How To Merge Clips In CapCut - Full Guide

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we'll guide you through how to combine Clips in cap cut if you find this guide useful then please consider subscribing and liking the video first of all open up an existing project or go and create a new one and then what you want to do is go and import the media you want to go and use if you haven't already so I've got mine here which I want to go and merge and then what you want to do is click on it and then drag it into your timeline like so so what you can do is combine videos if they're next to each other like this but what I want to do is go and have them on top of each other so what I'm going to do is click and then drag this up just like so on top of this one and then I'm going to come up to my preview here you don't have to do this and I just want to go and adjust them so they're side by side like this and then I'll go and make this video bigger if you want to change the ratio of the video you can change it just in the bottom right of it here and then what I like to do as well is just make sure the clips end at the same time as well so just go and click and then drag this end point so they end at the same time and as I said you can also have videos next to each other and on top of each other and then what you need to do is select the videos you wish to go and combine and make into one you can click and then drag like that or you can just go and click and then hold control and then go and select them as well and then just right click and click on create compound clip like so and just like that then now One Clip it's that simple
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 13,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to merge clips in capcut, how to combine clips in capcut, how to combine 2 clips in capcut, how to merge 2 clips in capcut
Id: dSd-R5vykUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 20sec (80 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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