FALLOUT 76 | How To Decorate Your Camp With Junk Objects.

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good evening ladies and gentlemen how you getting on welcome to brand new fall 76 Camp guide So today we're going to take a look at as the title says how to decorate basically any surface in your Camp more or less with junk objects that you find around the game world so before we dive into this obviously I'm not the person who came up with this it's not my invention there are a couple of people who have covered this over on YouTube before and of course a whole bunch of people have mentioned in the comments uh about this particular technique so uh kind of building on that but you know Fallout and YouTube and so on and so forth something a VIN diagram really it's not completely overlapping so uh for those who haven't already seen it hopefully this will be useful t76 is the first person I actually saw doing this although I think there are others out there as well so you should absolutely check TNG this channel out very nice chat that I met recently does a lot of cool Fallout Camp stuff so definitely have a gander at his channel so let's take a little look at how we can use junk items to decorate on a camp so basically this is going to rely primarily on the merge glitch which I have done a video on before but uh we'll go back over it here swiftly so you can have a look at how to do this so let's take a look okay so first up there's an example of what this actually looks like when you do it we got a whole bunch of stuff just placed on there not perfect obviously we are glitching so uh we got a tiny little bit of clipping along the bottom of some of these things like the teddy bear there and the uh the globe but still on the whole not too bad I don't think so let's open up build mod first and foremost so as I say first thing we need to do is use the merge glitch so if you don't know how to do this we need first up go to the power connectors and grab the pressure plate so we'll drop that down there where we can see it nice now first thing we need to do is make sure that this Center section of it with the the grip on it the the bit that actually moves is in the lower position rather than its current upper position there's two ways to do that one you can just connect a wire to it and uh that will solve the problem there which apparently I'm having a hard time doing there we go that does it works just fine another way you can do it is to place it and just pick it up and drop it again and there we go both of those should work whichever one's easiest for you is uh fine we're going to go with that one for now cuz it's worked so we're going to use a stash box to do this with and I'm actually going to use a smaller one just for the sake of ease of visibility we'll drop that back in so that's just basically set up to do the merge we're going to give you a quick example let's um yeah this will do quite nicely if assuming this is going to work my Tannery bench stick that on the top just put it sticking off a little bit so you can kind of see what's going on and now these are in we just simply pick up the object to be merged into in this case the cabinet using the move option which is the E key on PC be down there at the bottom on uh console if you're on there and then we use the place button again same button just to put it back staying on the pressure pad of course and you see the Tannery bench in this case is dipping down a little bit which will allow you to put things on for example the Shelf down there so if we move a b bit further down repeat the process you can see it's sinking in quite nicely and then I could just pick that up put it wherever I want nice so how do we do this though well this is going to require the use of a display object and I should say here this is a time sensitive thing so if you're watching this around about the time it went up then season 16 is currently running and we will need an object available from the season 16 rewards pool so we'll have a look at that now but if you are jumping into this later on IE after June of 2024 then season 16 will be over and it's possible another object may come up that will work in the same way but you may also have to keep an eye out on the atomic shop for a catch-up bundle that may at some point in the future contain this item so um it's a little bit hit and miss on that one obviously trying to predict the future here at the moment but keep an eye out for that if the uh the season has ended otherwise grab it while it's hot so let's have a look at where that actually is we go over to the season page all the way over to page five here and we need this chess P display so this is around about the 30s I believe page five come opens up so rank 30ish somewhere around about there not too difficult to reach but we grab this particular item the chest board here and if we have a quick inspect you can see does what it says on the 10 it's place as a display object you see we got uh was that a tato or a gourd I think there's a gourd on there isn't it and you just place it down and decorate with just about anything which is quite nice so how are we going to use this well helps if open the build menu first there we go we can find it on the display tab there we go and we have it's a little temperamental there you go quite nice and small so one thing that is worthy noting is on the right there you can see that there is a limit of 30 display objects not all of the display objects um sort of use that limit put three of these down for the moment if we go all the way up to say the mannequins they have their own limit whereas we look at the Holiday tree flare display that's back on the 30 limits so yeah keep an eye on that and you don't run out of space there is a limit to how many of these you can place in a camp but it's a useful technique nonetheless for using things that you can't necessarily Place through the build menu obviously I do have a whole bunch of stuff that you can place through the build menu and you could acquire through the atomic shop or through Seasons depending like that sort of thing here see these are nice surface decoration objects that don't require any fancy tricks to place but for the objects that aren't available let's have a look at how we do this chest boards are in place as you can see three of those for now we're going to come out the build menu hit the transfer option and well we can do a few different things we can do apparel so a fun object to do might be say the space suit helmet here why not let's do that that'll go on there it's sideways apparently but we'll fixed that in a bit on the next one let's have a look at some junk objects H basketball yeah why not let's do that looks good and let's pick another junk object we got down here that's going to LEAP out at me Lighthouse souvenir yeah that should be cool nice got a nice uh nice little line up from there cool so we're going to open up the build menu doesn't matter too much which way around these ones are facing but our helmet here is the wrong way around oh that's the wrong thing so carefully make sure I get the chest board not the uh cabinet there we'll just rotate that around the right way time's moving on there we go so once you're happy with the placement which we'll pretend we are for right now dead simple as before with the merge glitch we just need to pop this up and down twice so we're going to grab the cabinet move Place move place there we go and the chest board has sunk into the surface leaving us with just the objects on the top now as we can see as I said before some things work a little better than others there's maybe a little bit of sinking in on the uh the lighthouse there and the the helmet has definitely sunk in a little bit but the the basketball looks pretty spot on quite happy about that and obviously these are a mixed bag as well but as far as placing these objects on there nice and easy and allows you to decorate with things you might might not otherwise be able to in locations you can otherwise not do so we store that everything disappears just quickly check obviously the stuff I built with that's not stored appears over here and everything else will just disappear back into my stash which is nice and handy so get out the way and there we go H something disappeared there very strange most bizarre haven't noticed that happening before I have to keep an eye on that one I don't know if that's disapp appeared in with everything else or if something weird has occurred wa no that's just vanished well we are working with glitches so something to keep an eye out on apparently um not a perfect system but then again we are going outside the limits of what the game is intending to happen so there we go anyway it does work if occasionally uh it might get a little bit weird something to keep an eye out for hope you folks found that one useful and informative and should uh Aid with the decoration of your camps my latest Camp build right here video up on that if you want to check it out well you're it have a little look around the channel drop some subs and likes always very much appreciated and hit that notification Bell then you can catch my uploads if you happen to uh be looking around loads of other bits and pieces going on as well we're live streaming Fallout 76 and a few other games as well got a lot of fun stuff happening there outside of the Fallout space as well if you're looking for something to watch have a little poke around the channel do very much appreciate down below the video as well we've got social media links merch door and channel memberships on the blue Joy button if you want to support the channel That way I hugely hugely appreciate it really really helps out so massive massive thank you to everyone who's done that already do very much appreciate but for now thank you very much for watching and I look forward to speaking to you all very very soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Darth Xion
Views: 8,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 76, darth xion, how to place junk anywhere in fallout 76, Fallout 76 junk decoration, fallout 76 chessboard, fallout 76 awesome new item, fallout 76 camp building, fallout 76 guide, season 16, tips and tricks, fallout 76 season, fallout 76 2024, fallout 76 tutorial, fallout 76 season 16, fallout 76 merge glitch, Fallout 76 camp tips, Fallout 76 camp tutorial, fallout 76 camp guide
Id: Qye-kOoNE0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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