Easiest Tile Backsplash I've Ever Done | Church Flip | Episode 6

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in today's video i'm putting in a brand new backsplash with nothing but a pair of tile snippers that's right this video is dedicated to everybody out there who doesn't have a ton of tools or a ton of experience this is a simple diy project cheers so two things one i went to home depot yesterday and i bought all the stuff so it's available just go to the store number two doing a tile backsplash is a diy project and i've seen a lot of videos online lately where people are making major mistakes they don't even know it yet first thing we want to do before we get started i've got a couple of marks on my wall from when i installed my cabinets in the previous video this is all part of the series of this church kitchen remodel i'm going to just oil that all up real good make sure that those stains don't come through this isn't video number six of our kitchen remodel we repurposed the cabinets to the tile countertop and hung cabinets we painted the old cabinets moved some electrical around now i'm going to show you this how to install your backsplash just a few easy steps anybody can do this all right if you have a knife and you go to the store and you buy a pair of tile nippers they're called okay snips and some sort of scissors these are crazy huge but they'll do the job so i'm working on three different jobs at the same time right now so i can never find my tools i just use what's available here you go this is what a tile sheet looks like nowadays okay you got to pick your tile and you'll get something like this and it's a there's a mesh backing it's adhesive all right and basically you can stick tile like this on the wall and the reason i love this kind of this kind of project is because when you get to your plugs right you can basically line this up you can measure your gap cut the backing okay check this out now you've cut around your plug okay when you set that in the adhesive you're good to go the reason this works is because you can buy this it's from eaton i got this at home depot it's a cover plate free electrical it's a two-part snap-on plate these screws go into the fixture that's screwed in here all right and sit on over top of the hole and this one snaps over top of it so no matter if you're half an inch off one way or the other okay even if you have a huge gap on one side this plate is so huge that it still covers what i'm using today for my backsplash penny tile both of these work this is a ceramic so all you need to cut is this no wet saw no scorch no grinder nothing all right a 17 pair of snips that's all you need and you can have the same effect and just use the knife to cut out the penny tiles use these if you need to cut out in half because it's ceramic they're easy to work with i'll show you that in the video and you can cut around any obstacle that you have all right no need to go invest major money in tools by the way in the market right now if you want to hire someone to do a backsplash this big okay i would charge someone six to eight hundred dollars to show up and do that job right now that's the market so this is fifteen dollars a square foot for this expensive glass stuff these are less than half price god loves ceramic so for six bucks a square foot 14 square feet 100 17 bucks get some adhesive i like the omni grip at the home depot it is the most expensive premium brand but it's worth it because it dries like within an hour so you can you can install your tile and grout in the same day and one of these three dollar throwaway trowels all right it's just a 3 16 v notch or if you have tools flute or kerdi membrane trowel it's a square notch it works great for the scenario okay that's it it's it's it's like a hundred dollar tile job anybody can do this so one of the first things you need to know about working with penny tile is how you're going to finish on your edge right so i've picked this up this is a piece of plastics i'm going to be running it off the edge of the counter okay that's a nice spot and then coming across into the cabinet right at the underside because i'm going to have a straight line if i install the tile with the penny tile is offset so you have a nice straight line here and then you have offset tile here okay it's easier to cut these tiles and put them across the bottom and the top because both of those surfaces get a bead of silicone when you're finished so you can finish it with white silicone leave this beautiful row for the right side and the left side to help get a better finish all right now like i said these are only six bucks a square foot about the whole case i won't need it all but because home depot sells these by the sheet you can just take the rest back and get your money when you're finished okay there we go let's roll our garbage on the floor so here's my sheet this is how we're going to start we'll just talk about the layout first okay boom all right now i got two options i can start with the the full circle and then come back later and cut little bitty pieces and stick them all in that's going to be tricky because when we put the omni grip on it dries so fast okay you don't want to do that you want to cut this first and then install it okay so here's the tile snips and if you've never seen this before prepare to have your mind blown it's this easy you line it up halfway across the tile okay and done truth is a tool like this has been around in the tile world for hundreds of years long before they had other options and they only worked with ceramic okay like this is this is how tile sets made their living for years and years and years all those subways made out of people using these to cut circles and holes and rounds and round plugs and that's it that's the whole job now i've got the first sheet boom i'm ready to install i have got bumped on little over seven of these that i gotta do just to make this video less painful to watch i'm going to do seven sheets of that and i'm going to line them all up and be ready to move and then we'll install all this in a minute draw a laser line off the side of this cabinet okay that allows me to measure over to the edge of my trim so now i know my return is six and a half inches okay so i'm going to just measure that piece onto here and make a mark okay now i'm going to cut it into a 45 on the back side you only got two options of this trim you cut two separate pieces or you cut a mold 45 degrees on it and you bend it over and then it comes back and that's how you get your 90 okay and so then i'm going to do the same thing over here i'm going to hold that nice and level there and that's where i'm going to cut my trim that'd be amazing so i'm going from the the gap to just flush with the cabinet all right enough said now we're ready to go let's get into the omni grip the um building store that i usually go to the home depot and again i've said this before it's just lowe's came to canada late guys so i mean i spent most of my career shopping home depot i know every school on the shelf i know the people that work there and i'm not going to relearn all that information just for the sake of a different colored buggy to go shopping with for the most part they sell very much the same stuff and if it has a different brand name on it in a lot of cases it's made in the same factory in china so what the hell's the difference i like the omni grip there are three versions of product on the shelf don't buy the cheap one okay this is 60 bucks the cheap one's 30. the cheap one is cheap everything slides it doesn't hold anything takes forever to dry it drives you nuts it's not the place to save money where you save money is by doing it yourself buy good products do it yourself get a great result that's it okay now we know my tile is going to look like this something like this right we're going to start trying to get the adhesive relatively where i want it to go i don't want to go wider than i need to okay i can clean it off and everything no problem see like it's just and a sponge but if you don't make a mess you don't have to clean it up right here we go now this is small tile the the secret here is not having too much adhesive on the wall all right this isn't about buttering toast okay or adding jam to your bread this is about getting the product moved around so it's even and consistent all right so get it all over the place and once you have a good healthy coat everywhere then we're going to come back one more time and trowel it all out so it's consistent and we're going to work with a small space at a time because it works that fast okay and we're going to work from the bottom to the top okay and we're going to clean as we go and if i don't get a consistent travel line i'll throw more product on the wall and go back again there we go this is nice i have more there than i need okay because we are putting this behind the tile establish this right out of the gate all right it doesn't have to be perfect but it sure has to be close and you'll see the only problem i have here is that with penny tile the tiles are so small i have an entire tile on that one section with no adhesive so i do have to come back here add a little bit more now you are not going to have a perfectly smooth wall when you're doing this the only option to have a smooth wall is not to use the edging and that means you're going to rely on grout and or silicone or something else to cover the edge of your cut tile i prefer this and the day of the week okay here we go now it's a water-based adhesive don't worry about your counters if you get it on there okay you can always take that off with a wet rag later the way you install a tile so you hold the sheet put it over your arm okay gently gently i'm going to say that again gently press it in place slowly roll it up you don't want to push it into the wall until you've got your line okay see that my line's just a little bit off there we go you're going to have to have one of these anyway because you're going to want to grout when you're done gently press a large area at a time to set the tile into the adhesive we're going to measure from the top of the bubble to the top of the cabinet i got five and a quarter inches of space okay for this situation we're going to take a new sheet hanging the same way okay we're going to measure from this space right here because it represents next tile above that bubble okay five and a quarter right five and a quarter gives me here this row that the last tile on that row fits in that space so i'm gonna line this up and i'm gonna cut according to that tile all the way across the sheet i'm not going to cut it longer and then cut the tiles back i'm going to cut it shorter and then add the half tiles that have already cut off and the reason this works is because these are penny tiles they're actually half inch so because we put our cabinets in at 18 inches which is the standard in the industry we have 18 pieces of tile the fact that they're offset on the grid means we're going to have a half at the bottom of each row that's all so all that means okay if i'm right about this i should be able to just stick this sheet on right now and i'm a little bit tall here you see that let's not panic because sometimes life is this easy i can just add myself an extra millimeter in height by lifting that up now i'm pressed in again grout float that's it and this is where everybody makes the biggest mistake they put too much of the adhesive and or too much pressure and then this the the adhesive gets squished in between the tiles to the point where it's too much of a mess and you spend hours and hours cleaning the adhesive out if you are easy on the adhesive you don't have anything to fill up you just wipe down the surface when you're done and go now that's done take a few of these right away and let's start press down slide it up and fill the gap okay as low as you can go gently lift up and then push it tight all right and this is how we're going to finish that underneath as well and if you always make sure that you buy tile that fits the space you'll never have weird gaps with a half inch of grout underneath your cabinet forcing you to buy a valance and add all kinds of trim carpentry so people can't see the nasty mesh you make from the living room okay there we go that's the whole process now we're going to go one row at a time refreshing our cement as we need to this box here is actually an electrical box and we're going to cut our tile up to the edging using the scissors the only the secret we need here is i need a pail and a sponge all right now big surprise yep i got adhesive on my grunt float because it was on the counter and so when i pressed my tiles i got adhesive all over my tiles made a hell of a mess here okay i'm going to try to clean that adhesive off the base there while i'm looking at it all right there we go now that is clean this is a great time to take your knife if you have any extra adhesive that bothers you clean it up you can also use a pencil it's another great way to go i'm pretty happy with that remember because we're using a water-based adhesive when we grout this if we have any adhesive that's being proud and sticking out and going hey look at me i'm over here and looks ugly it'll also soften up again from the moisture of the grit when we apply it and you'll be able to take a small tool and remove it and fix it on the spot okay so you can a you can either use a white grout so that if there are any of the pieces of adhesive sticking out it blends in i'm going to use a different color grout because i think it's a great way to show people how clean and easy this is all right we're going to grout in just a few minutes let me just uh go through a time lapse i'll whip the rest of this on i think maybe we'll show around the plug because this is something that people see all the time and it's it's intimidating to have to work around an electrical plug we're going to get rid of that fear right now so here's my first sheet right i've got the bottom cutter ready good and it's in line with this row that's missing a tile how about that i'm going to measure over 10 and a quarter to a 12 and a quarter okay so 10 and a quarter to 12 and a quarter that's my hole 10 and a quarter is there and i'm going to make it wider i'm going to go to 10 okay so i'm going to cut these last couple pieces out all right is how easy this is folks when you're prepping up for your your backsplash make sure you grab some 45-minute compound mesh tape if you need to make a nice firm surface around your plug don't rely on an adhesive to solve your problems when you get there okay now i need a little bit more adhesive on the wall when you're working with small tile like this you don't get the cheat you don't get to add the adhesive to the back of the stone it's always about the surface okay make the surface perfect so then your tile will go on perfect you don't ever want to be building up the back of your stone you don't ever want to be in a spot where you forgot something and you come back and get it later and you have to add adhesive it'll never sit right it'll drive you nuts trying to clean out old adhesive or adding enough to make it stick or you're always going to have a raised surface be happy with everything you do as you go because i want to take this penny tile right here and quickly add it to this lost lonely sole down there bam okay now here we go again we're going to start by carrying the weight so that i'm gently setting it in place and watching my line okay you don't want to have it all too close remember there's a nice factory gap everywhere if you set your too close or too far away you're going your grout is going to scream that that's where the joint is and ultimately that's your goal is to have nothing screaming okay beautiful beautiful everybody agree now for perfect we can add our halves now around the electrical plug all right you don't have to do this in most situations your electrical cover plate is more than big enough to cover and might i suggest before you tile make sure you get whatever you're going to use to finish this one by eating is amazing okay because the fixture actually this gets screwed to the fixture and you can confirm whether or not your your tile is going to be covered like i don't really even need to have those halves there but it helps to hold the grout better ultimately gives you better finish and more options all right let's get a couple more of these okay done remember the secret to tiny tile is having a perfectly level counter if you don't stay away from the stuff okay because you can't start on a nice row and then having a gap open up where you got to start putting little pieces and by the time you get the other end of the counter is half a tile or full tile it just it's so nasty to look at if you have unlevel counters go with larger tile at least three inches tall and maybe not might i consider starting it with a mid tile start the bottom row with half a tile okay and that gives you the flexibility to grow or shrink as you need to but if you have installed level counters you're good small tiles are great and very very flexible and in this case even affordable all right i'm just going to clean up now and uh give this about an hour or so and then we're going to grout all right it's time to go out guys but i screwed up and i got ultra color plus i didn't plan ahead so the hardware store near where i was this is all they had in stock yeah this is gonna happen to you we made a video where i warned you not to use this if you're a new diy-er especially on showers like a backsplash this size i can probably handle this okay i'm gonna mix it all in one batch but if you're using it remember it dries super quick so maybe mix half a bag at a time which is like i prefer to mix the whole bag so you get consistent color or you can just work it until it starts to dry out on you and throw it in the garbage and get another bag later just so you know there's a chart on these bags and it tells you the size of your tile the thickness of the tile how many square feet this is going to do with different size grout lines so it takes three factors into place it's not a perfect chart but it gives you an idea i'm expecting to get the 14 square feet that i need out of this it's gonna be close we'll see i'm gonna have to go back to the store and get another bag just to finish off but the goal is to do the backsplash and the counter with the same grout and it is warm gray in case anybody wants to know these bags tear weird okay there's like weak spots in this so be careful um i always add the water the mixing ratio is also on the bag okay uh one of these 10-pound bags goes with one liter or a quart i think is what you guys use one is so funny how i call um americans in the south okay here we go we're going to throw in this little kind of reminds me yep whatever you do for a living is going to kill you here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i'm liking that so everything is pretty much set up and i'm ready to put in grout we've got the rest of the doors on but as you can see this process of drilling out for the faucet is messy so i want to get the last of the messy work done vacuum up before i mix my grout i've made this mistake so many times before i've done grout work and then had to attach something to a wall to finish a project always leave your grout work so that when you're done growing you're done for the day because you can't rush it and then you've got to come back and put silicone seal on so just think ahead this stuff here when you're pouring into laminate countertop there's a resin all right so you want to get that off the teeth it clumps up and what it does is it gets rid of your cutting and it overheats here we are done and done there's my product this is an unsanded grout so it's phenomenal on glass as well there we go [Music] okay i've got a lot of fresh mud over here so i'm trying to watch my application i don't want to get it all over the bloody wall i usually like to move a little faster than this with this stuff but i also don't want to work dirty when you use the grout float to set the penny tile it's perfectly flush so it actually makes this really easy to put on right there's no leverage here oh that's just amazing and i'm gonna grout right up to the cabinet and that is just because it gives me something to silicone against afterwards right everywhere i have a change of material i'm going to add silicone due to expansion contraction laws the tile and the cabinets and the countertops and everything are going to expand and contract at different rates so you want to have a silicone seal that has the flexibility to keep that gap from opening up over time here we go and for a nice clean finish get rid of all the extra grout off your surface there we are okay this tile reminds me i once had a client had a rather large kitchen it was one of those like a 10 by 10 basically right or a 10 by 12. and she asked me to put in a penny tile like this only it was stainless steel and that was a lot of fun to work with but the thing is we used a silver grout when it was salt done her kitchen looked like champagne bubbles i think it was really phenomenal one of the coolest looks i've ever seen in my life so you might think oh penny tile it's so old and outdated but in a lot of cases everything you do nowadays is going to be old and outdated within a year so sticking with something that's traditional like this gives you a lot of longevity on it on your project i mean we're at a point now you start to see this come together and you're like well that worked eh this is a great little transformation makes a really useful space i think if i was to total up the money that we put into this one of my 600 for cabinets they came pre-built a couple hundred for the sink 100 for the faucet three that's nine 100 bucks for cement and grout makes a thousand bucks and then 200 for the countertop tile 80 for the paint 13 a couple of dollars in wooden screws some electrical 1400 bucks most people can't even get a countertop for 1400 bucks nowadays when i built an entire kitchen for that same money that's where the power of diy is if i was going to go and quote to do something like this for somebody as a contractor to remodel a kitchen like this i'm still going to charge them 8 000. yep you want it done right do it yourself make some money there you go you got about 20 minutes from when you start to when you have to wash and washing takes longer than the application so usually the second half of the washing is where you run into trouble so now i basically i got everything routed now i'm just working on my my tile joints and then we'll jump right into washing now the washing process guys first is your tools okay grub floats aren't free and if you wait for that to set up another five minutes you'll never get it off all right so it's nice to remember to take care of the tools all right boom all right that's me taking care of the tools okay and now i'm going to wash in the same process as where i started it all right wipe flip and wipe that's all you got to do at this point okay that's the only way that you're going to get this done as fast as you put it on also make sure your breakers are off to your electrical when you're doing this water can drip down hit those screws and electrify the engrout surface and uh won't kill you but you'll enjoy that ride for a moment you'll definitely know you're alive when that hits i wouldn't recommend it if you have air condition here we go i'm in good shape it's not setting up too fast on me being in a basement ish it's kind of cool in here so it helps but uh consider your temperature of where you're working if it's a hot summer day where you are and you're trying to use this grout it's uh it's going to set up a lot faster cold water to mix it cold water to sponge it and then there we go now when i'm done the next step is going to be to get a clean pail of water and come back and then wipe it all again to get the residue off what i'm looking right now to do is just set up the grout depth on the tile i'm not worried about the haze on the stone because that actually cleans off a lot better than you might think flip it and wipe it there we are okay one more suggestion when you're making your grout if you're not comfortable with the the speed and you know you have your low experience level leave a handful of powder in the bag i'm doing this fast enough that if i have any issues like this where there's adhesive on the tile i know i can stop and take time to clean this up i know i'm going to make a mess i'm going to grab some of the old stuff there rub a little dirt in it right and i'm good to go but if you are working inexperienced and you get into a situation where your all your goat is mixed you get down near the end of the job and it's starting to get hard what you're gonna find is that you can't mix it you can't use it there'll be holes in your grout and you're gonna have to go buy another bag just so you can get rid of a pinhole all right so leave yourself a little bit of mercy in the bag okay here we go if you've got pin holes like this like be over generous okay these tiles can be very difficult sometimes to get the right angle and get them filled and they'll trap air gentle pressure and you're good all right i'm going to finish cleaning this up i'm just going to finish wiping down this countertop now i'll change the water and give it all another clean wipe and this will be done later on in the day i'll have to buff it just using some paper towels and that'll be fine that'll get the haze off that is everything you're going to need to do countertops make sure you're subscribed and click the bell for notifications the next video is going to be the installation of the sink and the faucet the drain the water supply all that good stuff to make this functional kitchen cheers you
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 542,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, penny tile, tile backsplash, tile backsplash on a budget, how to install a kitchen backsplash, how to install penny tile kitchen backsplash, kitchen backsplash ideas, kitchen remodel, kitchen renovation, do it yourself, how to grout, how to grout pebble tile wall, tile, kitchen, backsplash, save money, cost effective, easy install, how do i install tile, how do you clean tile grout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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