How to Unlock the Hidden Best Weapon Room - OP Weapons That Respawn & More - Tears of the Kingdom!

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okay careful careful now all that matters is the orb carrying the orb protecting the orb I just have to make sure to knock you will have displeased the orb hello my fellow hylians welcome one and all and I hope that you unlike me managed to please the orb for in doing so you will be rewarded with a weapons inventory that permanently looks like this with very little effort the collection of the strongest weapons in the game that actually have some durability yes you can get like 170 plus using the Royal Claymore but you only get it for three hits outside of the Lionel's back so this is truly where it's at and not to be mentioned in yippee plunder in an ancient tomb and taking its treasure for yourself and let's be honest who can resist plundering the odd ancient sacred grave alright then let's go through one of the most hidden away and both complex and yet definitely such satisfying side quests in the game that I would argue probably out of all of them is most worth doing so to get on with said doing we need to head to the Gerudo desert and of course the Gerudo Town within now if you've arrived here pre uh the lightning Temple you're gonna find the place in quite the state covered in sand like more than normal for town in middle of a desert and generally in Ruins with everyone hiding in the shelter below but fear not for we can head to the throne room move the cover over the secret entrance and then use it to enter secretly in to the shelter they'll be alarmed but they will of course recognize you as link and then you'll be given a free pass despite being a dirty good for nothing though and in here then you can start the quest by talking to an archaeologist who is staring at a wall by the name of Rotana she will will tell you that she is convinced that there's actually an eighth mythical figure in the gerudo's legend involving seven mythical figures the seven heroines and we're going to help her prove her Theory so step one of that process is to take four pictures one of each of the ruined walls with similar symbols to the one she's looking at all hidden around the base you can follow my footsteps in doing this they're all very close by because again we're all contained in a hidden underground bunker here [Music] foreign to her show her and she will be very very pleased with you and start expositing about the orb in front of her and these orbs are really where it's at we want to follow her then with said orb to this chamber where there is seven statues each perfectly situated to contain an orb put this one with the statue that matches its symbol and now we're ready to really begin this treasure hunt in the mysterious eighth and there's treasure hunt as you might imagine involves getting the other six orbs the first of which then can be found by just swimming up through the ceiling right next to her leaping off and heading to this kind of mound of sand and getting rid of it the best bet for this is to summon some wind you can do this with a fan and I'm quite a fan of that solution underneath will be an orb grab it and run all the way back into the shelter into the room place it in its matching statue symbol and good job the next one then is located just to the other side of town is very much in the open so you can just run and grab it return and hand it in and each time you do so and I know this is gonna be very exciting but you get a hydro melon I honestly don't know why she thinks this is a good reward I guess you know desert desert people am I right anyway we then want the next orb and oh oh it's it's under this giant pile of pile of sand and is at this point that I have to inform you that finishing this Quest does require you to complete the lightning temple in the Gerudo desert and solve the sandstorm that's going on so the town can return to normal and reveal some more orbs for you to collect I realize that's quite a little bit of a oh really just just go do the lightning Temple but trust me other than of course you're going to want to do the lightning Temple because it's one of the four temples in the main story and obviously you're going to do it at some point it's very much worth doing not only is in my opinion maybe the most fun Temple but it does unlock you know the power to strike things with lightning at your command which is very good too so now then now let's carry on our orb quest which sounds like a really cheesy children's TV show in any case so we can now go get the one in the shelter itself that was being uses a backrest but no longer is the Garuda who was leaning against it is now back up top with everyone else all happy that you've saved the day so get that in its statue jobs a good earn then we can go back to that one that was buried in sand only to find out it's very much the coveted play thing of one of the children around the town so you can either go sit at a fire to pass the time or just wait for her to walk up and start looking at it and then you can have a chat with her and she'll agree to give it you if you beat her in a game of find the stuffed sand walrus a real classic and once you do agree to play that game well she doesn't hide it very well it's right next to where you start just head straight down and turn to the right and there it is not even behind something now you can go get that up and once again of course cart it very slowly to the Statue room as I said this one really is really is taxing but hey it's a fun little journey with a really cool payoff then we want to get the final orb in the shelter which can be found owned over here and climb the ladder turn around and it's on the ledge along with a few of the goodies you can get if you want then we have to get what I call the bastard orb because it's at the bloody Bizarro Asis which you probably have the shrine at now if you've done the lightning temple in any case heads there and you will see it to hylian's very sad with the orb you grave but you can't just take it because it belongs to the reason that they're sad their friend who has been lost so head out into the desert and deliberately offer yourself to the great sinkhole falling down into a cave and lo and behold there he is you want to destroy mine explode your way out if you get to this room you want to choose this tunnel in particular the slightly sunken one at the back that will eventually lead you to a ladder which will let you all Escape reuniting him with his comrades and as a reward you are of course gifted the spherical Relic I just wanted to try something different too oh for once and then this one sucks because yes you have to carry this all the way back to Gerudo town down into the statue room I tried to make a little like Sanders skiff sort of thing and now it didn't work the ball attached to it made it really unbalanced but however you get you do get there and then you'll be placing it on the final statue all of them now in where they should be and the floor will open up revealing the Giga orb read the inscription in front of it to progress the quest and now you have to take the Giga orb all the way to the ruins to the north to unlock the tomb that will be looting and I suggest that you go on the left side of the ruins as you head out of town not the right side like I did where I got sniped by a goddamn this alphason had to do the entire run a second time but no I'm not bitter about that in any way shape or form so head down the left and you will eventually reach the very end of the ruins you'll see a hole in the ground go down there with your giant orb place it into the socket and you will open up the ruins then we want to pop in said ruins and you want to follow the path that I am taking uncovering a drop down in the floor by moving the panels with ultra hand then continue onwards down the path pass the bad gate and leap into the pit and you want to drift into the top of the rooms available here and then you end up in this room with three panels the leftmost one is the one you want to remove the other two have surprises of varying quality and then we carry on through there we want to destroy it through the rocky wall then we finally reach this bridge that will try and drop you down if you fail your timing but lo and behold then this is our prize the statue of the eighth heroine room and it is here then that every single blood moon because these are pickups they respawn which means every sort of three hours or so of game time you will get a Gerudo Shield a Gerudo Claymore Gerudo Spear and a Gerudo Scimitar along with a ruby as Sapphire and a topaz and a bow too that is so tasty that is so useful oh and 300 rupees for your first time here as well if you have access to your own custom teleport points through upgrading the powerpad do put one down here so you can return without faf I sadly don't so I'll have to make the trip again but that is fine because again this is so ridiculously worth it grab all the goodies and head back and report your findings and you will be rewarded with a diamond and a good feeling of warm gooey accomplishment so why is this so good because Gerudo weapons are so good and this is a respawning reliable returnable to source of one of each of them but why are they so good well they have a passive trait of powerful Fusion anything you fuse to them doubles in damn image so that silver liner part that adds 55 will now add 110 to the weapon that is so good yes you lose a bit of durability but you still have a full durability weapon so you get this entire collection you get a pile of high value fuse Parts you fuse them all up like this and then you end up with yeah this arsenal of absolutely Stellar fuse weapons that you can use over and over and over again by either a repairing them at the Octo rocks oh why am I so bad at this game by either a repairing them the Octo rocks or B heading to Terrytown and getting them defused to rescue the powerful fuse part and then going back to the tomb grabbing more Gerudo weapons because again easy location of respawning powerful weapons and then refusing the new weapons it just gives you this Treasure Trove that you can endlessly take from that means you always have a source of strong equipment to take on any given challenge boss dungeon Etc now through the rest of the game as well as many of the rewards and goodies along the way including forcing you to do the lightning Temple which unlocks so much good stuff that it's not even something I can go into here because we'd be here for another hour in any case then yeah oh hang on I've got one better for you if you go down to the depths underneath Gerudo desert and you find one of the many statues that I'm sure you've no doubt seen around the place you can have them if you are lucky after you have found it up top a Garuda weapon except down here in the depths it won't be the gloomed up kind of rubbish version it will be the clean pristine version then you can grab that and then that will mean that the weapons that spawn in that room become the pristine good versions which have over double the base damage and that is so so nice too and a little bit extra way to really min max this and if you didn't know that in general yeah the weapons in the depths aren't ruined they are the full Quality Clean Ready to Go versions and fighting them in the depths means that they start spawning up top two and that's a really good to have going on in any case then yeah there you have it I hope you have enjoyed this I'll walk through on this quite lengthy Quest and the rewards it has for you but now then like you've enjoyed this subscribe and hit the bell for more consider supporting the future of the channel on patreon down below and until we meet again a gun Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Jewel again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 369,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tears of the kingdom best weapon, best weapon, gerudo weapon, gerudo weapons, gerudo scimitar, gerudo spear, gerudo bow, gerudo claymore, gerudo fuse, gerudo fuse weapons, lynel weapon, best lynel weapon, silver lynel, the mysterious eighth, the heroines' secret, quest, quest guide, lightning temple, tears of the kingdom, guide, weapon, gameplay, location, how to, tears of the kingdom best fuse weapons, fuse, best fuse weapons, tears of the kingdom guide, totk, ragegamingvideos
Id: mSklqgbYxZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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