How To Pass The Life In The UK Test Lesson 6: The 20th Century

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hello fast trackers my name is rachel ghazni  director of fast track training and we are the   number one online teachers for british citizenship  exams today we have another great episode for you   lesson number six the 20th century or as i like  to call it when the pictures in the life in the   uk test go from black and white to color which  is excellent because now we get to watch some   things that are very relevant to our modern day  lives so sit back grab yourself a cup of tea   get some food invite all your family in the room  or take them all out it's your choice uh leave   a like subscribe hit the bell icon and please  share with friends and family uh because whatever   i teach to you or whatever we teach to you at  fasttrack training please teach it to others help   others and then we can all make this example a  little bit easier and help everyone become british   a little bit easier as well okay guys let's get  started okay guys just like always we're first   going to go through a set of questions i am not  going to help you i'm just going to sit here and   watch you do it imagine you're in the real exam  then we're going to do the presentation and then   after that we're going to do the same questions  again and you're going to be massively surprised   at how much you've learned okay let's get started  lesson number six the 20th century which of the   following statements is true the battle of britain  in 1940 was fought in the skies the battle of   britain in 1940s was fought at sea which of the  following statements is true the battle of britain   in 1940 was fought in the skies or the battle  of britain in the 1940s uh uh was fought at sea the correct answer is the battle of britain in  1940 was fought in the skies question number two   when did the first world war  end 1917 1980 1919 or 1920   when did the first world war end 1917 1918  1919 or 1920 the correct answer is 1918. question number three during the  first world war the british suffered   60 000 casualties on the first day of the battle  of what the somme al-amin waterloo or agent   question number three during the first world war  the british suffered sixty thousand casualties   on the first day of the battle of the  somme el alamein waterloo or agincourt the correct answer is the battle of the somme  germany invaded which country in 1939 that led to   the uk declaring war on germany was it a finland  b france c poland or d austria germany invaded   which country in 1939 that led to the uk declaring  war on germany a finland b france c poland or d   austria the correct answer is poland  i've highlighted germany here as well   uh that's the easiest way to remember it uh  question number five which of the following   statements is correct during the first world war  winston churchill was the british prime minister b during the second world war winston churchill  was the british prime minister which of the   following statements is correct during the  first world war winston churchill was the   british prime minister during the second world war  winston churchill was the british prime minister   the correct answer is during the second world war  winston churchill was the british prime minister   alexander fleming discovered a paracetamol b  the atom bomb c penicillin or d radiation so   alexander fleming discovered a paracetamol  b the atom bomb c penicillin or d radiation   the correct answer is c penicillin question number  seven which two were introduced before the first   world war 1914 national health service nhs child  benefit payments state retirement pension or free   school meals which two were introduced  before the first world war 1914   national health service nhs child benefit payments  state retirement pension or free school meals   the correct answer is state retirement pension and  free school meals is the statement below true or   false a public vote in 2002 decided that winston  churchill was the greatest briton of all time   is the statement below true  or false a public vote in 2002   decided that winston churchill was  the greatest briton of all time   that is true is the statement true or false in  1921 a treaty gave independence to the south of   ireland is the same in true or false in 1921 a  treaty gave independence to the south of ireland   the statement is true it is now the republic  of ireland roi is the following statement true   or false we shall fight them on the beaches is a  famous quote from a speech by queen elizabeth the   first about the spanish armada is the following  statement true or false we shall fight them on   the beaches is a famous quote from a speech by  queen elizabeth the first about the spanish armada   statement is false it's actually oh i can't  say it because i'm not teaching it we're just   going to have to find out right to the end  stick all the way to the end and then we'll   go through these and i'll explain properly  at the moment this is like the real exam   all right guys let's get started so we are in  the 20th century yay fantastic indoor plumbing   paracetamol yay the beatles um rolling stones  yay we're going to go through all of those in   the next lesson i think okay so britain is now a  global superpower it has financial help for the   unemployed the old age pensioners and there's  free school meals why because there's so much   money in britain it's they're able to spend it  on society now a good society is measured by   how they help the um the worst of their society  to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor   better support for single mothers which is  fantastic a local government more democratic   and mps receive a salary for the first time  to allow them to continue doing their roles uh   first world war no 1914 to 1918 was the first  world war now whatever's in red guys is a must   to remember for your test so don't forget  this 1914 to 1918 the first world war lasted   four years uh a lot of people died in the first  world war but let's talk about how it happened so   let's look at this picture let's do picture time  yay picture time this is archduke franz ferdinand   this is his wife and these are his two drivers and  this is the assassin i think from austria i think   of serbia i can't remember where he was he he  basically killed the archduke franz ferdinand   in order to um gain liberty for his country  but people said that that kind of led to   war because when he shot him um people then  um germany started to protect austria then   like germany was was saying that it was the  golden armor of of austria and so then everyone   started saber wrestling then those the wall uh  the army started moving in formations and then   the formations were mistook for actual uh war  and then everyone got ready and that was it   that was just the beginning of the war so archduke  franz ferdinand of austria was assassinated this   is him being shot here and it started in 1914. the  first world war was global it had allied powers   uh britain france russia japan belgium  serbia greece italy romania and the us usa   against the central powers which were the germany  the austro-hungarian empire the ottoman empire and   later bulgaria ottomans australia hungarian empire  germany millions of people were killed or wounded   including two million british there were many  different fronts on which this war was fought   so the first world war um you see the green is are  the allies uh the allied powers uh and then the   yellow are the neutral countries uh here norway  denmark um iceland or is that greenland i can't   tell uh spain portugal was with them um but then  you had the allied powers which were all here and   the central powers which were all here um yeah  and you know in france there was a lot of war   going on and they just didn't move very much and  after a lot of fighting they all gave up and that   was it they just couldn't fight anymore um and the  center if you can watch a youtube video on this if   you want to but what comes in your exam is just  these things um 1921 the peace treaty was signed   home rule was was granted for the um the irish but  only in 1921 uh but they stopped it because of the   outbreak of first war so on the home front  the irish wanted freedom they couldn't get   freedom for well they didn't they couldn't get  home rule because of the war so the parliament   said look we'll deal with this later there's a war  going on and so the irish said no no we're gonna   keep pushing because this is what we wanted and  so in 1921 a peace treaty was signed uh but for   home rule of ireland and we're gonna see a little  bit more about why ireland wanted home rule 1922   ireland became two separate countries northern  ireland under the united kingdom the pale belfast   king henry viii had pushed the people into that  area um but it was called the pale at that time   but republic of ireland was still strong in its um  anti-english sentiments and the irish free state   had its own government became a republican 1949  1949 is after world war ii 1922 is after world   war one so remember guys please remember this and  write this down world war one started in 1914 and   went on to 1918. world war ii started in 1939  and ended in 1945 so you want to remember these   two things these two dates and a lot of things  happen in between them you can kind of map it out   so um to map out 1922 ireland became two  countries in 1949 it became the irish free state   anything in red i'd like you to write it down to  memorize it for your exam between the wars 1929   the world entered a great depression it spent all  of its money on the uh war and it suffered mass   unemployment and it became a time of cultural  blossoming the type of people that were writing   at the time was graham greene he was a famous  writer he was in the trenches of world war one and   the main thing about graham greene and many of  the writers uh during the the trenches that they   were young young guys they weren't they weren't  like 30 40 50 um year olds they they were like   21 18 22 and they'd been told a lie that war was  glorious and world war one trench warfare was   probably the worst conditions of war all war is  terrible conditions but those were specifically   um specifically specifically really really bad  um and he went through that and he came out alive   there's a couple of other guys that were doing  writing at the time that did not come back   alive but they were writing poetry sending him  back to the home front and you can read graham   green's poetry evelyn what i think evelyn ward  died i think this is the he was like 18 he died   he was shot he died um and there was a there  was a lot of uh people that thought that war   was romanticized but it's not it really isn't uh  and uh this is what the lie they were told and   so after this time period people started to uh be  trying not romanticize war they stopped doing that   um so you have john maynard keynes now a lot  of you who have studied economics will know who   john maynard keynes is he uh wrote the  post-war strategy for economic recovery   uh for the uh well for his his theoretical  works were quite famous in many many countries   uh but they was he was from england um bbc what  does the bbc stand for the bbc stands for british   broadcasting corporation started its first radio  broadcast in 1922. oh look at this family here   and then the for the world's first regular  television service in 1936 and here we go here   1936 is the first uh television 1922 is the  first um radio so as we can see kids are   still glued to the tv as soon as it came  out so it's not like a it's just tv right   uh okay so 1939 to 1945 you remember that timeline  i gave you this is now the second world war and   as you can see the germans had um had taken pretty  much all of europe and and if you want to know how   how powerful this empire uh the german nazi war  machine became was look here look at it basically   taken this is a bigger map it takes all of italy  all of you know all of this here um but it didn't   last because the british here uh uh stayed out  spain and portugal stayed out not stayed out um   they held out against the uh german occupation and  axis power this is the axis here this is this axis   was fascist germany which is what nazism is  fascism in fascist germany you have italy you   have the empire of japan which is on the other  side of russia uh near china uh and australia uk   which is this country here france here which was  taken over and occupied uh they surrendered uh   in order to protect uh its people but of course  they fought very very valiantly um poland fought   extremely valiantly they fought they fought  for i think it was like 12 days uh a war and   and they and all the allies were trying to get to  them but then they the allies pulled back and the   polish were left on their own but it was very  very bad for them australia which is near japan   new zealand which is near japan canada which is  um above america and the union of city afrika   which is in the southern tip of africa um and  then the germans had all of north north africa   this is winston churchill um 1874-1965 in 1940  winston churchill became prime minister so the   question that comes up a lot is when did he become  prime minister he was prime minister in the second   world war he was a soldier in the first world  war he lost the general election in 1945 after   the war happened but returned as prime minister in  1951 the reason he lost was because clement aptly   argued that we as a country this is in his words  i suppose he we as a country need a recovery   prime minister not a wartime prime minister and uh  winston churchill felt very very sad and angry and   and betrayed that the british people he'd won  the war and they wouldn't reelect him so then   he came back for a second election  and he won in that election in 2002   he was voted the greatest britain of all time  by the public that comes in your test all the   time so please memorize this this will come  in your test all the time winston churchill   uh see page 57 for your in your book for the  famous speeches but the speeches are things   like we'll fight them on the beaches we'll fight  them on the on the cliffs we'll fight them on   the sand we will never stop and uh never was so  much owed to so many by so few in reference to   d-day which in reference to the yes in reference  to d-day which we'll look at in just a moment   battle of britain now this is super interesting  this could be classed as the turning point there   are many many turning points in the war uh but  this is probably one of the biggest ones uh the   battle of britain was in the skies as you can see  here you have the british raf i think that's a   spitfire i'm not an expert of planes so if anybody  knows what this is you can please message and let   us know and then you have the german luftwaffe  their planes were not as good as the raf planes   but what happened was the germans kept  bombing they kept bombing they kept bombing um   but they were very predictable in their  bombings and there's a whole culture of um   um i say culture there was a whole um campaign  in britain to turn your lights off at night so   that the german bombers couldn't see where they  were bombing and uh all the children were sent   to the countryside so that they wouldn't  get bombed and um london got bombed quite   prolifically and everyone hid in the underground  um and what happened was that the the the air   commander for the germans had been sending  out regular regular um um uh german uh fighter   fighter bombers uh and fighter jets to to bomb  on a regular basis and so the british started to   understand the patterns of what they were doing  and then they kind of knew what was happening   um and then there was an order that came down from  the germans uh from adolf hitler himself that was   that said uh let's break the morale and the spirit  of the english so let's just keep bombing london   but actually you can't really break the spirit of  england uh what they should have probably done is   what some historians say is they should have  kept attacking the industry of britain such as   the airfields and the factories and in doing so  they would have stopped these fighter planes from   leaving and getting up in the air but they didn't  do that and eventually that the tide was turned um   of course there was many bottomings and this was  called the blitz to go back to this in your exam   all the story i'm telling you is not really in  your exam but i am going to tell you what what   does come in your exam the battle of britain was  in the sky that comes in your exam in the summer   of 1940 the blitz was what they called the um the  bombing of london at the time so the german air   force was able to continue bombing london and  other british cities at night time and this is   what it looks like uh from the end of june 1940  the german invasion of the soviet union in 1941   i believe this is north africa it looks like  rommel's troops uh rommel's desert rats i think   they called them uh britain and again if i get  any of this wrong please google it and have a   look this is not in your test as much it's just  to help you understand the story of world war   ii um the real history of what happened and if  you relate to this you have grandparents great   grandparents great uncles and aunties that were  involved in this war this will resonate with you   it's very important we connect with the history  of the past so we don't repeat it in the future   uh the second world war by the end of june  1940 german invasion of the soviet union in   june 1941 that was a whole other thing that  you don't need to know about for your exam but   that is a whole other thing right there that is  that is unspeakable stuff right there um germans   invading soviet union um any any of our russian  ukrainian uh german austrian and anyone that was   in that part of the world that had family in that  part of the world you know you can tell us about   what happened there uh but for the life in the uk  test um you just need to know that uh there was   another event that happened on this uh theater  of war uh which was called uh not this one um   that of course for the us if you if you grew up in  the usa you will know about pearl harbor where the   japanese bombed the us pearl harbor uh and dealt  a very very heavy blow and the reason being was   it was a surprise attack uh surprise war uh and  um it was a surprise attack that brought the usa   into the war uh prior to that the usa was just  funding the war and giving resources supplies and   blockading the japanese of their vital supplies  and therefore the japanese bombed pearl harbor   in order to open up the supply routes the usa  then got involved in the war and that's when   the planning for the d-day started now this is  what comes in the exam d-day in the six of the   six 1944 or as they called it operation overlord  normandy some there was five sword gold juno omaha   and yeah this was a huge um undertaking this is  one of the biggest undertakings in history um the   story basically goes that uh everyone went to um  um i'm sure there is there's one thing called the   dunkirk spirit which doesn't seem to be here uh a  couple years prior to this uh the allied soldiers   escaped from france uh in back to england and that  was with the help of ships fishing boats civilian   ships the mass evacuation and they did it just in  time because the german blitzkrieg was surrounding   the allied forces they were completely uh caught  off guard by the speed and ferocity of the german   uh tactics which they would say called the  blitzkrieg during the second world war in d-day   this is when they landed the 6th to the 6th 1944  and they took great effort not to let the germans   know what was happening to the point that they  had uh inflated these giant tanks i think they   left them in scotland i think it was to make p  to make the germans think that the invasion was   coming from the north but in fact it was coming  from south and you had canadians um you had the   canadian corpse you had americans you had the  british all different uh nations were coming to   get onto the beaches and it was very bad for the  allies it was very bad for the germans but the   germans didn't have enough ammunition uh they were  under supplied uh the rest of the german army was   fighting in russia the tanks that were meant  to come in and support the germans were stuck   somewhere else and so uh the allied climbed these  beaches um being shot being machine gunfired until   bullets ran out then they were able to get up onto  the shoreline and then they will be able to take   the shore many many many people died but this was  1944 a year later in may 1945 the allies defeated   germany in berlin so it was literally from the  beaches of normandy to berlin the entire war   of traveling across the country fighting to two  large countries fighting one another but germany   was defeated but in august 1945 japanese would  not surrender um the fundamental idea of bushido   would not allow them to surrender so therefore  the us dropped two nuclear bombs on japan one was   called fat man and the other one was called  nagasaki and hiroshima these atomic bombs   laid waste they were more of a test because  they had them in the manhattan project   the manhattan project was a project in  which ernest rutherford now this is a   new test everything else i've just explained  to you guys if you notice there's no red on   any of this except for here the blitz all  of this does not come on your test anymore   none of this comes on your test except for the  red so all of what i've just explained to you is   a story of history now we're getting back into  what comes on your test so the blitz to ernest   rutherford those are the only two things you  need to remember from everything i've just said   and the battle of britain being in the sky so  ernest rutherford was the person who developed   the atom bombs in the manhattan project which  was dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki in japan   to end the war um of course we could talk about  all the other bombs that were dropped on germany   uh you know we can go through all the the fire  tornadoes and bombings and um you know dresden   and things like that uh berlin um we could talk  about those but those don't come in the test and   we haven't got all the time in the world to go  deep into the events of world war ii but what   ernest rutherford was trying to do was he was  trying to create a mass energy that would power   you know countries and cities and and the like  but you know during war the army came in and took   his ideas and weaponized it and when he found out  what he had what what had come to pass using his   theories he said oh my god what have i done he was  so remorseful for creating these weapons of mass   destruction he took part in the manhattan project  in the u.s which developed the atomic bomb ernest   rutherford um there was another famous person  uh alexander fleming which is a famous story   uh he won the nobel priest pride he won  the nobel prize not the nobel peace prize   the nobel prize in medicine in 1945 in 1928 he  discovered penicillin penicillin on petri dishes   now the best way to remember this is he the  story goes that he had these petri dishes   and he was a scientist and he was doing  different cultures and looking at you   know why is this happening and why is this  happening um you know what's happening and   one day he just forgot to clean the petri dishes  and he came back another day and he noticed some   mold was growing on the petri dishes uh so he  looked into his microscope and he saw the mold   and he realized that ah actually this is something  quite interesting we didn't expect this to happen   he continued and further his research and realized  that this was pen he keep he could use this   in penicillin which is used in medicine to be a  anti-inflammatory which means that if you are ill   and your body is inflamed and you've got a  temperature you can take this pill and it will   reduce your temperature reduce the inflammation  in your body which saves people's lives   uh and so he alexander fleming won the  nobel p nobel prize in medicine in 1945   after discovering penicillin in 1928. okay  fast trackers wow okay so this is pretty good   that was a a good uh end of the 20th century  beginning of the 20th century we're we're gonna   get into some fun stuff now let's go through these  questions one more time let's see how much you   remember and this time i will be helping so which  of the following statements is true the battle of   britain in 1940 was fought in the skies or the  battle of britain was 1940 was fought in the sea   now remember i told you guys about the  luftwaffe the the spitfires the raf   the um uh the uh bombings and the timings of the  bombings and how the bombings came from the sky   and how they were bombing at night and how the  children were sent to the countryside because of   the bombings at night and how the people of london  hid in the underground and how they didn't bomb   the airfield so what do you think was it from  the sky the bombing or from the sea the bombing   that's right it was fought in the sky in the  summer of 1940. good job team well done you   remembered when did the first world war end  1917 1918 1919 or 1920 i want to slow down i'm going to let you guys think i'm not going to  say anything 1917 1918 1919 or 1920 when did the   first world war end if it started in 1914 and  it lasted four years that's 1915 1916 1917 19   18. that's right remember this guys write it  down during the first world war the british   suffered sixty thousand casualties on the first  day of the battle of what the psalm elia lamine   the waterloo or ashen court during the first world  war the british suffered sixty thousand casualties   on the first day of the battle of the somme  el-alamin waterloo or agency the correct answer is   the battle of the som sixty thousand casualties on  the first day of the battle of the sun well done   germany invaded which country in 1939 that  led to the uk declaring war on germany finland   france poland or austria so germany invaded  which country in 1939 that led to the uk   declaring war on germany finland france  poland or austria remember i told you about   them invading poland you know coming coming the  first time they came on board uh the germans as   you know they they invaded poland for like 12 days  uh and all the other armies couldn't start that   was what started the first world war germany  and poland that's that's when they tried to   wipe away poland and redistribute it out  which of the following statements is correct   during the first world war winston  churchill was the british prime minister   during the second world war winston churchill  was the british prime minister now remember guys   was it the first world war or the second world  war have a thing if he was re-elected in 1945   re-elected in nineteen i can't remember when  he was re-elected but it was definitely the   second world war he was a soldier in the  first one and he was a he was the prime   minister in the second world war that's right  guys alexander fleming discovered paracetamol   atom bomb perinicillin or radiation what did he  discover alexander fleming discovered paracetamol   atom bomb penicillin or radiation so remember he  saw the petri dishes you saw what was inside and   he was the discoverer of pen asylum alexander  fleming best way to remember this is when you   get a cold you get phlegmy that you can't like  you get snotty that's called phlegm what do you   need to take you need to take a penicillin to get  rid of your flaminess get it good well done which   two were introduced before the first world war the  national health service nhs child benefit payments   state retirement pension or free school meals  now this is gonna come we're gonna talk about   the nhs in the next lesson straight away child  benefit payments state retirement pensions   or free school meals the correct answer is  state retirement pension free school meals is the statement true below true or false a  public vote in 2002 decided winston churchill   was the greatest briton of all time is the  statement below true or false a public vote   in 2002 decided that winston churchill  was the greatest briton of all time   the correct answer is true yes they did vote  that he was the greatest briton of all time but   they also got a lot of criticism because  winston churchill was always smoking cigars   and they wanted to photoshop the cigars out so  that kids would not be encouraged to smoke cigars   as well so they got a lot of criticism for that  but i think they stuck with the idea because you   know they didn't want kids to look up to winston  churchill smoking cigars they would rather look   up to him being um rude to women funny story  about winston churchill i'll tell you this it's a   hilarious story uh winston churchill was the type  of politician who was always quick on his feet   and what happened was he um was in parliament and  there was the first female uh woman in parliament   and she had won in her constituency she went and  she uh said to winston churchill winston no mr   churchill you are a brute and a uh evil man and if  i were your husband i would put poison in your tea   and quit like without beat he said and madam  if i was your husband i would drink that tea   and everyone started laughing of  course it's not cool because you   know she was trying to highlight that this  guy was um it was it was you know it was   he talked in such a way that he kind of belittled  everyone else but not in a in that sort of way but   he you know you can look up a history documentary  about winston churchill and kind of understand   that like the guy was self-interested definitely  there's uh the famine of bengal you can look up   where he actively um stole and took rice  that made i think it was six to eight   million uh bengal people in east  bengal uh starved to death and this was   prior to the war he wanted to just shore  up the food reserves and when he was told   by his ministers hey you know there are people  dying of starvation in india and he says yeah   well the indians need to stop reproducing because  they're pathetic people and they need to stop um   and they can die for all i care actually that  was his quoted words literally that was his words   so as you can imagine he wasn't popular with a lot  of liberal people but he was a conservative and so   um during the war you know he was the right man  for the job however post-war uh clement atlee   said he wasn't the right man for the job  we need a uh we don't need a wartime prime   minister we need a recovery prime minister uh so  remember that story and that will help you kind of   color in who winston churchill is but in 2002 he  was voted the greatest briton of all time okay is   the statement below true or false in 1921 a treaty  gave independence to the south of ireland the   answer is true 1921 they did why because during  world war one they wanted home rule they couldn't   get it so in 1921 they got home rule now it is the  republic of ireland roi is the following statement   true or false we shall fight them on the beaches  is a famous quote from a speech by queen elizabeth   the first about the spanish armada did give queen  elizabeth the first gave a really famous speech   to the people of england about the spanish  armada when the spanish armada was on its way   and later led to sir walter riley's so  francis drake uh pulled out the fire fire   fire attack on the spanish armada and destroyed  the ships this statement we shall fight them on   the beaches refers to winston churchill speech  and also you can link it with d-day in which   the troops did fight them on the beaches and  that entire process going forward of you know   climbing the beaches fighting and shooting and  killing and dying on the beach so this is false   it's winston churchill he said we'll fight them  on the beaches not queen elizabeth the first   okay ladies and gentlemen so congratulations we've  done another episode and another lesson for the   life in the uk test we really do help uh hope this  helps you in learning and understanding and kind   of filling in the history of the life in the uk  test this is everything we learned as children   please leave a like subscribe uh and hit the bell  icon and share with your friends and family and   if you are looking for a teacher to help you pass  these this test we do practice the questions and   answers in one to one in group lessons we are the  number one online british uh citizenship teachers   in the uk we get everybody passed very quickly if  you do not want to spend time learning yourself   please you can do the lessons online with us we  doing them on zoom we do them seven days a week   eight a.m to eight pm so fast trackers my name is  rahul ghazni director of fast track training it   has been a pleasure to teach you today and i will  see you in the next episode as we go into things   like the swinging 60s and more of a modern time  so take care and it's a pleasure to see you guys bye oh
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Keywords: life in the UK test 2021, citizenship test uk, british citizenship test 2020, citizenship test uk 2018, british citizenship interview, UK citizenship, life in the uk test, life in uk practice test, citizenship test, British citizenship test, English test for UK citizenship, UK citizenship test, b1 English test training, Spouse Visa Extension, Indefinite Leave To Remain test, Life in the uk test, English test for spouse visa extension, British citizenship test 1, naturalisation
Id: 5CK_OCg35zo
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Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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