Comprehensive WMC Guide - Corrupted 10 Shot Bow of Light / 180 Damage Master Sword Tutorial

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Let’s get cooking.   Hi, El Duende 05 here.   It seems we’re not yet done with zxrobin’s  recent discovery of IST. Today I’ll teach you   the ins and outs of Weapon Modifier Corruption,  discovered by Breath of the Wild player kinak.   Want a 10 shot Bow of Light? A +120  damage Master Sword with crit modifier?   A 330 Hylian Shield with surf up? All of these,  and more, are possible. Let’s dig right in.   The simplest way to set up a file for WMC  is to play through the plateau without ever   picking up arrows or armor, then get to a  town and create 62 arrowless offset slots.   While this method works and was what I did for my  first setup file, it has some disadvantages.   First, you’d have to play through the entire  plateau. Second, you’d have to create arrowless   slots instead of using memory overload, which  is slower. Third, you’d have to go all over   the map to farm difficult materials,  such as dragon horns, without arrows.   This also means no windbombs or regular BLSS.  You’re essentially starting from scratch.   I co-developed the following method with kinak  specifically to address all of these issues.   It will let you avoid all this and reuse the  materials from a progressed save. It works   on any weapon, bow, or shield and allows you to  reuse ingredients and meals between recipes.   And of course, it also allows you to transfer  your corrupted weapons back to a progressed   save file without disturbing its other items,  so you won’t have to worry about duplicated   key items or arrows stacks on your main save. We’ll start with a quick 10 to 20 minute lecture   on the precise mechanics and theory  behind Weapon Modifier Corruption.   First we need to learn to count in binary... ** Just get to the point! **   Oh, uh, ok then! Check out this separate  video for the theory behind this glitch   later if you’re still interested. Let’s just see how it’s done.   Make some room in your inventory to  accept some corrupted weapons later.   I recommend about 8 weapon slots, 5 bow slots  and 4 shield slots. These are the default sizes   of those inventories in a new game. Next we need to stabilize your key   items so they won’t duplicate. If you have any  spirit orbs you should spend them, potentially   finishing as many as three shrines to collect  an even multiple of four in order to do so.   You should manually save after spending  them, but first let’s setup to take   advantage of a small trick that will help  us create a protected autosave later.   Change your system clock to be  roughly 2 to 4 weeks in the future,   then make a manual save.   Change your system clock back to normal. This just leaves Korok Seeds to deal with. Let’s   go through a quick procedure to corrupt these  to 999 in order to prevent them from duping.   You’ll want to do this even if you don’t  currently have any since it’ll shift them   earlier in the key items inventory. We’ll  use this to skip the plateau in a bit.   I’ll cover inventory corruption with an  in-depth guide soon, but for now just follow   these steps. I’ve also linked to a pastebin  of these instructions in the description   if you happen to prefer text guides. 1. Start a new game and pick up the Sheikah Slate.   Do not manual save and your  progressed file will be fine.   2. Leave the Shrine of Resurrection and  collect the Woodcutter’s Axe near the old man.   Leave it equipped. 3. Walk over toward   the Temple of Time and trigger an  autosave. Call this Autosave 1.   4. Wait around for 45 seconds so the next  autosave won’t overwrite your last one.   5. Go collect a Korok Seed, triggering  a second autosave. Call this Autosave   2. 6. Confirm you have both autosaves in your menu.   If not, you should restart from step 1. 7. Load your manual save   and create two offset slots  using memory overload.   8. Reload Autosave 1 and unequip the Axe 3 times.   This will shift the key items you brought over out  of your IST slots so they won’t be transferred.   9. Reload Autosave 2. DO NOT PAUSE. Your GameData  has now been corrupted to have 999 Korok Seeds,   but not your visible inventory.  If you pause and unpause,   the game will sync your inventory and undo your  hard work. You also can’t use the quick menu,   pick up an item, enter a shrine, etc. 10. Without syncing your inventory,   walk somewhere else to trigger another  autosave. Call this Autosave 3.   Here you can see the axe was shifted over two  squares, which should land it on the Korok Seed.   11. Reload Autosave 1 three more times. This  will shift the single Korok Seed in our current   inventory to the left so it won’t block the 999  stack from being added by transferring in first.   12. Reload Autosave 3. You  should now have 999 Korok Seeds.   13. Reload your manual save to transfer in  999 seeds, overwriting the previous amount.   At this point you’ve got an otherwise  undisturbed version of your manual save   with the Korok Seeds set to 999 and  the key items slightly reordered.   Don’t sort them, we’re going to  do more with this shortly.   Next we’ll transfer some key items back to the  plateau save. The goal is to transfer up through   just the glider. In my case this means I need 17  offset slots. Remember, we’ve already got two,   so I need 15 more. Close the menu to sync  your GameData with the visible inventory.   Use memory overload to break additional slots  to cover precisely up through your Paraglider.   Once you have enough, follow these steps: 1. Load Autosave 3 from the previous steps.   The glider will transfer in, which means it’s  not activated yet on this save file. We need to   acquire it “legitimately” during the file load  as opposed to via IST transfer to activate it.   2. Trigger another autosave. Call this Autosave   4. 3. At   this point our Paraglider is not covered by our  current IST slots due to our helpful Korok Seeds.   Now to activate it. Reload Autosave 4.   4. The glider should now be activated because it  was not transferred and thus able to successfully   load in from the save. At this point you are able  to leave the plateau, but don’t do this quite yet.   Instead trigger a final  autosave to persist the flag.   If you mess up these steps, don’t worry.  You’ll just have to play through the Plateau,   which should cost you no more than  20 to 30 extra minutes later.   5. Reload your progressed save to  continue generating offset slots.   Once you’re back in your progressed save,  continue creating offset slots until you’ve   made exactly 60 + however many key items you  have. In my 100% save this is 83. Ideally you   want to be precise here, but if you undershoot or  overshoot a little we can deal with it later by   either creating a few arrowless slots or dealing  with a few duplicated materials each reload.   Eat most of your food so that the offset  reaches through into your materials.   Drop and pickup important materials to move them  to the end of your list. You won’t really need   more than 10 of anything since you can easily  dupe items here, so if you have more than   that sell some so that you can do this without  them just ending up back in the same stack.   I recommend transferring things like Dragon Horns  and Gourmet meat that are particularly annoying to   collect on a new save. You should also carry over  Fairies, Gems, and Wood to help keep you alive,   generate rupees, and help you unlock the  house easily should you choose to.   Once you’ve got your inventory organized, reload  the last autosave you made with the glider active   to transfer everything over  to your plateau save.   When you load in, you might  notice you have no materials.   This is actually just visual. Grab a  material and it’ll unlock the tab for you.   See, everything’s fine.   I recommend activating Plateau  Tower for the warp point.   It’s a great launch point for  0BLSS, if you know how to do that.   It’ll also unlock all the shrines, so you can  get inside without doing a shield clip.   That’s good, because I recommend you get all  the runes too. You’ll find them handy for   various things later. You don’t have to finish  the Shrines if you did the steps correctly,   just step in briefly to grab each  rune (and a handy warp point).   As a heads up, you should avoid picking up any  armor, even if it’s sellable, in order to take   advantage of a handy cooking technique called  prompt entanglement for advanced recipes later.   This was discovered by PowerGaymerKai  and I’ll cover it in a separate guide as   advanced cooking is a whole  topic in and of itself.   Suffice it to say this technique is only  possible with an undiscovered inventory tab.   Ok ok, kinak also found a method called Arrow  Invalid Slot involving multiple duplicated   arrow stacks, but for this setup I feel the  undiscovered armor tab makes more sense.   They’re both out of scope for this guide though,  so I’ll cover them later. Keep an eye out on   my channel for that video if you want to learn  how to do weird things like eat Spirit Orbs.   If you’re familiar with 0BLSS, you might be  able to use that to get you quickly to town.   Otherwise you can find some horses  just northwest of the plateau.   Ride one over to Dueling Peaks Stable  and register it. Feel free to unlock any   additional towers or warp points on the way. Any town would technically do, but I’d head to   Hateno Village since the house will come in  handy later. If your plateau skip didn’t work   for some reason and you still have 4 spirit orbs  make sure to turn them in when you get to town.   Activate the warp point  and trigger an autosave.   Next we’ll fill up our food to fully stabilize  our offset slots. Cook 5 to 10 apples in a pot.   This will make simmered fruit with no effect  (hearty, etc.), which will always sort first in   your food tab. This is helpful for promoting new  corruption recipes to the end of the list later.   Trigger an autosave.   Reload this save a few times to duplicate the food  until you have all 60 slots filled, then reload   one more time to get rid of the excessive  duped materials you’ve likely accumulated.   Trigger another autosave.   At this point, even with all of your  offset slots, reloading this autosave   will not change anything. If you reload a  save with a full food inventory like this,   it will effectively overwrite the food inventory  on the target save with no further effects.   This is stable and thus ideal for selectively  duplicating or transferring items.   In order to transfer N items, all  you have to do is make sure they’re   immediately before the food and then eat N meals   and reload the target save. You  can move materials by dropping   and picking them up to shift them to the  end of the list if you have 10 or fewer,   otherwise you can drop everything else after  them and reload to dupe another stack.   Before moving on I wanted to quickly  say thanks to all my subscribers.   I really appreciate all the support  you’ve shown me these past few weeks,   it means a lot to me. And if you’re new to the  channel, and finding this information useful,   consider subscribing and turning  on notifications for more.   At this point we could technically  start corrupting weapons, but it’s   best to start by collecting  some weapons worth corrupting.   I recommend heading to Korok Forest  and stealing the Master Sword first.   If you trigger an autosave before  stealing it using the campfire glitch,   you can then transfer it to a  save from before you pulled it   to leave a copy in the pedestal in  case you need to collect it later.   Make sure to get the warp  point while you’re here.   Once you have this, you could head to Hyrule  Castle to collect some even better weapons.   If you do this, consider duping a bunch of  fairies first so you’ll have an easier time there.   The Master Sword combined with ample fairies  should make it easy. If you start getting   low on fairies just dupe more. Make sure to  get the warp point so you can come back.   I recommend using a similar trick as you did  on the Master Sword to steal the Hylian Shield.   This way you can always return  later to get another one,   potentially with durability up if you farm up  enough XP on this file. You may also want to   dupe a copy of it so you can use one while  keeping the other pristine for later.   You can also optionally steal the Bow of Light  from the DBG fight by transferring it into an   autosave. This will be easier if you unlocked the  Bomb and Magnesis runes as I suggested earlier,   though there are ways to beat the  boss rush without those runes.   The weapons in the castle  combined with the Master Sword,   infinite fairies, and a duped Hylian  Shield should make this short work.   Once you have the Bow of Light you’ll also  be able to BLSS and windbomb normally again,   even without arrows. Don’t worry  about it being undroppable either,   we’ll still be able to corrupt  the Master Sword later.   Once you’ve got everything you want, head back  to town. At this point it’s a good idea to sell   or drop all but 1 to 2 of each material to make  clearing your inventory later quicker. Just make   sure you don’t drop the last of any material  you don’t want to have to farm for later.   If you carried over gems and wood, you can use  them to purchase the house, then upgrade it.   Buy at least one bow mount,  it’ll come in handy soon.   Before we proceed any further, it would be an  excellent time to lock in some of this progress.   At this point, if you made a future  manual save as recommended earlier,   you can do something similar now to create a  protected autosave. Change your system clock to be   a date in the future, but earlier than your manual  save (1-2 weeks). Then, trigger an autosave.   Return your clock to normal.   From this point until time catches up with your  future autosave, it will not be overwritten. Thus,   you can transfer materials or weapons out of this  save using IST anytime you need them should you   run out later. An ideal save here will have a  still undiscovered armor tab, undamaged Hylian   Shield, all materials still in inventory but sold  down to manageable levels (perhaps 1 to 2 each),   and a set of hopefully undamaged weapons  from the castle suitable for corruption.   You may also need a blood moon  later for some advanced cooking,   so if you see one coming, head to Hyrule Castle  or duck into a shrine at midnight to preserve it.   Ideally the protected autosave is  made just before the blood moon   has occurred to minimize waiting time. It’s finally time to get cooking again.   Select a category of weapon to corrupt. It’s  most efficient to corrupt weapons, then bows,   then shields. In order to do this though we’ll  have to temporarily store the Bow of Light.   Do the following:   1. Fill the rest of your bow  inventory with regular bows.   2. Attempt to place the Bow of Light on a mount  to move it to the end of your bow inventory and   clone it onto the mount. 3. Run across the bridge   and back to verify the Bow  of Light is on the mount.   4. Trigger an autosave.   5. Sort the Bow of Light back to  the front of the bow inventory.   6. Drop your shields and materials and eat a meal  so your offset includes the last regular bow.   7. Reload the previous autosave   to transfer the regular bow into the inventory  and shift the Bow of Light off the list.   8. Sync your inventory (open and close your menu)   and trigger an autosave.   At this point you should have the Bow  of Light stored on a mount for later   but full access to corrupt your weapon  tab. Let’s start corrupting weapons.   Trigger an autosave.   Eat a meal, then cook the desired recipe.   This one grants guard up, surf up, zoom,  multi-shot, “long” throw, crit, and attack up.   All at the maximum possible value of 120.  It does require prompt entanglement though,   which will be covered in a future guide,  so here’s an easier recipe for now.   This one grants multi-shot, “long” throw,  crit, and attack +105. You can use this for   a 10 shot Bow of Light. Or for shields,  you can try this one for guard up 120   and surf up. Check the recipes spreadsheet  linked in the description for other options.   Make sure the food tab is filled  completely, has no stackable food in it,   and has your desired food in the last slot.   Drop everything to the right of the current  tab you’re targeting except for food.   You want an uninterrupted inventory  between food and that tab.   Perform the following steps  to corrupt a target weapon:   1. Drop and pick up a target weapon  to move it to the end of the list.   2. Trigger and reload an autosave   to apply the 60th meal’s  effect to the target weapon.   You should be able to repeat these steps  for up to the entire weapon tab.   Once you’ve corrupted everything  other than the Master Sword,   you can use an IST shift to move it to the end of  the inventory to corrupt it too. Here’s how:   1. Eat enough meals to cover all  weapons right of the Master Sword.   Be precise. 2. Reload the previous autosave.   The other weapons should be transferred in to  the left of the Master Sword, allowing you to   corrupt it too. Afterwards, sort your food  to bring your target recipe back to the end.   Then just autosave   and reload for your corrupted Master Sword.   Once you’re done with each recipe or  weapon category, create an autosave   and then transfer the next  set of materials or weapons   back into it from your protected autosave.   The procedure is the same as before.   To transfer these 8 bows and shields, I drop any  intervening materials I don’t want transferred,   eat 8 meals, then reload the target autosave.   Remember to sort your meals again  before your next round of corruption.   Then repeat for the next recipe or weapon  category from the “Corrupting Weapons” chapter.   When you’re ready for the Bow of Light,  pick it up from the mount and it’ll already   be at the end of your inventory. Then just  corrupt it like usual. Generate an autosave,   then reload it to corrupt your Bow of Light.   As I mentioned earlier, this recipe  grants zoom and cluster 10 shot.   If you also want a spread fire Bow  of Light, you can dupe one easily.   Drop or stow a bow first if you need to  make room, then just generate an autosave   and fetch another copy from  your protected autosave.   In this case I fetched my  shields at the same time.   Now we’ve got a second Bow of Light to  corrupt with a different recipe later.   As usual, remember to sort your meals to  get your target recipe back to the end.   At this point I’ve explained all you’d need to  know to finish corrupting the rest of your gear.   The exact steps will vary based on  your inventory and desired recipes,   but let’s quickly watch the rest  of the steps I took for my gear.   When you’ve completed all 3 weapon tabs, transfer  everything back to the protected autosave   (or in my case, an earlier  autosave with materials)   and then trigger a new one.   It’s possible to go back and  corrupt more weapons later,   even purchase more slots in order to do  more total, but you should be able to   figure that out on your own later now that  you’ve got some experience with WMC.   There are a ton of recipes available.  Here are some fun clips submitted by   users of my discord server. I’ll include  their recipes in the description.   When you’re all done corrupting  weapons, drop all materials   and eat all food, then drop any  gear you don’t want to transfer   and reload your manual save  to transfer the items there.   Check to make sure nothing was  duplicated that you didn’t want,   then close the menu to sync your inventory.   If you transferred in a corrupted Master Sword,  you’ll notice it took on the upgrade level of   the file you transferred it into. Entering  Trials of the Sword will remove its modifiers,   so make sure to complete them before you transfer  if you’d like a 180 Master Sword. Don’t worry   about the duplicate one either; it’ll be removed  automatically if you save, close, and reload.   Generate a new autosave,   then close the game to reset your offset.   At this point you have a choice. If you don’t mind  having 999 Korok Seeds permanently on your file,   load the autosave with corrupted  weapons and make a manual save.   If you do mind, load your manual save, generate  enough slots to cover up through your Korok Seeds,   and transfer them into your  post-corruption autosave   to rewrite them back to the  previous number. Then autosave,   close, reload to check your inventory is ok,  and make a new manual save if satisfied.   And that’s the end of the tutorial. I hope  you found it informative. If you want more   information about IST or WMC, please join  my discord and the speedrunning server.   I wanted to give a huge thank you to  kinak for working with me on this guide.   It wouldn’t have been possible without him.   I also wanted to thank the members  of my discord and the speedrunning   server who’ve helped me with research and  ideas for incremental improvements.   A special shout out to Ekkornkorn, Linkus7, and  NaN Gogh for testing out kinak and my 999 Korok   Seed steps in preparation for this guide. Lastly, thank you for watching!
Channel: El Duende 05
Views: 180,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qs4jPKLiMwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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