3 Awesome Baseboard Ideas!

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[Music] [Music] well we're back in my house and you remember last time I move this electrical switch and I ripped off this casing well I just finished ripping off this baseboard and I'm going to upgrade this trim right here and then I'm what I'm eventually going to do is put a wainscoting right here but I'm what I got for you today is something I've been wanting to share for a while something I've always thought about since I started doing trim and that's how you can update your baseboards of casing transitions now one thing that's pretty common is just having your casing run up the side of the doorframe just typical and then having your baseboard but up to that casing now this looks fine like this is a really simple look this is just a 1 by 4 and then 1 by 6 this is like a real classic just simple look very old-school because this was simple back in the day now even with this simple construction of a casing and a baseboard there's ways you can step this up a little bit and house what I'm going to show you in this video just using these basic materials you can make really awesome transitions where the baseboard in a casing meet but before I get started showing you those transitions I'll show you a little tip that I use whenever I'm installing casing and baseboard that's one buy material so this is true 3/4 inch what I'll actually do is I'll take the baseboard this is just samples obviously but if you can imagine if this was long and then I'll put two pocket holes in the back of it and I like to space those out kind of evenly in my pocket the whole jig right here is kind of broken so I just move it around and what that will leave me with is two pocket holes and yes I'm getting the floor dusty but my house so I'm not worried about it so that would give me those two pocket holes I mean if you can imagine if this was the baseboard I would just pocket hole that into that and the reason I do that is because I don't like messing around I don't know if you could zoom in on that and see that but these things usually almost never line up straight you always gotta like shim it out and do some weird stuff I don't like that how you can feel that Ridge right there I'm not a fan of that so when I put these together it should be really flush with my screws let's talk now about the baseboard to casing transitions that's what this video is about so here's a couple of ways you can do this so this is just a classic look you can imagine that as you know any typical you know builder-grade casing or build a great baseboard it's going to be this bud joint right here so what I've always thought of and now that this is doing it to my own house I'm going to do this so I'm going to spice it up a little bit here's a couple of options you could do the first thing I'll show you is using a PM base cap so this is your typical base cap and this is that base cap right here this is PM 5 and you've probably seen it like this before just a base cap stacked up and but it against the casing but what you could do with that if you're using this one by construction you could wrap that around put a 45 there and then drop another 45 and go all the way around the whole door frame and that you just I mean to me just looking at that that looks awesome now if you wanted to go even bigger on it what you could do is scoot this whole thing over you saw that i scooted this away from the from the door frame here so if I scooch that over then I could actually incorporate another pm5 right in here just like that and that is I don't know about you but that is awesome to me and you still got room if you want to do your shoe molding which a lot of people aren't fans of shoe molding but I actually like it I'm one of the few people that that actually like a shoe molding I feel like it gives it a little bit more depth and it's a more of a build up a gradual build up so I'm one of those that like shoe molding one of the few so this is PM 5 another thing you could do is and really what you could do with trim is really up to your own imagination it's really endless this is an outside corner this is used on the edges of wainscoting this is used to hide seams on outside corners this is also used for protection to high-traffic areas so they won't get damaged you could drop this on there and that's going to wrap wrap around the whole one by and give you even more of a a nice effect so this would just drop in like that and you can see how nice that looks you could also wrap it on this side too but I don't have another piece of scrap right here where I would show you so this example we would scoop back to the doorframe just like a normal casing and just boom go all the way around our door so now that's the note that's one option another option and the option I think I'm going to choose for this house is using the PM rpm 2 or PM 6 wherever this thing has a few names usually as PM 6 you could do the same thing you could wrap it this way have that 45 and I like this one because it goes out and it comes over so you get both and this one's the biggest one of the bunch and I could drop that 45 in there and then you see just how big and much more of a statement that make and then I'll actually scoop this one over and this will sit right in here like that so there's three awesome ways you could just make your baseboard to casing transitions just stepping up your trim game right there in your house and this if you this to your whole house it'll feel like a whole new house and to me this looks awesome I see the Builder great stuff all day long and I'm always thinking like why why are they doing but I know how to do it they just wanted to save money so let's be real but since this is my house what I'm going to do is probably this option but I'm going to have a full wainscoting wall right here I'm not going to have this baseboard and in that case what I could do for what I'm going to do is I'm going to use that if you can imagine this as the wainscoting in the casing came down it would be the same thing like if that was the top of my wainscot and the casing came up it would still wrap around it the same way it would just end right here and then this other piece would continue down the length of that so like I said I mean da the options are really limited to your mind and what you've seen so I hope you enjoyed this video that's three ways three awesome ways that you can update and make your baseboards the casing transitions really pop I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Finish Carpentry TV
Views: 344,649
Rating: 4.8739767 out of 5
Keywords: awesome, baseboard, transitions, trim, crown, casing, door, dfw, remodel
Id: 7m9-lcccwsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2017
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