Fallout 76 Hacks - Chessboard Display Tricks, Flat items, Multiple junk items, Merge into the ground

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hi guys it's Shameless trouble today I thought we could go over some tricks on using the chessboard display last time I just showed you how to use it this time I thought maybe I could show you how to make your items a little bit closer together and um if you remember I had a lot of trouble getting this um magazine to display so I thought I found a new way to do that that makes it easier and I'll show you how to merge things into the ground okay so let's get to it okay the first thing that we're going to go over is how to get those thin things to um look better on your item that you're going to display them on for this I had to merge it down on the pressure plate then merge it up on the camp module then down and up and down and up back and forth and wiggle it in until I finally got it to pop up enough that it looked like it was sitting on the um end table but I watched um Mr church and he showed a way that you can use a poker chip and it makes it easier to do so let's put down that [Music] table and a [Music] display let's put the magazine on there and from here this is in my stash box the stuff on the right is the stuff in my stash box the stuff in my left is the stuff in the inv in my inventory if I want to put something from the stash box in onto the um display case I can either hit X and it puts it into my um inventory and then from my inventory put it on the chessboard or I can just hit square and it puts it right on to the chessboard okay now what we're going to do is in Flor deor hopefully you have the poker set that you get from the Most Wanted event if not go get it it's one of the rewards it you just have to do um The Most Wanted event a few times and hopefully you'll get it it's one of the harder rewards to get okay put the the poker set underneath and then put the um chest board on top of [Music] that and then let's Merch this down get my pressure plate [Music] my generator oh and yes I know that you don't have to use the generator for the pressure plate and you guys if you don't want to you don't have to you just have to pick up the pressure plate and put it back down so the pressure plate itself um see how it's got this see how it's popped up if you pick it up and put it back down it'll um go down or if you connect it to a um generator it'll go down I like to connect it to the generator because it turns on this little green light and it tells me that it's ready to use um so if I step on it or if somebody comes in my camp and steps on it or if something happens and that green light's not on I know that's the problem so that's the first thing I look at but you guys can use your pressure plate any way that you want to use your pressure plate okay let's put this magazine on the nightstand put it down so that's one click and two clicks oh that's perfect well that's a whole lot easier than moving it up and down okay so we like the the poker chip idea next let's focus on putting our items closer together to do this we're going to have to merge the chessboard displays together but you have to do it in a tricky way um we'll start by putting out a [Music] chessboard put something on it real quick to see which way it's facing you want to make sure that you get this part correct so I'm going to put a the C coffee should be good okay so I want this to be my front take it off there now [Music] okay so I'm going to turn it around so I know which side's front there now we need to raise it up about the size of a chest board so we have an item in stash boox it is the um face plate of a um safe this is close to the size so go to your stash back just put this out and then put your chest board on top of the safe and then you need a floor decor item I'm just going to put a duck there now blueprint it with the duck first and then the display board or check chest board and I'm just going to name this number one because it is going to be temporary there now go to my Blueprints and go to number one and now you see I can put it on top of any of these so let's put it on top of the bowl now let's put it let's see we want the coffee cup to be next to the coffee pot so let's put this right about there okay now you can grab the display the C feet pots on and put it on your pressure plate and merge it [Music] down so they're even [Music] oops now I'm going to say let's just go with one click so let's do that over again [Music] cuz the coffee cup is a little bit lower anyway so it looks like two clicks is a little bit too many and one click is not quite enough so I'm going to go with one click to make this item just a little hair up because I know that my coffee cup can handle being up a little bit higher bring this over here oops oh set it down on the pressure plate one click there you go and now click on this and go the clean coffee cup there now we got it's much closer you know what I think I'm going to want it a little bit closer than that let's do that again okay let's put it right about there okay I can get rid of all these ducks and now let's merge it [Music] again oh one click okay now let's put the coffee cup on it there now see how close they are and if you put it grab it by the um chest board that has the coffee pot put it on the table and when you merge them together they'll be right next to each other or when you merge it into the table they'll be right next to each other now I'm going to do the same thing for the sugar the coffee tin the sugar and the coffee tin okay so let's move this out let's move this away from everything [Music] okay put it [Music] there and squish it down and bring it over here put the sugar on [Music] it there that looks good okay now let's do three and see what that looks like okay we can put this we put this here and put this one over this side now let's put the cream and the sugar boms and the Sugar by each other now I want to turn the sugar around so the word sugar is f okay so I'm going to have the sugar bombs be the middle [Music] one and then I'm going to put the I'm going to put two of them let's get rid of this and this one [Music] there let's merch them down [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're going to put the cron [Music] one and the sugar bombs on other [Music] [Music] there that looks good okay this grab it by the sugar one and we'll put this one over on this side make weird noises when you move things on this there and I think I'm just going to put the bowl like I had it before all by itself there now let's merge it all let me move my body and one [Music] okay three okay so we got to bring the coffee tin up and the bowl up but that's how you do it next time I'm just going to make I'm going to put the um poker chip underneath the bowl and I'm going to raise the coffee tin up one more I'm not going to do it right now because really no point but I wanted to show you how to do this okay the last thing we're going to do is put something on the ground I don't we do ah the teddy bear okay for this you need a [Music] Floor Decor item to go next to it so let's see what I have oh that would be [Music] [Music] cute there let me see [Music] [Music] there no yeah [Music] there that looks cute okay I hope this video was informational if it was please like And subscribe and share it if you can thanks guys and I hope you have good time building
Channel: ShamelessTrouble
Views: 3,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 76, fallout, f076, camp building, camp build, camp, build, building, generator, merging, merge, pressure plate, Junk, food, aid, miscellaneous, misc, display, place, chessboard, Display junk, place junk, Floor safe, stash, Multiple junk items, flat, flat items, ground, Display on the ground, merge multiple junk
Id: Apa9tM6Bu3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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