Pizza Dough recipe Perfect Crust Class | Homemade Recipe | 72 Hour Pizza Dough Class

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amazing so pizza making with dough then then sauce then cheese top bake into the oven to make a bacon steel Pizza it's going to be phenomenal let's get right into the dough this is our 72 hour dough recipe I've got my dough container here and I have 500 grams of organic red flour from Central Milling which means um beautiful flower I love this on a baking steel at a 500 degree oven I can link to show you guys where to get this from I'm using a digital scale to weigh all my ingredients the most accurate way speaks I've already got my um you know this let's see exactly what's going on here I've got my flour in there I have 500 grams of flour and next I'm going to add 16 grams of sea salt and so I just kind of put my salt in my scale is already zeroed out once I hit 16 boom I'm done I'm gonna take my whisk and just whisk this up all right super easy the skill level is like for a fifth grader okay now I'm going to use some active dry yeast some flesh mittens I'm going to use one gram my micro scale is still broken my best guess is about the size of a dime that might be leaving a little heavy that's one gram of active dry yeast I place that in my same container and I'm going to whisk it around okay I can shake this container a little bit anyways all right so now I'm going to zero my scale out again and I hit the tear button which is t-a-r-e it zeros it out with my container on top and next I'm going to take some filtered water and just pour it in when I hit 350 I know it's enough 290 320. 348 354. so I'm a little bit heavy that's okay move my digital scale out of the way here's my flower salt yeast and water and now I'm just going to kind of spread it out with my my dough scraper here right just like that next what I'll do I'm going to take one of my hands you guys have seen me do this before pick one of my hands and place it in the dome take my bracelet off because I don't want it all um go all over it so my hand goes into the container and I just press and I mix I'm kind of just pressing all the dry clumps of flour out of this my other hand is ready to grab a phone do something else if needed right A Little Flower so one hand dry one hand wet and I do this I can scrape off the sides for about two or three minutes and as I like I just scrape the sides here as I'm going what I like about these containers is I'm not getting it um I'm not getting it um my my mess all over the counter just kind of keeping everything contained contained in the container right after about two or three minutes I'm gonna stop this a little bit early just the sake of class here today right I can scrape off my hands press it out go I would probably just get these Corners a little bit better and press all the flour in as much as I can I know the exact right ingredients in here next what I'm going to do clean my hand out one more time boom one more press I'll take my cover I'm going to cover this up the counter at room temp right for 24 hours after 24 hours yeah washing my hands after 24 hours I'm going to take the same dough and then place it into the fridge I'll put it in the fridge for one or two more days depending when I'm making pizza ultimately I want to give it um at least 24 hours in the fridge I'll be at 48 hours which is what we have today a 48 hour fermentation that's that simple okay so today I removed it from the fridge and I made a double I'm gonna make a dough ball now for you guys you can see how I do that and you know I made another this is a enough for about three or four dough balls um I make a double batch of this weekly and I keep it in my fridge almost all the time so the day I'm making pizza which for me is almost a few times a week I'm going to remove one or two dough balls each time and then place this back in the fridge soaking ferment for like three four five days I always have dough on demand so I keep this container in my fridge and if I don't want to make pizza guess what I can make bread and we did bread I think last week can we do bread last week um it's phenomenal right so bread pizza on demand dinner rolls you name it it's incredible so let's get into making the dough ball next all right so what I'll do put this in front of you first receive this here I'm just gonna lightly coat it in flour right lightly coat it I'm gonna flour my hands up okay and now I'm gonna do and there's a million different ways of doing this what I like to do is take it press my fingers and let lightly in this close and I turn my hands like this I grab each side and I make press again and close and then I turn it let me show you a different angle in two seconds so I press in and then close and then turn now let's do it from here as you guys can see exactly what I'm doing I'm grabbing the side I'm pressing in it's not a stress ball okay I'm being gentle I don't want to rip it I'm just lightly pressed if it gets stuck on my hands at all I'm going to put some more flour so I don't want to getting stuck I don't want to rip the glutens apart okay just press it in and close and then turn I follow the same sequence about 20 times each time I do this I'm getting some of the air out right and it's getting more and more top next what I'll do is I'll take this smooth side of the dough place it in my palm and now I'm going to close it with my hand I can pinch it pretty aggressively awesome and you get some bubbles showing already so this is a two day dough I will place this back inside my container and cover it up and let this dough ball rest for about four hours okay and then I'll make it'll be chilled relaxed the glutens were relaxed at that point and it'll be ready to stretch and make a dough making process like right I just made the dough I made my dough balls after two days then again I can make these whenever I feel like it's going into my fridge and making another one okay any um any questions here let's we can take a pause here because the next step is to be pizza making so this is probably a good spot to stop um I'm gonna put that in my container I'm Gonna Keep it covered if I don't have my dough containers I can use a sheet tray I can cover it with plastic wrap to sprinkle a little flour on top of it so it doesn't stick to the um plastic wraps but really it's going to be amazing super easy highest skills to be making those dough balls um just takes a little bit of practice uh is that four hours on the counter or four hours in the fridge so after I remove it from the fridge and I make my dough ball I want my dough balls to rest at room temperature we call that the final proof and four hours seems to be pretty ideal and for me room temperature is about 70 72 degrees and that seems ideal um should I flower both sides I don't flower the bottom side I just kind of sprinkle a little bit on top I like to use my dough scraper to kind of scrape underneath it um it's in my dough container or on the sheet tray of some sort just kind of give yourself some a nice flat area um I'm using this is a central Milling flower it's their high mountain organic flower it's it's phenomenal and it handles great it was longer fermentations it's a 13.5 percent um protein content which is positive that means it can really handle a long fermentation and I mean like three four five days without much um without any real issues the glutens in bread and flour after we ferment for a few days begin to weaken so you'll see when I stretch my dough out because it's been fermented for a couple of days it's gonna stretch super easy because the glutens have now weakened because I've been fermenting it that also means that we can digest it better in our system when it comes through it's not super tight gluten strands can I use double zero flour absolutely Some people prefer it over bread flour it's a dealer's Choice a coin flip I've just used them both quite a bit I find at 500 degrees on a baking steel I have not found a flower that's better than the sexual melon ah can I freeze the dough balls yes great question in fact we have a new blog coming out this week on freezing dough uh the short answer is definitely yes when I freeze the dough I make my I ferment it for one or two days this is if I know I'm gonna freeze dough I fermented for one or two days I make my dough balls and then I freeze right away I don't want those to proof at all and we have more detail on that coming out this week all right um what changes depending on how much yeast you use what would have if you added two grams oh great question if I'm freezing my dough I will add more yeast I will sneak in two grams instead of one gram maybe even three because some of these is gonna die in the freezer so if I know I'm freezing it I will add a little bit more not much changes as far I mean one to two or three not a huge difference but um yeast I don't know you don't need that much I guess we just use a micro amount because we find we don't really need a lot so less is more in that in that in that case what kind and size bumping up my container question again what kind in socks okay this that's a great question I don't know what size this is I don't know I should know that answer I think it's four quarts maybe that'll be a gallon coupon look that up on my website the Adobe container yeah if someone wants to go on our website in the Joe container I'll tell you the exact size I should know that I don't off the top of my head um but anyway this um this is awesome because it's got a lid in the cover I can make a thousand batch so I can hold up to like seven or eight goes inside of there which is awesome as well sorry guys um all right I hope that answers that do you ever use a poolish or bigger pre-ferment um I do I have yes I have used a foolish or a bigger before and that just means where I make like a pre free dough before I mix my dough oh it's a five liter container this is five liters um I do but I find like when I do a three or four day format I'm kind of doing the same thing so I find that this saves a step I mix my dough the same day and just let it go um so in the room temperature is more like high 70s should it be four hours Short oh good question if it's if it's hot out yeah you could probably keep an eye on it three hours is probably adequate but not not much shorter than that that would make sense awesome um but not always as light and Airy as yours consistency so Jim I I'm assuming you're measuring um what kind of flour are you using it makes a big difference also you want to master making those dough balls I can't stress that enough it takes a lot of practice what we're doing we're tightening that ball up getting some of the air out then we're trapping all the natural gases Inside by sealing it so when it goes to expand on that final proof um it becomes Airy enlightened the outer sides starts to split apart when I'm folding and pressing have fold too much yes so Audrey and um I can't stress this enough when we're making the dough balls and that's why it does take practice really need to be gentle when I pressed in my dough I'm going to show you again like when I press my dough like I pressed in and I fold my hands are super like look it I'm going in like maybe an inch and I close it I'm super patient if it's starting to rip and tear I mean my hands don't have enough flour on them I don't want it to stick to my hands it's not a stress ball so I'm being firm but like really gentle at the same time and you can see this the lighting doesn't do this justice but there's really it's super smooth here like a baby's butt it's not going to be um not ripping at all and I can't stress that enough just be really gentle with your your dough ball the only time I say to be aggressive is when we're pinching it closed I can be a little aggressive there that simple
Channel: Andris Lagsdin
Views: 5,689
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Keywords: pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, pizza, how to make pizza, how to make pizza dough, homemade pizza, homemade pizza dough, pizza recipe, baking steel, baking steel dough, 72 hour pizza dough, 72 hour pizza dough baking steel, Homemade Recipe, Perfect Crust Class, homemade pizza recipe, how to make fresh pizza dough, Pizza Dough Mastery, pizza steel, baking steel pizza, baking steel other, best pizza dough recipe, Pizza Dough recipe, easy pizza dough recipe, easy pizza dough
Id: MV5zY0nf5Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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