How To Make Pizza In A Home Oven

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this is andrus at the baking steel test kitchen welcome to pizza making with the broiler calling it this the broiler method and you know we've got a lot of different trials and tribulations with our steel in fact originally when we had the baking steel the little booklet that we uh sent along with the steel said to put the steel on the bottom rack of the oven and that's how we made pizzas for the first probably a year or two until we started doing more testing getting more feedback from uh people using our steels and we decided to uh move the steel to the top rack of your oven if you can see here top rack steel which uh we need about six inches from the broiler and we'll get some close-ups soon of that you need to leave yourself enough room to launch your pie in the oven we're fortunate with these beautiful monogram ovens that the racks slide out so we can get it really tight but even with that we still like to be about six inches from the top because the broiler if you're not using a timer and you have experience there you can burn pizzas and believe me i've burned a bunch mostly it's craig who's burning them not me but uh you need to use a timer which i don't want my timer seriously one of these things keep it handy especially with the porter in today's class we've got two different oven types here we have a gas monogram gas oven here and we have electric and it's two different styles for your home and we'll talk about the gas but we're gonna make it on the electric because the electric is a little bit more tricky and finicky the gas for the most part when i switch i preheat my baking steel for one hour and when i switch that oven to broil which will we'll test a little bit it goes on pretty fast whereas the electric we found are really quirky meaning if i blast my oven at 500 for a preheat and some of these even go to 550 degrees fahrenheit it's almost too hot in other words when i switch it to broil the oven will need to cool down before the broiler kicks in and we found that to be a real nuisance when making pizza and this kitchen hacks you can google this and find out find some different hacks to to reduce the heat like keep the door open cracked what we have found recently what we've been doing over the last year is and we painfully learned this lesson we were doing a big video session one day our ovens were way too hot i launched a pizza in thinking i could just turn the broiler on and it didn't kick in for like what 10 minutes and anyway it was not the style that i was doing long story short we learned something that day we learned that if we preheat our oven at 450 degrees fahrenheit uh it's not too hot that when we switch it over to broil the broiler tends to kick on a lot faster which is what we're going to do today all right that was long winded uh so i'm gonna make a pizza here i'll show you how i do it then we'll get to some questions all right how you sound chef good let's rock and roll so you guys been with us we'll go through all the steps my dough has been removed from the fridge i'm using these dough trays this is awesome you can uh we'll lengthen these but make smaller versions that fit in your home oven i need a pizza peel the dough has been removed this time a year like two or three hours before um the bake i need to relax those glutens inside the dough we want the dough to get room temperature so when we do that remove it um about an hour before this class i turn the oven on 450 degrees fahrenheit with convection for a good hour for that heat to absorb inside the steel so we're there my first thing before i grab my dough i'm gonna lube up my peel and how i do that is i take the flour and you guys can see here i post post it on and i take a little semolina flour if you've been following us we say no corn meal please no cornmeal and the reason being is cornmeal one it's corn i don't like corn on the bottom of my pizza but two it tends to burn a little bit too fast on the hot steel so a little semolina flour and flour those are my ball bearings you can see them on here i lightly dust it the better i get the less i'm going to use um but for now you can see i've got a pretty good amount of flour on here those are my ball bearings put it aside take a deep breath all right we're gonna make pizza we got this all right now my dough i'm gonna flour up my workstation we might want to tilt that screen down a little bit yeah flower my workstation okay and i'm using wood here i'm going to take my dough these are about 250 gram dough balls okay i'm going to place them right down to the flour make sure this is um not gonna stick and i just kind of flip it over a couple of times okay and now i know it's not gonna stick to the table i've got my flour done um i'm gonna pause and jump into sauce because i didn't make my sauce ahead of time purposefully so i can show everybody how we do it so my dough aside let's talk tomatoes this is our tomato sauce anybody who makes pizza and this is the first time following us we're gonna throw away our grandmother's recipe sorry grandma but sorry we're gonna discard that for pizza making and we're gonna find our favorite can of tomatoes today we're using crushed organic bianco dinopoly tomatoes these are already crushed and all i'm going to do drum roll please i'm going to open up the can and i'm going to add sea salt very skillful skillfully right i got my can open and now i'm going to add about 10 grams of sea salt again this measurement isn't critical if you like salt add a little bit more if you don't add less 10 grams go in take a spatula gir shout out to my friends at gir these are awesome by the way and just give it a little mix that is my tomato sauce careful now i spill a little bit here scrape it up if you don't want any moisture on her you can do it zamboni up out of the way okay now let's go back to the dough we got our sauce ready so it goes back into the flour it's not going to stick and now i'm going to do is lightly just press into this dough and this is a four day dough so it's really soft and supple it feels like a cloud in my hands i might pick it up a little bit make sure it's not sticking and i press it onto a disk about five or six inches wide then what i'm going to do is just pick it up on the back of my knuckles i'm going to give a little tug and i'm going to let gravity do all of the work so i just turn and get a little shake turn give it a little shake you can see this starting to you know it's starting to be round i'm not pressing out those air bubbles i'm gently stretching it around and around and i'm going to be patient and you can see it's starting to grow when it gets to be about 10 or 11 inches i know it's about the size i'm making here i'm gonna be very happy happily place that onto my pizza peel okay you guys can see that it's gorgeous right and now let's make a pizza before i do sauce before i do cheese i'm going to give this dough a little bit of a shake back and forth and it should slide like a hockey puck if it does not slide like a hockey puck time out take some flour underneath that corner that is stuck okay and then try it again make sure it slides like a puck it is it's still sliding so i'm confident now that my pizza is going and i at this point it's kind of a little stretch again i want i might be able to pinch these these edges here and what i like about when i do this is it gives these the edges a little bit of texture right each bite is going to be a little bit unique because we're making artisan pizza here this isn't just this isn't your papa john's right we've got this incredible four day dough with or made with organic flowers this is going to be a totally unique pizza we got crushed organic tomatoes it's just beautiful it's still shaking i'm confident now i can sauce my pizza and again our mantra is less is more so i pick my sauce spoon it in the middle remember there's a lot of moisture in sauce the more i use is going to seep through this dough and this dough will not cook well so less is more you can see i don't have a ton of sauce on there right not a ton and what i'm gonna do next before i do cheese i'm gonna give it a little shake it's still sliding like a puck really critical okay now the broiler method because i'm almost done topping my pizza i'm gonna go to my oven and switch it to broil you guys want to watch this this is huge switch it over the dial and i know because i've made pieces in this oven you know hundreds of times i'm going to give that boy about two minutes and it should kick off ready to launch this pizza and i'm gonna give myself another check intuitively i know the more i do this the more confident i'm gonna have going into the oven okay still loose now flavor we've got um i'm going to throw some oregano down right on top of my sauce kind of hide it underneath you've got me the shredder smaller a little oregano now i'm going to take some parmesan reggiano again i'm at layering a little bit of flavor in okay just take this and just grate it on you can smell it it smells amazing all right so before i add my my next cheese i'm gonna give it a little shake again it's still loose like a hockey puck it's still sliding so i'm still good to go all right and now for the cheese and if you followed us long enough we know we always shred our own cheese and yes i am bringing out the wonder shredder 1929 i think it's been cleaned since then 100 years old basically right i'm going to grate my cheese right onto my pizza and the reason i'm sure you guys all know this now but the reason we shred our own cheese because these individual shreds when we buy it pre-shredded are coated with starch and the starch tends to brown too soon so we shred it ourselves to eliminate that and now we're gonna do is we're ready for the oven so um the broiler's probably on one last final shake take a deep breath back of the peel to the back of the steel ready to go and we'll launch this thing in my broiler is on by the way two minutes in back in my peel to the back of the steel and kind of shake it off like a puck boom close your oven up grab your timer i'm using two minutes as my checkpoint that way if i get into a conversation i know um this time will go off and i won't burn it so if i left this timer on for say four minutes and i didn't check my pizza i'm gonna burn the living you know what out of that dough um this is ready to g for uh for the kids to watch all those kid pizza makers at home it's gonna get better and better watch um two minutes boom ready to go now if i was gonna make pizza in this gas oven that broiler is really it doesn't have the same sensitivities i could literally turn that broiler on and it's going to kick in let's try it let's see how long it takes i'm going to actually time it i'm going to go to broil high there's two settings on the broiler this broiler high and broiler low some might even have medium i go full tilt all the time on high and so i've got that on let's see how long it takes to kick in we're going to time it um i'm telling you now tell me what it kicks in sometimes some ovens are going to go on like instantaneously like especially the older ovens this is a this is a monogram the door's open it's on it's on so it took about 17 seconds to kick in which is pretty fast so be mindful of that if you're at home if you have a gas oven that boy doesn't kick in if you have electric try to figure out the uh the rhythm of the oven so it's been almost two minutes ready to go in so i'm gonna go inside the oven and take a peek it's been almost two minutes look at those bubbles amazing um incredible underneath is kind of almost done right it's beautiful i'm gonna turn my broiler off and i'll go to 500 at this point i don't really i want as much heat as possible i'm using just one steel turn the oven the broiler is back off now i'll cook this for two minutes without the broiler and we'll be done with this pizza it's gonna be beautiful we'll top it with some more pomegranates we'll top it with some maybe some basil if you like it the under crust is going to be cooked just unbelievably well and tomatoes are going to taste this shine in your mouth it'll be incredible any questions you guys let's get to them now talk more about your ge monitor your mother oh let's talk more about the oven so these are monovam ovens um they're amazing and i'm not saying that because they're our partner they're awesome these are electric and i love these french doors by the way they do come in handy where they open bottom one has a normal oven door and this is a monogram six burner range a couple of gas a couple things i love about this gas range is every single burner has the same btus they're all equal so i can make i mean everything's the same i'm like my home oven i've got an older oven and all my burners are different sizes and i find i can only make my eggs which i'd like a low temp on one of the burners versus here every burner is the same which is awesome anybody else there's a piece where you can smell that amazing oh how high from the broiler oh how high from the boiler i like it to be about six or seven inches um that's ideal if it's too close even if your racks slide out you know it's funny you have to really bird dog it then it's too almost too hot for the steel and the pizza but it can be done but we ideally about six or seven inches just enough room to leave yourself so you can launch it in and out of the oven more girl more pizza that's our four minute style it's about a four minute pizza let's check it out oh yeah baby oh man that looks amazing see that pull it out of here underneath oh yeah [Music] you guys can see this but underneath is cooked awesome like beautiful right it's crispy it's hot i'm gonna pick this up you guys see how crispy that is underneath just awesome hard um i got some really nice color on top some people might think it's too much char i think it's just right i like it um and now the finishing touches we call this the finishing station i think tony gimignani said it best this is where the magic happens i just made that up sorry tony um i'm gonna grate a little bit more cheese in my hand i was looking for this you believe that like looking where are my glasses you might know where my glasses are um here we go cheese it up basil it's not a must but it's really nice to have some basil on there um if you're gonna take pictures daylight beautiful right if you want to take pictures of it if you guys can see this that awesome you wanna see me slice this yeah all right let's slice it get closer to that all right so now for the slice job um again underneath this is beautiful it smells incredible listen to that sound let me go with the six six slicer just awesome amazing i really doesn't get old guys like this is just as incredible as my first pizza in here um just so incredible grateful to be making this with you guys thank you uh any other questions yes we'll get to those and then we'll uh call them up great question what flour do we use organic bread flour for our 72 hour dough our three-day dough we just prefer organic over anything else less chemicals inside and we use a scent this flower is from central milling dot com it's their high mountain high gluten flower which is equivalent to say a king arthur bread flower awesome uh what happens when you turn forward around what do you do oh good question so i after two minutes i turned this boiler off um i know the oven enough it goes out pretty quick usually within like 10 or 15 seconds and it was off and we flirted with getting a little too dark here a little flirting but i like it i like the cello the color anybody else what were the two shades you used two cheeses were a whole milk low moisture mozzarella that we shredded hand shredded and wonder shredder and then this was a parmesan reggiano was this age 25 months or something something like that whole foods expensive um but this is a great like layering of the flavors like over the sauce and then on top of the sauce too it's really nice and this lasts a long time too did you use any sweetener in the dough no sweetener time we use time in our dough because time helps the flavors develop and you don't you can do it quick with sugar make a same day dough though glutens are really tough on our system to handle but the long fermented doughs the glutens break down making this much easier and much better to digest awesome when would you add pepperoni to that oh when would i add pepperoni to the pizza at the same time after i cheesed it i would just toss some pepperoni on there and it's really nice nice time good time good time pepperoni tell us about your slicer this here will be available at student from from baking steel soon it's called a pizza rocker um we're waiting for our delivery hopefully real soon we'll link up to it it's they're awesome all right you guys well thank you for being here you guys rock um if you guys are watching this on youtube please be sure to subscribe to our channel and we hope you liked the video thank you
Channel: Andris Lagsdin
Views: 25,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza recipe, making pizza, baking steel pizza, baking steel other, pizza steel, baking steel class, pizza, how to make pizza, homemade pizza, making pizzas, homemade pizza recipe, easy pizza recipe, pizza at home, how to make pizza at home, new york pizza, baking steel, baking steel dough, pizza stone, pizza dough, bakingsteel pizza, pizza making, bakingsteel, baking steel recipe, baking steel pizza class, home made pizza
Id: hZ8-rrzkMvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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