Drywall Done In 1 Day | All My Tips And Tricks

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hey guys welcome back to my church flip um we are going to be doing a drywall videos today but not just any drywall video today I'm going to show you how to do a small project by closing up a couple of walls install it tape it sand it prime it paint it all in the same day all right that's not gonna happen no you don't think so I bet you're around a golf you're not going to make that one all right correct you heard it guys Matt's in on this if I win he's paying for my round of golf here's the deal I've done this before I've got a system and a technique you don't have to spend a whole weekend or two or three weekends finishing off a project like this I'm going to give you the right system the right tools the right techniques you can do all of this in just one day let's get at it okay so first step when you're doing a project like this is make sure your drywall is the right size you want to avoid any butt joints and that's when you have the the forefoot side of the drywall up against another Factory Edge you all know about joints they're extra coats and it takes extra time okay to make things Speedy buy the drywall the same length as your wall in this case I needed nine foot which they do sell at Home Depot or 10 foot which they'll sell anywhere else okay so I've got some tens and what I'm gonna do first off is I'm going to do the top and then work my way from the top down so I'm going to mark my four foot plus an extra quarter all right and then I'm gonna install my cheating block now having a cheap block like this allows you to lift your drywall in place and then set it on the Block to take the weight this is just temporary now once you've got your cheat block for a carrying the weight you want to take another block okay this is the best part this block is going to be to make sure that the drywall doesn't fall over on your head there we go it's even more important than the one that carries the weight because when you're working with drywall if you put a sheet like that and then someone opens up a door to a room and the difference in air pressure will pull it right off the wall land on your head that's no fun that's that's experience talking next we got a drywall and let's get hanging all right guys here goes the challenge it is quarter after 11 and my cameraman has got to be out of here before so I literally have just less than five hours to pull this off let's get the first 10 footer in place here now the reason I went with 10 footer is because I'm working alone which means I can have it overhanging on both sides I've got to avoid that dryer duct up there too don't I oh yeah come on yellow biker get in there all right I need a little more length over here now I can switch out the screw gun got a new dimple bit I'm going to use today and I know yeah there are things like drywall screw guns out there but I'm showing you a small projects for a reason homeowners that do small projects don't buy 300 tools so three dollar tool okay now step one of course is installing the drywall gonna recommend you get a bench like this even if it's an eight foot ceiling it's nice to have that extra step up and it's as simple as using an inch and a quarter screw on half inch drywall that makes sure that your screws aren't longer than what coat allows for the depth of a screw in a wall so you don't puncture any wires or Plumbing here we go we're gonna lift this up nice and tight before we get going okay [Music] okay and for everybody who doesn't know we're just cutting the paper just the tip of the blade nice and easy come around the other side all right and then it just opens like a door and then you cut on the the crease that's created perfect every time there's two schools of thought when you're doing drywall if you have a longer wall this is nine foot and a change okay so I couldn't use 254s it's still going to have an extra joint so I'm gonna do is I'm going to take out all my stubs all right and then I'm going to actually put the next sheet on the ground gives me a reference point to measure up and over from so I can pre-drill all these holes I can slide it on and then I can measure and fill in the Gap that's just how I prefer to work it especially alone I can't hold a 10 foot sheet one foot off the ground I'm not going to fuss around with that okay so I'm just going to measure over to the center of the pipe 16 and an eight and then from the ground up to the center of the pipe call it six and a half for every protrusion even the electrical we're going to call that 39 and 23. 41 and a quarter 28.5 and a half 50. when you're dealing with the installing drywall anytime you have an electrical box the screws extended you got to shorten them up foreign box like that okay that one that one that one that one this is the Swiss cheese of drywall oh my goodness 56 and a half and 17. okay this one's electrical that one's electrical 63 and 50. 2 I don't think that's gonna that's the next piece that is definitely the next piece of drywall Drive was only 48 inches tall here we go 81 and three quarters and this one is tricky because I've got a y so I'm actually going to take the measurement to here and make a big oval and then patch it okay 33 to 38. then over here is nine inches and I'm going to just Mark that from here I'll be able to see that and know that there's electrical box inside of that stud what I'm going to do is set my drywall up relatively where the end is so that I can visually inspect everything that I'm doing as well first thing is first translate all those measurements onto the board and from here it gets nice and quick okay here's a great way to cheat because this drywall square has numbers going in both directions so I can measure up from the ground to my spot okay so I'm gonna go 16 and an eighth and then my number was six and a half next number is 39 and 23. and here we go this is an electrical box 23 is here that means I'll wrote a zip after my next one is 41 and a quarter 28 and a half 41 and a quarter 28 and a half the next one's over here 81 and three quarters 33-38 okay oval and then from here this is the best you can see here this is nine inches down okay I'm just gonna put the tape where the boxes work down to nine that's my electric pot all right let's throw this up so the first one is an inch and a half hole [Music] [Applause] okay that's all my Plumbing let's get that foreign roughly now okay now we do the electro boxes now this is a little bit too long for electrical box I'll tighten it up so that only this round tip is in the inside in case it hits the wire it won't wreck it so we're going on here [Applause] ah nice that's what it is my goodness ah where's my drill nah I wasn't paying attention this box has built-in stops for the drywall this thing was in my bloody way bad day at the office all right let's get that out of there okay [Applause] back to the cutting [Music] okay then we have one over here [Music] all right oh look at this look at this that is like right on the edge I'll adjust that in a second okay last thing I got to do is cut this box out because it is a little bit lower than the top of the drywall [Music] here we go so that was a lot of screeching but the point is it makes quick work and it's pretty precision now when I'm done putting this sheet in I'm going to foam all those holes [Music] now I can't reach the bottom the stairs causing me some issues so I score the back side and I'm going to just create this way let Ridge here you can probably see this on camera okay this thing right here that Ridge so instead what I'm going to do because I'm going to rotate from the bottom up cut that clean let's go here we go and now I can square beautiful obviously step one in the project like this is have the right tools if you're not going to buy a screw gun get a road is it trying to do something like this by hand will drive you nuts here's the rest of my system don't worry about being perfect you're going to put on three coats of mud you've got all the Time in the World to fix this up and make it look pretty okay so we're just gonna take a little foam fill in the gaps so that when we go to mud you can trim back the foam bring the mud in to bring this up to speed so that the wall is nice and sealed this will give us a phenomenal finished look and this is a great trick to make any rookie a pro especially here because we had to cut the oval all right boom that's going to make taping really quick and easy okay last piece of drywall we got two joints here one of them is going to be a tapered Edge and the other one will be thicker so we want to put the thicker joint on the bottom because our eyes are at this level generally speaking now if everybody in your world is this short then you go ahead and put the good joint down here but here we go 17 and three quarters smaller because I know it's not level yep 16 and 3 8. amazing so I'm gonna go cut that piece of drywall and come over here and then we'll just rotate zip out the box and we're done this well this is nine feet long there's no real simple way to do this but a chalk line will work so we're going to go with the chocolate and this one here we go now since that's a perfect measurement I'm going to cut just above the chalk line because in situations like this it's easier to fill than to cut it all back when you're working for Speed you don't want to do anything twice [Music] Okay so this is a little tricky I've got to get this installed it's going to Bow over top of this and then afterwards I'm going to Route it out let's see if we can push that in for now here we go what's the hold up oh see I went below the chalk line here that's going to cost you time and energy one wall down [Music] okay now I'm gonna cut out that box I'm going to finish installing the drywall on the other side just it's just drop it in cut it off the excess there's no protrusions well before we go to Time Lapse uh it is 5 to 12. first of all it took us 40 minutes not bad [Music] foreign [Music] just one area here that needs a little bit of love is something my drill for this piece all right [Music] foreign foreign now that I'm done the other side it's been 15 20 minutes we can trim off our phone okay now we just use a long full blade and I bend it and there's no way this foam is cured completely by now but if we expose the semicured in behind it'll finish drying over the next 10 or 15 minutes ah see I got a little bit too much out of there oh well basically ready to tape here now using this system will give you really good results around RotoZip mistakes electrical boxes sealing up plumbing vents if you're doing work in places where Critters can get into the building using the pest block works really good that just makes taping so much easier right all right okay guys here's my system for taping um using a hawk four by ten four inch knife that's pretty much all I'm using today and I'm going to be using almost exclusively sheetrock 45 USD 45 lightweight 45 whatever the product is if it has four and five on it and it's drywall compound that's the stuff all right no matter where you're from basic paper tape and I'm also using paper corners this is the kind of corner that comes off and then you fold it and you just apply it and we're done there's no metal involved and that is fine remember we're going for occupancy and speed so having me cutting metal and screwing on Corners makes no sense in this situation because this goes like lightning and I'm using air moving lots of air movement it is hot and humid today this is not an air-conditioned environment it's going to actually Slow Me Down probably almost an hour in total just because it takes so much time to get the moisture out of all of this when the air is so wet already so hopefully we can still pull this off but the idea is simple I want to mix some mud I got my pail sitting here ready to roll with my mixer [Applause] that's probably a cking for trouble let's see if I can go nice and quick oh and I should have got my slow mixer too that's going to be important now I'm going to use my DeWalt slow mixer this is an amazing tool it's good for mixing compounds thin sets cements concretes all right if you don't have one and you're going to be a serious DIY or consider getting one you can't mix thinset with basic drills that you get for your your home tools and power drills and batteries gonna blow your tools up okay so if you're going to be serious about diying get some serious tools and I'm gonna just make about a third of a bag of this and we'll see we'll see what the water compound is like here and how it interacts with the compound everywhere you go it's different I'm using cold water for this batch might use warm water next patch depending how long it sets up but the salt content of the water and different minerals everything like that affects it so we're just going to start off nice and soupy to get started make sure that we don't have any bridging there we go that ought to work [Music] the goal here is creamy smooth if it's not getting smooth enough just add a little bit Touch of water that's actually not that bad just a drip foreign [Applause] the reason I'm using this power mixer is because I don't have the luxury of time if I use a smaller tool or try to do it by hand I'm going to end up wasting too much mixing time putting too much air into it killing too much off the clock 45 relates to how much working time you have with the mud okay and so since there's not a lot of working time we don't have time to fuss around so now we're simply going to load up our Hawk and start applying tape as fast as we can all right and we're gonna try to not be too messy but at the same time when you're dealing with the speed is the name of the game a little bit mess isn't going to hurt anybody okay I don't like marking messy but foreign we're going to press our tape in and then we'll put our corners on and I got a little something different for the edges today because we're not using inside corner taping techniques we don't have the luxury of inside Corners when you're in a hurry so we'll get to my secret for that in a minute foreign [Applause] boxes have always got that little mounting bracket Hardware that creates a protrusion so you're going to have to be aware of that and ready to deal with it always means more mudding okay okay here we go now we're ready to go I'm gonna set it okay [Applause] foreign work the bottom half clean as you go we're not trying to take the mud open behind it so you feel free to have it straight or even snowplowed towards it we're just getting rid of all the excess okay when you're done betting it make it damp on the front Okay that will eliminate any risk of bubbles and bubbles in a situation like this will cost you another hour because you've got to repair them foreign I can feel this stuff setting up already wow maybe we'll get lucky we have enough working time for me to finish all the taping we'll see I don't have the fans on right now either so the good news is at least we know the mud's going to dry in enough time today and since I know how to paint I'm pretty confident I'm getting myself a free round of golf all right foreign even though he's buying lunch around the golf okay Wicked foreign [Applause] [Music] it's two parts it's taping and then it's a special crown molding caulking we're going to use but instead of extending the work scope we're going to what's called Flat tape up in the corners it's just a process of adding mud and tape where you need to fill a gap like right here okay let's try to keep the other wall clean let's go now if your room is nice and square you can get away with just caulking like we will at the top but this area here is specifically needed the extra help all right what this does is this gives me a flat surface to finish with all right and that's it that's flat taping you can incorporate this in just about any job to avoid having to paint this side right I can sand this out and just wash any extra mud off the other side and do the same thing at the ceiling so I'm not incorporating the ceiling with my paint job it's how you keep the scope of work nice and small okay so now you've seen basically my first coat we're just kick in the time lapse and I'll catch up on the second coat it is now it's 12 40. I'm going to finish the other corner and then turn on the fans have a bite to eat and this will all be dry up right after lunch [Music] foreign [Music] I have a little bit of this mud left almost done it's starting to get stiff I'm gonna take advantage of that opportunity and fill all of my major voids over the next three to five minutes before it's too hard to use we got to throw the rest of it out and what I mean is yeah it's still got a little bit of stick to it that's good we're going to take the 4x10 and run it a little tight and just fill all the gaps okay this allows us to uh treat this like a fill coat right now when you're working with regular drywall compound you can't do this because it shrinks too much if you put too much on but when you're working with the quick set compounds you can do that all day long also means we can come along the corners and do a fill coat on the corners okay and this isn't our final coat by any stretch I'm still going to do another bag of 45 and do another coat on top of all of this that one will be mixed a little bit thinner and then see this you get junk in your mud you gotta get rid of it ah my dirty mud is no good to you here we go this is not nice to work with right now but still better than nothing I hate throwing things in the garbage all right there we go we're gonna throw the fan back on because it is really hot I'm getting too old for this [Music] thank you [Music] all right okay a little late but lunch is here it's five to one we're gonna throw the fans on full blast by the time we're done eating we're ready for third coat we're going to switch over to all-purpose compound of that coat and then hopefully the fans will get that dry within the hour and I'll switch over all my gear get set up for painting we should be able to start priming by two o'clock 2 30. someone's buying me around all right here there you go nice and hard now you'll see the difference there's some two-tone going on there's some dry and there's some still working on the driver issue here's the here's the point drywall and drywall compound are designed to absorb moisture and then release it again so even during your construction phase if it's still holding too much moisture it's not a negative it just means that you've got to use a really decent quality drywall sealer when you go to prime your walls all right don't buy the cheap one that costs you ten dollars a gallon it won't work in this kind of environment but if you buy something like even though I hate to say it but the Home Depot bear primer is actually pretty decent for drywall um that'll work okay and that's in my experience I'm not talking on behalf of bear they might have a different opinion but my experience that works now what I'm doing right now is instead of sanding and I've seen a lot of people talk about drywall and you sand between coats and if you put way too much mud on the wall yeah sand it off but if you're drywalling like I am this is all you got to do for preparation get rid of any bumps and ridges okay identify areas like this that need to be pressed in with the heel of the all right to create a little bowl now when I come back I can fill that we just get rid of any ridges no sanding necessary this is preparation and then we're going to be ready to go to the next mud and the reason I do this if so I can go with less mud when I come back right if you get ridges off there's less to fill so if everything's flat and there's a bump you got to fill all of that space so by getting rid of The Ridges you get rid of the need to put so much mud on the wall it's difficult to use this tip but if you're not in that much of a rush here's a tip after you do your two coats or three coats and you sand it back if you're not happy if it doesn't look smooth Prime the wall and then you can do another skim coat and then when you sand you can't sand past the paint and that'll help you eliminate a lot of the problems you're having because it's probably your sanding that's the problem not the application of the mud and that will save your bacon foreign [Music] loving this time for next coat and I found a supplier that says mud in a pail that's awesome because uh it's hard to find good quality pills out there that don't get the chunks of plastic in your mud so here we go it's pre-mixed but you just can't trust it can you it's never wet enough you always gotta add a couple cups of water in there and then go really really slow [Music] silky smooth all right here we are oh that's the last bit of mud we're making today good good good here's my pail and I'm gonna work right out of that with my Hawk and we're going to do one more coat and that's it so the next coat has to be either perfect or good enough to sand off all right and that's the limitation we're working with that is almost as thin as I like it but because I'm kind of cheating with my second coat I need to have enough substance in here I don't want it too thin so that it'll end up bubbling the thinner the more water the more it's prone to bubbling put it on too thick so I couldn't go as thin as I want to or I would end up bubbling and I have to do a patch so this is kind of the provision that you got to make you're going to have to do just a little bit more sanding but it eliminates the need for you to do touch-up coat okay all right that's cool let's go get our big joints first we'll see how this mud is looking all right when I'm working right now every time I find any piece of dirt I got to get rid of it or it leaves a line okay so I'm going to use lots of pressure make sure that it's clean and I see I got a divot here I can't fix that with pressure wipe in a little mud okay I like that yep that can be sanded here we go I like the mud I think we're gonna be okay all right now listen if you want to learn how to use these tools which I think are far superior to that flexible Blade with the handle in the Middle look whoever invented that was looking for a way to do this without having the skills this gives you a better look every day of the week and if you think I'm wrong feel free to hit up the section of the comments but if you think I'm wrong you have to tell me you worked on these tools for at least five years and learn how to use them well or I'm not going to value your opinion there's some of that dirt I'm talking about okay you get that put it somewhere on your hotness separated from the mud don't let it become part of the finished product this is harder this way to get it perfect but like I said as long as I can sand it back and be happy then I'm gonna have to be happy with it and this is one of these spots okay foreign bam that'll work remember it's really tricky to do this because you're supposed to do joints and corners they're in different directions you should do them on separate days traditionally with drywall so when you're doing them all the same time multiple coats a day you got to adjust how you're working and leave a ridge that can be sanded off it's really all there is to it all right leave a little extra work to do with the sanding and that'll save you a day of letting it dry and then recoating because at this point in the day I don't know why that was dry at this point in the day if we have to do one more coat there's no way you're finishing right [Applause] we still have three coats of paint one primer and two finish to put on there's no room for not having enough mud or you're just going to run a daylight foreign whoa chunks of junk in remote I have not used this mud before I bought it because it came in a pail and the mix is very inconsistent not happy with that bloody hell I picked the wrong day to experiment with a new mud eh okay I'm back at it so my favorite mud is still machine mud never have this problem with my machine mud ah yeah yeah this is just a quality control issue at the point and I'm not happy but hey if you never try new things you're never going to know me bloody hell okay and that will all sand just fine okay so now it's just a waiting game for the mud and that is relative humidity how much wind you've got blowing if you have the dehumidifier capacity which I don't hear today it is now ten to two so we've been at it for three hours and we've had a lunch break so we've got all of our drywall installed we've got all three coats done I'm really happy with the progress so far unfortunately the weather condition today it might be another hour before I can actually sand and Prime and paint um having said that it's just too well right so uh yeah I'm still feeling pretty comfortable gonna be done today on time okay quick update it is 3 30. and we're having the mother of all storms outside right now so we were hoping to be able to open the windows because the storm came through about an hour ago and we were going to open the windows because there was nice dryer on the other side but it is so humid in here right now hey it's summertime in Ottawa we're in a valley it's Peninsula it's human the new weather was going to be nice we would have changed the air this would have been dry by now with all the fans going but I don't have a dehumidifier so I'm stuck it's raining again now we're going to call it a day this is going to be another hour or so before it's dry in the current conditions and that takes it far too late so we're going to pick this up in the morning and we'll finish there and it looks like I'm almost on a round of golf because had it been nice and dry or a normal sunny day without the rain I would have no problem getting this done all right um from the point that I started sanding and painting this sucker is done in less than two hours I'd have been out of here at 5 30. and I would have won the bet but hey you guys welcome back it's the next day I have almost completely finished sanding already that's because I'm trying to be conscious of the camera guy he's got expensive equipment right here's the thing um yes I failed getting it all done in one day but we started 11 we finished up at 3 30. and we really finished at 2 30 but we hung around for an hour to see if that mud would dry in time because of the weather I'm back here today now that it's all dry I've sanded most of this already this morning and so I am officially we're going to call out about two hours left in an eight hour day all right not a big deal if you start the Saturday afternoon project you can finish it up Sunday morning before lunch that's what you really need to know what is the fastest way to get the project done and this is it so I'm going to show you the rest of my system and it really as key as the sanding block let's get right up here and take a look at this because if you remember we did a flat tape up against the ceiling up against the wall all right and all this spot is just filling in the divot so you want to hold it right up Square against the paint job because this is existing paint it's not going to scratch like it is if it was as if it was just regular drywall mud so we can actually go like this right and get a nice clean edge up against the ceiling all right that's really the whole system outside of that it's like every other painting video I do I use the sanding sponge to feather in the joints okay right there and then I'm going to use the radius sander to finish changing the texture of all the mud so that the paper and the mud have about the same texture that way when you prime you get a great finish so I'm going to jump into the priming right now and then I'm going to show you how what product to use to seal this joint so it never cracks priming use a 15 maybe a 20 millimeter roller a half inch Imperial okay and you're going to want to use a little bit of pressure here this is not like finish paint finished paint your leg gravity do most of the work when you're priming you actually want to be pushing this in okay this is a sealer so you actually want to be pushing this into the wall board a little bit of pressure not so much that you're going to cause a bunch of nail pops but a little bit of pressure doesn't hurt here when you prime you always Prime first and then you cut you don't want to waste your time doing a really nice cut because chances are you're only going to need like two inches but you want to use the brush finalize everything that didn't get sealed I like to roll first when I'm in a hurry because that way the paint from the roller has time to dry and then I can do my cutting and then the wall is usually dry enough that I can get my first sanding coat don't forget we're going to Prime and then sand and then paint and then sand and then oh my God paint again here we go of course if you're not familiar with my rules for painting use the cage that's pointing the direction you're heading okay and that works right up until you get to the end of the wall and then you got to switch it around because you want to have this end is close to the corner as you can get to reduce the amount of brush work you're going to do all right so we'll switch hands I'm going to get as close as we can get here without making a mess on the other wall remember the goal here is to do this work without affecting the other surfaces so it reduces the overall scope of work and that is the value right there okay first line we're going to get close to the ceiling and then we're going to push it up a little bit right into the crack okay there we go don't get paint on the ceiling just on the drywall this takes a little bit of practice but you can go past two or three times and eventually push that paint right into that crack as long as you're painting from inside the brush and not the surface okay if you come a little bit shy that's fine remember we're going to be using a little thin bead of caulking up here and that is going to be a secret and I'm going to show you which caulking to use because not all cocky is made the same every product on the market has a specific purpose so in this case we have to use the right product for this purpose or we're going to run ourselves into trouble if you're not going to do the traditional inside corner taping you sure better use a superior product for this situation to avoid having issues down the road there's no sense doing it fast if it's not going to last now we've got to give that about 20 minutes and I'll come back and I'll show you the next step all right next step in my system and let's get a good close-up of this okay you'll see it it's a regular caulking but it's a crown molding caulking basically what we call is a siliconized caulking okay it's an acrylic which can be painted with acrylic paints so it's water-based but it has silicone technology in it and they found a way to bind them together so this way you get a quick simple application but it also has a flexibility so it won't crack all right now now that we got the flexibility worked out in an interior and we're not going to have nasty off gases I want to go with a nice small hole on a 45 degree angle okay I'll pop it in there and we're going to want to apply this caulking with a technique where my angle is also on an angle so I'm pushing it out just ahead of the tube and then snow plowing behind it to create a nice flat surface because I don't want to have to use my finger or any other tools to clean this up remember we don't want to get this all over the ceiling so you want to be less is more in the scenario okay if you have to do it twice that's fine but uh here goes everything actually let's just start it right down here until we see it coming out there we go now we know we're good to go okay so we're running into a problem because the paint is not quite dry yet all right so it's actually scratching things up or it's just too ambitious got to give her another 10 minutes before we do this enough time has gone by now if you can't get a perfect application like this and you need to make sure you use a clean finger and go nice and quick all right with pressure on the ceiling so that you don't get any buildup and it'll wipe off that paint just fine there we go ah all right ah there we go that's it wipe it off on the caulking gun all right here we go and down this side where we flat taped same thing we don't have a choice we've got to have a bead of caulking here all right and that'll be our cut line as well so here we go we have it primed it's dried I've done the caulking next step is take your radial sander all right and you're going for basically sanding all the flat areas we're just looking for debris at this point there's always a little bit of dust when you sand and we're not really looking to sand down the dust that was trapped in the paint because that becomes part of the paint when you paint but we are looking for chunks of debris things in the atmosphere animal hair flying around but more importantly sometimes you open a used paint can you have little chunks of dried paint in it and if you get those on your finished surface that casts a shadow and so since you can't see it right now here there's one right there a little bugger all right you see that there see the difference gone problem solved right so since you can't see all the imperfections where you're standing just give the whole surface of the wall a good sand [Music] try to prep all of that so that you're going to have an issue with your finished coat now for the sake of saving some time I know I always preach to cut and then roll you have to do that on the second coat because what you're doing is you're going to be rolling over your brush lines to add textures make them less visible but on the first coat it's okay to roll first and since our caulking is still drying we're going to paint the wall surface I'm using my favorite pan again C2 this is a more economical version of it it's just a simple flat paint I'm going for occupancy right not painting Taj Mahal here we go we're just going to get a coat on here that was nice Matt turned off the fan because it was awfully noisy the fact is you're probably going to be working with a fan on your back the entire time you're trying to do an eight hour challenge you know there we go let me get this done I'm going to do the first coat I'll show you the next step one of the things that caulking does in the corner is it gives you a straight line to run your brush up against and if there's a little bit left that doesn't get painted it doesn't hurt anybody right so we're going to get it close just like with the primer and then we're going to push it right into the cocking line let the brush do the work you don't even have to be good at this having a little bit of caulking is that's it you know it's anybody can paint a line up against the ceiling if you put a pitted caulk in there first so not only is it a great cheat for a fast job it's a great sheet for any job once the paint has dried for at least 25 to 30 minutes just give it another quick sand not too much pressure just looking for little chunks of dirt like that that came off of the roller second cut the next step is your final roll all right now if you're in a place where you're doing baseboards as well you can either attach them after you're done with adhesive make sure they're pre-painted and then add a little bit of siliconized Caulk at the end that way you can avoid having to paint it on the brand new wall or you can install them while you're in between coats and the paint's drying
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Views: 48,201
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Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, drywall, install drywall, drywall guide, drywall installation, how to drywall, dry walls installation, dry wall, diy drywall, how to do drywall, diy drywall installation, drywall diy, drywall installation guide, diy drywall installation video, drywall diy video, install and finish drywall, how to install drywall, how to install drywall diy tutorial, diy how to install dry wall
Id: LSrj89LPGE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 35sec (3155 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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