How To Merge Objects To Create Epic Decor | CAMP Building Tips & Tricks | Kiki B Plays Fallout 76

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what's up wastelanders how's everybody doing today i'm doing great and i hope you are too it's me kiki b and welcome to a brand new episode of kiki baby plays fallout 76 we've got a great video for you today this one's been requested and i'm excited to finally get it into your hands hopefully this will help you to level up your camp decorating skills and give your builds that little extra something before we get started i just wanted to let you know that i've got a brand new instagram just for you wonderful people at kikiblaze so go on and give me a follow over there it's a space to connect with you guys to answer your questions and share some of the day-to-day stuff behind the scenes it's also a really great way for me to be able to address questions where a short video might be a better explanation than a written answer and of course don't forget to make sure you're subscribed to this channel and you've turned on notifications so that you don't miss out on the next amazing video because we both know you don't want that now without any further ado let's dive in and learn all about merging objects so first the basic technique you're going to want to take the pressure plate which is under the power connectors tab in your build menu if you don't already have this plan it's the advanced power connectors plan which you can get for a little under 200 cabs from a robot vendor and you're going to want to hook this up to either a powered conduit or another powered object if you hook it directly up to a generator it doesn't work you're going to place your base object onto it the one that you're going to be sinking something into and you just want to make sure that that green light there is lit up all the time if it goes out all you have to do then is store the pressure plate place it again and hook up the wire again so now we're going to put the object on top that we want to sink into this one and all you have to do is select the base object and place it again on the pressure plate so you're just going to keep selecting placing selecting placing like that and with each click it's going to sink down in a little bit really really easy so there's your basic merge you can also do merges in like multiple parts so for example if i wanted to create a sort of new plant to put into my ashtray to turn into a cool planter i would take two of these plants and stack one on top of the other again make sure that you're always selecting the bottom object and i probably should have clicked that one like one more click down in but it's good enough you get the idea so now i'm going to go ahead and pick this up by the bottom plant place it into another ashtray and do the same thing again of click click clicking it sinks down into the level that i want so now that you've got the basics down i want to show you some of my favorite merged objects these are ones that i use a lot and you might have seen some of them in my builds before this combination is a particular favorite of mine it's what i use to make my kitchen counters and you're just going to take these two tables set the taller table on top make sure you've got it lined up right and you can blueprint that once you've got it properly aligned if you want to if you're going to make a bunch of these and then just sink the top table down and you might need to lift it up and check that it's at the right level this one needs one more click you can see a little gap there between the two so we'll give it that last click and now it is perfectly sunk down there and it makes a perfect kitchen cabinet now if you want to make your kitchens even fancier you can sink objects into the countertop table before you sink them onto the cupboards so in this case i'm going to set a cooktop into the counter by using the cooking stove and you want to set the cooking stove back a little bit because it's got that broken door that sticks out in the front and if you set it too close to the front of the countertop it will stick out through your cupboards [Music] so just keep in mind that order of operations that you're going to sink things basically from the top down when it comes to doing multiple objects and you can also do this with sinks and other objects in a kitchen it looks really really great when it's done now here's another favorite of mine i've never been a huge fan of the way a lot of the workbenches look and i like to mix things up a little sometimes so i've used this one in quite a few builds lately you can unfortunately only do this with the tinker's workbench and the chems bench so you can't use it on the armor workbench or the weapons workbench this one i had sunk in too far uh it didn't look good i think with the chems bench you need to have it sticking up a little bit like that with the tinker's workbench if you sink it down in low enough like this it kind of looks like it's like a work mat or something on top of the cabinet and it looks pretty cool now here's a really utilitarian but very very cool merge that you can do we're going to take a small generator i use this one because it's small and it doesn't make noise or spew smoke and then you can take this sink a conduit down into it wire the conduit and then you can put this on top of a large stash box and if you then sink that down in you've got a sort of portable power box which you can then place anywhere that you might need some radiating power and you can also wire an object to it if you need now you can do this with most of the large stash boxes here are some examples that you can use things that i've used before this is by no means a complete list of all the big objects that you can sync a generator into but you get the idea now here's another more utilitarian favorite of mine i personally hate the scrapbox it's giant it's ugly it doesn't come in any other versions so i like to make it as unobtrusive as possible and the easiest way to do that is simply by syncing it into a stash box like this now shelves we've got all these great shelves in the game and the game makes it impossible to actually just place objects on the shelves but with merging you can do this really really easily the easiest shelves to do it with are the ones that have shelves that are a uniform distance apart all the way up through but you can do it with the other ones as well you just need to be a little bit more careful about uh the distance so with this one we can actually sync things all the way down so that it looks like we've even got something on the floor underneath the shelf and then go ahead and put a few things on the top when we're done and now you've got a cool looking shelf that looks like it could be in a garage or an attic or something like that with a bunch of junk on it now these great big store shelves are also really good to do this with if you have seen my charleston super duper mart video this is how i did the shelves in there and again because these are a uniform distance apart it's much much easier to to sync various objects at various heights if you're using for example the white shelves with the glass around them it's a little trickier you have to be careful and there you go that's how you can fill and decorate shelves it really adds a lot i think to a camp build and just makes things look more homey and lived-in now we've got furniture you've got all these objects that seem like they would be really really great placed underneath some furniture underneath a bed or something like that but there's no normal way to do that all you've got to do is place it on top and sink it down under like this you can also do this with the floor safe which does not work properly if you try to place it on the floor and then put an object on top of it but again if you merge it [Music] suddenly you've got a floor safe under your furniture okay now this one is just purely silly um but you can merge some fun stuff into the symptomatics it's just fun and no i have no idea why you would want a snowman and symptomatic but you know what i just felt like it and it's good for a laugh you can also put like a mannequin in one in this case i've dressed one up in a doctory looking outfit it makes a cute display piece now here's a great one i like the terminals these terminals um but they are kind of annoying because they do have to be powered in order to work and it's not always easy to actually hook them up to your main power grid but a great way to do that is just to merge them into a generator and then you can sink them for example into a metal cabinet like this and now you've got a sort of i don't know sciencey lab workspace you can also sync a terminal into a desk and it actually looks like a normal terminal on a desk all right here's a fun one and like i said before these shelves are tricky um and the alignment on this merge is not perfect but it still looks really good so here we're going to be making a nuka-cola cooler it looks really really great it reminds me of like you know those those glass fridges coolers whatever in like supermarkets and gas stations and whatnot so you're gonna take one nuka cola rack and you're gonna sink it down in so that the round nuka cola logo thing the bottom of it is almost at the bottom of that silver bar across the top of the back and sometimes just a bit of trial and error and then you're going to place the other nuka-cola rack on top of that sink it down in fill it up with nuka cola and now you've got a really cool nuka-cola cooler that also has the little nuka-cola logo up above it like that now you can do a similar thing with the pristine nuka-cola machine and you're just going to align this so that the right half of it is directly above the little opening uppy part and then you want to sink it down in and if you actually fill the nuka-cola rack before you sink it in it makes it a lot easier but if you're like me and you didn't think to do that then you want to click on the vending machine first so that it will open the door and then you can reach in there and fill up the display rack if you click it again it will close the door and voila you have got a nuka-cola machine with nuka-cola in it now here's a great one i love the little popcorn machine it's super cute but i really hate the fact that it has to be hooked up directly to power because again it's one of those things hooking up powered objects inside a camp is sometimes really really irritating so this is one of those that you can merge with a small generator and then you've got a perfectly portable [Music] popcorn machine so as they say if you don't know now you know that's all you really need to know about merging and when it comes to the things that you can combine and create the sky or at least the build height of your camp really is the limit you can merge just about anything whether it's homey or utilitarian or just completely silly so i hope you learned something and got some inspiration for your own builds and i would love to see some of the stuff you come up with um so do post your creative camp decor on instagram and tag me at kikib plays i'll also leave the instagram link down in the description now that's it for me today folks as always take care of yourselves be good to each other and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Kiki B plays...
Views: 64,565
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Id: d_FYneoCkso
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Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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