How to Overseed Your Lawn - Step by Step

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[Music] all right here we go we're starting the fall overseed project today first thing i'm doing is i'm scalping this kentucky bluegrass down to a half an inch there's a few reasons why i'm scalping it down right now number one when i go to overseed i just want to make sure that the existing turf isn't going to overshadow the new baby grass second i want to be able to go over this with the scarifier and make sure that i'm able to clean up any debris that accumulated over the summertime because there's some dead grass and some thatch in here that i just want to get out of there so i can make sure that when i put my seed down i'm going to have good seed to soil contact to improve the chances of having germination and the third reason i'm scalping this down is because i got a pile of sand that i'm going to put on top of this kentucky bluegrass to make sure that it's nice and level now if i got a bunch of tall grass out here and i'm trying to put sand on it it's going to make that job incredibly difficult so right now i got the daunting task of scalping this down and cleaning up all those grass clippings [Music] all right i just finished scalping this down from three inches to a half an inch with the swardman now you don't have to have a swardman to do this you can just do it with your rotary mower and then use something like a sun joe dethatcher or if you have a power equipment rental place near you they probably have professional grade d thatchers that you could rent pretty cheaply [Music] well i ran out of daylight cleaning up that mess fortunately i got a lot of junk out of the lawn so tomorrow we'll get going on the next step [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so i just rented one of these core aerators from a local rental company now this is going to be an important step in the overseed process it's going to pull a plug and allow nutrients to get into the soil better it's also going to improve the strength of the root system and it'll also reduce the soil compaction so i'm just going to go ahead run this over the yard and then clean up the plugs because i'm going to be doing a sand level project after this and i don't want to be mixing the sand and the plug [Music] well looks like we got some okay plugs here i'd say if you're gonna go ahead and do this and aerate your lawn make sure that you irrigate first it pulls a better plug if the soil is a bit moist now you can skip this next step because i'm going to run this over with the scarifier and pick up these plugs here because i'm going to be doing sand leveling after i do that now if you're not doing the sand level then i'd say just leave the plugs on the turf and then you can go ahead and over seed but for now i'm just gonna go pick up these plugs and then we'll start the sanding turn it process [Music] all right so that sword minute did a pretty nice job of picking up all those cores i got those off of the kentucky bluegrass but now we're going to begin the sand leveling project so i was able to have 4 000 pounds of sand delivered to my house it's mason sand and that's pretty fine stuff and that's just going to settle into this kentucky bluegrass nice and easily the problem is spreading it by hand that's going to be a pain but we'll get it done here [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay it's seating day today and some of you have been asking hey when can i begin this process well i'd say you can begin this process anytime between mid-august and mid-september but there's a couple of things that are more important than the exact date you should start this and it has mainly to do with the weather one you don't want to do this when it's 90 degrees out because it's going to be really hard to keep the seed moist when it's 90 degrees out and second you also don't want to do it when you see any thunderstorms in the forecast because that could just lead to a washout you get a big heavy rain and washes all your seed away all your hard work is done so you want to pay attention to the weather and make sure that you're going to have a cool period and it's not going to be raining very heavily if you can avoid those two things then you're probably going to have a successful overseed now today we're putting down the ss 1100 from the seed superstore it's a mix of three grasses it's got mazama midnight and bluebank now it's a beautiful grass i overseeded with it last year and it came up and it looked great [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we just wrapped up the seeding process after putting the seed down i rolled it in i just want to make sure that i got good seed to soil contact just to aid in germination after rolling it in i put down a starter fertilizer you want to use something with a high middle number that's phosphorus and the phosphorus is going to help a new baby plant develop its root system after putting that starter fertilizer down i put down a pre and post emergent herbicide called tenacity on the lawn i just want to make sure that i'm not going to get any weeds popping up as i go through this process and so now we can begin the final step we're going to put down our peat moss with our peat moss spreader now i was fortunate enough to have easy do send me one of these peat moss spreaders because these peat moss spreaders make this job bearable spreading peat moss by hand is one of the most miserable experiences and this just makes it much easier to do so i got some bags of peat moss here we're going to put them into the spreader and spread this peat moss around as quick as we can so we can wrap up this project [Music] okay we're done spreading the peat moss around one piece of advice if you're gonna get a peat moss spreader make sure that you buy smaller bags of the peat moss because they're a lot easier to put into the peat moss spreader now that we got our peat moss spread i'm just going to get out the irrigation i'm going to water this for 10 minutes every hour between the hours of 9 00 am and 5 pm and that should help me get germination if you have any questions please let me know in the comments below go ahead and like and subscribe and if you do subscribe then you'll be able to get the updates on how this project ended up so thanks for watching and we'll see on the next one
Channel: The Perfect Cut Lawn Care
Views: 30,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overseed, Overseeding, How to Overseed, How to overseed your lawn, Lawn Overseeding, Overseeding the lawn, Overseeding grass, Fix and Ugly Lawn, How to fix my lawn, Fall Overseed, Overseeding this fall, How to overseed my lawn, How to overseed my lawn this fall, Fall Overseeding, Fall Renovation, Lawn care, Fall Lawn Care, Cool Season Lawn, How to fix a lawn
Id: e75I8s93wIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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