Does Liquid Aeration Work for your LAWN?

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one of the best ways that you can improve your lawn is by aerating it now traditional aeration involves renting a machine and essentially you're poking holes in your lawn to allow things like water fertilizer and other nutrients to get down deep into the soil and even though it's a great thing to do it's an awful lot of work and for many people it's just never going to happen so i was very interested when i heard about a new way to aerate your lawn without using a machine all you need is your garden hose and an inexpensive product that claims it'll help aerate your lawn in a way that might even be better than a machine we're going to put that claim to the test and see if it can help benefit your lawn at home when you aerate your lawn you're going to help it relieve compaction and all that means is the dirt is getting so tight that your roots can't spread out and grow but you can also have a situation like this where you're getting brown spots and weird dead areas on your lawn now this can happen when your soil becomes hydrophobic and that actually means the soil cannot absorb the water that you're putting down liquid aerators claim that they can solve the problem of water absorption very quickly and easily but i wanted to put that to the test so i took a container with a number of holes in the bottom poured water into it and watched what happened now the results here were not good you can see the water is running right down the mulch bed lots of it's going in the driveway but the key thing is it's not being absorbed if i even dig back the surface a bit you can see that it's completely dry this area hasn't been watered for over a month and you would think that being a mulch bed it would easily be able to absorb all this water i conducted the test a second time and you can see that the results were the same most of the water goes flying down the hill and it doesn't get absorbed at all i went back to the same area and applied a liquid aerator on top of the mulch bed now when you put these down it's not just a temporary effect it can actually have an impact that can last up to two to three months and once everything fully dried i went back to try the test again i added the same amount of water but the results were very different you can see that the water barely gets away from the container at all now before that water ran all the way down to my driveway and it was pooling up now none of the water is sitting on the surface and none of it went to waste so let's take a look at how i applied this product to the lawn and which one i used many of the liquid aerators on the market are nothing more than just soap and water but you want more than that and this one is called soft soil it's not only an aerator but it also has sea kelp humic acid and some other micro nutrients that your lawn is looking for and it's super easy to apply because of this this is called the orthodial and spray and it works perfectly for applying something like this it's got marks on it to help you measure the product it's super easy to clean and it costs less than 15 dollars but the main reason you want this one is because it has a measuring device right in the nozzle so you just rotate this to whatever setting the bottle tells you and you can simply spray it this means you don't really have to measure anything soft soil recommends four ounces per gallon so you just need to rotate the dial to the four ounce mark shake up the bottle and you're ready to add it and again you can fill the container up all the way if you're going to be spraying your lawn and this little device will do the measuring for you just insert the tube and tighten it up and you're ready to go but the last thing you need to decide is which nozzle setting you want because you actually have three different sprayers built right in you've got a wide spray a solid stream and more of a gentle spray so for this application you're going to want to use the gentle spray or the wide stream and now for the best part you just pull the trigger and walk around your lawn and spray now this isn't a fertilizer so you're not going to get any kind of stripes if you put too much or too little down just want to walk around and try to put down an even amount of coverage and soft soil can be used anywhere in your landscape so you can put it in beds your lawn or anywhere that can benefit from better water absorption but the other benefit is you're also putting down some amount of sea kelp and humic acid as well the two reasons i picked this product was that nobody else out there put all of those benefits into one bottle but the most important reason is the price everybody else out there gives you a little tiny bottle for that same price so in terms of value this product was one of the best ones i've ever used and the best part of all is it actually worked so if you like this video got you to see a product that's well worth considering for your lawn and if you liked it please give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you're not already for more videos coming up
Channel: Silver Cymbal
Views: 897,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, diy lawn, aerate your lawn, lawn renovation, ugly lawn, lawn, liquid aeration, liquid aerators, do liquid aerators work, does liquid aeration wor, what are liquid aerators, lawn aerators, how to aerate your lawn, aerate your lawn with a hose, core aeration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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