How To Master A 3 Day Pizza Dough Recipe at Home

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hey it's andris at the baking steel test kitchen we're gonna make our 72-hour dough it's real simple real easy all it requires is for you to prepare in advance so if pizza night is friday night we begin the process on tuesday and this is really important to say too if you don't have three days to ferment your dough you know 24 hours is still going to be a really good dough 48 hours even better 72 legendary but just keep that in mind so if your pizza night is friday night start your dough on even thursday and it'll be much better than anything you can purchase at the store all right let's do this let's look at our ingredients we have flour this is a bread flour it's organic we highly recommend organic bread flour is typically higher in protein content but feel free to explore and try some all-purpose you know mix and match your doughs this is 500 grams of bread flour okay our salt is a sea salt 16 grams water filtered water room temperature and of course our active dry yeast which is just one gram next i'll just take my yeast and i'll dump it into the um into the flour i'm just gonna give it a whisk okay that's it the water i'm gonna do is dump my salt into it this is my first step and i'm going to let the salt dissolve just get a little shake and let this dissolve for maybe maybe two or three minutes then i'll give that salt one more little stir the salt is dissolved out of the water for the most part is poured into my flour and i like to grab something to kind of mix this to slowly incorporate all the ingredients before i pour it out onto the desk onto the um i said desk but it's really hit my counter and i literally just take it out and now i'm going to do is for the next put a timer on yourself for like maybe two or three minutes i'm going to lightly just press this out just like this and all i'm doing is really i'm taking those flowers the dry clumps and pressing them out so there aren't any right and i'm making one big mass of dough you can see it's starting to come together a little bit i've done this probably four or five hundred times this year alone so i know um what's gonna happen eventually it's gonna turn after about two minutes it's gonna start to get really wet and really sticky and that is the tail that i know that kind of done its job the water's gonna now incorporate beautifully i've got one big massive dough just like that scrape your hands off you can see that it's gorgeous i place this right back into the bowl there we go all right so i'm gonna cover this for the next three days the first day i'm gonna put on the counter maybe for the next eight to ten hours i'm gonna leave on the counter and then i'm gonna push this whole bulk of dough into the fridge for two more days make our dough balls and then we're gonna make some pizza all right so it's been like two two days two more days this dough has been sitting in the fridge uh you can see still in the same container what i'm going to do now is you can actually open this up you can smell that that aroma the alcohol it is just bursting with flavor so now we're going to do is we're going to stretch it out i'm not stretching we actually make dough balls first and then we'll stretch it out and make our pizza so we're going to take this dough out of the container i'm going to measure up some i like to measure it up this will make you know three or four dough balls depending on the size but i like to make them around 240 grams that seems to be a good sweet spot for a nice 10 or 12 inch pizza once you get the size down we make our dough balls and this is a really really important step uh oh and the dough is really wet and really sticky so remember to be generous with the flour down okay and i cover kind of both sides and then i'm going to pick it up just like this and i like it cold because the dough is cold it's gonna not be as sticky so keep that in mind um once i flour it up i'm just gonna fold it in half and then turn i'm gonna lightly press my fingers into it almost like a heart okay and then close it again and i follow the same sequence you know probably about 10 or 20 times each time i do this i'm pushing a little bit of the air out and i'm making a tighter and tighter skin and essentially what i'm doing is i'm trapping all those gluten strands right inside this dough inside a dough ball and if it gets sticky at all just remember flour your hands up be generous it's okay and close i do the sequence maybe 15 or 20 times and you can see here it's really got a smooth side like a baby's butt almost place that into my palm and now i can be aggressive and close that up okay and you can see i've got a beautiful dough ball i'm going to do that again for you guys just so you can see how i did it again about 240 250 grams flour your hands up nicely coat both sides so it's dough won't be sticky just take it your hands and fold it in half and then turn your hands sideways grab each side and lightly press in and then close follow that same sequence about 15 or 20 times each time you do this you have a smooth side and you have this seam side we're making a ball i'm knocking some of the air out and close press and close press and close and now take the smooth side put it into my palm and i can be aggressive here and pinch it closed and i've got a dough ball now the last step we're going to do is take these balls we're going to make pizza tonight okay so we don't need this dough because we just massaged all those glutens and we trapped um the gases inside those gluten strands it needs to relax the dough is still cold so we're gonna let it we're gonna cover it up and let it sit on the counter for three or four hours airtight and then what's going to happen is the dough at that point the glutens will be relaxed and we can stretch it out and make our pizza and that's our 72-hour done
Channel: Andris Lagsdin
Views: 123,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baking steel pizza, baking steel dough recipe, pizza dough, make pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, baking steel dough, bakingsteel pizza, pizza steel, how to make pizza, homemade pizza, pizza making, pizza stone, how to make pizza at home, how to make pizza dough, pizza at home, dough recipe, homemade pizza dough, easy pizza recipe, make pizza at home, home made pizza, easy pizza dough, pizza recipe, how to make pizza dough at home, baking steel pizza dough recipe
Id: a_JGETcq0QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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