How to Move an Electrical outlet behind the TV - Mounting a TV to the Wall Part 2

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this is a pretty this is the tricky part of the installation now this is why you guys are watching videos through me and not just watching free videos on YouTube all the time we're ridiculously thorough I'm trying to show you guys some tough stuff so tough situations here this is the power outlet I'm going to go ahead and unplug everything from there they have their satellite box plugged in still go ahead and plug that all right so this is all wiring that's sticking out of the wall this used to be a cable jack this used to be where there their cable for their regular household stuff came in right here um we came in here a long time ago and we ran a bunch of wire form and this is where we ran all the wire just using that same cable jack well it just so happens that we're going to try to use the same thing here the very first thing that we're going to do is we're going to make sure powers turned off I've already done that just going to show you guys I'm not cheating here's my Electrical tester lights are not on don't do this hot you guys do your nobody's here oh okay don't do this hot go get up and go shut this TV thing off I hate seeing people do stuff hot ok so I'm going to back this sucker out I'm going to take this outlet off remember the circuits dead right there okay now I have this off I'm going to go ahead and back up to our regular full view so you can see why this is going to be a pretty tricky installation here we are this is why this electrical outlet installation is going to be tough if you can see this blue line right here this represents the right side of the TV that electrical outlet is about here at the bottom of the wall so if I were to come directly above that electrical outlet and install another one right here that's a piece of cake dude that's so easy to do and I'm sure there's a thousand videos online where you can find out how to do that but we're doing something hard here this is a tricky installation so I have two choices I can take this TV bracket and I could slide it over so that I can cover up that electronic so I can just bring it straight up the wall and then shift the TV over and cover that up but that's not where I want it I already had to cheat this TV over this way just to make it so that it didn't cover the bathroom door I don't want to start pulling the TV more and more and more over here and that's not where the customer wants it to do we're going to try to do a professional installation here we want to show while we're doing it and not some hack job company this is where you guys are really going to get the value for your money right if you guys were to hire some Joe Schmoe company I guarantee you they would take the easy route and they would have just mounted the TV directly above the outlet said sorry it's going to be too hard of an installation you guys are just gonna have to deal with whatever we can give you okay that's why you guys are doing it yourselves you want to put it where you want to put it that's where the TV goes that means it's a little bit of extra work but we're going to end up with the product that we want right at the end so I'm going to show you guys some tricks and maybe a home you guys just decide you know what I'll take the easier route and shift it over if you're ok with that go for it that's fantastic I'm going to show you guys something harder I'm going to show you guys how to jump the electrical outlet over a couple studs and then bring it up the wall it's a lot harder installation but it's going to end up putting the TV right where we want it so our outlet is outside of the wall so what I can do now is I can take my Tweaker and this box the outlet box is attached to a stud that's how they install them during can during construction is they take these boxes and then nail him to a stud so I don't know if this stuff is mounted to the left of the box or the right of the box so I take my Tweaker screwdriver I remember this circuits dead when I poke to the right I can put my screwdriver to the right I know it's not there and I'm going to check left I can left I can feel the stubs right there so what I'm going to do now is I got to take this box off to do that first I'm going to cut these wires out bamm-bamm yeah these like quick stab ins on these plugs most you guys are probably going to have the wire stabbed in I hate that those things wear off and then you start having intermittent electrical problems don't use those do you get a chance pull the outlet out these things are like a buck or two to replace it it's nonsense claim that's the chief contractor way to do it okay so now that I have this out I got to get this wiring kind of untangled then we're going to pop this box off I wish I can get a better shot at the front of the box here so you could see what I'm doing there's a lot of furniture in this room so we couldn't find a better place to put the camera okay I've got the wire all untwisted now training to pop out let's pop it out I'm going to take a screwdriver a chisel or something like that and I'm going to shove it in between the box and the stud and then I'm going to pry away from the stud you're going to be tempted to pry towards the stud don't do that because you'll damage to the wall and then when you go and put your outlet back in and put your face plate back on you'll see that damage so I'm going to slip it in there and push oh my goodness I broke it good thing we're going to replace it huh you got to give it a little oomph okay don't be afraid to push put a little muscle into it remember I'm never pushing towards the scotum one pushing away from the stud you can stick some dikes in there these are my dikes take some dikes in there you can help out a little bit all right so now I know you can't see I've got the box locked off the stud now there's no secret just wiggle the wires out until you get the wires out of the box you don't have to get the box out of the wall Shh don't tell anybody you can actually just let the box fall to the floor nobody will ever know whatever you do don't cut the wires you don't want to cut the wires they're already going to be pretty short so take your time it's not super comfortable get the wires out okay there we go my wires are out the shiny one that's the ground wire most of you guys are probably going to have one long ground wire one short one yeah kind of a pain but we'll deal with it my wires are out of the wall at this point it'd be really super easy this going to be really super easy to grab a glow rod and I can shove this right up the wall and you can see this wall is empty it's just an empty space from here all the way up is just empty space so if you guys decided to take the easy route and just move the mount over and adjust the TV no problem you can just run the sucker up here and you'll put the outlet right up above but we're going to take the hard the hard road I know that there's a step right here because I could see it and I know there's a step right here because that's the one that was attached to my electrical outlet so this is going to be kind of hard but I got to go through that step I got to go through that's done so I'm going to take my drill and I don't want to drill towards the front of this stud because at some point I need to put a box and a cover on here to house these wires sign up and use a box raise something called a mud ring which will show later on so I'm going to go kind of towards the back a little bit drill hole okay there's one hole through once dunno the size drill bit you can use I'm using a big one here you guys can use some smaller you can use half-inch you can use 3/4 5/8 don't go less than 1/2 inch though okay now hold the wires out of the way here oh I need to move this cabinet OOP there we go no one was the TV so I drove through this stud remember just stood here and drills me that's done now this one there's going to be an electrical box that goes there if I drill close to the front I'll never get my electrical box in there so this one I kind of have to drill towards the back so I'm going to give myself a little more length and drill towards the back of this done I'm going to go down a little bit too so hopefully I get down and towards the back oh I need an extension in one second I'll be right back I'm going to grab an extension for my drill tip so I grab my extension while eyes out I decided to grab a little bit smaller bit this one's a wood type paddle bit this is an auger style I thought it might help me grip a little bit because it has a screw head to see how this one works beautiful now you don't want to go too far back towards the back of the stud you got to be real careful because the last thing the world we want to do is drill through the other side of the wall so if you do go further back towards the back instead make sure your angles correct that you're not going to drill through the wall so I like to be in a pretty good shape right here I have a holster that's that I will hold for this done now it's time for me to start grabbing some fishing tools all right so what I decided to use for fishing tools is going to be just a piece of standard wire and what I call ball chain this is a pretty essential tool for most tricky installations so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and stuff this into the hole I mean all it is just a bunch of metal balls linked loosely together it's kind of floppy I'm going to go ahead and drop this inside the hole on the left then I'm going to take a magnet attached to this piece of wire and stick it through the hole on the right and see if I can get it to link up here we go there okay I stuffed in about six inches to a foot now I'm going to take this I have a little magnet here I'm going to tape it to the end my wire hopefully make the connection happen now I know that a lot of you guys are going to have you know a setup similar to this at home but this is the point of every custom installation every customer installation has a solution at home you know we need to get the outlet over here and up the wall at home you guys might not have this you guys might not have the ability to do this yours might be harder it might be easier but the point is every house has a solution and this happens to be ours this is not an easy installation at this point because of what we run into but every home has an obstacle and every home has a solution so even though I can't get the exact solution to your home email us email us since it's common enough we get enough requests we'll look into it here we go so I just stuffed in a bunch of that ball chain to the left hole wire with a little bending a little manipulating with a backup on the end and I got the ball chain through so we just finished running this ball chain through the wall we went through one stud here the one stud here you know we had kind of had this freebie hole here luckily but we're not out of the woods yet I'd like to say that electrical outlet behind the TV is going to be right above this but it's not that alleged crawl it above the TV or behind the TV is right above this this mark right here so I have to go from here to here sounds easy right stuff under so we're going to start right here BAM that's the stud that we went through right next to the electrical outlet the original one that's the one we went through right here okay let's keep checking we got one right here that one's not a surprise because I can fill that one with my hand just to make sure that we're out of the woods boom-shaka-laka look at you guys are getting a bonus here this is a really tough installation we've got to get through to more studs before we get to our outlet so a lot of you guys are still going to throw that thrown the towel but we want to do this the right way right this is where we really show how we can do things and don't be scared I mean the worst is going to happen well we never know the worst that's going to happen I can't say that but um most likely the worst that's going to happen is pop a hole through the drywall on the other side um I think we're going to be okay so let's show you how to get through both of these studs this stuff right here I can tell you right now I'm not going to try to get through this stud down here at the bottom of the wall I mean we get through this stud up there at the top of the wall but I'm going to get through this stuff right here at the bottom of the wall once again I'm going to take my drill with a drill bit this is that 5/8 auger tip and I'm using a six inch extension holding my wires out of the way I'm going to drill through this stud going through this hole now if I'm in a funky angle when I'm angled too far that way I'm not going to do it I'm going to be able to get I should be able to get a pretty good angle on it where I don't have the risk of popping out on the other side so here we go yeah I should be okay here boom all right we're not out of the woods yet this is still going to be a pretty complicated installation but at least we're partway there so now I've got a hole through this then we're going to go up through the top of the wall and put a hole through this done but while we're down here before we go up I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to run this wire at least through here because I'm going to need this ball chain again I'm going to need this ball chain in order to get through the next section so I'm going to go ahead and pull that ball chain out to do that I'm just going to use a skinny piece of wire now you don't really want to use ball chain to pull heavy wire because ball chain has like no pulling force she'll snap it in a heartbeat trust me right now so good use a little echo tape with my wire skinny wire and I'm going to gently pull that dog through am okay and tape it here we go now I have pull-string in the wall and I've got my ball chain back we have the hole through here we need to go to the top we need to cut in the box for the 11 new electrical outlet behind the TV and we need to get through this stud bring the wire down I'm glad we get a good challenging installation here this is I'm sure that you're going to be able to pick up something off of this and apply it to your own installation hopefully you don't have to go through one two three four studs and up to get to your box hopefully the worst-case scenario you're dealing with is one stud so we're showing you some pretty nasty stuff here hopefully you can make this apply to your installation to make sure you follow the same sequence that we've done here the sequence and what we've done not skipping any steps is super important because if you were to skip steps then you end up with holes in your wall that you can't cover the ends up being like a whole nightmare so I haven't done anything to this part of the wall except for mouth of racket here now I need to find now I need to cut the hole for my electrical outlet well after we did all the work at the bottom of the wall there I know that my electrical outlet can make it to here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my handy dandy little template and I'm going to cut in I'm going to cut in my lunch wallet right up against the stud okay so I know that the center of the stud is these bolts right here so the scientist that is there remember that the bottom of the TV is going to be 11 inches below this so I don't want my box to be too close to the bottom of the TV and I don't want it to be I don't want it to be too close to the mouth that I can't get faceplates on so I'm just going to come down about half an inch go right up against the side of the stud level my template I'm gonna draw it then I'm going to use my dragon Warsaw and I'm going to cut it out while I'm vacuuming okay it's really important that you use a drywall saw a lot of you guys going to be excited and try to put a power tool in there as you can see I got wires in there who knows what I have in there I'm lucky that I can see what's inside the wall but sometimes you might be going in blind there might be some who knows air-conditioning duct electrical cable or pipes gosh there's a lot of things that can happen in here it can get real nasty always use a hand-powered stop okay here we go there we go as you can see I've cut my box right up against the stuff and the reason that I've done that is because now I've got to drill through this stud to get down to my little outlet so go ahead I'll go ahead and do for you guys right now I'm going to go back to my same drill bit I think this is a 5/8 once again I'm not going to draw on the center of the stud because I gotta get a box in there make sure my wires any type of wiring or anything is tucked out of the way I ain't drilled down towards the center oh you know what I don't think I did a very good job explaining what's going on here what's going on is I have a stud here and then this is one that I just drove through just now earlier when I was down at the bottom of the wall you guys saw me drill through a stud here and a stud here so we're actually crossing three studs not standardly separated but you know who framed this house we had no idea of inside for studs in here maybe there's some kind of reason I don't know doesn't matter at this point all matters is I got to get through these studs getting down this wall is still going to be a little bit tricky so I'm going to go ahead and use we're going to go back and use our ball chain and I needed like a flexible I need something that's kind of long and flexible more flexible than a glow rod now a fish tape would work really well here too um a lot of you guys I want you guys to have to go buy fifty thousand different tools I'm gonna try to show you how to do this if we can use a tool that you might or a piece of material that you might have on hand we'll go ahead and do that so I've got the ball chain here and I went ahead and I taped it to just the piece of real necks just that piece of electrical cable so I'm going to go ahead and stuff that down hole what I want is I want that ball chain to fall down to the bottom of the wall and kind of bunch up that way when I take my wire with my magnet taped to the end I have a lot more ball chain I can work with so this is still gonna be kind of tricky so let's see if we can get lucky again there's no luck as a skill years of proper training and diet go through that hole I drilled just a second ago we go I'm definitely hitting something I can hear it get here pop it around so I'm in the right neighborhood so now it's kind of like a little game of cat and mouse she's kind of got wiggling around and there's no real secret I can tell you except be patient you'll get it when you can feel them touching each other like I can feel my wire touching this I know I'm on the right path and I'm close so then that point is just a matter of matter just finishing it you might have to change your plan a little bit maybe put a little more Bend on there just gotta play with it for a little bit certainly sounds like I'm touching it bingo there we go victory that's you want to know victory looks like victory looks like a ball chain sticking out of a hall after you go through a couple studs that's a victory looks like let me see if I can find my tape I'm going to go ahead pull it more slack on this small wire and I'm going to tape this small wire to the ball chain and pull the wire up to the top and that wire is going to serve as my pull string as i pull the romex through okay here we go gentle murmur gentle BAM that's mine you know that smell this smells like money it's really weird it's kind of weird how that smells like money this installation is going to be just the way that we want it right we didn't cut any quarters we didn't shift the TV over to compensate for something that might be difficult we sucked it up we went ahead and did the difficult installation and pulled it off we put in no extra holes in the wall this installation if you're to pay a pro would be no less than $200 there's not a chance a standard outlet installation moving or adding one outlet will cost you 75 bucks to most people that's just taking an outlet going straight up the wall we went over four studs and then up a wall dude that's a really hard installation no wall damage perfect I know that here we we kind of had to make it up as we go and that's what every installation is going to be like every installation is going to be make it up as you go there's no insulation that's cut and dry and all the pieces fit everything just falls into place very rare and if you have one of those installations there's no reason to watch my videos because my videos are for the guys that are taking it kind of to the next level okay now that I have my I are in place I'm going to go ahead and attach my romex we're going to pull it through this installation is all but done it's still going to be a little bit of work left but we've done the hard part when you tape it tape it nice and tight nice and secure tape down that any little nub sticking out the egg is out catching the wall and then when you're all done fold over the tape so it makes a little flag so when you take it off it's easy
Channel: Alan Clegg
Views: 696,004
Rating: 4.0234199 out of 5
Keywords: Home Theater Installation, Moving an outlet, mounting a TV to the wall
Id: ukajb_3iQ9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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