How To Pass The Life In The UK Test Lesson 5 A Global Power Part 2

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hello fast trackers and welcome to another episode  of the life in the uk test part two where we're   talking about the british empire in the second  part of its colonial history uh today's lesson   will cover some questions we'll be covering the  main presentation um and again if you're if you're   struggling with the life in the uk test you're  not quite sure where to go come and talk to us   we're teachers we're the number one online  trainers for the british citizenship exams   we do online classes group classes one-to-one  classes and you can look at the description   below whatsapp is communicate with us speak to  us on our website check out our website there's   more questions to practice and there's a full  course which you can enroll on and once you are   in that course you can train with the teacher and  the teacher helps you pass your test first time   so without further ado get a cup of tea close  the door kick everyone out or bring everyone in   it's your choice put yourself put it on the big  screen so everyone can watch but enjoy yourself   as we go through the next part of our life  in the uk test all right let's get straight   to it all right ladies and gentlemen  lesson number five a global power part   two let's get straight into it when were women  given the right to vote 1928 1828 1948 or 1882   when were women given the right to vote 1928  1828 1948 or 1882 the correct answer is 1928   and again the first time around i'm going to do  it is if you're in the real exams so you guys   can do it by yourself the second time round right  at the end of the training i'm gonna help you and   show you some tips and tricks that i've picked  up over the years so let's get straight into it   what term can be related to women who campaign  for their legal rights to vote in the late 19th   century and early 20th centuries nuggets bridget's  suffragettes what term can be related to women who   campaigned for their legal rights to vote in  the late 19th and early 20th centuries nuggets   bridgets or suffragettes the correct answer  is suffragettes which statement is correct the   industrial revolution was the rapid development  of industry in the 18th and 19th century the   industrial revolution was the rapid development  of shoemaking in the 18th and 19th century   the correct answer is the industrial revolution  was the rapid development of industry in the 18th   and 19th centuries very good which two  of the following were famous victorians   ismart kingdom brunel margaret thatcher  dylan thomas or florence nightingale   which two of the following were famous victorians  ismart kingdom brunel margaret thatcher dylan   thomas or florence nightingale the correct answer  is ism by kingdom brunel and florence nightingale   which statement is correct george and robert  stevenson were famous pioneers of railway engines   george and robert stevenson were  famous pioneers of agricultural changes   which statement is correct george and robert  stevenson were famous pioneers of railway engines   george and robert stevenson were famous pioneers  of agricultural changes the correct answer is   george and robert stephenson were famous pioneers  of railway engines who was florence nightingale   founder of modern nursing founder of the internet  founder of care homes who is florence nightingale   founder of modern nursing founder of the internet  or founder of care homes the correct answer is   founder of modern nursing very good okay  after the potato famine in ireland where   did many of the irish people go england and  the usa germany and italy france and belgium   after the potato famine in ireland  where did many of the irish people go   england and usa germany and italy france and  belgium the correct answer is england and the usa   good job rudyard kipling wrote which book harry  potter jungle book or them of mice and men   rudyard kipling wrote which book harry potter  the jungle book or of mice and men the correct   answer is jungle book very good and who wrote the  famous poem if robert burns my favorite because   it's scottish robert burns winston churchill  or rudyard kipling who wrote the famous poem   if robert burns winston churchill or rudyard  kipling the correct answer is rudyard kipling   very good where did the boer war take place south  africa america germany or pakistan where did the   war take place south africa america germany  or pakistan the correct answer is south africa   what did the uk produce in the 19th century  iron coal cotton cloth copper silver metal   gold petrol or soil so what did the uk produce  in the 19th century iron coal cotton cloth copper   silver metal gold petrol or soil the correct  answer is iron coal cotton cloth very good   okay guys now we're going to talk about the  victorian age and this picture on the right   hand side is of queen victoria as you can see  very very sad at this point because her husband   had died and she never quite got over it she was  in mourning for 40 years she loved her husband   very much of course and she um um she was the  longest reigning queen until queen elizabeth uh   came along queen elizabeth ii and she is the  longest reigning queen at this point 1837-1901   the british empire at the time uh had a lot of  territory of course you can see north america   um 1897 no that's not north america that is north  america north america had already been lost canada   uh of course britain little island and  then all jamaica all the caribbean islands   uh there was many there's a falcon islands  around here uh south africa egypt um   this is oh i'm so sorry i can't remember what  country this is it's nigeria i think no is it   i'm so bad i'm so sorry um zimbabwe from rhodesia  no i'm so bad i should have looked this up but   that's india um that's australia and then  every pretty much every island in between   fiji is here somewhere um but south africa and  many of the inner countries in the heart of south   africa cecil rhodes i believe build a railway  from here but of course this is the british empire   india australia and africa the continent of  africa had been colonized by this tiny island here   so from there you had 400 million people  in the british empire 13 million people   left britain 1870 to 1914 a 120 000 russian and  polish jews came um and india and africa were   part of all the continents of africa were  part of the british empire but notice how   none of this information has been highlighted  in red that's because none of it is important   for your exam there is no need to remember  any of this at all none of it's in your test   trade in industry 1847 women and children working  hours uh was reduced to 10 hours a day and there   was better housing and transport so what does this  mean it means that women and children were given   um the restriction of working only 10 hours a  day before that they were working all hours a day   and there was better housing and  transport in the british empire after 1847   because all the money that was coming into the  british empire meant that they could treat their   people much much much better and so britain was  a very nice place not entirely nice of course but   there was a lot of money rolling around in 1847  a lot of people had a lot of money and resources   george and robert stevenson in 1814 made the  first train these were two brothers and this   is the first prototype of the train you put  the coal in the engine and and it moves and um   i think one of the brothers invented it and the  other brother marketed it but i can't be 100   sure about that and again that's not on the test  but they will ask you george and robert stevenson   these are these two people here and this is the  train that they made uh the first ever train   so these are the two people um right now we've got  ism kingdom brunel uh this happy chappie here with   his top hat and his uh there's a lot of iron coal  and iron coaster iron metal shackles and stuff   like that um he was an engineer he built tunnels  ships bridges and railways just remember kingdom   in the exam if you've got kingdom uh he he was  an engineer so he made kingdom inzembard kingdom   brunel so the clifton suspension bridge is above  avon gorge so this here is above the avon gorge   um which means that um the clifton suspension  bridge is uh is a wonder it's a well it's not a   wonder but it is wonderful to look at hey um so  uh if you go it connects uh you know very large   uh river above a river from i believe  it's um the mainland england into   wales yes a clifton suspension version of avon  gorge i have to double check my details because   again none of these things are really in the test  um the only thing that's really in the test is uh   this um like what did the english produce or the  uk produce in the uh 19th century iron coal cotton   cloth so remember how we talked in the last lesson  about how the indian cloth industry was destroyed   uh by the industrial revolution of england um  it was definitely you know completely wiped away   no one could really export to the level they  were exporting but you see here uh this is the   cotton cloth that they had they had iron that was  made from the coal that they burned so they they   pulled loads of coal out of the ground they made  loads of iron and they made loads of cotton cloth   okay crimean war now this is definitely important  it's really important to remember this because   this was the time when a lot of soldiers died  from gunshot wounds rather than actually being   killed in war the reason being is there was no  field medicine there was no medicine in the field   they severely underestimate and underestimated  the uh the russians not because of the the   actual russians themselves but because of the  weather of russia they sent a lot of soldiers   into war without blankets food without the  proper like supplies and a lot of soldiers   died from gangrene so imagine if you got shot in  the arm they take you back and they say look man   we just got to chop your arm off man because we  haven't really got the medicine here to help you   right now so it's either going to get grand green  and you're going to die or we chop your arm off   so that's how bad the crimean war is it literally  was a very poorly planned war they started   giving away the victorian cross and these are the  soldiers at the time florence nightingale went to   turkey in the crimean war 1860s she made the  nightingale school for training school for   nurses and she is the founder of modern nursing  she was born in italy she is english now the story   of florence nightingale is a really really  uh interesting one because she had a massive   effect on how we looked at medicine prior to  florence nightingale there was no bedside manner   there was no cleaning of the clothes that the um  the people who were being in if you were a patient   you wouldn't have your clothes clean you wouldn't  have bedside manner you wouldn't have someone come   and talk to you and look after you know all the  holistic things that make you better you know   you're keeping your spirits up looking after  you making you feel better she saw that and she   started campaigning for it but more importantly  she was dissuaded from going into the field of   medicine by her auntie and her mom who wanted her  to go away i think to go on an accountancy call   i think it's an accountancy course i'm getting  a lot of things wrong today i can't remember a   lot of the history of what they actually did but  i'm pretty sure she was going to go away to italy   for an accounting course um but instead to get  married and instead she said no at the last minute   and then she went to crimea and her family  denounced her and then when she got there   she waited outside of the army barracks for like  three months they wouldn't let her in because she   was a woman they told her that she doesn't know  what she's on about when she walked in she was   absolutely um aboard by what she saw what she saw  was prisoners lying in their own filth dying there   was no clean environment for them to be in their  clothes weren't clean the doctor who was doing   all of the operations his his surgical equipment  wasn't sterilized his his apron in which he was um   doing his work was caked in blood so that  when you hit it it was it was like it was   like a piece of cardboard it was caked  in so much blood it was like cardboard   um and so she cleaned everyone up she gave  them all clean clothes she looked after them   and she she basically you know looked after  bedside manner and she then promoted this   and it became a staple of how medicine in europe  and and the western world was looked at obviously   all of the things that she was doing was was found  thousands and thousands of years ago in holistic   medicine before and it's just that europe was very  late in catching up with bedside manner um and and   and you know it became a real thing later on not  early on um and so this is it so thank god for   that thank god you know we have bedside manner now  and we look after patients with clean clothing and   and dressings and things like that if you want to  know more about florence nightingale you can go   online and look on youtube there's some really  great documentaries about her life i'm pretty   sure i've butchered her entire life but it helps  you guys have a story and a story that tells you   what her life was and why she's the founder of  modern nursing and that's enough for the exam   there's only one question in the exam that's  about her it's who is the founder of modern   nursing florence nightingale and then a reversal  of the question is uh who is florence nightingale   she's the founder of modern nursing and who is the  founder of body nursing florence nightingale two   questions two reverse questions potato famine this  is a really bad thing two-thirds of farming potato   uh in ireland uh the the famines okay let's start  at the beginning irish people love potatoes to   the point that it made up a lot of the diet of of  irish people uh at that time in the 19th century   there was a huge famine that completely destroyed  the crops of the potatoes and destroyed families   people died and there was no help from the english  and that is a fact there was no support from the   english the english said let them die let them let  them die we don't we don't care about helping them   um and the english still wonder why ireland  wants to be free and why they want a full   island why scotland wants to be free and why  whales i don't think they really care about   the annexation i don't know but i know scotland  wants separation i know ireland wants separation   it's like things like this this is really  important in the history and the identity   because a lot of irish people then left they  went to usa they went to england specifically   liverpool and they you know that's their heritage  they had to leave due to famine and it was even as   so far as there was people in india uh princes  who knew were one prince in particular who   found out that hey these guys are starving and he  sent boats and boats and boats of rice to ireland   and said here this you know his rice you know you  can you can use it and the english turn them away   at the port and says no no no no take it back they  don't need this um you can't give it take it back   um and the prince of look you know these people  need something to eat like we have excess food   here take the food help them they said no take  it back um and so the potato famine is really um   it's a turning point in terms of ireland's um  history uh and it's remembered it's taught in   schools and it comes up in the exam um what you  know what was the potato famine it's really bad   time in ireland where a lot of people uh died a  secondary question that comes up similar to this   is what is the troubles that was where there  was a lot of fighting in ireland and then a   lot of people died and one thing that you can  remember about the capital of northern ireland   is is called belfast now fasting is what people go  through when they can't eat so if you know about   the potato famine where people couldn't eat and  you've got northern ireland which is the capital   belfast you're fasting you can't eat so those are  the three uh things that come from this particular   idea in the book three questions and three answers  what was the potato family it's where a lot of   people died in ireland uh what is the troubles  uh this came later it was a lot of people died   due to the um due to bombings and the irf uh  but they don't talk about the irif in the book so they don't talk about the irf and what  they just said it was it was a political   time um and then the last thing is um  you know what is the capital of ireland   in northern ireland it's belfast  because people couldn't eat food   okay so um next stage is about voting so there  was more uh people demand to vote so more people   demanded the vote and in 1864 there was the  reform act the reform is to change something and   more people can vote but still not women  that came later in 1928 until 1817 women gave   everything to their husband everything women  had no right to own property no right to vote   no right for anything very troubling time for  women uh girls women elder very troubling times   um only because there was no voice we're going  to talk about the voice now you have emmeline   pankas to 1858 to 1928 heroically uh fought to  get the vote amongst rights to um basic equality   between men and women and they were looked at as  troublemakers they were called the suffragettes   the women who suffered and any good woman any  good woman who is loyal to her family and to her   country and of course her husband and family would  not act in such a manner um 1928 women were given   the right to vote and that was directly after the  war now um now one of the things that you're going   to get in your test is who are the suffragettes  there's about three four questions here who are   the suffragettes the suffragettes of women who  campaign for women's rights to vote they are   women who suffered suffragettes who is the leader  of the suffragettes emmeline pankas when did women   get the vote 1928 but then there's a couple of  two caveats when did the women get the first vote   uh 1928 and then they got another vote in 1969  so 192 1928 or 1921 i think it was they got the   vote at the age of 30. 1928 they got the vote at  the age of uh 21 the same as men and 1969 they   got the vote at the age of 30. no they got the  vote at the age of 18. that's the correct answer   but but the main one that comes up in  the exam is when did women get the vote   1928 when did women get the vote the same age as  men 1969 and suffragettes were the leaders of the   um the campaign um and this happened after  world war one so 1914 to 1918 was world war   one and again get a pen and paper i will  be covering this in the next lesson you may   as well write it down now in your notebook  1914 to 1918 was world war one 1939 to 1945   was world war ii now at this time when men went  to war majority of them died in france overseas when they died the men husbands  brothers sons fathers they all died   so therefore you start to have a lot  of money and property and and um um   you you have a lot of of things that need to be  handed over to somebody but who are they handed   over only women have survived so there needed to  be a legal uh change in the system and they said   it was because of the women's contribution during  world war one in the factories yes that's true   but it was also because the men had died  and therefore there was no one to inherit   all the the the left behind wealth uh or debt or  uh estates or properties so women were given the   right to vote on property and therefore you you  start to see how society has changed due to war   um so that's what comes from emeline  pankas let's talk about the buoy war   the british versus the buas in south africa  now you're going to want to hear about this   diamonds do you guys know what diamonds are that's  you know a woman's best friend sure uh what they   love to put in other things sure um diamonds  what they love to put in jewelry yeah great okay   uh diamonds are so um important that uh  england sent 800 000 troops to south africa   where they had recently just discovered  diamonds when they had discovered diamonds   the english claimed south africa as theirs  now prior to this um this south african   uh country was oh well this the the land  of south africa was colonized by the dutch   and they then came into the afrikaans prior  to even that you have the indigenous people   of that land who do not value diamonds at all and  they don't look at land in the same way as it's a   property they look at land as it's for everybody  and therefore we we communally live on this land   and it's you know mother nature and we we we all  are brothers and sisters and and we will fight   sure we will fight but you know good god not with  guns um but but none of that is on your test the   only thing that's on your test is what is the boa  war the buoy war was the war between south africa   and the british and uh that's it that's literally  it that's the only thing you need to remember for   the test but if you want to remember what the boo  world really was it was a time where the british   went to south africa and they got well they had  to reform their their military practices because   they wore red uniforms in south africa which  made it real real real easy to be spotted   by the dutch who were using a guerrilla  warfare the same type of guerrilla warfare   that the viet cong and vietnamese uh used against  the americans and they even took inspiration by   by reading stories about how they're dealt with  the british exactly in the same way to the point   that they the boers used to use horses and  pistol ears to do hit and run tactics on   the british that were extremely effective and  then the british used an even more effective   um even more effective tactic of kidnapping and  keeping hostage all of the families of the boers   in the first ever known concentration camps so the  british were the first to make concentration camps   put all of the families into concentration  camps and said look they're going to die in   these concentration camps unless you come out of  the forest and sign this deal and stop fighting   and that's exactly what happened the buoys came  out they signed a deal they stopped fighting and   obviously every every other atrocity in between  was wiped under the table and then the um english   blue the biggest hole in south africa for diamonds  that that's the biggest man-made hole ever   google it if you want to google diamonds south  africa whole you will see the biggest hole that   any human has ever made with dynamite and it's  massive just for getting the diamonds out and   that's the story of the british involvement  in south africa and the buoy war so hopefully   you can remember that and the best way to remember  that is this what was the boer war it was the war   between the british and south africa o and  o and also a big o in the ground a big hole   for the diamonds that they blew out subua south  africa and oh for the big hole that they blew   in the ground for the diamonds but they won't  talk about diamonds in the test they just say   boers in south africa right okay so changes in  the british empire at this point now the british   empire changed into the commonwealth what is the  commonwealth well if you can see here in this   picture united we stand that's wonderful granada  new zealand tanzania tasmania sorry the straits malta india the cape colony and australia the  commonwealth is the former colonies of the   british empire but now they have self autonomy  however they still pay to the crown but it's a   way that the british empire can stick around  still utilize the land and military access   yet they just let their uh those countries  uh rule themselves but they still answer to   the um the the queen and to the crown and to the  british empire um i would imagine that it's more   like um vassal states than is commonwealth but you  can google these things it doesn't really come up   in the test anymore uh but this will not come up  in the test anymore either actually no this will   rudyard kipling will come up in the test uh  what did he write he wrote the jungle book uh   he born and lived in india from 1865 to 1936 and  he wrote the jungle book and the just so stories   uh they he also wrote the uh poem if and it's  uh it's an okay poem it's not amazing i'll be   honest look i'm putting my hands up guys  i've read the poem it's not shakespeare   it's okay it's not that great you can google  that as well read the poem if and let me know   if you think it's a good poem i think it's a bit  basic but everyone loved it so whatever you know   i wasn't born at that time but you  know it's okay it's not that great   all right let's go straight into it this time i  am going to help you to remember all the essential   information to make sure that you don't have to go  off and learning loads of things i'm just going to   show you exactly what i would teach uh to help you  pass and learn this information when were women   given the right to vote 1928 1828 1948 or 1882  now remember guys it's after world war one 1914 to   1918 so this is 1928 because it's after the first  world war before the second world war the first   world war was 1914 1914-1918 the second world war  was 1939-1945 so whatever date comes between 1918   and 1940 1939 is your answer we've got 1928 that's  how you remember what term can be related to women   who campaigned for the legal rights to vote in  the late 19th century and early 20th centuries   nuggets bridget's suffragettes the correct answer  is suffragettes now how do we remember this now   again i encourage you guys not to read the whole  writing if you want to be a true fast tracker   you want to just pick out the key terms that's the  smart way of approaching this exam not to memorize   a whole chunk you're just going to stress  yourself out women legal rights suffragettes done   because no matter which way they word the question  they still have to use these key terms right   and these are the key terms now you know what they  know and they know they don't know what you know   therefore you know how to get your citizenship  exam before they know what's going on   all right let's keep it up which statement is  correct the industrial revolution was the rapid   development of industry in the 18th and 19th  century the industrial revolution was the rapid   development of shoemaking in the 18th and 19th  century easy have a read take your time i'll wait which of the following statements is correct the  industrial revolution was the rapid development of   industry in the 18th and 19th  century industry industrial   factories okay factory is industrial  industry make the two connections   you're good to go which two of the following were  famous victorians ismart kingdom brunel margaret   thatcher dylan thomas or florence nightingale  again take your time have a think who did we   discuss one person was standing next to some  chains and another woman went off to turkey   despite her mother and her auntie telling  her not to one person made the avon gorge the   bridge and another person made modern nursing  who are we talking about ladies and gentlemen   that's right florence nightingale islamabad  kingdom brunel that's the best way to remember   this victorian like queen victoria she was in a  kingdom and she had nightingales which is a bird   victoria queen victoria was in a kingdom and  she had nightingales which was a bird this is   the easiest way to remember this question uh and  these answers and this definitely comes up it does   it does come up a lot in the test it really comes  up this one which statement is correct george and   robert stevenson were famous pioneers of railway  engines george and robert stevenson were famous   pioneers of agricultural changes now remember what  agriculture means agriculture means farming and   railway means well it does mean railways so these  two brothers made the first train the choo choo   train who is florence nightingale oh my god you  just had this founder of modding nursing founder   of the internet founder of care homes the correct  answer is fast trackers founder of modern nursing you just remember the story guys that's the best  way to just figure out the story after the potato   famine in ireland where did many of the irish  people go england and the usa germany and italy   france and belgium the correct answer is england  and usa because of the potato famine they went   to boston they went to liverpool of course other  places as well rudyard kipling wrote which book   harry potter the jungle book of mice and men the  correct answer is the jungle book so yeah i mean   yeah i wrote jungle book and then the favorite  poem if cool i guess i mean jungle book is cool   poem if i'm not a big fan who wrote the  poem if robert robert burns the scotsman   winston churchill the prime minister  or rudyard kipling the guy who wrote   the poem f yeah you guys knew this already  well done well done you got this fantastic   where did the booa war take place south africa  america germany or pakistan the correct answer   is south africa now remember guys look i told you  about that giant hole the english and the british   blew up in the ground after they took over  south africa this here is oh south africa   o fabua an o for the big hole they blew in the  ground south africa o fubua and o for the big hole   what did the uk produce in the 19th century iron  coal cotton or cloth copper silver metal gold   petrol soil so what did the uk produce in the  19th century iron coal cotton or cloth that's   right they had all those things because they had  industrial revolution okay fast trackers so you've   had another episode you've got a little bit more  knowledge you've got a little bit more confidence   and you're feeling great about yourself i'm so  happy for you i know you guys are going to do   great and whatever we teach you please teach  to others it's just going to make everyone a   lot happier a lot more relaxed and a lot better  so fast trackers my name is Rahul Ghazni i'm the   director of fast track training please leave a  like a subscribe and hit the bell icon and visit   our website in the description below for more  information and you can practice these tests   on our website we're very happy for you to come  along and if you'd like a full course just get   in touch with us whatsappers talk to a teacher  or go on the site and enroll straight away and   we'll get you past your exam very very quickly all  right that's all the time we have for today thank   you fast trackers and we will see you on the next  episode of life in the uk test take care bye you
Channel: Fast Track Training
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Keywords: life in the UK test 2021, citizenship test uk, british citizenship test 2020, citizenship test uk 2018, british citizenship interview, UK citizenship, life in the uk test, life in uk practice test, citizenship test, British citizenship test, English test for UK citizenship, UK citizenship test, b1 English test training, Spouse Visa Extension, Indefinite Leave To Remain test, Life in the uk test, English test for spouse visa extension, British citizenship test 1, naturalisation
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Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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