Faith Over Fear! | Our Response to the Coronavirus | Pastor Marco Garcia

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hey wayfam thanks for tuning in we pray that today's message impacts your life let's get ready for this service i am definitely so glad to see every one of you here and what we're here to do is expose ourselves to the perspective perspective and truth of god there's an attack and i'll tell you where the attack is it's in our mindset the biggest battle that we're facing is not coronavirus because no one even has it and right now known causes in the whole san bernardino county matter of fact put that do you have the the thing up the the the map up you guys have the map in the back all right ventura county has won los angeles county has 40. orange county has nine riverside county has 12 but there's some weird the biggest county in the whole united states of america there's not one case you know i said why well this is important to us because san bernardino last week was the most dangerous city in california and this week we're the safest city in california come on if anybody should be having church come on it should be the san bernardino county church celebrating so right now that's that's the that's where we're at that was up to up to date to today we're talking about fear and we need to learn how to overcome this and i pray that you learn how to overcome this for the rest of your life and the reason you need to learn how to overcome fear because there's always a reason to be fearful and you could become a fearful person or a faith-filled person now you're full of fear this is going to happen you'll never take action in the places you're supposed to take action you'll never fulfill your purpose because in front of your destiny in front of your purpose there's always a thought of failure a thought that it's not going to work out a thought that you could end up broken-hearted and if you have fear this will stop you from doing it'll cause you to forfeit your life you could have but you didn't right now we have a church right now that's full of people with faith what you've done is you've exercised your faith today and you're in the house of god [Music] now i'm not saying that you didn't have to overcome fear to come here i had to overcome fear to even do the video i did yesterday because i know there would be possible backlash but if god said it then i have to say it and one of the reasons that god told the disciples after he resurrected from the dead he had a private meeting with them and he met with them for 40 days but on his final meeting he told them he goes before you go out there and try to change the world i want you to go into a specific room the upper room and i want you to wait there until the holy spirit comes upon you and they waited there and they were all baptized in the holy spirit and the purpose of being filled and baptized with the holy spirit was to have the boldness to carry out the assignment it would give them the courage to face danger and threats pain and suffering without retreat so one of the tactics of the enemy biggest taxes of the enemy are fear and doubt because as long as god's people are full of fear this is what won't happen they won't take action they won't speak up they won't come together so fear is a tactic of the enemy from the beginning to stop christians from moving or progressing forward it was used with jesus it was used with every single one of the apostles didn't go anywhere without threats we're gonna put you in prison we're gonna kill you we're gonna beat you you're gonna have to suffer for preaching what you're preaching and they would say this just shut up and we'll stop chasing you we'll stop persecuting you what was the threat it was fear it was intimidation shut up we are not gonna shut up we are the church of god and we have an assignment to speak up even when it's not comfortable you guys understand that even even if it's if it's not going with the social norms but there's always a reason to fear a matter of fact in 2000 how many were alive in 2000 raise your hands how many were not alive in 2000 praise the lord you little young chap but you don't remember 2000 um there were songs like i'm going to party like it's 1999. prince used to sing that and he's just saying we're going to party till the 19th like it's 1999 because there was like a fear that at 2000 that everything would fall apart that that it would be the end of the world and they call it y2k and we thought everything was going to be destroyed computers would be shut down electricity will be shut down and when it turned 2000 people were freaking out that was a coronavirus of 2000. in 2001 it was anthrax is going to kill us all they're putting anthrax and mailboxes and you were scared to touch the mail you'd go to the mail with gloves in 2002 it was the west nile nile virus is going to kill us all in 2003 with sars is going to kill us all in 2006 it was e coli is going to kill us all in 2008 it was a financial collapse it's going to ruin every single one of us in 2009 it was a swine view a virus that was going to kill us all flew it was flu it was another flu 2012 the mayan calendar predict the world ending in 2013 the north koreans are going to start world war iii in 2014 ebola virus is going to kill us all in 2015 isis is going to kill us all in 2016 zika virus is going to kill us all in 2020 coronavirus is going to kill us all and all i'm saying is every year there's something to freak out about and i'm not saying that there's not real diseases that there's not real problems but our response is very important when you're going through a trial and tribulation your response is going to determine how that fight is going to end we don't turn tuck our tails in and we run we praise god in the middle of our battles we praise them in the valleys we praise them in the mountaintops and this is what david says his praise shall continually be in my mouth what he was saying situations might change but my response never changes because my god never changes my god is the same yesterday today and forever that means he conquered that and he'll conquer this and when jesus resurrected when he was on a cross he said this it is what finish so now what's really killing us the truth is fear is killing us you know it's time to turn off the tv and start praying again someone asked me the other day a young man from the church he goes how come we don't see the miracles that we used to see back in the day day and he was he says there's something wrong with the church i go no there's not something wrong with the church i go this is the problem people aren't desperate because desperation causes miracles it's time for us to get desperate again and maybe that's what's happening with our society right now is causing a desperation the doctors don't have the answer ralph's don't have the answer walmart don't have the answer disneyland don't have their answer morongo don't have the answer where do i need to go i need to go back to the real answer and his name is jesus and where do i find them in the church so how do we overcome fear number one i'll just give you three quick points reject fear and trust god say with me what is fear reject it i don't accept it it's a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger evil pain apprehension it's anticipation of of adversity and misfortune it's acceptance of receptivity to information without passing judgment on its validity often without complete comprehension this is what he's saying we've become fearful and apprehen apprehensive when we start receiving information just receiving it without any judgment you know what that means not every word and thought that comes to your mind you're supposed to just go ahead and receive we got to learn how to guard our thoughts and guard our emotions when a thought of worry comes don't receive it because you know a worry comes it comes with images when you think of the coronavirus what comes to your mind do you see yourself sick do you see yourself dying are you scared because not every thought you're just supposed to go ahead and receive there are certain thoughts and we get used to this i reject that i rebuked that thought my kids won't end up like that my marriage won't end up like that my finances won't end up like that my life will not end up like that i rebuke this thought of danger and failure in my life my future is not going to be a failure my future is going to be a success my future is going to be powerful my future is going full of ministry and abundance reject someone say reject it so we reject fear why because god commands us to reject it and isaiah 41 10 says this do not fear anything do not fear what for i am with you who's with us who's with us coronavirus is not with you he's not even in the county but the problem is he's with you when he's in your thoughts and he's in your mouth some of us have talked more about coronavirus than we've mentioned scriptures our whole lives coronavirus is it coronavirus that coronavirus does you study coronavis you know it's so good you know how long it lasts you know what's going on with and i'm not saying you shouldn't be educated on but be careful that you're not more educated on your problem than you are on your solution so he says do not fear anything do not fear what what should we fear nothing for i am with you do not be afraid he just says it again do not be what is that a command so should you ever be afraid should he ever fear why god says i'm with you who's with you and if who's if he's with you who could come against you that's why i have no problem going in to the darkest hood i remember me and my staff were in we were in a hood in san bernardino and we're driving and as we're driving in the hood some guy has a girl bite and a fence and he's beating her up so i stopped the car we act like police i even deepened my voice a little bit i go hey what are you doing he looked at me and he just started crying he goes are you pastor marco oh yes i am get over here right now and you go home told the girl go home and got him over he just started crying repenting that was that was the same day we're driving in another hood because we're thinking about starting a church and when we when we're thinking about starting a church we go to the worst hoods we could find the one every other church and every other person is trying to run from we're running too it's just our call not everybody's supposed to do this we are we are and if you're full of fear you can't do it and i remember i remember going into the we go around the corner same day we're going around the corner a gang fight crips and bloods on the streets and i told my staff get out of the car we're gonna break this up so we get out of the car hey i'm gonna pass through the way we're allowers this has to stop right now that's what we did and that's what i was looking at this is what we're doing and people were just surprised they stopped fighting and i go you go over there you go over there in the name of jesus i said that kind of crazy stuff right so pastor you could have died i don't care for me to live is christ for me to die is gain we got to get come up we got to get this spirit back of authority that i have an assignment and when god tells me to do it i'm going to do it and i remember i remember the other guy went the other way and now everybody's looking at each other and one guy is running straight at me and i go oh man and he's trying to run straight at me because he's trying to get to another person behind me so he's running and he's vicious and i look at him and i went like that and all said he couldn't cross me like there was an invisible line he was all mad but he couldn't cross the line he couldn't cross the line of the authority of god he couldn't cross the line of the spirit of god he couldn't cross the line of the angels of god all i'm saying it's time to have more faith in invisible than you do in the visible i remember that so what it says do not be afraid what for i am your god you know what he said i'm ruling over your life and you know what that means nothing can touch you unless i give her permission and matter of fact you're not even gonna die a day before your time because i have an appointment for your death and i'm the one that determines that just follow me [Music] [Applause] anybody receiving this come on we're gonna grow come on a matter of fact this is one of our biggest nine o'clock services we've had a long time next week let's come back with thunder let's come back with power let's come back with more people look at this look at this i i am your god i will strengthen you be assured i will help you you know what he said i got your back why are you focusing on the enemy when i'm with you you should be focused on what's for you not what's against you [Applause] [Music] and if i'm for you stop tripping because you have some backup that's when i grew up in the hood there'd be little cholos with big mouths have you ever met a little cholo with a big mouth a little gangster like a little puny gangster well what's up i said what's up a little vato like it and you can just one punch will buckle them but you would never mess with him and the reason you didn't mess with him not because he was powerful you knew his family that's why you didn't mess with him he's one of them don't mess up you mess with him you have the whole mexican mafia on you so you see this little vatine baby gangster slapping people like oh that levator how come no one's fighting because they know it's family all i'm saying you should know what family you belong to you should know what hood you belong to you should know what's your backup and this one that's why you should have a big mouth and big faith because god says i'm with you i'll strengthen you i'll help you no no weapon formed against you shall prosper because it can't defeat me [Music] sickness is no match matter of fact check this out death is no match you kill me i end up in heaven what now so you're gonna threaten me i'm gonna go home do what you need to do we gotta stop taking on the mindset of the world we're thinking about we're thinking fearful we're acting like sissies we're acting like we have no backup god says i am with you you know what the scripture is talking about it's talking about this stop talking about your enemies stop talking about your problems and start talking about me [Applause] you know why some of us are overwhelmed right now because your verbiage is full of corona virus and it's not just a coronal vine or sickness your coronavirus workplace your coronavirus marriage your current ronavirus finances your coronavirus insecurity teas what it means is that you're obsessed with your problem instead of being obsessed with your solution come on let's praise god come on let's praise god god's with me he'll help me he's going to strengthen me and that's faux show look at this looks like we're just gonna read one scripture i'm gonna have to do a series on this whole thing look at this assuredly i will help you what are you saying in hood fosho [Applause] i will help you for show i got your back and then and then the hood for show for show energy is that full show [Applause] we should be some folks show people say why are you smiling can't you see the world's falling apart no my world's not falling apart because i belong to a whole nother kingdom and i got some back of a matter of fact these are the best days of my life light shines best in darkness i'm ready to become everything that god called me to be i've prepared been prepared for this season for such a time as this god has set me up i've been prepared for 2020 coronavirus or whatever else comes my way because god for show is going to help me [Applause] so we we should be focused on people next week for show will be their pastor for show if they shut down this building somehow the sheriff's coming and they shut down the building it'll matter we get 12 000 people meeting in power 12 groups and homes and then you invite your friends for show and then when we finally come back here the church isn't big enough because we should grow come on we should grow in adversity we can she should not shrink an adversary this is what see adversity tests your real faith we don't find out what a church is made of a group of people are made of until they're going through some tough times this time come on these times it's time for the church to be the church praise the lord look at this i will certainly take a hold of you i will certainly take a hold of you with my righteous hand really saying this you don't have to worry about us you're worried about something getting a hold of you how can they get a hold of you if i got a hold of you ain't nobody gonna mess with my kids well i'm there i got this i remember there was a guy trying to break in our house i was it was a few months ago a year ago trying to break in our house like literally through the front door banging on our door i go girls go in the back room and bring me the bat so i the guy's trying to break through the front door go bro you don't want to come into this house it's not going to be good there was more like this bro you don't want to come in this house it's not going to be good for you what a shame would it have been that i would have had my wife answer that door and all god is saying you don't even have to answer it i'll answer it the battle is not yours the battle is mine and what he's saying i got you i gotta i'm holding you who's holding your future [Applause] who has your come on who's holding your life so why are you all scared then i know you ain't because you're here you ain't scared in the internet they scared either they're watching right now and everybody's faith is being built right now no matter what it next week if you're on the internet you can make me make it here let's be here let's invite some friends we're getting ready for easter we're planning for easter we're not planning to shut it down we're planning to have the biggest cc we've ever had come on there's gonna be a place of healing and salvation we're not gonna cancel the plans of god to save souls [Applause] let's finish the scripture i will take a hold of you i know what no i will certainly again for show take a hold of you with my righteous right hand a hand of justice a hand of power a hand of victory and has a salvation he goes when i touch you it's gonna be power victory salvation none of that describes a defeated life none of that describes sickness none of god none of that describes come on us losing it talks about victory and i'm not saying that we're not going to go through stuff but i know this you're going to get through stuff there's a lot of stuff happening but this is what i'm saying let's focus on our lord let's focus on our on his power let's sign up for a p-12 let's be building proof and the reason we want you to join the p-12 because this building shuts down we have a we have an underground organization ready to go we got an underground organization you cannot stop the world outreach because we have a network and this virus is not going to shut down our system you guys get that and then we're given online that's the purpose you can't shut down our finances we're going to make sure we're going to continue doing ministries that's done we're going to keep on going forward that's what it's all about are you guys ready to come on to come on are you ready to come are you ready to talk to your the people at your job about faith and who your god is they need it and i want to mention one last thing um could you show a picture of the baby i want to show this picture of a baby real quick show a picture of a baby i want wanna see that's my that's my grandson right there my daughter just had him on friday look at him he cute he's a he's a cute one so adriana i want you to tell the summer abriana when she was three years old she came down with leukemia and they weren't sure she was gonna live it was one bad report after another bad report that's another bad report and i remember when the doctors came in and told us my oldest daughter my only daughter had cancer and they weren't guaranteeing me anything i told lisa just started crying and the doctor left the room and i told lee come here honey look me and i and i look lisa and i with her tears flowing and i go honey we're prepared for this god's not going to give us more than we could handle and i'm excited to see what god is going to do come on mama and i wiped her tears and i knew my next assignment was to go into my little abriana's room she was three years old and i go mama i've read you a lot of bible stories and this is what i told the exact words we're gonna ask god for help i will certainly help you we're going to ask god for help for sure i go baby i go honey when we ask god for help she had hardly no energy i go what is he going to do and then she says daddy he's going to help i go mama that's true he's going to help okay and i prayed for her and today 27 years 24 years later not only is she alive she's giving birth to my first grandchild come on the first boy in our in our family god is good i want church i want to let you know we we love you we're family let's keep going forward and let's come out of this with more souls lives being transformed go out there and be the minister god called you to be and you know what that means just love people right where they're at don't run from them run to the problems run to the emergencies with the love and the hope of jesus christ pastor robert can you please close this out
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 4,763
Rating: 4.8736844 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach
Id: 1pRWx3v5Eg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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