Painting Trade Secrets | DIY Trips and Tricks

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hey guys jeff from home renovation here today we're going to be talking about how to get an amazing professional looking paint job and you can do this yourself but you've got to have the right products the right procedures and the right skill set the right tools there's a lot of information to cover here we did a paint video not too long ago and i showed you how to cut and roll and prep your walls today is all of the you know insider baseball about painting what product to use on what surface how to get you know a great looking finish and how professional painters cut corners by not cutting corners we're going to show you this like this wall looks amazing right now i'm going to show you a trick right now because the truth is if you don't paint it properly it looks like junk so let me change the light and you'll see what i'm talking about now the truth is in this kind of environment because we have our studio lights there's a lot of things going on here that are lying to you okay like the camera lies a lot so be wary of that this is actually a really light gray and this is a super dark gray all right but in the right kind of lighting especially in the fall season when when the sun is low in the sky you'll get a lot of really cool reactions where different colors with different lights will look different shades which is why it's important to always get your paint in the same family we'll talk about that in a minute in the video the point is is when you have different colors if you don't use a brush and create that line on the outside edge and you roll it instead it rolls around the corner and this is what we call in our industry skunking the corner this is an outside corner of a wall okay and the light color paint has been run against this edge by the bristles on the nap roller and what it does is it creates the effect where you have one color here one color here and then a white and skunk line right down the middle different times of the day and that screams not professional if you're going to paint your own house don't skunk your corners i'll show you how to fix it generally speaking when we're doing this work we use the same can of paint with two inches of paint in there okay and i just push my brush right into the paint and i'm filling the inside of the brush if you've seen my other videos you know exactly what i'm doing okay now what we do is we're gonna lightly just put a little bit of paint on that corner all right and then i'm going to just kind of run the brush right to the edge but not over the edge all right and that is called cutting the corner the nicer your dry will work and the nicer corners are the better this shows all right and if you want to get rid of the brush lines you can run your brush over and over and over again all right or you can also go and get a little mini roller and just texture this wall after you're done but stay quarter inch away from the edge less is more in this situation you don't want to have so much paint that you create ridges and lines okay all right there we go let's see when i'm standing on this side of the wall i shouldn't be able to see that dark paint at all ah that's perfect every time a more dramatic place that you can see this happen is any time there's a ceiling paint going to wall paint now generally speaking we paint the ceilings first and then we apply a wall paint in this case it's a really dark color and so when you roll over the edge here with a dark color you don't have an easy fix anymore because even using a brush with some more ceiling paint in it and you cut that line i'm going to tell you right now i'm going to have to come back here in about a half an hour to an hour i'm going to have to cut it again and then i have to come back here later in the afternoon and i'm going to have to cut it again that's how you do it it's really that simple the problem here is is that when you're using a brush you risk brush lines so once again texture the paint because flat paint doesn't stay flat if you use a brush you need to get the roller on there now remember when you're checking your job out don't check from across the room get up close and personal and use good lighting come on in here because this is nice but it's not perfect you still see a little bit of the white line coming around the edge this particular drywall edge is a little rounded okay so now what i got to do is i got to go multiple coats of the white and what happens is i end up leaving a ridge of white paint on the edge and i end up building out the edge with paint then when that's all dry i can come back with a sanding block give it a quick rub and do a new line on the dark and that'll leave it a laser sharp line and that's how you make it perfect the other kind of problem you're going to run into is when you hit the ceiling just like that now that's just the edge of the roller just touching the ceiling with this dark color and it's only had one color of one one pass of a brush okay to cover it up it's gonna take three or four all right until you can come back and you can't see it from standing right in front of it you're not done because different times of the day different lighting again it'll show up and it's always gonna be that one person who comes over who had a painter come by who touched the ceiling was really upset about it they're going to be obsessed with looking at everyone's ceilings to see if they've got paint marks on their ceiling i think i'm like well painted that did a lousy job people just love to put other work down for whatever reason so make sure you hit it three or four times and make sure it disappears now i'm going to teach you about all the different kinds of paint that are on the market and what paint to use in what situation because there are a lot of different technologies out there it's not like the old days where it's like well you're going to use oil or water-based harry now there's like a tons of technology and you got to know how to discern what you're buying on the marketplace because to be honest with you most of the good stuff isn't even available at the hardware store okay all right so we're gonna go through all the different kinds of paints that are on the market now i've only got five here because these are the five that i used here but there's a ton of information and then i'm going to go into the order of the paint process what to do first second third fourth to finish before we do that i want to just let you know if you're doing a renovation of your house and you've got new home construction right because it's new drywall then i'm going to put a link up in the video here and down in the video description we have a video that we used in the room behind us here where we rebuilt the area and we took that video right from sanding to priming to doing paints and touch-ups and all the tips and tricks you're going to need to get a professional result we can also link the video up and down to how to cut and roll we did another video where we just repainted a room and i got some great tips and tricks in that video for you as well and if you like getting information like this don't forget to hit the like button subscribe to the channel do not miss out because we have videos coming up twice a week we've got tons information coming let's jump back into it because we want to talk about paint today let's assume that the house is in crazy old and you're refinishing all right and you don't know what to do you might have oil you might have lead you might have all kinds of issues whenever you are in doubt you want to pick up what's called a zinzer odorless primer all right that is a flat oil primer that bonds to anything on both sides of the paint so it'll stick to any surface and anything you paint after will stick to it okay so that is like a miracle in a can when in doubt get the zinzer odorless now it has a green label all right that product is available in just about every paint store in the world and you can use that to solve any problem you have all right now for new drywall you're going to want to get a primer and i am shopping at dulux we have glidden and this is their ultra line it's a higher grade primer than what you'll get at the box store it's a really good paint it has a high hide lots of solids in it okay and solids is part of the content of paint that gets rid of the ability so it's not so translucent all right and a really white wall is a lot easier to do a prime check on than a wall that's been primed with a translucent primer which is mostly water so don't go pay 40 for a gallon of paint that's just water get a good quality primer there's lots of stores that sell one and tell them you want a high solid content in your primer that's the secret that's the difference between the men and the boys in the paint world high solid content okay and you'll be successful with your priming now for everybody who's been asking this is what i use for my ceiling paint and the reason i use this ceiling paint at 7 700 it's kind of a boring name but it's not designed to be marketed as a ceiling paint as much as it is to painters than it is residential homeowners this is a ceiling paint and we call it dead flat what that means is there is zero acrylic in the paint okay now in the world of paint we really have two categories we've got oil base and we got water base water-based paints have an additive called acrylic to it all right and the more acrylic the shinier the paint ceiling paints you want zero acrylic no additives dead flat and the reason for that is is when you brush and roll a dead flat white paint that's been shaking really well you're going to have a very consistent color and if you get marks on it or someone you know makes a mess of the ceiling you can come by later and brush and roll and do touch-ups and that work is invisible all right you won't see the brush lines and all that kind of stuff you can do touch-ups later on just make sure you shake and mix up the paint real well again and if it's been sitting for a while and it's only half a can you can buy a little blender stick to go on the end of your drill and you can whip up the paint so it's a nice consistency it'll be exactly the same formula as the paint that went on a year ago and it'll look exactly the same all right that's a great secret that's money in the bank now from the ceilings we move on to the wall color now walls traditionally or we're using eggshell okay eggshell paint is just a texture whether you have some smooth walls or you have an eggshell finish or an orange peel finish or some other kind of texture and eggshell paint is an excellent technology now we're moving into acrylic okay you've got to be careful because acrylic paints that's the english side yes this is one i use it's called life master acrylic paints generally speaking uh come in a lot of different levels of acrylic and in the paint world we have 20 percent 30 50 and 100 acrylic paints doesn't mean the cans full of acrylic if it's 100 acrylic it means the amount of additive to be considered 100 acrylic is at its maximum capacity in the paint now this is 100 acrylic and what that does ladies out there know acrylic means bulletproof right you use it on your nail polish now it's in the paint and here's why for years we had issues with painting and we would love to do custom colors and big broad spaces and if you had any damage or you had to do a mark or a touch-up and you paint you want to make the walls more bulletproof to avoid all that kind of damage kids get the crayons out right or you open a door and the door stop gets bent out of the way and the door handle hits the wall 100 acrylic paint makes it almost bulletproof i say that lightly but the point is this it's washable it's scrubbable you can get a green scrubby out you can use the magic eraser on this paint and it won't leave a mark okay now when you use this kind of paint you've got to let it sit for 30 days before you go and try something crazy because it has a curing time for maximum performance okay so be careful with that but an acrylic paint like this is going to make your walls almost bulletproof while we're talking about walls let's go through the options you can get flat paint okay which is not as shiny in 100 acrylic that's new technology you can get uh acrylic paint that's an egg eggshell that is a low level acrylic and you'll see this in new homes all the time if you ever bought a new house and you had them say oh i love this color put in can you paint the walls of color what they do is they go out and they get the lower grade quality paint they'll go 20 acrylic they'll paint all the walls and doors and trim with a cheap 20 acrylic paint not 100 and then you move in you get some scuffs on the wall from your furniture the first thing you do is you pull out a rag you want to wipe your wall make it look pretty you end up wiping the paint right off the wall right off the doors right that's maddening what they've done is they've given you a bucket of crap because they've sold you the same time and energy it takes to use a good paint that gave you junk because they saved about 100 bucks and now you've got to repaint the whole house again so when you're talking to your builder if you're going to get them to paint it for you specify put it in writing which paint they're using that it's 100 acrylic paint don't let them cut corners on you okay because that is maddening the next paint we're going to talk about is the semi-gloss all right this is basically the trim paint of choice now there's also a high gloss paint on the market and now we're dealing with new additives to create more and more shiny effect right it's that pop on the windows and doors and trim that's what you're looking for so eggshell on the walls or even the mat okay like if you have really ugly walls and you want a little painter secret you can use the matte paint all right and it doesn't have as much light reflecting off it it absorbs it that gives you the ability to hide a lot of imperfections all right depending on the lighting so in stairwells and stuff like that using a matte paint really can hide a lot of imperfections for you so you don't have to get up on a ladder to do touch-ups and repairs just use a matte paint now once we got the semi-glass out you're doing all your trim all your windows all your baseboard all your doors all those washable surfaces that need regular maintenance this semi-gloss paint is even more durable than the eggshell so that when you're sweeping and vacuuming and you hit the baseboards you don't even leave a mark this stuff is amazing everybody needs to have this in their their repertoire now here's the last paint i want to show you this is the flat or the matte paint in the same formulation okay we use this on the ceiling you can check this out it looks amazing this way we can contrast the ceiling have a nice dark tone move into the crown molding and it just makes the room pop and the lights look amazing it's a great way to get a really sophisticated look without putting all the time and energy into doing all kinds of crazy things with your house so the next thing i'm gonna talk about is the order in which to paint okay because if you do it in the right order it'll save you from getting drips and streaks and damage that cause you do rework okay so now i'm going to share with you my order of painting because that'll save you a lot of time and energy and it'll give you a clean result remember really the order is top down because paint falls and when you're painting and you're using a brush you're throwing your bristle if you leave all your crown molding till the end for instance and you're going ahead and you're doing this you can get paint splatter on your wall and i don't care what you want to do that's a semi-gloss paint you're using with 100 acrylic because you want the shine you want the pop those little dots on the wall even if you drop everything and run over there with a wet cloth and wipe it it's going to leave a mark okay so you're done now you got to paint that whole wall cut and roll again it's a lot of extra work so always work top down remember sealing paint is usually dead flat without acrylic and you can touch that up if you hit it with the walls later but if you're doing any kind of trim work and you get spray on the wall you're finished same thing with baseboards when you're rolling the wall so what i do is i'll do the top i'll do my whole ceiling first and then i'll pull out the semi-gloss and i'll put my brush right up there and i'll wiggle it until it everything's bent and has a nice straight line and then i'll pull it across okay remember if you're painting with the paint that's inside the brush not on the outside you can get a perfectly straight line it'll look amazing then i'll take my brush and i'll take the ceiling flat paint and i'll come underneath and the reason i'm always doing this is because my eyes are above my brush i can see that line i can see what i'm doing if i want to come across afterwards and paint the crown when the wall is done now i have to get underneath here somehow without making a mess it's very awkward to paint like this all right so be comfortable ergonomic painting means you don't exhaust yourself you get on a bench you stand here you push the brush you draw a line that simple same thing you paint underneath now you're onto the wall before you paint your walls however you have to take a look at door casing window casing paint all the casing first all right now you don't have to do all the casing you can cheat a little bit and just do the side okay because once you get a semi gloss here it makes it so much easier for the eggshell paint that's in your brush you push it and you draw a line okay the eggshell up against the semi-gloss finish is really easy to draw that line if it's still primer primer is more of a rough surface you'll end up with a wavy line no matter what you do i personally like to paint the entire casing and jam first i don't want brushes around here on on a finish wall same reason as the crown it's easy to go like that and spray on the wall and then you're right back to where you started again if you go ceiling decorative trims okay next level wall do all the casings and door casings first then when you're all finished you get down to the baseboard then it's the same thing but now you're standing on top of it right now remember with baseboards you've got a couple of different things going on i've got a baseboard and i've got a doorstop acting as a shoe molder quarter round so what i do is i'll install my baseboards and i'll install this and i'll be ready to paint this after i've done my wall color but again my line of sight is i can see that line of bristles so i'll put it i'll push it around i'll slowly get trying to get like about a third of the bristles above the edge there okay and then you push it in and then you pull it straight i also pre-paint all of the base trim these little shoe molds quarter rounds you can paint them all in advance then you just shoot a couple of thin gauge nails on there a caulking bead and then when you're all finished you're done your walls you hit this edge here okay you come down here and you can finish to here you don't have to paint the surface it's already painted that keeps your brush away from your flooring okay now don't comment on the gap on the floor it's on my punch list i actually have to go into the basement and raise my support and lift that floor back into position sometimes when you're renovating a really old house like our 1880 farm house we're doing right now you run into all kinds of unique problems that just make a punch list and keep moving forward because when you're finishing things and moving forward the wife stays happy now here's a little brush trick for you because a lot of people you know they wonder what's the right brush for me the three inch might be too big if you're dealing with a situation like over here where i need a very thin line painted i want you to know this brush become a small brush in a hurry if you needed to simply pull back your bristles okay fill your line in that one little spot and then you can paint very thin lines with it all right piece of cake you bend the bristle and you can have complete control there you go that's all there is to it you go from a three inch to a half inch brush if you need to that's money in the bank all right now i got to go clean this and since i got to clean it i'm going to show you how to wash a brush effectively okay all right so there's really only one rule when you're washing a brush and that is you don't want to leave paint inside the bristle down here because these bristles go all the way down here and if you're driving paint into that area your brush is done because it starts to get hard with all that acrylic so the goal when you're painting is to always have your brush upright and they make little cans out there with magnets and stuff so you can snap it to the side so that you're not putting all that paint into the bristle you don't want to leave it sideways on the top of the can bad call in a can with two inches of paint is a great technique and every time you use it if you're working overhead be cognizant of the fact that acrylic dries quickly so 20 minutes to half an hour stop what you're doing go wash the brush again and you can go right back to painting it only takes a minute it'll extend the life your brush because if you're buying a good one it can be 20 30 50 but if you buy one brush and you spend good money on it it'll last a lifetime now we're going to use warm water all right and the first thing we're doing is we're just going to massage all the extra paint out massage downwards okay you don't want to start with full of paint and go upside down and drive it into the bottom this way okay and once you're comfortable you got it all out put it in your hand like that it's a little warm put it like this and it'll force out all the extra paint all right this is actually the last example because there's no paint in the brush you know what let me go get some paint on this brush and we'll demonstrate this a little better all i used was just the tip for that little secret and that washed out way too easy give me one second all right here we go we're gonna just beat this up and fill it full break all the rules i'm gonna make as big a mess as i possibly can to show you how well this works all right now there we go now we gotta clean a brush lord i never do this to myself but i'm gonna assume you're gonna make a mess like this all right here we go back to the beginning first we're going to massage all that paint away using gravity as your friend okay there we go just run it in circles in your hand you'd be surprised how much of that paint you can get out of there all right now it's looking relatively clean so now we use a little bit of pressure okay you see all the paint coming out of the heel down here that's gravity working with you in the pressure you do it on both sides again now we're going to work the bristles so that the water can flow between the bristles as a release get all that paint out of there now we're actually feeling pretty good about this now it's time to get some soap involved any regular dish detergent okay so you just put it in there and just work it in your hand until it suds up really good all right really good suds up okay and now we're going to follow the same procedure to get all the soap out of the brush okay because you don't want soap sitting on your bristles once you've done this a few times you'll start to squeak it's so clean all right and then when you're done you're going to follow this procedure it's kind of like starting fire okay put it in between your hands and you're just going to run it back and forth as fast as you can okay now you can shape your bristles a little bit after you've done that all right and you can let it dry because you're done or you can go right back to painting again because this is a perfectly dry brush now that you've seen how i like to paint and you've seen our farmhouse i'm going to recommend that you go check out our other channel called reality renovation the video link is in the description below okay it's all of the project videos from this 1880s farmhouse rebuild i think you're going to get a lot of inspiration from that and if you'd like to learn what comes next after you've painted because generally speaking if you're painting i want you to paint first then do your flooring and then install this last piece of trim if you want to learn how to do your flooring like a pro whether it's vinyl or laminate or even engineered hardwood then click this link right here and we'll have all that information that video for all the tips and tricks to do an amazing floating floor installation we'll see you soon
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 94,566
Rating: 4.9572997 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, How Painters Cut Corners!, Interior House Painting Buying Guide, All You Need to Know About House Paint, How to Pick the Right Paint for Your Home, How to Choose the Right Paint Type, how to cut corners painting, paint guide, interior painting, how to choose paint type, how to choose paint for bathroom, how to choose paint finish, how to choose paint for kitchen cabinets, how to choose paint sheen, how to paint, diy
Id: oARc_qW7odg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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