Easy drywall ceiling patch

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hi everybody I'm Alan from you do AV and today we're going to do a really quick drywall patch so this is my patch I've already done all the work I need to do and so one of the things that's kind of falsely known about drywall is that when you cut the hole number one needs to be perfectly square not true number two that you need to cut it stud to stud also not true go ahead when you go to cut your drywall if it's a 8 by 8 hole or 4 by 4 hole or a two-foot by two-foot hole it's really not that much harder to patch a big hole than it is the small hole so just kind of big hole there's no reason to be trying to cut yourself short and trying to work out of a small hole there's no reason cut it any shape that you want patching is really super easy so every time I cut a hole I go ahead and put my patch up in the ceiling so I know exactly where that I cut this hole like a month ago and finally my wife won and I'm going to patch it so here's my patch right where I left it with a piece of ceiling debris okay so what we're going to do is we're going to create some backing and first let me explain why this is av related right if you guys going to do AV you need to run wires running wires means cutting holes so in my opinion AV is completely involved with drywall drywall is completely involved with AV so if you want to do a lot of work on your house get ready to do some patching because you got to do some patching but it's easy don't get scared so the first thing we have to do is we got to put some backing so what I'm going to do is put this patch down and I'm going to put some backing and I'm just using these little stakes these are just garden stakes you can use two by fours whatever you want to do all that needs to do is just hold up the weight and the drywall which is essentially like 10 ounces or something so go put this dude in here make sure it's laying flat against the existing drywall make sure there's no wires trapped underneath it or drywall dust or little particles that's going to make your patch sit weird so once it's in there and it's overlapping by a couple in both directions screw it in I just have regular course thread drywall screw it's about think I'm using like one and five-eighths something like that okay one screw on each side about an inch away from the edge you get too close to the edge you're going to bust a hole in your drywall and the thing just kind of caves in and will hold anything so one screw on each side about an inch away I'm using I think they're half-inch Nick's by the way if your stakes are too skinny when you go screw it in if you're trying to use like paint stirrer shreddies a paint stirrer it'll just crack tried it I know deliver don't do it okay so how many disgusting people have put their fingers on this drywall screws I just put my mouth whoa right let off it goes got piece of drywall I guess if I do these extra prior safety glasses you guys were safety bus okay don't follow my example be smarter than me okay BAM look at that oh my gosh kidding me I can't waste a car off of these I'm just kidding don't waste a car please okay got the reinforcements in there time to put my patch in also make sure you get your patch out of the ceiling before you put these in because then you won't get your patch out look at that misshaped thing kidding me I was a paying attention to being square whatever man figure out which way it goes back in for me right there okay if you cut in the shape it makes a little easier to put back in how about that okay I'm going to make sure I'm drilling in the wood I just put in did you put this on the stupid people videos don't learn their lesson okay so when you put the screws in just make sure that the screws go past the drywall you can't have any screw so it should just go pucker in just barely pass the drywall that way you'll have a nice smooth patch hey I'm going to look away okay I'm just going to put all four corners in there boom and boom Shakalaka alright so since we put the backing and the backing is being held up on the existing drywall and I'm using the same exact piece this piece fits perfect this is a perfect fit with nothing hanging down there's no funkiness perfect so now my patch is in place time to put on some drywall tape and some mud so I'm going to go grab that be right back so this is nylon mesh tape drywall mesh tape it's a little bit sticky on one side nothing on the other so you're going to do is you're just going to kind of pre measure that out overlapping your patch by about an inch inch and a half on each side stick it to the ceiling and your tape could overlap each other - it's okay I'm just cutting mine with a razor blade dad don't try to skip you know using tape I seen guys not use tape before if you don't use drywall tape over time this is going to crack again so my thing is I don't want to come back and do this ever again I don't want my wife to tell her girlfriends what a crappy job I do on drywall patching so I'm just going to go ahead and do a good job right off the bat all right whoa my wife has long hair all up in my tape so that so that went away try it again boom badda that's it simple as that and that's kind of hard to see on the video but there's drywall tape up there to make yellow kind white kind um I don't know the difference I just put whatever and I've never had a problem so now to put mud so when you're doing drywall mud I like to use my first coat I to use my 8 inch drywall knife and it looks big looks huge huh 25 inch drywall knife that's an 8 inch drywall knife off-camera I'm trying to think of a way I can describe the consistency of the mud to you guys I don't know it's a thicker than pancake batter not as thick as cookie dough and when you put it out on your knife it shouldn't fall off so that's a consistency you're looking for do not go to Home Depot and buy the pre-mixed stuff you're not going to get enough it's like tiny it's a tiny bit really doesn't go very far it costs way more all you got to do is you buy the twenty-minute mud 5-minute mud sets up before you even get it on the wall 45 minute mud you'll be waiting all day to do your next coat 20 minute minor 15 minute but is perfect I'm using 20 I take my knife right here I wipe off the edges a little bit and all I'm trying to do is I drag it all I'm trying to do is cover up the tape okay I'm not even trying to make this patch that smooth yet I mean I want to make it as smooth as I can but more important to me than being smooth is covering up the tape because if you have fibers in that tape start to stick through if your fibers start to stick through then they'll stick through on every on every coat after that so I'm just trying to cover up get a really good cover-up job make it as smooth as possible make it as thin as possible I don't want any mountains or lumps or anything on there okay you'll see that life as you get close to the tape it starts to like show like a like I don't know little square little drip spots I don't want a call that's fine as long as you can't see the tape you're okay then towards the end once I've got a good amount of mud on there not too thick not too thin I'm going to go around to be I'm going to go around the outside I'm going to pass it over the outside putting a lot of pressure on the outside of the blade it's very important if you want your patch to be invisible you need to have pressure on the outside because there's going to be a lump on your ceiling right because you're adding drywall so obviously the drywall mud is thicker here than it is out here but what makes a drywall patch invisible is that you've thinned it out you've made it thing at the edges so you can't tell so I'm going to put pressure on the outside of my blade to make that fit because that's what I'm trying to make it invisible okay don't worry don't get too crazy yet we got a ways to go okay I'm going to go over one more time oh I can see a little bit of the tape right there dude that's not funny acceptable buddy unacceptable okay so I'm gonna go back to the room no more mud okay don't get ready to give this first coat if you've got lines in the mud or um your blade stutters or something like don't worry about any of that stuff just cover the tape that's it we'll come back we'll fix a lot of stuff later the nice thing about drywall is if you really screw up let's say that all hell breaks loose from this thing to go south on you look care scrape it off and put it on again okay big deal all right no damage no harm no foul nothing okay so you guys going to be tempted to come back and start working on this thing before charity don't do that okay wait for it to dry so in about 20 minutes I'm going to come back I'm going to feel it and if it's hard I'm ready to go if it's wet or soft at all I'm gonna wait another 20 minutes don't try to rush this that's what makes your patches look good patience how I'm going to take me put the mud on one minute is that the waiting is the part that sucks hey that's the part I've got two hours my family's at the movies I need to hurry so I'm trying to get beer as soon as I can but I gotta wait I'm not gonna rush it or all to my patch is gonna suck so see you guys in a few okay here is the close-up of my first patch seeing I still have a little bit of lump on the corners here's some lines in there it's not perfect you can still see a little bit of the impression of the tape you can't see the tape but you can see that the drywall started to like show signs that the tape is there right there that little line I did a bumpy line I asked not the tape that's the drywall mud showing the tape is really close and all that stuff's okay as long as I can't see the tape and it's mostly smooth we're good it's been a few minutes this patch is definitely not dry yet but it's hard okay you can see that it's a little darker when it's dry you can see out here this is all like really light white that's dry that's completely dry this dark stuff that's still wet but it's it's hard so I can go ahead and put another put another layer on so I'm going to switch to my 12 inch blade and my goal this time is to make this patch as smooth as I can so just going to go ahead and make some passes on here I might be able to get this patch completely done with - two coats sometimes it takes me three you guys if this is your first one dude you guys might do five okay the difference of it's just time so make it a few passes try to make as smooth as I can not too much pressure and then when you've got it pretty smooth and you're ready to take it out and make it look clean and finished you're going to do that final pass with the pressure on the outside to make that nice and tight so we're going to go ahead and do that pass right now looks to me like I'm going to be able to get this with just the two passes my pressures always on the outside my blade okay now this is this is a texture called skip trowel skip trowel is looks like really smooth it has just a little bit of texture to it um so I'm just going to try to match the texture here the guy who did this drywall have kind of a weird style where my texture looks like in rows so I'm just gonna do my best to match it as best as I can and call it a day but my patch looks really smooth I'll do a shot of it when I'm all done it looks super smooth I'm just going to try to add some texture to it by just adding a little bit of mud and I'm just kind of going playing to my ear here just kind of putting some mud on the ceiling let us skip all over kind of looks a little chunky right now but the ceiling is a little chunky so once I've got it this looks a little too thick it looks right but looks a little too thick so I'm just going to pass over it and hopefully that does it that actually looks pretty good so when you do drywall patches obviously your ultimate goal would be to make it perfect but that doesn't really have to be perfect a drywall patch should really be something that doesn't stick out like a small scar on your body nobody should look at your body like oh my gosh that huge a nasty scar dude you are mangled it should be like that your drywall if somebody knows where the patch is they're going to see it but you should make us less not an eyesore and some styles you can make perfect you can doesn't have to be but you can like skip trowel this right here this looks pretty dang good I'm going to pass the I'll show the video of the close-up of the UM patch but I'm not going to touch anymore I think that looks pretty good so that's it we did this in probably actual drywall work less than five minutes this really should be a really small task one more tip for you guys in between passes or in between different coats when you go to clean your tools clean them really really well okay clean them so they're almost as brand news you can get because any drywall that's left over on there is bound to fall off on your next pass and then it starts dragging through your mud making lines and streaks so you really aware that making sure your tools are really clean each time you go through and do another pass the other thing is each time you do a pass so I'm going to do a pass clean my blade do a pass clean my blade do a pass clean my blade each time and that's going to be how you're going to get your perfect patch so whether you think so or not I am a firm believer that drywall patching is part of a V and it should be a skill that you guys feel comfortable doing so as always I'm Allan from you do AV and thanks a lot for watching now you go and you do a V so here's a close-up of the patch so you can see the texture see the texture this is not the patches at just my drywall it's mostly smooth but it's got a little texture to it you look over mine mine is the same thing it's mostly smooth but it's got a little texture to it so after that dries and I paint it which would be tomorrow I'm not going to paint it today after it dries and I paint it this is going to be a perfect patch you won't even see it
Channel: Alan Clegg
Views: 553,657
Rating: 4.7846861 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Drywall, patch, easy, hole, fix, mud, no stud, no wood, how to, tape, sheet rock, sheetrock, cut, texture, home improvement, wall, ceiling
Id: yDLyrSqicoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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