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what's up everybody my name is Vince welcome to the channel I want to tell you a little bit about an experience I had when I was younger and it was how the peace workers the drywall finishers how effective and efficient they were how they can take even subpar drywall installation jobs and make them beautiful today I'm gonna share a little unknown tip a little something that was shared with me we're not going to go through a whole tutorial you're just going to get the secret sauce [Music] so literally I would watch the finishers come in after drywall was installing a job okay these were a lot of times union finishers they were unbelievably fast but what seemed to be unbelievably fast they would a lot of times fill up their banjo or fill up their bazooka tube they would get to work and they would cover the walls the stuff that they would do was amazing I seen carpenters install drywall okay where the sheets overlapped like they overlap where the sheets met I would say to the finisher I'm like yo do you need them to come in and and like fix those sheets the way they meet they say no I couldn't believe it and I literally watched and to finish or break off the edges of the sheets tape them finish them you never knew it was crazy what they could work with you would think to yourself man they're just fast the reality was is that before they ever smeared on put on any joint compound they went and prepped all their walls that secret number one you gotta go in and prep and get ready how would you do that you you would go through and this is what they would do they would go through with a six-inch knife they would run down their scenes they would quickly go through and go over there screw holes and all right they would run up and down do you hear that you can hear a slight tick this one might be passable right but it could be set a little bit deeper okay everything else except for this one and then we run through this row you'll see one down at the bottom that's going to be set on there there's gonna be bass over that so it doesn't necessarily matter but here this one's a big offender this literally this is this is way too shallow this needs to be set so sometimes they would carry a small screw gun with them and just quickly you know set those screws now they would run their knife they know they're good to go so rule number one tip number one was prep all your boards before you put in a joint compound in your pan before you break out you know break out your tape prep your walls make sure you're good to go tip number two from them was just like any other trades person professional craftsman would suggest would be to buy a quality tool or quality tools I know some of you are looking at these knives and you're saying that they're pretty similar right this knife to this knife this knife to this knife they look pretty similar right they're six inch knives and quite frankly if you're standing in the big box right now you're sure Williams or wherever it is that you're you're maybe tackling this project you want to head off on okay I wouldn't even consider buying these knives but wait a minute I own these knives actually they're in my box right but if I was you I wouldn't even consider picking up knives like this I would only consider picking up knives like these these don't look bad right on this the one looks like it's stainless steel this one's just steel and over here we have stainless and then we have maybe a non stainless steel on these two knives right so they look pretty similar there is one feature missing from these knives that's present on these knives that will save you tons of time and help you prep that you probably don't even know about yeah I know the guy is gonna be on the comments he's good I've been spatula for thirty years I knew all bad it's old technology yeah yeah yeah we understand you understand but around here we want to share with people that don't know to help make them more productive that's what we're talking about here I'm not talking to you mr. drywall finisher mr. carpenter talking to the people that aren't carpenters or drywall finishers you're probably screaming at the camera right now I know what it is I know what it is further other professionals but to a lot of people that are not in the trades they cannot see what the difference is you know previously we talked about prepping making sure your your screws nails are set but in reality there could be certain instances where carpenters or or you might have missed right you might have missed so you have this head that's sticking out you can do one of two things you can either remove this screw okay how would you remove it well you're probably gonna have to carry a hammer with you pull it out now you're still if you're going to try to finish this here here's your problem you can see on the hole next to it this is a properly set screw the screw hole that was properly sunk filled in nice the hole where we had a pull that screw out you have torn paper it's showing through you got you have a real dilemma there this is the deal instead of carry maybe carrying around the hammer there's a lot of the finishers didn't carry around hammer with them all they would do was use the back end of their proper 6-inch knife and that's why you don't ever want to buy these cheap spackle knives you can't hammer anything in with peace but that's what this is designed for this is metal framing with screws but let's just say you had some wood framing and you had nail pops you could use the back end of this spackle knife to drive those nails in to set them deeper so you can get a proper amount of joint compound over them what you can also do is when you have paper tears like that instead of smashing them you could smash them I kind of like to just come in and boom boom boom smash them it works it's quick it's fast you could also get your spackle knife and just get the edge okay just push it in and twist that paper is now set your holes filled sometimes this there will be tear out of this paper and you're not able to cover that hole all you do is get the back end of your knife holes covered now I'm no spackle finisher guru okay I'm far from the best you know I probably if I had to work in the city of Philadelphia as a union finisher they work piece work they get paid by how much work they do how many boards they finish I would probably starve to death okay but I do know some tricks and tips from those that do it daily and get paid by piece work what makes them more efficient so although I'm not the fastest I do know what a good finished product should look like and I'm just trying to share it with you and I feel like getting tips and tricks from people that make a living doing this stuff then smash the like button also if this your first time here and you're not already get subscribed and tap the bell because we do videos like this helpful videos like this all the time we're that I want to say I appreciate every single one of your being here thanks a lot everybody we'll see you all on the next one videos over but I know you want more so this is how you're going to get it first thing you need to do is pretend you're this guy and you're here at the birthplace of freedom now bell-like at 1776 and let all notifications drones you're not subscribed yet this is born here watch this video here here maybe over here later [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VCG Construction
Views: 747,198
Rating: 4.4561443 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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