Same Day Neapolitan Pizza Dough | An Idiots Guide to Bakers Percentages

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hello and welcome back today I'm going to show you my pizza door recipe if you don't like putting in a little bit of work then you're not going to enjoy this recipe there's going to be a few little tricks I'm going to show you along the way few little methods I'm going to show you rather than tricks cuz there's nothing special here there's nothing stand out I'm just going to show you the simplest way to make pizza door that is guaranteed whether you're using a pizza oven or you're using it in the conventional oven in the house this recipe is going to focus on two main things number one is work by work I mean needing obviously you don't need to need for 20 minutes you really don't there going to lot be there'll be there'll be a lot of people that tell you you need to need for 20 minutes 25 minutes or you need to have your machine on for that long you don't right as I was saying it's a simple recipe traditional neapolitan pizza so flower I'll put the link to this in the comments below yeast so I've only got dried yeast just as just as good or not just as good but does the job salt and water so let's say I'm going to do the full recipe today I'm only do half because I'm not making six D balls for myself a kilogram of flour first thing that's 100% always 100% And by that I mean when I'm using Bakers percentages everything is worked against the flour as 100% so you're working as a percentage of the flour yeah so the yeast slightly more to it than the salt and the water if I'm going to make this and eat this today which I am going to in this case I'm going to use a little bit more yeast which means today I'm going to use 1% and that is using fresh yeast I should mention key so 1% of 1 kg is 10 G of uh 10 G of yeast but because I'm using dried yeast that is half of that 1% so I guess I could really do .5% so I'm using 5 G of active yeast if I'm using a kilogram of flour today I'm halfing the recipe so that's 2.5 g of dried active yeast simple yeah salt very simple I use 3% no no matter what amount of flour I use I use 3% of that in salt so for the full recipes 30 G of salt obviously today it's easy I'm halfing the recipe so that's 15 G of salt but if you want to use a custom amount of flour which I've been trying to work out how much flour equals how many door balls cuz I want x amount of door balls sometime I which want one I might want two I might want four so I've been trying to work that out so if I want 3% let's say I want to use 450 G of flour and I want to know how much salt to use 450 * .03 .03 is 3% that is 13.5 G of flour and just to show you that works 1,000 1 kg * .3 = 30 G and I'll show you again how that works with water so today I'm going to use 65% hydration and this is why it's so important to know the importance of hydration percentages because you can change this to suit the weather the temperature the humidity of just what your preferen is really I tend to work between 62% to 65% 62% is the boundary for what is traditional Neapolitan above 62% is what is considered contemporary if you want to say it is traditional then it has to be no more than 62.5% hydration basically again the same thing if I've got 1,000 G gr of flour and I want 60% hydration that's 600 G 60% of 100 1,000 is 600 in my case I'm going to be using 65% hydration today so that is 650 g but like I said I'm halfing that so although it's easy to do in your head a half of 650 I'm just going to show you the percentage we using a calculator so let's say I've got 325 G of flour 325 G of flour time .65 65% equal 21.25 don't worry about that .25 really it doesn't matter just put 21 and round it down but to show you again that that method works 1,00 * .65 650 simple but I would recommend if you're a new goer at making pizza door you're not familiar with working with door you don't know how a wet a door feels or you might panic and Chu more flowering don't start with 60% and get used to it 60% isn't wet it isn't too dry you're still going to get a nice paint to do out of it so start with 60% hydration at all times and like you say if you want to lower your your flour amount because you don't want to make too many D balls and them go to waste use whatever amount of flour you want and stick to the percentages easy as that so we're through the recipe 1,000 G of flour 600 mil of water if you're working with 60% hydration 30 G of salt which is 3% and 10 G of fresh yeast or 5 G of dry yeast which is 1% only if you are eating it the same day I've got the water here in my case this is 65% hydration remember that cuz when you make it if it's low hydration it's going to look a little bit different maybe feel a little bit different but to begin all the water in I'm going to start by adding the salt and the reason I do this is because I want to dissolve it by dissolving it you get the flavor of the salt this in my opinion you get the flavor of the salt dissolves through the door a lot more evenly now that the salt's worked in we need to create a buffer what I mean by that because salt and yeast are the worst of enemies they can't stand each other it will kill the yeast if you add this in right now and they make direct contact so by creating a buffer you are simply adding in just a small amount of flour I don't know 10% of the flour you going to work that in create an almost batter like consistency it doesn't have to be perfectly dissolved by the way you can have the little lumps in it and stuff but by doing this you're creating a barrier between the salt and the yeast and your yeast can now Thrive cuz we kind of need it it's kind of essential really I've added in that flour can add in the yeast just going to work that around a little bit it's not going to be again it's not going to be perfectly dissolved you're going to see little lumps but you're going to work them out of it once you get further in you just kind of get you just try to disperse it through the water a little bit at this point with this recipe we're just going to work in the flour bit by bit bit so this point you're not going to overwhelm yourself and you're not going to overwhelm the door and you're going to get every last bit of it this flour dissolved and absorbed and as you go twist the ball around and you know have a little bit of a feel about get rid of any dry bits clean your ball as you go but you just need one hand keep one hand clean using that on the side of the ball to help you turn it one hand inside getting m onto the next bit all I'm trying to do here by the way is just kind of look for the little dry bits on the bottom make sure they're getting Incorporated and I'm just slapping it in slap technique in with the next bit and I'll leave one last little bit the end there cuz I don't want to over overcrowd it overwhelm it with too much flower last bit of flour and at this point I'm just folding it around folding that over using my knuckle turnning the ball folding it in [Music] so this is what the door looks like at the minute still looks a little bit dry cuz there's a lot of surface flour still not absorbed and there's a little bit of flour in there that all needs to go in because needs to match the hydration I'm trying to work with and all I'm going to do now tip that excess flour out this is where the proper work commences what I was saying earlier so as you can see I'm just trying to pick up any dry bit of flour at this point all of this flour is included in the recipe so it doesn't need to be wasted just rolling it about and picking up the dry bits of flow okay Shaggy piece of door no gluten formed or very little gluten formed at this point how I need my door straight forward I bring it over creating some air underneath and just a gentle push away when I pull it over and fold air inside and then push it away I am giving it a turn so it's getting an even neede all the way so if that makes sense so let me see if I can do it in a way that it makes sense this hand is my turning hand and my folding hand if you like so I'm using that hand to fold over and turn so every time I'm folding it I'm using I'm folding over these fingers and then I'm turning at the same time now that might be a bit unnecessary for a lot of people I would suggest maybe just starting with the good oldfashioned pull it over and knead few need till it elongates you've got a nice sausage now turn it fold the over not the whole way just half or quarter and then continue to do that way you're folding it over you're folding it over and you're rolling into a sausage two hands fold you got your sausage again fold it over easy I would advise at this point to start a timer for 8 minutes or 10 minutes if you're new to it and you feel like you need a little bit more time but put a timer on because that's all you [Music] need [Music] okay I'm done needing this there's several ways you can tell that you're done you can do the standard push does it bounce back yes you can get thermometer you can jam it in you're looking for an internal temperature of 23 to 26° C and another way that I like you take a little bit of the door and just gently stretch it yeah this is called a window P test you see you get this little pin this little screen whatever you want to call it that is your gluten Network it's started but if you look closely it's not fully formed you can sort of see some of the Stations of the gluten forming it's not smooth it's not perfect it's not super strong it will tear easier as you can see but it's formed that's what you're looking for sort of striated window pane that's formed yeah that is a great way to see that your you have done the necessary work so incorporate that back into the door as you can see I've got this nice soft smooth texture on top of the door I've created that by one folding over and dragging the door as you can see underneath I'm using the friction on the counter to create that lovely smooth texture on top number one is finished number two rest now what you're going to do is cover the door ball with a wet towel we're going to let that rest for 2 hours 2 hours when you leave that door to rest it doesn't just sit there and do nothing which I guess the term rest certainly implies but when it's resting during that period it's still continuing to absorb flour still continuing to build those bonds and the gluten network will grow and strengthen and I'm going to show you the proof of that two hours later [Music] so you're going to need scales and something to put your door in now I want as I said earlier three 250 G door balls traditionally neapolitan pizza door ball for neapolitan pizza is somewhere in the region of 220 G to 250 g to be authentic any larger than that from my experience you just end up with a slightly more doughy Pizza which if that's your preference go for it but for me it's not you can either just which I've don't know time I'm just folding it in with my fingers smoothing it off and during that process I've Incorporated air inside the door ball and I've got a nice super little door ball little air pockets kicking around in surface there not sticky because again I've tightened it up I've closed the bottom and I can pop that in there if you see this is your first time take your top flip it round fold in a corner fold in another Corner fold in the other Corner fold in that corner just working your way around in a circle till you get back to the start and you have formed a door ball essentially now to finish the door ball you can either cup the door ball roll it like that just back and forth each time you bring it back you're building more surface tension with these fingers you bring it back you're rolling it rolling it rolling it there you go you've got a door ball or when you get to that point I was showing you earlier you can simply get it between your hands or quite simply flip FP it around pinch it all together cuz the door ball is going to be sticky it's going to adhere to itself three beautiful door [Music] [Music] balls [Music] exite
Channel: The Culinary Climber
Views: 1,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C0AOc9K5W3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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