How to Mod Frame Generation for RTX 20 and 30 GPUs (FSR 3 replaces DLSS3, still uses DLSS Upscale)

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the sad reality for nvidia's 20 and 30 series users is that frame generation is great out in games because dlss 3 frame generation is only supported by Nvidia on their 40 series gpus in this video we're going to look at how to mod FSR 3 frame generation into your game so that you can actually use not only a frame generation but still use dlss upscaling and that is really cool uh because normally with FSR 3 in the well it's only in four games so far but FSR 3 frame generation just went open source and modders have of course already been playing around with that FSR 3 frame generation can run on basically any modern GPU doesn't need to be 40 series doesn't need to be AMD gpus but in the four games it's been officially implemented into uh you have to use the amds FSR pipeline meaning you can't turn on dlss upscaling and and then FSR 3 frame generation this mod actually has the advantage of uh allowing us to do frame generation using the dlss pipeline uh also as the disadvantage of this is only going to work for NVIDIA gpus because uh I believe the mod is based on uh getting into nvidia's streamline pipeline uh which does check that you are on an RTX GPU so what are we doing first of all I'm going to quit out of the game and I'm on two PCS right now so confusing but uh we're just going to alt f4 out of that and I'm going to show you guys uh how we are going to mod in frame generation so uh first of all I'll have this link in this uh video description there's a number of mods claiming to do this right now the one I have tried is free some of them have been paid uh and this is from Nukem 9 on uh on GitHub and the uh GitHub page uh the the most recent update is build 0.5 so this is currently pretty new uh work in PR progress all of that and in general when installing mods like this I I should say do so at your own risk uh but you will download the uh the latest release you could try other releases if this one isn't working great for you and you want to go ahead and download the zip folder although if you use the dlss tweaks mod um then I I guess there's a separate version with support for that I don't use dlss tweak so I don't have any experience using that I'll be using the normal version here and maybe by the time you're watching this video things have been updated but the point is uh you will download that and you will open up uh that file now uh what I've got open here is my downloads folder with the the contents of that mod and then you will need to navigate to the game you want to add this into now this particular mod says it's only been tested officially by the developer in cyberpunk and The Witcher 3 although if you look at comments on it people are having mixed success making it work in other games with dlss 3 frame generation theoretically if it's getting into Nvidia streamline uh this might work in more games uh but again as the mod is developed and you know I I'm not testing out all of the possible games in this video or anything like but um anyway just be aware of that so what you need to do is Mo uh if you're going to do this in cyberpunk which is what I'll be showing in this video is you need to navigate to your games uh the the correct folder in the game and uh basically what you're looking for here uh is uh if you're installed on Steam you'll probably have your your steam folders uh installed somewhere so so for me I I go uh program files x86 uh and then we're going to scroll down to steam and then I believe we go uh steam apps uh right here uh then I go common under common I have my games I find cyber Punk 2077 and then we're going to open up the bin so open up the bin and you want to go to x64 again if you're installing cyberpunk in a different way different folder path it's possible that you'll have some other way of getting here but you're looking for opening up bin and then the x64 folder and there's a bunch of junk in here now the good news is you don't really need to mess with taking any of that out uh what we need to do is take a look at this so uh in this uh this is the uh you know the folder we got off the GitHub page uh and we're going to copy and paste some things but first we actually need to disable Nvidia signature checks now when you open up the readme file for this uh it's description of what to do seemed a bit different than than what I actually do it says rightclick on disable Nvidia signature checks. regg and select merge click yes when the dialogue opens however I didn't see any uh I I didn't see that when I when I actually tried doing this myself so uh what I ended up doing is like I right click it I don't see merge right so um I just double click it and it asks me if I want to run this or not and I am just going to give it permission to do that now again do so at your own risk this is a registry edit okay um so again you know do so at your own risk now we are going to allow it to do this we are going to be sure we're going to continue if you don't do this this mod will not work I did try it without allowing the registry edit and they do have a restore Nvidia signature checks uh right here uh which would be like how you would uninstall those registry edits so if you were done with this mod didn't want to use it anymore whatever uh restore Nvidia signature checks should did undo whatever this just did but once again registry edits use at your own risk all of that anyway what we need to do now is take two of these files and copy them in uh to the actual game name uh the the bin x64 the x64 folder so we're going to copy uh dlss to FSR 3 um the file name here is actually hilarious dssg to FSR 3 AMD is better. dll so um anyway AMD is better we are going to copy and paste so we can copy which you could do uh contrl C or you can um uh try to just uh you know what I have two computers open right now which is which is obnoxious so that's kind of my problem is this paste I always do this contrl C control V but my other keyboard's way over there anyway and then we are going to copy in the nvng GX dll uh so we're going to copy that as well and again we're going to copy that into the same folder man I never do this with a mouse okay then we're going to go into here and we are going to paste so we should have those two folders now and now we are going to click play on cyberpunk and if you do this correctly ly you should get a popup screen uh telling you that something has happened here right here this is it so if you've installed this correctly you get this DLS SG to FSR 3 popup now it's telling you that this will make FSR 3 frame generation replace dssg frame generation and it says please note this is experimental software it is subject to bugs Andor crashes and this does not represent a native implementation of amd's FSR 3 so in other words if an actual game developer implements FSR 3 properly uh they could probably do a better job that's more stable might uh might look better less artifacts that kind of a thing but uh you know so just don't judge FSR 3 based on what it's like when a modder implements it is basically what we're getting at here gives you a place you can report issues and it says warning do not use in multiplayer games uh the main idea here is a lot of multiplayer games will check if you have modified any game files and can you get you banned on anti-che stuff uh so that is a pretty important warning if you don't want to get your account banned in multiplayer games anyway go ahead and click okay we'll get our game to fire up now and we should now have the access to the frame generation button in the game let's go ahead and get into the Met here and we're going to go to settings video and uh sorry Graphics settings here and notice that frame generation is now able to be turned on now notice that it will still call it dlss frame generation but it's not it's using FSR 3's frame generation but the cool thing is it is using nvidia's dlss upscaling its super resolution pipeline which has better image quality than amd's upscaler so that's where in in one way this is actually better than a native FSR 3 implementation assuming the native FSR 3 implmentation is like the four that we've seen previously which lock you out of the dlss upscaler pipeline line if you use the FSR 3 frame generator now I want to actually try this out on screen for you guys but I'm going to pop out to actually film my screen directly because the thing is filming with a a capture card uh like I'm doing now here that's not variable refresh rate so it can get screen tearing and things like that introduced uh that you wouldn't see on an actual variable refresh rate display I also want to verify that variable refresh rate is working correctly because that is one of the issues with some of the initial FSR 3 implementation but I believe the open sour Source version of this mod should have solved that problem so let's pop out for a second all right here I am on an RTX 3080 we've loaded into the game we're currently at basically the ultra no Ray tracing preset at 4K resolution and dlss quality currently frame generation off to get a baseline for performance uh you can see my Nvidia software overlay for performance numbers in the bottom left corner of the screen looks like we're about about 52 frames per second and if I bring up my TV's uh software overlay we can see that we are in g-sync mode and we are matching the uh refresh rate of the actual game uh so everything seems to be working properly and let's go ahead and double check that when we turn on frame generation in the game that our frame rate goes up and uh uh variable refresh rate gsync stays on now when you kick that on it'll go to auto super resolution so I'm going to set it back to Quality so we have the same Baseline and uh let's go ahead and pop out of the menu give the frame rate counter a second to stabilize and now it's reporting 88 so um yeah it definitely did pop up let's make sure gsync still seems to be enabled and it does seem to be tracking with the game's uh refresh rate properly so that does seem to be enabled now the other thing we need to check for is is this mod just duplicating frames or is it actually generating frames so uh I'm going to get an idea now this won't come across perfectly in a video cuz I'm in a variable refresh rate game and you are watching a fixed 60fps video although I am filming it at 120 FPS to at least help with that so I'm getting an idea of a camera pan I chose these uh difficult to look at um uh lights vertical lights cuz I think I'll I'll see issues uh if if there are any and actually I do think I see something let me go ahead and turn off frame generation so frame generation back off everything else is the same I'm going to do the same camera pan okay interesting yeah so I can definitely tell that frames are actually being generated not just duplicated I don't know how much of this comes across in the YouTube video but there are definite gaps between frames here on the normal camera pan side to side in other words I can kind of see things jump from one place to the next uh as as you know the it it refreshes but uh if I turn frame generation on I can definitely tell uh that there is more smoothness happening oh wait a second I can tell when I kicked on frame generation that the super resolution changed yep I'm going to go back to Quality setting to make sure it's an Apples to Apples comparison otherwise I think it goes to Auto and at 4K that would go into performance mode upscaling which we could certainly test but okay so here we're at apples apples now I don't know if this is going to come through in the YouTube video uh but I absolutely see a grainy version of this light uh pop up in between frames it's it's a little bit hard to describe but it's almost like a fizzled together version of the lights uh one off and one on uh where it almost looks like a uh uh kind of some dots of the light and some dots of black which is interesting I intentionally chose this scene because it would be really hard for a frame generator uh turning frame generation back off and again uh larger gaps between frames it feels much less smooth and I don't get those those garbled in between images now the garbled in between images aren't necessarily a bad thing that's showing that's telling me that the frame generation is actually generating frames and not duplicating the frames uh so in other words this does actually seem to be working and it's not a horrible artifact or anything like that I was just intentionally choosing a situation where I knew we would get an artifact uh that I could um then verify you know the frames were actually being generated I think in normal uh motion uh this is actually feeling pretty good um I kind of get the feeling the HUD element is refreshing at half refresh rate um like that 100 meter sign and and that's that's what FSR 3 actually should be doing otherwise you would get uh you would get um more egregious garbling on the the generated um on the generated UI elements um yeah so so when I turn frame generation off the the uh 100 met sign does seem to be more in line with everything else on the screen uh whereas with frame generation enabled and again going back to the Quality mode here uh it does seem like everything else on the screen is updating quicker than than that sign I I don't think that's just in my head it's not super distracting but the point is it actually seems to be doing what FSR 3 should be doing uh that is how it's supposed to handle uh well one of the options for how it can handle UI elements so yeah I would say that this does actually seem to be working from a responsiveness perspective this feels absolutely fine for me I don't know if the average PC latency correctly reports the generated frames um now I have seen people talk about uh adding in reflex support uh because again uh this this is great out as on so it might actually be on I've also seen people talk about adding in vsync support if you're going past your uh Native refresh rate through nvidia's control panel enforcing it on so there's a lot of stuff you guys could play around with here uh I'm curious if we could go into like RT Ultra mode uh in performance mode upscaling where uh with Ray reconstruction on let's turn off frame generation and see how we could do without frame generation so again this is 4K output uh RT Ultra mode and we're averaging about 45 frames per second here uh turning this way about 43 so we're kind of in the in the mid to low 40s uh kicking frame generation on again making sure we're in performance mode upscaling um let's go ahead and see what happens here looks like we are uh up to kind of mid 60s it does seem a lot smoother although I feel like we've got motion blur kicked back on I originally yeah I had originally turned off um uh motion blur and all of that on uh when I was on my other setting so we'll turn that back off you might still want it on depending on your personal preferences but to to examine the frames I had those all turned off anyway um I think this is generating from too low of a base frame rate for my personal preferences actually still feels fairly responsive but I don't know if it's uh quite worth it but the point is that it does seem to actually be working and you can go ahead and join in on some of the comment pages and things like that about these Technologies to sort out any issues again I do see a bit of garbling between frames here do you guys see that do you see the kind of like spotty in between image on those lights now I'm curious if if a uh if a full implementation of this would work better uh and and cyberpunk is on the list of games to officially get uh dlss 3 sorry sorry FSR 3 support however I'm curious like I said one of the big things is this mod allows it to be generated with uh the upscaling um with the dlss upscaling I'm curious if the official implementation would lock you into FSR upscaling mode which would be kind of annoying like I said I we're definitely getting generated frames but the quality of them coming from this low of a base frame rate um not looking uh uh amazing on that but again it's certain images probably come across worse than others let me know what you guys think trying it out in the comments section hope you guys enjoyed the video and I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 202,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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