5 Masking Mastery Tips in CapCut | Step-by-Step Tutorial

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hi guys today I'm going to teach you five masking tips in cap cut that will change your video content forever and don't worry if you're new with cap Cuts just stick with me and you'll see that this thing is really easy at the end you'll be able to do effects like changing the sky revealing the text behind the person and much more but now let's just explain masking a real quick here if we jump to the cap cut we now have two images the first one is yellow and the other one is green background but as you see the yellow image is an overlay so let's stretch this image so it covers the whole area now let's scroll to the right till you see the mask icon click on it and I'm just going to choose split what this masking do is creates two clips one is on top of the other and allows us to see both Clips at the same time what we can do is move the yellow line left and right we can rotate it and we can also blur the transition between the two clips if you want you can also choose a different shape like Circle or heart so let's jump into the first tip which is text reveal here I have me walking on the road so we will use this clip to make the first masking tape together create a new project and import the video when we are walking first thing we need to do is write some text I will use a bold text because it's much more visible on the clip here I'm going to change style and font and I'm going to make it a little bit bigger we have to move text to the beginning and stretch it to the end the first part is over so now we need to export the clip after that we need to create a new project again and first we need to import the clip without the text and after that the clip with the text now now highlight the clip with the text click on overlay and pull the clip on the beginning then you have to move a few frames where person start to covering the text and click key frame now scroll to the right on the menu in the bottom and click on mask and choose split we now need to rotate the yellow line so we don't see the text anymore move the line to the beginning of the text and move forward a few frames and reposition the line again do that every few frames and every time you do that the new key frame will appear automatically repeat the process till the text is completely real after that we have to highlight the first clip which is without the text and click copy and overlay now drag the clip to the beginning we have three clips now covering each other with the lowest clip highlighted click cut out and remove background so we'll only have the person on the clip without the background and if we now play what we created you will get something like [Music] this if you like that video till now hit that like button and subscribe so I can get a boost to do more videos like this next masking tip is film strip for this tip I'm going to use drawn footage which I downloaded it from website called pixels so let's highlight the clip and scroll over to mask and choose film strip now move the bars to the top and the bottom Edge and click key frame now go forward a few frames and click another key frame and again a little bit forward and now pull the bars a little bit together so we create another key frame so what we have now is [Music] this I know that clip doesn't look special so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some music and because I really don't like to be claimed when posting videos on YouTube I use a pamic sound where I can find just the right music and sound effects for my videos which are copyrighted I will leave you a link in the description in case you want to try it for free for days so I will add the music which I found on epidemic sound and for which I think it's really good fit for for this video what I would like to do is I would like to match this music pick here with the moment when film strep bars are starting to close to do that we need to cut the music so we match the sound with the exact moment in the video when we match both we get something like [Music] this I'm sure you agree that this is so much better now let me show you the second option we can do with the film strip let's highlight the clip and scroll to mask and choose film strip now pull the bars a little bit together and blur the transitions between the video now rotate the bars like that and pull them up to the left corner click key frame move a couple of seconds ahead and move the bars to the right bottom corner so we create another key frame now let's add the music again I'm going to choose the same music as we did for the first case and we are done with the second [Music] option okay let's move to the third effect which I called a barrier effect now in my case I was using the tree for a barrier and if we play the first clip you will see that there is nothing special to this video but if we use a second clip as an overlay and masking tool then we have another story we can do two options here the first one is a little bit easier and when we just disappear behind the tree so let's duplicate this clip and click overlay and then pull it right back to the beginning [Music] now move to the point where you start walking and click split and then delete the left part Slide the clip to the beginning highlight the clip click on mask and choose split now rotate the yellow lines so the second clip is visible and place it on the tree and if we play the clip now we have nice disappearing effect now let's try the second op option highlight the second clip click overlay and pull the clip to the beginning highlight the second clip click on mask and choose split now rotate the line anticlockwise and place it on the tree now all we have to do is find the right position with the second clip because we have to match the first and the second person when going behind the tree and at the end you got to get something like this [Music] now the next tip is really cool and I called it teleport effect and it looks something like this for this effect I'm going to use clip when I'm walking up the stairs first thing we need to do is highlight the clip and on the beginning of the video click on freeze icon now stretch the clip in my case to around 7 seconds and move to the point where you want effect to happen then highlight the clip click split and remove the left part highlight the clip again click overlay and pull it to the beginning move to the beginning stretch and highlight the second clip and click freeze again now shrink the highlighted clip to around 0.5 seconds stretch the clips again highlight the second clip and go to the end of this clip now at this point click key frame then click on mask and choose circle now move the circle to the person and shrink it so it covers only the person now pull the fade arrows in the bottom just a little bit now move back a few frames and shrink the circle to the zero so we create another key frame this is what we have till now now move to the end of the second clip click cut out and remove background now shrink the clips go to the right side and pull that second clip to the left so it slightly covers the first one now click on overlay and import the smoke effect for which I'm going to leave you the link in the description click on blend and choose filter and set it to around 55 now when we need to position this effect so it covers our body but because this effect is a little too slow we're going to set it five times the speed so click the speed and set it to five times faster now we need to click key frame on the beginning and move the effect so it follows our body if we play now this is what we got now we need to do the same for the end part with just a slight adjustments now go to the point where we want the effect to appear again and click split now what we need to do now is copy the effect and pull it to the point where we want to appear again now highlight the second clip click cut out and remove the background because we want to disappear at the end we need to reverse the effect so highlight the effect and click on reverse icon now move down to our effect and what we need to do is we have to delete the key frames that we have from the first time we do that so we move to the certain key frame and we will see on the top we have a key frame with a minus so we click on that we have to delete all the key frames because we deleted all the key frames we have to set the new ones so the effect follows our body again at the end now move to the beginning of the upper clip and click key frame and then we scroll to the mask icon and choose Circle move circle to the body and shrink it so it covers only the body now move to the point where you want to Disappear Completely move the circle so we create another key frame and shrink the circle to the zero let's see the whole clip [Music] now let's move to our last tip where we will change the sky import the video you want to work on click overlay add overlay and import the sky you like in my case I'm going to use Aurora Sky because I really like the colors stretch the sky so it covers the whole clip highlight the first clip click copy then overlay and drag it to the beginning highlight the last clip click cut out and remove background now highlight the clip of the sky and go on mask and choose split and rotate the line according to your nature pull down the yellow line towards the trees and adjust the blur between the sky and the nature and here we have the end result I hope you like the tutorial if you have any questions you can always write me down in the comment section and if you didn't subscribe yet do that now so you can see more videos like this bye
Channel: Rene Mlekuz
Views: 40,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut, capcut tutorial, capcut edit tutorial, masking, video editing, step by step, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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