A cool use for Dragon Parts, and Revisiting Combat Tech | TotK Tricks

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I'm not 100% sure, but doesn't a giant brightbloom seed- thrown onto it after its created, then activated- have the same effect at preventing despawns? Because that's also a pretty standard way to add light to a vehicle for the depths

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/DriveThroughLane 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

this is a good find, some useful information for some people at least.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DepletedPromethium 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

This is great for farming with a tank. I’m always paranoid that my tank is going to despawn if I’m picking up crap I just blew up.going to add it to my blueprint!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Philosophile42 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

All dragon parts right? So now I'd like to know which part is the lightest, where's the guy with the scales?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DaftMav 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

does it have the same effect with star fragments?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Liminium_TGBR 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nintendork7950 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies
Object permanence isn't this game's strong  suit; it's running on the Switch, that's fair. Most things not in your inventory  won't survive a loading screen, but even walking away too far  will despawn things eventually. "Link is this far away now, we don't  need to keep this spawned in anymore." Here's a small graph of a couple of  stuff I tested the despawn radius for. Apples despawn at 50 meters, Steering Sticks at 90 meters, Mirrors at a surprising 210 meters. And then there's Dragon Parts... They will only despawn if  you are 2,000 meters away. This is extended knowledge  from Breath of the Wild,   but there wasn't much use for it in that game. But in Tears of the Kingdom,  there's a neat technical detail.  Your Ultrahand creation will receive the despawn  radius from whatever part has the largest one. Meaning, if I stick this dragon  scale onto my wonderful pile of junk,  I can walk far away to gather more  junk without fear of it despawning. Just remember there is a limit for Ultrahand;  something like 21-24 attached things  allowed before others break apart.  It is possible to use Autobuild to carry a bunch  of things around without attaching them though. Sticking this dragon scale to my One Fan  Wonder makes me feel at ease with exploring  knowing I can find it wherever  I left it and fly off once more. And amazingly, you can make the Dragon  Scale part of your schematic for Autobuild,  and even without a real dragon  scale it works all the same!  Just for 3 extra Zonaite in your build,  you can massively expand the despawn  radius for whatever contraption you like! I imagine the near removal of the distance  limitation unlocks some wacky ideas;  so play around with this  and see what you can break.  Or just feel safer leaving your  vehicle laying around. Up to you. Speaking of my One Fan Wonder however, this darn Hover Bike is too good that it   outclasses it in everything except battery power. I gotta rework it.  Feel free to take any inspiration  from my own design/ideas. The mop   is the lightest spear weapon I could find,  and other people like to use Korok Fronds  as a very light material in their designs. Let's talk combat a little.  Lots of combat glitches and tricks  were patched, but a few remain. I've never covered Shield Block Resets,  or Boomerang Orbit, so let's do that now! Listen up, Soldier! Blocking something midair   creates an opportunity to be cool as hell! It allows you to jump as if your feet were   still planted on the ground. Hit me.  As you can see, this technique can create an  opening for you to slow down time with your bow.  Y'all can do that, right? If you're familiar with enemy  attack timings, follow these steps. 1. Have a shield equipped either on  a weapon or out in your left hand.  2. Hold ZL, and forward hop the near exact  moment the enemy's attack would hit your shield.  3. Quickly forward hop, sidehop or backflip  after this. Then pull out your bow or whatever. It's very precise if you want enough height,   but it's essential if you want your  opponent to look like an ABSOLUTE BUFFOON! There's a more official way to get  height for bullet-time with bombs,  but if you like the style points, you  can use the bombs to perform SBR too.  Either by attacking one dropped on the ground,   or shooting one right in front of you. Though you can fuse things to your shield that  explode to get the most out of this technique.  Gems for example, which will give you an elemental   explosion for each time your shield is  hit, all until the shield itself breaks. Boomerang Orbit is easier  to perform this time around.  We no longer need to Switch Cancel to run  sooner; that doesn't even work anymore. Here's how to do it: 1. Aim the   boomerang as high as you can, 2. Forward hop, release the throw button, and then   run diagonally forward and left a little bit. 3. Then stay within the circle it creates. You can even use Recall to keep  it going just a bit longer.  If you have a wing fused to your boomerang,  you will need a good Speed Up buff  to get into position fast enough. Also can we just talk about how  they massacred my Giant Boomerang? It went from this: To   this: Nintendo. Fix this. Even the big fused items   you did save this sound for don't  hit as hard. Make them all hard! That's all I have for today. Sorry I have not joined everyone   else in massively breaking the game and finding  glitches that will be patched next week yet. I've gotta say though, I'm  beginning to be skeptical that Nintendo will be able to make this game as  hard to break as Breath of the Wild was. There's just too much  opportunities for breaking things. How are you going to patch all of that? Anyway that's enough out of me. See ya.
Channel: Kleric
Views: 824,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda, Kleric, Glitch, Trick, Exploit
Id: BF2cP0rkOfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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