to say it's whatever I don't really care they're you know they can go down secret Don is there and it lets your Opera be a little bit more you know committed towards a he doesn't have to rotate ramp because the ramp player doesn't have to go down because Don is already there so he can stay towards heaven make sure that they don't go into garage he can hold this line he can help towards a and he can also make sure that they don't split towards mini he can do a lot of things the Opera can if Don starts lower and that's the entire Point showing a different look uh let's go see the man himself he comes down here and it's just standard stuff the outside smokes are up and because of that there's no information so he can't come up the stairs like he wants to so he's going to be forced to play a little bit more passive now I did say at the beginning of the video that Don is a well as an aggressive player but there is sometimes where he does know his limits and he's not just going to force something because still if he would walk up secret that's the wrong play even though it might work for him and there isn't anybody there right now it would still be the wrong play and he's respectful of that but what do we have you know with we we have the nade he's you know saying they could be down and nades it he's going to flash it like he could be pushing now this is all just standard stuff but then what isn't standard is the rokes rout side now this is not actually something that we were expecting uh the re smokes for outside are let's go look at them you know in which means now uh that it's very likely that they're committing outside that's the fourth these are four smokes outside so they're probably coming down and Don is aware of that so he wants to get into a different spot he's also smoked off lower in the meantime to kind of buy time what's the point though you see a lot of Pros doing this and some people might not understand why would I smoke off secret right you know am I stopping them sure you are but the point isn't just to stop them it's also to buy time for your other players to get in good spots or to get information now I'll spoil a little bit and because Shiro has the W it lets the a setup be really good they're pretty confident nobody's coming ramp is unlock they really kind of just have to be it has to be B and who else is better to hold this hit except for DK so he's going to do this really Nifty jump spot which you might not have ever seen before but basically if the door is gone or open you can jump spot here and from the other team's perspective let me go look at rain when he Peaks him here he's going to see a pixel of Don right here Don's going to get that info that's not you can't kill that like you know rain's good but he's he's not fast enough to hit that nobody is he's going to close the door and he just gets the information for free he gets to get all the information that they're down Secret close the door jump up and now he has a an angle which favors him I mean he could see their feet before they can see him at all so he's going to get the one maybe a little overzealous to step like you know out to try to kill him because he's going to get traded because of that um still though be like look look at this because of what we talked about before even though Don dies I mean like oh no Don only got one instead of two this time look at what happened in the time because dong was able to play for that info the ramp player had time to rotate down to Double B now I don't know about you but it doesn't matter who you are you're not expecting zonx to be here so I mean it doesn't really surprise you does it that uh he's going to win the round for them and this is again just Don being really solid and you know people might think that Don is a player who's holding W or who's playing overly aggressive and he's just taking aim Del but this round kind of shows you that that's not actually the case and he he's always really good in terms of like a team perspective he's always making the right choices to help the team he's actually not even overextending he's just getting all the kills that he should get and then more because he's really talented and that's just allowing Spirit to make FaZe look like clown sometimes I mean realistically if you're new to Cs and you see this you're thinking oh my God FaZe is so bad how are they not expected double person on top of the rafters at the last second of the round why would they ever not expect that but from a competitor perspective this is outplayed like nobody would expect this like like I already showed you the entire round and how it led to this how was FaZe supposed to outplay that it's very difficult that's why this map is CT cited sometimes because realistically FaZe didn't make a lot of mistakes this round I mean they made a few but nothing major that should lead to this I mean this is just pure outplay and that's the end of the round now I don't mean to just like overanalyze a single round because it doesn't even matter because FaZe still win it FaZe still win it because that's how good FaZe is that's why Counter-Strike is fun to watch there's nothing that you can do that guarantees a round win which is why it's so fun to watch Cs and that's why we all do this uh we'll get back to it now so basically this is just another gun round probably one of the more important rounds in the game and you'll notice that this time Don doesn't have enough money for the normal usually he wants to throw so he's going to go ahead in throw just the glaive smoke now some people who are watching are probably like wait wait he's not looking they can cross secret there's nobody looking on the radar look nobody's looking he could just go down secret well remember we're watching tier one Counter-Strike and it doesn't matter if they go down secret there's already somebody here and it's going to be ZX now ZX is the ramp player which would mean that normally shirro would probably be starting his op there they're actually not doing that and Don's going to just be you know fighting outside as per usual rain's going to catch him with this peak above the box and well you got to give credit to rain where it's du he is one of the best players at his job here here and well he'll take Don down and that's just you know sometimes it's just the difference he catches him off and uh that's going to be the end of donk I'm going to go ahead and skip the rest of the round cuz this is just a donk review not an actual game review we've done one of those before it was the liquid versus M80 game if you want to check that game out you can it is linked in the top right as well that was an entire team review not just a player review and you might be looking for something like that you can find it there uh here we have another round this is round 11 now remember this is high Stakes I I you might have forgotten the farther we get into this game that the stakes are really high this is the grand finals of I am katav vit they're playing on stage there is probably close to a million people watching live and there's thousands and thousands of people in the stadium in front of him at his computer every time he looks up he sees thousands of people now he's 17 years old and it's the first time he's ever done this let's not forget the stakes here so starts the round off by throwing off his utility he nades this cross smoke trying to catch a cheeky Play Nothing n comes in a little bit early there to be honest but no big deal uh and well we're just going to go ahead and back up why why is the reason they're backing up well the AAC is coming in you know you can't really see it always uh it looks silly but yes they're exing a so he's just going to rotate right away up through heaven now you might be curious why wouldn't you go through mini well because if you go rotate through mini most of the time you're just going to be smoked off because everybody smokes mini people don't smoke Heaven that much so it's easier now we talked about this before when Don gets Heaven what does he do you know most people are going to sit here and wait but donk not so much he's going to smoke this Molly and on the tap here he's getting ready waiting waiting waiting there it is the distraction Chopper gets the kill and he's ready he's on his keyboard any second now as soon as he hears somebody plant that bomb again he's going to run right through this smoke he just knows there it is another distraction runs through here it is the Donk effect he waited so long reveals it look at this screenshot donk rain robs looking at him one versus three but it's Don of course and he gets the first and he gets the second to transfer immediately and he knows the last person planted the bomb he looks to his right snaps perfect spot for Frozen he has Six Bullets left in his M4 he knows this is his round and the smoke spreads in front of his face there's no telling if he would have wanted or not there really isn't but the Donk effect is a real thing the Donk effect making rounds that aren't winnable look winnable or just outright winnable that's insane that the smoke actually saved Frozen's life I don't even think that Don backed up I think that the smoke just went in front of his face cuz they move like that very unfortunate for Don and a great try I mean seriously like what what is there to say this kid is he's insane I mean like genuinely he's insane he ran through a smoke got two kills and almost won a 1v3 in the biggest stage in the world I would be [ __ ] my pants if it was me on the stage in front of that many people but no this kid does not care realistically he's probably one of the best players at his age of all time that's goes without saying uh that I think that just goes without saying people would get upset if I said he's the best of all time but for his age that's this of alltime 17year olds he's un undoubtedly the goat anyway so starts around with the normal utility gets himself into this mini position this is a really common spot because well he doesn't need to watch outside cuz somebody's watching for him and if they come in a he's in a really good spot to help them now this spot is also really good at dealing with a specific thing that FaZe is like to do which is to wrap through mini now remember this entire game there's been somebody back garage to deny the mini wrap it doesn't mean that they forgot that it's possible because there's nobody there but instead Don is in a spot to deal with the mini WAP look he's ready for it if somebody walks and he's holding it now historically for those of you guys that don't watch a lot of Counter-Strike FaZe has a strat that they like to do which a lot of teams like to do but FaZe is really known for it which is an a hit where somebody sneaks in through mini now this Strat has been called many many times carrian loves it on this map and well they're going to call it again so what happens they throw the top mini smoke and they throw a couple of things that would pressure outside and remember what I said earlier which is that normally the person that's outside is rain again rain is the only person that was outside this round which is why they were able to make that rotation earlier now I don't know if D was prepared for this off of Spawn hard to say but this a split comes in where rain comes through mini doesn't see dunk and he's going to get the kill now what is the point of the a split with a person coming through mini because realistically if you're looking at what just happened to rain you might think it's kind of silly somebody runs through a smoke on to a mini guy like what's the point the point is is that this utility that's getting thrown at a should be enough to distract people to look towards Hut and door to where this guy has a good timing to kill somebody on top of Hut or Clos door or maybe even a guy mini that's trying to help them unfortunately Don is too smart and he just catches rain on this play and it all falls apart shortly after that even though rain does die though they still get decent space here they actually are even able to catch Don um and get into pretty favorable spot it was a three versus two but unfortunately uh he just you know you can't you can't always win him and even though robs is very talented I just don't think he can get this 4K actually I I know he can't I'll just tell you right now it's not going to happen terorist that's a pretty good half All Things Considered for the man uh himself donk uh 20 kills in 12 rounds on the biggest stage in his career yeah this kid is insane there's not really much else to say I mean genuinely the kid is is just insane I mean like like I don't know I don't know I can't wait to see him at his next event I I mean hopefully in the Rari plays good hopefully they make the major I hope he can keep playing on stage because he's a very exciting player to watch now let's get into it it's tside Mr Don is going to be of course running out the ramp now you might notice that it's maybe unexpected that Don is going to be entering because if you had somebody like Don on your team you probably wouldn't want him to entry right because what if he dies then your main win condition is just gone well I don't know but he comes out ramp and he's very confident he jumps spots around the corner looking for anybody he can find and we'll end up discovering here the the Zeus is in he actually gets shot by carrian here but even though it's you know looking bad robs and carrian yeah they're both trying to fight him it is Don after all and look at that he gets a quick kill on the robs immediately steps out here carrian no chance at all like we'll actually just watch this fight From carrigan's perspective let's see what he gets let's see what kind of chance does he have here against D well not much not much at all so I mean so far uh Rob's got two no mistakes and uh carrian well no mistakes but got none and the round is not looking great two versus two we got Don alive Frozen pushing in through squeaky it's spotted Don nosy has a little bit of a timing running out of the door you know of course we know Frozen's in squeaky we just shot getting the bomb down and uh you know one versus two something about Don makes me feel like this is always going to be winnable spotting him out but it doesn't actually matter how good a player is because as long as the team play is good you will always be able to shut him down now it's been a topic of discussion for quite some time if Don is going to be too good and if he's just going to decimate for the rest of time and to that I would say well I hope so but I don't think that that's the case because it doesn't matter how good an individual is there's been many individuals over time and none of them simple zyu Nico included and I guess actually monia now that I'm thinking about it none of them have been too good uh they've all had their era and they've all been countered by One Singular thing even if they are better individually than everybody else in the server and that's team play all this is to say that team play will always counter this it will always counter really good individuals why do I bring this up why do I go on the side tangent I don't think that Don is so good that it's going to break the pro scene what I think it is though and I think that Don is to the point where Don is doing something that is going to make teams have to practice harder so that they can always deal with individuals like him what does that mean it means a better exit it means better trading better spacing making sure that Don can't multikill and I think that in the future we're going to see a lot of teams practicing to pretty much negate that play style so that there's no possible way for there to be these games where Don is just you know getting 30 kills and outright winning the game so you can kind of let me know what you think about that do you think Don's going to run around and dominate for the rest of time probably not but you know as I'm always interested to see kind of what uh the community thinks about things in the comments I will be reading the comments so you just let me know what you're thinking anyway so what do we have we have a normal t-s side default we have the lurk smoke throne for the t-s side the lurk smoke throne for the CT side and they're just going to sit here now we actually have a set fake coming in it's a uh fake on a which I've run variations of this on teams where you have people back red who are going to cross the secret with the a fake all the attention is looking a so that you have time to cross the guy that was Heaven is going to look here instead or the guy that's mini is going to turn around and it basically gives you a Gap or a timing in order to cross the secret or because of the fake it actually gives you a timing to spot rain isolated in back of garage here now he's doing the same thing that Don was doing earlier but he gets caught he spots well he spots three people at once what happens Chopper jumps around mini he's going to smoke it off in the meantime also Dong's going to peek now I talked about how good Don's Crosshair placement was and it is really good this is not an example of it being bad but what it is an example of is even when he isn't aiming where the person is it doesn't even matter so you have somebody with the mechanics of Nico with the cross placement of robs and the individual skill of well I guess simple and zyu and Nico and electronic and every good player who's come before him in one that's really scary that is really scary um also the Strat is so good they isolated rain outside and they split him here I've never seen anything like that before but really good round so far from Spirit I like the design of the Strat they're going to go ahead and rotate up Chopper gets up to heaven Dong's going to instead go towards CT now he's not very uh you know he's very smart and he does know that the ramp player will sometimes rotate to cover and see if anyone's rapping outside and since they never saw broi which of course broi is their oper and normally if we remember think back to when we watch shirro play outside he was either here or here they never saw him so that probably means that he's either ramp or he's an a which he's an A and because of that Don's going to take the timing into CT he knows it's clear he's going to wait for the person to push Jay if that person never did push then it's probably the Opera here or there's already somebody lower uh a lot of things going on in his head here he's going to catch off robs though the long story short he's going to catch robs off off well kind of Rob still gets the dink if he had a better gun he would just kill Don but he doesn't have it catches the Dink and they're going to reset the round here and Don's going to jump up and well actually he's just going to get timing car's going to peek out of mini and catch him on a timing here very unfortunate not much he could do uh his teammates are in the perfect spots to just not see this and it's just that's how timings work he's going to die well either way he gets two in the round and spear are going to be able to convert it fantastic we love it D is a fantastic player another round outside smokes are thrown D's going to go in first now again he is that player he's an aggressive player like rain is outside in AC cross and now look at how he does this you'll see this is why I think Don is really good he doesn't start Crossing as soon as the smokes go now because that's the most common time to spam so he waits at the back of red for a second before he starts Crossing and then he starts Crossing while crouched which is making him extra slow but he's also becoming a smaller Target which makes him harder to hit now the reason he's doing this is all intentional you don't see a lot of players do this think about rain and Frozen from the beginning of the game they're walking across and Don spam them he's just very aware of the possibility of what can happen and he knows he's playing against deagles that are spamming the smokes and deagles are going to be aiming a head height which is why he's crouching it's all calculated and you might think that that's obvious when I tell you yeah it is but you wouldn't have did it not in the server anyway uh but he's doing it in the most intense environment of his life so you know just saying either way they're going to get down secret as four here going to throw the lower utility all very standard I'm speeding it up here the ex's going to come in uh FaZe not in position here they are just on a force SP and well the round is going to just pretty much fall from fall apart from there uh you know carrigan's going to get his they got a really good setup and uh well actually phas nobody dies this round they all save all five stay alive that means nobody gets a kill this round on Spirit Don still has 25 kills though the next guy on his team has 11 remember Don gets 30 kills this game and he doesn't even get a single kill on this round there's not that many rounds left in the game doesn't even get a kill this round that's kind of scary all right round number what is this 16 round 16 we got to pause from the CTS that's phase of course um we're just going to see more of the same outside pressure is in my clock is broken great CS2 demo viewer uh they're setting up for an a exac here kind of just you know taking their time getting ready to go don kind of just watching outside and here comes the hit they're coming in an Molly Asian these are all things that you can check out if you want to in a demo viewer that has the radar where you can steal some strats very good I have a lot that I would recommend you can check out noasis or CS2 lens both of those are are not sponsored are very very good to kind of get an overhead view to see all of the components to go into these strats um Don just gets killed with the smoke not a lot you could do here carrian got him you know it happens uh it's just this is just a set Strat not a lot to look at from an individual perspective that's just a team round just like this one another round here they're setting up another Strat we know that because Don is normally the guy that goes outside and he's not outside so they're going to set up another set Strat here and uh well uh here it comes he's going to come out here now I watched this round a couple of times earlier and when I watched this round I was a little confused and I'll explain to you why so let's rewind it 15 seconds let's get to the part where they're going out Hut okay so Don's teammate Don's teammate gets killed from Top Hut so don checks top Hut doesn't see him he checks again doesn't see him so what does he do well I'll tell you what the most common thing is to path up the front of the site let me rewind it a little bit so I can show you without spoiling the the round okay hold on okay the most common path to take is this path right here where you come out the Hut and you scale up this way look at what Magis is doing this is the most common route to take but the reason that is is because when you come out this way look it you come this way and you don't ever get exposed to Heaven you never get exposed to heaven but for some reason Don goes this way now I don't know about you now I'm not saying this is this might be an example of Don not being the perfect player but I feel like it's a little bit of a mistake to go this way now I'm not the person that will call out a mistake I'm asking what do you think because he comes out the the wrong way why this this just objectively not the the correct way to go because there's another a player he could be back site he could be anywhere carrigan's farming we only see one guy and you're going to take this route which exposes you to heaven exposes you to back site didn't even check it until right now could have been standing here the entire time could have been in heaven looking at him he just takes a weird spot he gets the back site sure but I don't know if this is a good play I I don't know I I I I'm genuinely not sure and that's why normally in these demo reviews I I'm pretty confident in the things I'm saying this is the one time where I'm pretty sure he made a mistake but I can't prove it because it it it's just it just works like they get in a winnable situation here like I don't I don't really know like what there is to say I mean he takes the space I mean sure maybe maybe they knew that there was nobody heaven but he could have just died like like he could have literally just died I don't know what he knew to make that play is what I'm trying to say and since I don't think he knew anything like out of the ordinary I just feel like it's the wrong play but it works so I don't know I don't know regardless he will go down to the nade from broki the round will go the way of uh FaZe and that's that fantastic I don't think that the round is single-handedly on DK but I will say I I do genuinely think that he might have made a mistake I think he might have made a mistake in his pathing that's it that's a very small thing to make a mistake on in his pathing just opening that one up I don't know what do you guys think let me know anyway another set outside smokes here they got the top mini smoke and uh I actually really like this one this is the uh new three smoke wall that doesn't let you get spotted from outside on that cross there and it also lets you slip in through the smoke here to go into mini really clever and also really smart uh now of course face has no info uh don was outside they're gonna go back into to Inner now if we were on baz's tside and rain was doing this I would 100% tell you they're going to end a Don is the same role that rain is so well they're going to end a now I have also watched this game before but I'm just going to tell you they're going to end a hey ex is in yet again there must be something something that is weak on phase that they know about and they're just going to clean it up do doesn't get any kills doesn't even matter clean round he did everything he was supposed to do um team player he's just a team player again now the way that I was told or the way that the community uh perception is is that Don is just a very aggressive player who just runs around and kills people but I've played against players like that in my pugs God if I haven't played against players like that in my pugs and those players would just try to creep up and get into mini or they would like try to go for a weird play outside or they would come in and start lurking ramp or they would just be in like a top Silo but no no no not don don is in the right spots playing for the team see seems like a lot of people don't really agree though and they feel like he just runs around relying on his aim I haven't seen Don rely on his aim one time at all in any of the demos that I watch from him so I don't know uh either way another straightforward round Don is outside by himself just like rain would be except this time he's going to come up and well what do we see nades get you know nades get thrown he looks doesn't get spotted and this is it this is what I talked about this is that a split that FaZe wanted to call with rain earlier remember replay it in your head when rain came through the mini smoke and Don killed him this is the exact same Strat that phze ran and now Don's doing it he's he is rain the same exact position except FaZe doesn't have a donk where is the person that was mini that the Donk was well he doesn't exist and because of that Don is going to come through mini catches the first adjust to the second broi is in the middle of nowhere I don't even know why broi is there honestly it's the second kill that's a 2K from donk and that's just part of the Donk effect I mean seriously think about it the dunk effect is the Strat works because it's him think about it back the Strat didn't work I should say for FaZe because Don knew what was going to happen on the flip side of things the Strat does work because Don gets the kills it's crazy again though this isn't the most exciting thing in the world that's just a set Strat that's probably been run millions and millions and millions of times by spirit and it always works that way because Don always gets his um but either way it worked again he got two can't take that away from him again we have another round he's dropping smokes getting everything he's going to go outside not a lot of going on except this is the round the last round that phas win why well because FaZe has a player that is their version of a donk which is well which is robs I mean this is an Eco with robs has it having a gun yeah I mean at a certain point robs is just going to do robs things I mean it's like donk you know you can't always stop the star players um he's just going to win them the round you know they they every team has this player at the high level they will just randomly win you around I mean it's a 4K for Ops like that's a that's a pretty big deal um yeah it you know that's why again tier one Counterstrike is at a level right now that's just insane everybody is individually nuts two more rounds left in the game another standard round Don with a smoke and an H now that entire point of the H is to catch somebody doing exactly what Brookie is doing and uh well it did and Don hears him pushing up spams the smoke there it is again this kid if you watch his demos he's always spamming people through smokes I don't know what it is I don't know what it is I know broie made a step but seriously we're spamming him through here that's insane to me broie literally didn't even do anything wrong but regardless that's what that that's what they do they rely on Don outside he's just going to get those kills and um he's just dominating he's actually just dominating and off of that what are they doing well ZX has walked out a this is another thing about this team this team spirit team is so scary I know this is a bu review but look at this off of the outside aggression let me explain the macro off of the outside aggression broi is not an outside player that's aggressive if he's aggressive it's because rain is also an outside player is helping him which is close so since one of the outside players is always the Rotator for ramp most of the time there's a big gap at a and that means that these guys on a have to play extra safe because they know well most of the time that if they need to rotate up to ramp uh that well basically what I'm saying is is that they can't drop into the site because they need to be in the rafters because if he drops off the site he can't rotate to ramp so that's why he's up here now if we know that somebody's up in heaven the chances are he's looking Hut and off of this distraction outside ZX actually just knows that he can just walk through the smoke because it's pretty likely that nobody's looking and that's a crazy intuition play I mean look again ztics also another person who hasn't played on stages like this look at another look he just walks out and because of what I said he spots him out there kill another kill that's nuts and there it is it's not even just Don it's everybody on this team is scary and uh yeah again unfortunately for rain Don is going to catch him clearing outside he saw a pixel of him I mean look if you're getting lurked on outside with full asight gone you're not even doing anything except trying trying to save that's just the Donk effect right there there's not much else to say that's literally just it bomb has and the ztics effect as well either way robs he's going to S you know go down in the end final round of the game now I don't know I didn't mean to skip ahead there now I don't know about you but it seems to me like Spirit senses a weakness in phases a sight and I think that weakness is carrian um so they're just going to keep targeting it every round on tside they're going out a and here's another example of that let's play this round in slow motion so it gives me a little time to talk about it this is an a rush what's happening Don going to step out he's going to be trading magix magix looks straight up because remember the round before that they went out a carrian killed him from Top Hut this round no different carrian he's really good still even though he gets joked you know a lot of jokes thrown at him for being not as good as all the other players he's still good gets his what does carrian do well it's normal for an a player to get a kill and then drop into the place that you got the kill so that way you can continue pushing and like catch people off guard caran drops off a Hut which is this all standard it looks silly it's standard play Don's tracking is really good caran gets dealt with okay 5v3 to a 4 V3 but caran didn't do anything wrong he just got traded dunk first kill steps Out Heaven now remember on CT side what did Don do Don did exactly what Frozen's doing he just Peaks Out of Heaven because it's really hard to stop and it's really strong Don immediately after the kill Looks To Heaven because he knows that that's the play that a lot of players are making at the higher level immediately now look he's not looking Heaven over here he's not looking back site he's not even looking to his right he's looking here this is the spot where everybody's swinging out this is no mistake boom Another kill that's a 2K on the AAC remember it was a 5v3 so steps out to his left broki is swinging through the smoke to try to help his teammates unfortunately it's too late because un a man named donk is on a heater this is three kills that he's gotten and he's taken two steps out of the Hut door did anybody on phas make a mistake here that's the question I want to ask you and I want you to be genuine with me did anybody on phas make a mistake here I will tell you the answer you can tell me if I'm wrong but the answer is no nobody on faas made a mistake you could argue that carrian dropping off a Hut is the wrong play except it's not because look at where zanx died carrian can die to to ztics before he died Frozen killed him because he swung out of Heaven carrian dropped because of the guy but he's dead because Frozen swung out Frozen was supposed to swing out that's the play carrian dropped because that's the play broi came through the smoke the Min smoke to help his teammates because that's the right play none of the players on phas made a mistake and in the course of literally half a second Don gets three kills and they win the first map and go on to win the grand finals of IM am Cavit and he goes on to post a 1.7 rating across the tournament this is this is how he does it I'll let the round continue to play out and I'll replay it at full speed so you can really just appreciate how this looked in real time and then we'll go ahead and wrap it up so here it is the person gets traded magix goes down car drops D to just s turns to the right another three kills and there's nothing you can even do nobody on face made a mistake people are thinking well why would broie run through the smoke no no no no don't question why broi would run through the smoke if you've ever watched any nuke you know that that's what they do if you question why Frozen swung if you've ever watched any nuke or even just the beginning of the demo review you know that that's what they do if you question why carrian dropped off at the top of Hut I would like to reference one more round to cement the fact that I don't think that carrian made a mistake what is the round in question the round in question do you remember when I said I think Don misplayed around okay so here's that exact round before now let's look at what carrian does this round instead of donk let's look at carrian okay let's look at carrian okay so Spirit call a rush now remember carrian in the last round you might argue that he made a mistake by dropping top Hut but let's look at what krian does this round same thing caran throws his lurk smoke to buy himself some room kills magic remember this is the round I think Don made a mistake what does carrian do well he instead of dropping off Hut he jumps off to the other side and catches this player off guard because that's what you do look this is carrian we're talking about somebody that people will never ever give credit for being a good Fragger and look krian gets two and he stays alive this is the right play this is a by the book asight play so in the last round of the game when carrian does this and drops right into Don's cross here terrorist win is it a mistake no it's not a mistake and all that's to say Don is him he's genuinely him so I hope you guys enjoyed this demo review I hope you guys learned a lot uh there is a lot to learn from donk I would be down to cover more Demos in the future from him if you want to see that let me know in the comments below you guys know I do love to do demo reviews they're some of my favorite content to make on the channel and um yeah I felt like this one was pretty insightful hopefully you guys learned a little bit about CT nuke and uh yeah so that's going to be it for me if you guys did enjoy the video I'd appreciate if you guys dropped a subscribe on the channel or like the video share with your friends who are donk haters and uh i' would appreciate if you check out this video that YouTube thing so you'll enjoy I'm sure you will go look at it
Channel: austincs
Views: 78,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin, austincs, csgo, austin csgo, austin cs, stream, streamer, highlight, highlights, stream highlights, funny, funny moments, moments, insane, insane games, high elo, level 10, 3000 elo, pugs, how, to, win, face, faceit, how to be good, get better, cs2, cs, cs2 beta, cs2 release, cs2 tips, cs2 tricks, cs2 tips and tricks, donk, get donked, cs2 donk, donk cs2, dust 2, inferno, mirage, anubis, ancient, dust2, nuke, overpass, office, smokes, smoke, best, the best, nades, for, the best nades for
Id: 2xwlssT0Dl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 36sec (3576 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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