Will Grass Seed Grow WITHOUT Topdressing (Before & After) ?

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hey guys how are you doing so today we are scarifying aerating and the customer has bought a bag of seed and asked that I just put the seed down for him now I'm putting the seed down completely free um it shouldn't take too long to do but there's going to be no top dressing nothing to cover the seeds up so there is a risk of birds heavy rain and wind from washing it all away so as you watch through this video you will see the things I'm going to do to try and improve the chances of getting good germination rates there's quite a bit of thatch in this lawn so there's gonna be a lot of thatch that comes out when we scarify just watch and enjoy any questions popping down below I am here to help you with your lawn let's crack on [Applause] [Music] how are we doing how you doing are you all right are you all right are you air eight air eight no dad joke all right I'll crack on [Music] right look at the Moss look at the Moss absolutely snidded with moss um we're going to get that out and it's because it's the type of lawn that produces a lot of thatch we just need to get it out good scary fire first so this is my still scary fire and it's the RL 540 they're not bad they're not bad bits of Kit they're middle of the road so middle of Road in performance power but perfectly fine if you don't mind going over your lawn more than once when it's really thick if you want to pay two and a half grand for a high-end machine you can and they can cut through a thick layer of thatch like butter but they're more expensive in general a lot more noisy as well I find this to be really quiet not much more noisier than a mower and it does a fantastic job thank you so it's quite amazing isn't it how much comes out the filter Bim leg now let's have a look now this particular lawn is in the shade and I'm setting two we have definitely cut into the soil you can see the grooves so we don't need to go any deeper but we've actually thinned it out quite a bit but there are a few bits of moss left so what I'm going to do is go in a different direction but go on the highest setting we can and just go very steady to try and tease out the last few bits without ripping out too much grass so let's have two scary thighs and we've taken a lot of moth out because there was a lot of moss there wasn't a lot of grass remember grass and Moss compete for the same space the longer you leave scarifying and the more you're in the shade the more muscle creeping because it must like damp and Shady conditions okay and grass can only Thrive if there's at least three hours of direct sunlight so they tend to do better in summer and struggle over winter and they go weak and then the Moss will creep in and the longer you leave it between scarifying the worse it becomes and the thicker it gets and then when you do scarify there isn't much glass left because the Moss are taken over so that's exactly what's happened here in this shade of part the next lawn as you can see there is in a lot more sun and then when we go around to the back there's plenty of Sun around there so they won't be as bad as this so even though there are some muscles there we could spend all day and get more of that out but there's plenty of soil exposed now so we're gonna do is aerate which is punch in holes into the ground when we punch a hole into the ground everything can drain through a lot easier and it improves compacted Lawns every time you walk on your lawn you're gradually compacting it [Music] so it's been aerated which is punching a hole in the ground to relieve the compaction you know there's your holes there about an inch and a half deep and that's the soil which is a little bit sticky a little bit clay but not too bad it is crumbling up so how are we going to see the seed when we don't have a top dressing well years ago people would just Chuck seed down and some would take and some wouldn't take now you have Birds they will come down and eat any seeds what they see if we get strong wind or strong rain or both that's going to move the seeds around but because we've got the aeration holes I want some of the seeds to go down the holes so other than that the only other thing we can do after that is to use the roller to press the seeds down so they are pressed into the soil so then we get good seed to soil contact and that seed to soil contact really improves germination and seeds have to touch soil to germinate in other words come out and do what they've got to do [Applause] [Music] seed they brought it from Lauren Smith and it's a classic mix for a beautiful lawn that's meant to be used so it's dwarf ryegrasses so they're good Hardware in some red fat skews which help it to spread chewing Festus Meadow grass and some bents so it's got a bit of everything in there [Music] now I'm just using this little hand spreader on the highest setting so we're just going to open it up onto the maximum setting and see how much seed comes out if not I'll just have to skip it by end [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] so I've put a little bit more on the the bearer spots so we could just leave it at that but how much we'll take and how much we want you are against the element so we need to try and do what we can to improve the germination so I'm going to try my lawn level in loot okay this is one of my loots this is a Lindsay model and um I'll leave a link in the description for these and these Lindsay aeration uh handheld aerators and these are good for Corners where your machine can't get it's just [Music] a hole and it'll either cut [Applause] foreign right so the cores aren't really breaking up but I'm not surprised um the last job I did this morning the cores were very Sandy and you've only got to touch them and they just fall apart so that made a perfect dressing there's a little bit more clay content here so the chords are not breaking up I'm gonna leave them on the lawn because I'm going to go over with the roller and that is going to press them in and it will cover some of the seeds so we are just improving things so the roller itself will press the seeds into the soil and obviously the soil cores are also provide additional protection some of the seeds will have gone down the holes so let's crack on [Music] foreign [Music] so let's add two scary thighs 45 degree angle to the first pass and I honestly believe that most of this won't need any seeding whatsoever apart from a few little bits where the car's just been going around the corner there just a few little tiny bits so we'll get this cleared up and then we'll take a look [Music] that's scarified really really well it's come out pretty much perfect it hasn't damaged too much it's just a typical scarify thinned it out overall there's a few bits on the edges where it was quite Mossy but in general I'm really really happy with that so there will be some seeding just in a few little spots where it's thinned out a bit of down this Edge and this is where they've got two cars parked and basically just stepping out onto the grass over winter and wearing it down and walking up so what we're going to do now just rake it all up into piles we'll get it cleared off and then we'll get the aerator on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] right that is done scarified aerated over seeded again we've left the soil cores on just to try and cover some seeds as well as using the roller to press it all in so we've got a good seed to sole contact which will Aid germination the only issue with like I say are extreme weather wind water rain or birds so other than that's just a case of keeping it nice and watered right let me take you and we'll show you the back Garden so this is the back Garden now again it's got really Mossy so we've got to give it a good scarifier get this Moss Out right we'll crack on we'll do all of this on the time lapse we'll have a little chat towards the end and explain a few things [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am glad that is done so we just need that time to take its course and uh hopefully in about three or four weeks some of the grass will start to come through but it's going to be slow at this time of the year so three to four weeks I would say before you see any sort of new shoots as we get into sort of April and May if you do any seeding then as long as you keep it damp the seeds can come up in as little as three to five days but at this time of the year it takes longer but it'll still get there if you've got any questions or comments please pop them down below and I'll do my best to answer them Okay so we've got an update on this lawn now we are at about three four weeks on since we scarified aerated and used the customer's own seed we didn't use a top dressing he just says can you put me a bit of seed down which is fine but ordinary I would cover the seeds with a layer of compost or topsoil and it helps improve germination rates you imagine when we get heavy rain it will wash some of the seeds around they lift up in the puddles and they float around and then you end up with gaps and it's the same with the wind to get strong winds and the birds coming in as well can cause some issues because they'll be taking some of the seeds and I'll show you where we're at on this lawn now this is the battle one we're not there yet because we're only at week three or four and it has been a bit gray and Grim for a few weeks we've not had much sunny weather so I would imagine in about four weeks we're gonna have some nice weather over the next few weeks I think this is going to look a lot better in about four weeks we're still only halfway through the recovery process as you can see still a few patches and you can still see the aeration holes but I know but this is on the road to recovery it is on its way back it is coming now the way I know that is because we can still see the aeration holes it still looks thin and it looks like it was only renovated a few weeks ago but just give it time I promise you and assure you so what I look for is an overall sea of green which I can see so this is going to be a lot happier in about four weeks something like that get back onto the regular Mowing and things will just write themselves now let me take you round we'll show you the front now this is one this one didn't need um we didn't need to go ridiculously heavy with this although we did Scary fight twice but this one is looking great Plantation still a bit thin in places but it is definitely on the road to recovery as you can just see it's looking good like I say a few more weeks still a bit thin here um the customer gets out of car and walks across in fact I've just been informed that sometimes gets driven over as well on the corners so that is why we've got some tire marks in there but overall I'm pleased with that now that this is one in the shade I haven't seen this one yet but there are definitely definitely signs of improvement definitely signs of recovery although there's a couple of patches there may just take time to come through because this was heavily in shade so this one is definitely going to take longer and we've got time Marks here as well so it doesn't help anyway I wanted to give you this update you might have been expecting a beautiful lush green lawn but it goes to prove that what you've got to do is follow all the steps in the order scarify really heavily use your handbrake for any like patches of mass and rate those out but overall that's looking good this was going to be the worst because it's in the shade but if you're scarify aerate overseed and then top dress you add that extra layer of protection and that is what helps because when we get the heavy rain that's holding a little bit of moisture in the compost and it's stopping the seeds from just instantly lifting up and moving around because they do you get some heavy rain and we have had some um and same with the wind we get strong winds they will blow some of the seeds around so obviously you do your steps then you want to get the roller on and then really you want to get some compost on so you can get results and you can get lucky but your chances of good solid even germination go down when you miss steps out really really appreciate you watching this video if you've enjoyed it thumbs up would be amazing subscribe if you want to but overall any questions comments please leave them down below you can see from other videos I've done where we've put the top dressing on it makes such a big difference but it would be interesting to come back here um a month two months from now I've I'm pretty sure a lot of it will have come back now that's looking all right obviously we're not there yet and if you looked at this now and thought Oh that ain't done very well yeah that is what you think but let's just give it a bit more time it's only been three or four weeks and this has been in the shade and we've not had a fantastic amount of good weather all right thanks for watching see you on the next one guys thanks a lot
Channel: LawnRight Lawn Care
Views: 85,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 53-aPBWjr9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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