Is Tenacity Worth Using? #diylawncare

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whether you're new to the DIY lawn space or you've been around for a while you've likely heard people talking about tenacity herbicide now mesotrione which is the compound used in tenacity herbicide has been around for several years it was first marketed by syngenta in 2001 as tenacity now quick search through YouTube is going to show you the popularity of tenacity herbicide has in the Lawn Care Marketplace now I used to use tenacity herbicide as a regular broadleaf weed control for my lawn for a few years but then I discovered that there are better herbicides available on the market to control weed pressure in the lawn now that said I'm not a big fan of tenacity herbicide and I'm probably going to take a lot of flack for that judging by comments I've received on a prior video [Music] uh what but I'm here to tell you why it's not my favorite herbicide so stay tuned foreign tenacity is a group 27 selective systemic herbicide that features a mode of action for both pre-emergent and post-semergent broadleaf weave control and several various turf grass species the active ingredient in tenacity is mesotrione which is a naturally occurring compound produced by the bottlebrush plant which inhibits photosynthesis in targeted weeds which causes them to whiten and die which can give it that classic bleach look that you may hear about when using tenacity now this product can be applied on established turf or it can be used at the time of planting new seed prior to germination now tenacity can be used on a majority of cool season grasses with the exception of fine fescues if you look at the label you can see that you can use tenacity if your seed blend or your lawn is less than 20 percent fine fescue now this product is not recommended for those of you with warm season grass types like Zoysia or Bermuda grass among a few other less common warm season varieties make sure you're reading those labels to figure out if this herbicide is right for your lawn or turf type before applying it now if you're unfamiliar with turf grass types or what type of grass you have in your lawn especially if you live in the northern part of the United States check out the video in the corner above where I go over cool season grass types and you may determine what kinds you have in your own lawn so why is tenacity so popular now I did a quick review of the syngenta website for tenacity and you can see the great feedback that they've received from various Lawn Care Professionals and users of this product over the years now the vast majority of users based on this data love this herbicide and have had great results with it now I question why are the results so great I'd say it's due to the versatility of being able to use this herbicide for both the pre and post-emergent uses in the lawn interestingly enough straight from the tenacity label it warns you unless you're renovating or reseeding a lawn avoid broadcast applications of tenacity for pre and post-emergence weed control now this is a great option if you want to limit weeds when you're seeding a new lawn or overseeding an existing lawn the label states that tenacity will control up to 40 plus broadleaf and grass species I've personally used this when seeding and notice that it does help prevent some weeds from germinating during the seeding process now is it perfect absolutely not nothing is but you're still going to notice some weeds pop up but when they do they should whiten and die off due to the tenacity's mode of action by prohibiting that photosynthesis in the targeted weed now I do have a few issues with tenacity from my own personal experience with the product probably the biggest issue I have is I do not like the bleach look that it puts on the lawn now in the past when I applied at the recommended rate and temp requirements according to the label I've had bleach tips on my good grass blades and bleached weeds now if you value the appearance of your lawn and you want to avoid bleaching I would avoid using tenacity herbicide unless you're trying to use it when you're seating or overseeding your lawn now there are many other broadleaf herbicides on the market today that are going to give you great results for broadleaf weed control without the unsightly bleaching that tenacity has now typically I've had the bleaching last for up to three to four weeks and after that it will typically grow up and you can mow it off after that time now my other issue is people I think misunderstand the product they'll see that it has pre-emergent capabilities and in the lawn forms that I've seen online and on Facebook and even people that have commented back to me on this channel people try to use this product as a pre-emergent now if you read the label carefully and do some research on this the pre-emergent capabilities in tenacity herbicide only lasts for about 30 to 30 days so this makes it ideal for seeding to get that grass germinated and growing but it's not ideal for those of you who are trying to use this as a pre-emergent product in place of prodiamine or dithiopure now if you have more questions or want to learn more about pre-emergence and a good pre-emergent plan check out the link in the corner above to learn more about that now my third issue with tenacity is that I've had to make multiple applications in the past to try to Target the weeds that I'm killing now this is kind of a waste of time and money to me having to put down a product that just bleaches out the weeds makes the lawn look white for three or four weeks and then the weeds come back with a vengeance and it doesn't really kill it off now what this did for me was just keep a constant bleached look on my lawn which I personally don't like that look I've had some of you tell me you love it and you know that it's working but you don't have to have the bleach look on your lawn to know that a herbicide is working so I've found much better options on the market that I've been using since using tenacity herbicide and honestly I don't even use it at seating time anymore just because my lawn is established and when I overseed all the grass that's in the lawn now seems to choke out any weeds that come up now that said I think tenacity is a great option if you're seeding from bare dirt and you're trying to get grass established to keep those weeds out of the lawn and choke from and keep it from choking out those good grass seeds when they germinate now depending on the weeds that you're targeting in my own opinion if you're not seeding the lawn there are much better options available on the market for broadleaf weed control now I've used several but one of my go-to favorite all-around broadleaf herbicides that I use on my lawn is called Triad select herbicide I'll link it below if you want to learn more about it it's a mixture of 24d mcpa and dicamba and has given me a great all-around broadleaf weed control in my tall Fest ulon in the past now don't get me wrong tenacity still has its place in lawn care especially if you use it at the time of seeding or overseeding if you're looking to limit the germination of new weeds that are going to germinate and choke out your new grass now that said when I overseed I typically don't have an issue in my lawn because it's well established now and the current density of the turf does a great job of preventing new weeds from popping up when I overseed so if you are using tenacity herbicide or you're looking into using it I would first recommend that you find out what weeds you're targeting research various herbicides that are labeled to kill those weeds and outside of using this at seating I think they're much better options on the market now if you're looking for a great resource to research weeds and herbicides that are best for weed types check out the Purdue Turf manual that I've linked below it's twenty dollars it has a great information it's for turf grass professionals but anybody can buy it I've got this manual and I've learned a lot from it over the last several years in relation to weeds lawn care and herbicides great resource check it out in the description below if you're interested if you found this video helpful please hit that like button to help out with the YouTube algorithm and drop a comment below if you've ever used tenacity herbicide or if you plan on using it in the future also consider subscribing to the channel so you don't miss out on future content that I post I appreciate you watching and I look forward to seeing you next time out in the lawn
Channel: The Lawn Lover
Views: 44,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after tenacity, broadleaf herbicide, diy lawn care, how to kill weeds, how to kill weeds in lawn, how to kill weeds like a pro, how to plant grass seed, how to use tenacity, kill poa annua, lawn care, lawn care nut, lawn care tips, lawn tips, mesotrione, mesotrione herbicide, overseeding lawn, post emergent herbicide, post emergent weed killer, tenacity, tenacity herbicide, tenacity herbicide application, tenacity pre emergent, tenacity update, tenacity weed killer
Id: 9m0iWkdIrlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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