MSFS2020 - FSR3 Frame generation for all RTX cards!

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hello everyone today I have a real bombshell for you nothing less that's a simply how big deal this is what I'm talking about about the FSR 3 and its open source code that has been released just few days ago and what many of us expected soon or later has arrived a mod for the FSR 3 that will also enable it on the older Nvidia cards in games that already have a support for dlss 3 and I will show you right now how to get it work so let's start when I load the game as it is I don't even have the option to enable frame generation at all it's just not there even when I search it's simply hidden to get it to work you have to use this mode dssg to f sr3 from Nukem 9 there are other mods some of them paid they do the same thing but this one seems to be trusted by community and it's open source which I generally prefer know that you will find all related links Below in the description now normally you would come here to release this and would download one right here on the GitHub but as you can see the author has moved its builds to NEX mods so that's where we have to go you will have to create an account if you don't have any yet but it's free so just go ahead and create one as you see an Nvidia RTX graphics card is required to use this mod is it uses the pipeline with RTX core in mind I'm already logged in so I will just come here to files and I'll download the main zip if you use dlss tweak software feel free to use that one but I'll go with the default option now when downloaded simply extract the files and first double click the disable Nvidia signature checks registry file this will add an entry to your registry you could do it manually but this is just quicker and less prone to error if you would want to disable this mod in the future just click on the restore Nvidia signature checks and remove copied files to proceed you will need admin rights just click yes and then okay after that copy paste these two dll files to the games installed folder to make sure it's the right one you should see these dlss files and that's it well almost in order to get it work you have to have Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling enable on Windows 10 go to graphic settings inside the display section and enable the function on the top as it states you have to restart a computer if you have Windows 11 it's similar go to settings and then system display graphics change default Graphics settings and again enable the function on the top and now go to restart your computer and we are back at the game after the restart now you can see right way that I now have the dogle for FR generation visible that's a good start for sure to test it let's head to New York Manhattan as that is surely one of the most demanding places in the title I sted out the FSR 3 enabled and let's see also a note I myself have an RTX 370 with ryzen 5600 x so pretty much a mid-range setup I play an almost 4K 38 in Ultra wi Monitor and I have mix of medium to high settings here in msfs and as you can see I'm getting close to 60 frames now and I'm still quite High let's try with frame generation on 100 110 on average how cool is that that's crazy oh that's almost that's pretty much double for sure the highest numbers I've seen so far in msfs on my graphics [Music] card let's try to switch back again and we are now back to between 40 and 50 now and it seems quite stable between these two numbers um I mean yeah it's not bad but obviously compared to 110 um that's totally different story let switch it back on simply amazing yeah this is something very easy to get used to and uh yeah I'm I'm kind of speechless on RDX 3070 and msfs in Manhattan like this is such a big deal to me the main reason to buy a 4,000 series Nvidia card for Pure gaming is now gone especially if you like me have a 30 series card now to be fair you can spot the glitches on the Hut indicators uh those don't handle it well maybe because they are generated in the game with lower rate but still that's a small price to pay for the smoothness of overall game and keep in mind this is out only for a day or two and has been officially tested by the author himself only on Cyber Punk 2077 and The Witcher 3 so just wait until bugs get fixed or FSR 3 will get official support in these games and uh yeah it will be really a big deal for everyone who has 20 or 30 series RDX graphics cards I mean technically it can run even on older cards but obviously there uh there is a question about overall performance so we have to see but for sure me personally I'm super excited and I can't wait to try in other games uh which supports already frame generation so there you have it let me know if you're as excited as I am and if it works for you as well like subscribe until next time fly safe
Channel: ThrustOperator
Views: 29,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, MSFS2020, DLSS3, FSR3, RTX
Id: 5EFhDmea6IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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