The MOST BROKEN DUPE In The Game | Tears of the Kingdom

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welcome back today we'll be covering one of the most sought-after glitches since 1.1.2 creature duplication and this doesn't just work with creatures this glitch will work with any item and there's no limit single quantity requirement dispensers or throwing involved the glitch will be using for this is called bundle item duplication or bid and it was discovered by a to do this we'll just need a few things first off you'll need to get a horse and go tame it then you'll need to get five apples if you don't already have some and and finally a few steering sticks we'll also be watching memories from the purad during this so make sure you can do that for location we need to find any like like in a call Zone which basically means a like like in a cave for the video I'll be using the cave that runs between Lookout Landing and Hyrule Castle but there are other locations you can do this in such as henno Village so to start we need to get on our horse and take it to the castle Town Gate the specific location doesn't really matter but I like to put it in front of this room because it makes things much easier later on we'll be leaving the horse here so once it's in position hop off then warp or run down to look out Landing when you get there hop down into the emergency shelter and enter the cave through the hole in the north wall just keep to the left down this path and you'll eventually reach the room with the light like when you get there hop down off the ledge and look for this circle here on the ground we're going to be using this to line ourselves up stand in the center of that Circle you don't need to be super precise then open up your menu and take out a steering stick now take a few steps forward and stop when you see the control prompt appear if the like like hasn't noticed you by this point then you'll need to throw an item at it to get its attention if you do you may need to readjust your position to get that control prompt back when the like like aggra make sure that it's targeting the steering stick and not link if it's targeting link you'll have to dodge the attack and get back into position with a new stick when it locks on it'll open up and the bulb inside will pulse four times before lunging we need to press a at roughly the time when a fifth pulse would happen to mount the stick as it gets eaten if timed correctly link will get eaten but the camera will stay in place if the camera follows the like like back your timing was off and you'll have to reset and try again once eaten you can wiggle the left stick to make the like like spit faster then after that it'll chew a little longer then spit two more times when that's done it'll aggro on to link and try to attack him again when it does your character model will return and you'll regain control as soon as you get up open the menu and take out another steering stick we're just going to mount this and hop off to break the lock on our ability wheel now head behind the like and Ascend up through the ledge then once again to get out out of the cave when you poke out climb up and immediately Sprint over to your horse making sure to stand facing it now watch the health bar floating around underneath you and wait for the question mark to go away when it does link will disappear this is called culling once link culls hold down L and select recall then pull up the purad and watch a memory as always you can just skip through this when it's done close out of the menu and Link will be in Recall now this is going to be the hard part we need to press B to exit recall then press plus after a short delay but not so long that link gets called again then in the menu you need to hold an apple and unpause we want to time this so when we unpause link gets called immediately after raising his hands to start holding the Apple there are a few different things that can happen when you unpause but this is the only scenario that will let us proceed the best visual indicator I can give you is to pause when link is in this position this is the last frame before the menu comes up with perfect timing if you time this properly your horse will notice the apple and come up to eat it while you're cold this will cause us to end up holding an invisible item now while I was writing this out lios and the speedrun Discord informed me of a different setup he found that cuts out a lot of the timing burden so I wanted to quickly go over that before we continue for this set up we're going to wait until link is called then pull up the purad load a memory and immediately hold L without letting go skip through the memory then wait in the menu for a little bit when it's done while still holding L close the menu and your ability wheel will come up select the map Rune and open it up now press plus to get to your inventory hold your Apple and close out this method is far from consistent but it's an alternative if you're having trouble with the timing or just don't want to put up with trying it but with that all out of the way let's continue so next step we need to drop our invisible Apple to drop the Apple we need to interrupt our calling so we can make inputs this can be done by loading up and watching memories when you close out of the menu link will be uncalled for a brief period of time and during this window we're allowed to make regular inputs so we need to utilize this to move up the stairs and drop the Apple be careful that you don't press B at any time during this or you'll put away the invisible Apple full and the glitch will break once the item's on the ground we need to do the same thing to get back and mount our horse you won't be able to interact with anything while we're in this state so you'll need to jump toward the horse between memories to mount it if you're already familiar with stick culling this means you can't use a steering stick to break the call like you normally would you need to jump on the horse once on you can immediately jump off and head back to where you dropped the item now pull up the menu and hold five apples close out and you should see the bundle of apples on the ground now open the menu again and remove four of the apples you need to make sure that you do not remove that first Apple or stop holding at all or this glitch will break I have seen this done by holding only one apple and then four of the item you want to duplicate but in my experience I have yet to have this work so I recommend holding five apples the first time because that has worked consistently every time I've tried from this point the dupe is fully set up to actually duplicate just hold four of Whatever item it is you want to dupe and close the menu the first time you do this you'll see four apples appear on the ground instead of your items these are those four apples that we removed from our hold bundle just a moment ago you'll also see that the bundle on the ground has now changed to reflect whatever items you're currently holding so the way this works is whenever you update the items being held the bundle that's desync on the ground will update as well and that will for Force the old items in the bundle out onto the ground this means every time you change what you're holding the items that drop will be what you had last time you change the held items so if you wanted to dup fairies you would need to hold the fairies close the menu to update the bundle open the menu again change what item or how many of them you're holding and close the menu again so the new items Force those fairies out then next time you change the hold the items that push the fairies out will instead be the ones that get pushed when you close the menu and so on and so on a bit of a warning there is a possibility that your items May slingshot around when you close the menu I've never encountered this but I don't know if that's a consequence of my game version or using this room if this does end up happening to you you can try doing this in a location near water dropping the invisible item in a body of water while you set it up will prevent the items from getting flunk creatures however do not seem to be affected by this so you don't have to worry about your fairies or Lizards or butterflies getting launched away from you now that's the duplication but we're not done yet if you remember from earlier we can't currently interact with anything meaning we can't pick these items up luckily we have a way to get around this hold down ZL to lock your camera then jump in any direction before you land hold R like you're going to throw something then as soon as Link's feet touch the ground hold up on the d-pad and select any item if done right link will hold the item out to throw like normal in this state you'll be able to pick the items up so long as you keep R held down if you time the d-pad menu wrong you won't be able to take the item out the interaction lock prevents us from throwing an item normally so we need to do the jump trick to make it work if you're duping regular items you can get maximum efficiency by holding four of your items closing out going back into the menu and removing one and immediately adding it back this will count as updating the bundle and spawn four every time you can repeat this really fast until you hit the ground limit then just pick everything up at once and repeat the process if you're duping live creatures like fairies I recommend doing only four at a time as opposed to stacking up the full 21 since they Scurry away quick and you will not grab all of them in time now it's worth mentioning that if you do the trick to hold the item to throw so you can pick your items up you technically don't have to do that every time you want to pick the items up if you keep our health down when you pause the menu you can update your bundle and close out and Link will still be holding the item and you'll be able to just easily pick them back up however there is massive risk with this if at any point while you're in the menu the controller reads another R input it'll change your tab cancel out the hold and completely break the glitch on you meaning you'll have to go through the entire process to start this over from scratch so if you want to do that you're welcome to to but I do not recommend it simply because of how dangerous it is now while this glitch does rival midair sort duping in efficiency due to the setup I recommend only using this method for creatures or duping massive quantities of items I'm talking like hundreds and hundreds at a time if you just want to dupe a handful of something and that item is throwable monu minus duping or MTD will be much much faster for you I'll have links to both of those down in the description but when you're done duplicating you can end this glitch easily by removing all of the held items and closing menu to break the desync if you try and hold again you may see that link has the Apple stuck to his hand you can just close the menu and open back up and that'll be gone but that's going to do it for this one enjoy duping fairies like it's 1.1 again if this video helps you out help me out by leaving a like and letting me know down in the comments those things really help out the channel you can find links to my twitch and Twitter down in the description as well as a link to my Discord if you'd like to support the channel consider becoming a member for only 99 cent a month got a new project that I'm hoping to put out next month so be sure to subscribe and hit the Bell if you don't want to miss that who knows you may even see some familiar faces but that's all from me I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Suishi
Views: 130,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZeldaTotK, Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, TotK, Suishi, Nintendo Switch, best totk glitches 1.2.1, best duplication glitch tears of the kingdom, totk duplication glitch 1.2.0, how to get infinite items tears of the kingdom, how to duplicate fairies in tears of the kingdom, totk glitches, totk fairy dupe 1.2.1, totk infinite item glitch, how to duplicate diamonds in totk 1.2.1, fastest duplication glitch tears of the kingdom, totk duplication glitch 1.0.0, totk best glitches
Id: WNnnI13a954
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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