How She Quit Her Job After A Few Months Selling On Amazon 🙌 Amazon FBA Success Stories

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hey everyone this is stefan from and I'm here at cellar con in Orlando Florida and I'm being joined right now by a--the with Athena severe e who is a successful Amazon seller and also does these epic trips that I've heard about that you take people to China with you to help them grow their Amazon business so thank you for taking the time thank you so much for how do you step in it's an honor yeah I said he might share with my audience a little bit about yourself and your story about how you got into selling on Amazon absolutely so as many of us I had a 95 job I was in corporate America and a consulting firm and a stable job there and then when I had my first son I tried to stay home and kind of have my career continue trying to work from home and I went back at the office had a second child so now I have two very small young boys and I'm trying to work from home and that was a bit of a challenge and I felt that in my life I wasn't being a good wife I wasn't being a good mom I wasn't being the best at my career and I wasn't taking care of myself even it was sort of like I was stretching in so many directions that I wasn't living life the way I wanted to live it and so how did that lead into finding about amazing selling machine and joining that and starting the Amazon journey yeah so there's a good friend of mine who worked at the same company as myself and he was quitting his job and I was like so what he what are you doing like I thought maybe got another consulting job or something and he's like oh no I'm selling kitchen products on Amazon and I literally laughed out loud I'm like you're kidding right it he's like no seriously I'm like okay hey like why are you come to lunch with me let me show you cuz it wasn't just him his wife and just quit to say both quit their jobs like intrigued so we went to lunch and he actually opened up his Amazon seller account and showed me the numbers and showed me that every two weeks he was getting these checks that looked like what I get in months of working at this intense job you know and I was like whatever that is give it to me like I want that yeah yeah so I immediately signed up for the amazing selling machine like I don't think I even watch any of the yeah I was just like I saw it right in front of my eyes so I was really excited yeah and what what like when did you sign up for ASM which was a yes so it was ISM force that was I guess same as same as me oh nice very cool yeah okay CSUN that BRE is important and what you know did you do it just like on your by yourself or did you have your husband or what was like that turning experiences yeah so my husband was very skeptical to be honest he's kind of like okay like what are you doing and I told him I said look you know I'm gonna put this money into it they even have a guarantee and I'm gonna just try my best and see how it goes and within three weeks that I picked my first product which I'm still selling right now and I just followed the steps of the course and I didn't have a lot of time to be honest like I had a very demanding job I had small kids still so I think I only put a few hours in a week to start with and then I remember after a few months I showed my husband I was making more money from selling these simple products on Amazon and I was at this job that I was killing myself over and I remember that day and I told him I said you know I'm gonna do this like I feel like if I just keep going it's gonna take me somewhere so I remember picking out my like I'm quitting outfit that morning I was so excited and I went to to my boss of nine years and I said you know I love you guys but I'm done he says I love you and I know and that was the first moment when I really felt like a true entrepreneur yeah and I was like taking my journey you know that's amazing that's always got to be the best feeling oh my gosh I love me that I had that experience ten years ago I was working in the family business for my dad and everything but I was just miserable but you know taking that step to be a full-time entrepreneur it's one of the best best feelings and just having that freedom I think is the biggest thing that provides I was interesting to me is that there's a lot of people out there who may or may not realize that that's who they are like I I I'm an entrepreneur that's who I am and I didn't even realize it till that moment that I like let it go yeah so let me ask you this I think there's a lot of women that are watching and a lot of moms that were in your situation I know that it's obviously gonna be very challenging to you know be a parent but at the same time you know try to try to build a business and especially when all this is brand new I think you know a lot of moms are obviously attracted to a work from home type situation like yourself so how did you do it like how did you manage that you mentioned you know you're also working a job or corporate job at the same time while being a mom and I know time is a big issue for moms too so share with I'd love to know and also for the moms oh sure okay so it's very simple what I did is I promised myself that every day I was going to move forward right and what I loved about the amazing selling machine is that they break it down into small videos so you can watch a 5 minute 10 minute 20 minute video you can you know contact a supplier you can there's all these little steps so I just promised myself I would do something on my business every day and little by little it started happening you know despite I mean I had a lot on my plate you didn't need to have you didn't need to work at a full time I mean even though it might not have been happening as fast as you wanted as long as you're just making slow and steady progress exactly I think at first I might have put little I mean it's embarrassing I might have put three to five hours a week and you know that wasn't enough to build like a huge thing but it got me going and like I said little by little I was like whoa I mean it took me probably about four or five months before I could actually quit my job you know and and and it was so funny because like I watched a video and it's like okay so you know pick a product this way and and find the opportunity and I just made a little list and I saw one that looked good and I just did the things and I mean I'm still selling that product that's awesome what were some of the challenges that you faced you know just kind of going through that journey like did you have much experience doing anything like that like were there any big challenges we have to face for sure so one thing was my time as mentioned given thing was I didn't have any prior marketing experience I'd never done in an internet business at all in fact I never even owned my own business I always had like a job working for someone else making someone else lots of money so when I when I did this it was a little bit challenging one of the things that was challenging was you know communication with China at first and then I worked on that and I found a good supplier and I still use her today and yeah so I think it's fun you know here's the thing there's like all these opportunities out there that people talk about like these multi-level and these things when I work on my business this is Athena's business I'm creating something I can be proud of yeah yeah I you know I know that you're big on sourcing with China you you've gone to China many times you take other Amazon sellers that are with you and you have a lot of experience just working with Chinese manufacturers maybe make mind sharing just with people a little bit about that process I mean I've never been to China and I think a lot of people might be intimidated by that and there's a be a little of a language barrier or timezone difference and whatnot so what if what do you learn and what can you share with people just around sourcing products from China okay absolutely thank you so when I first started um one thing that's very big with the Chinese is relationship building like you're either they're family or you're not right so when you don't have to go to China to do this business in fact I did this business for a year and a half and I hadn't gone to China ever and then someone offered me a trip and I went I went kind of on my own and when I went there I'm you just find like an ocean of possibilities and you actually get to meet with people face to face and you can really innovate you know like let's say I'm trying to do a sports bottle I can say hey put my logo here can you make it bigger I like this color and it's really fun I find it really enjoyable to go there but I don't think it's absolutely necessary to build a business so just helps building that relationship because that relationship is so important especially if you're gonna work I mean they're a big part of your business that supplier and so that allows you to probably negotiate better with them and just showing how committed you are and being able to do customizations and they're gonna work with you more like did you notice the difference in terms of like just working from like the US and like back versus actually meeting them and spending that time with them oh it's absolutely incredible like we had okay there's a girl that came with us to one of my China trips and she'd been getting a particular product from the supplier for a year and she went and actually found the guy at the Canton Fair and didn't say who she was and she's killing it like she's doing an amazing amount of product in the camping world and she didn't tell him anything they built rapport they spent hours talking about branding and all this stuff and then he offered her 30% less than what she's been getting this entire time despite the fact that yeah so there's a lot of opportunity there yeah and it's a lot of fun so so you mention is is there like a fare or something you'd go to the to see all the different suppliers there or so what we do is we go to the can Tom fair and we go there's three different phases and we go to the second and third phase of Canton we also go to Hong Kong and we go and find products and innovate and I mean I have a friend who does a very simple product that's in the kitchen space that I mean there's a million of them on Amazon but because he goes there and he gets like the best quality and all the branding and things that he does he's just like he's killing it and I think a lot of that's working with suppliers oh cool so you could you could go there regardless of even if you have a product or not it's a great opportunities to see all the different suppliers and meet them and I guess check out the different products and then you could just get so many ideas of what like hey I could build a business around this or around that and and build that relationship from the start absolutely in fact when you connect with these factory owners right they are now your partner so they're like excited for you and for themselves like they're like hey you know and they'll show you products that are not on the market yet like you go walk through the fair and you'll see all these amazing products but they have stuff that they don't have out in the open because they don't want competitors copying them so if you build that rapport and you're like hey so what do you think's next they'll literally take stuff out and be like this and it's so hot and you know maybe it's in the European market but it's not in the US yet and you're the first market and you can kill it with a product like that very cool yeah you know Tatiana and I have discussed going to China too and we definitely love to join so how much fun if we end up doing a trip we'll be sure to let you guys know yeah I know oh sorry sorry good I I know you work you know you know a lot of Amazon sellers you take them on these trips but you also come to these events you know you work with a lot of moms and people in that situation I'd love to hear from your perspective and what you've observed I guess what are what are the biggest reasons you think that a lot of people struggle you know like why like there's obviously certain people that are awesome they succeed they take action other people though they struggle they have you know maybe they're afraid to pick a product or take action with it or maybe it's the time or whatever it is but what do you just what do you see is some of the biggest challenges that people face and and then like the things that you notice for those people that struggle versus the people that you have seen succeed like what's that difference do you think for me it's really about staying positive you know it's like if you have somebody who has a goal and they're really like that's why I love everything that you do because you're really you know with your project mastery you're really putting those goals there and I see how you like yearly you know what I mean so it's like for me for example even if it's as simple as like this week I'm going to get through these five steps you know I think that if you have a goal and you figure out your personal why and that's huge for me my why are my children and all of the amazing people that I have helped to see how because I got into Amazon for myself and then when I found out how amazing it was I started telling like everyone I was like you need to find out about this because it doesn't matter if you know you're just trying to make a little extra money or if you want to build a massive brand to me having that freedom I mean think about the amount of hours you spend every day at work and there's so many people out there that are not even happy with what they do that is so draining on their soul you know and they don't spend time with their family and even if they're home they're not really home because they're stressed and that stress affects our health is it affects everything so you know when it comes to people's challenges I feel like you're gonna fail like if you think that it's just gonna be a hundred percent pie in the sky it's not and I'm sorry like being an entrepreneur is not about being perfect it's about having a goal having a real purpose having a why having a reason to succeed and making that stronger than any of the little pitfalls that you will find and and that's really strong I think from from me and the people I work I agree I mean the mindset is so key because even you could have two people with the same information and the same opportunity but I love what you said about the Y you know and everyone's gonna find out what that is and you know I love you know for me and I think many people too it's it's getting to that point where you just like just decide you know I'm just tired of having this job or I'm tired of just not having my freedom or not having that time with my kids and once you get to that point where you're like I'm willing to do whatever it takes that's for me at least when everything changes a hundred percent agree and go it's not that difficult to replace the income that you need to live and like I was mentioning earlier about my trips like for me going on these trips and creating these environments and seeing how people's lives transformed that's my happy place right I would have never found that if I hadn't let go of my day-to-day grind you know so maybe Amazon or building an online business isn't your end goal but if you could cover your income and make things comfortable what other types of things you know what type of volunteering would you want to do well you know travel would you want to do what kind of things would you do with your family like what would you do if finance and time wasn't holding you back and I see a lot of amazing entrepreneurs like you and your amazing girlfriend Tatiana really changing lives and I feel like if you you know now that you've got things covered with your with your other businesses you can kind of go out there and do a lot of things for people and I think that's huge I agree so we're here at Southwark on obviously I know I know you're you're you know you work with them now and you've been a part of this community so much and you know I know for me like just coming to these events and the people that I meet and I just know how amazing and life-changing it is it and I know some people out there they you know I've shared ASM and whatnot but like just what's your perspective just maybe share with you you know the experience of amazing selling machine and coming to these events the value that they bring because I think some people don't don't realize like how life-changing it is being at an event like this and I hope that we can inspire you guys to come to something like this be around and join a community like this cuz I just see that community is such an important thing as well as getting the education in the training because I see people that try to go about you know business trying to do everything on their own and that's where I see a lot of people get caught up hung up you know I agree that there's gonna learn from a YouTube video or a blog post and it's like you know I know and I try to help people as much as I can on YouTube but it's still you need to have the right education because it's a real business and it's gonna require you know professional advice and knowledge and expertise to be able to pursue it so there's I just love for you to share just about ASM and this community and address that I love that okay so first of all think about the years of experience and the the trials you know that people have been through in terms of building up their Amazon businesses right so it's like all the failures all the successes it's all been put in a package to where they're shown you exact steps to take to build a business if you were to go about that on your own and I know because I've experienced this business now for three and a half years it's like you order the wrong product you put out the wrong you know advertise you like you can do so many things and not succeed and then get disheartened right why not take the accumulated knowledge of like thousands and thousands of man-hours of people who really know this business you pay a small fee like I paid for this course three and a half years ago they keep updating it and when there's changes and that happens sometimes there can be a major change and Amazon may or may not let you know about it and then all of a sudden your business is doing good and it could drop just from you not being up with the times and what this community does is they let you know immediately hey guys you need its shortened your title it's you know it used to be the law thing now guess what that's yesterday's news now you need to make it shorter and if I hadn't fixed that I would have lost traction you know so like the community I mean that's about the course I want to just try to communicate what being around a community like this is like so imagine you're in a room and you've got this energy of all of these people who are either very successful or they're on their way and they're excited about the future and they care so much about each other that's one thing like the mentors they'll do anything to help you you know Michael McCleary Matt Clark Jason Kassim akra jenas in these guys I've known I know them very very well they'll do anything to help someone in their community and there's nothing like it there's nothing like energy I know well I find like just the belief you get like there the content informations amazing but I find the more that you can just reinforce that belief like when we first came was like our fourth event came to one in Vegas and I remember top for Tatiana it was the first time she ever came to like an online marketing event and she was at a point in her life where she was pursuing schooling and everything and she was like okay what do I you know want to do like which direction do I want to go and she had just got her product launched on Amazon she I she got a first sale at that event but for her it was like and even for me to this day like when you're there and you see all these other regular people just like you they're up on stage or you're the person next to you or whatever it is and you're like hey how did you get into this tell me about your business and they're crushing it and they just like it just validates to you that this works it's real because our day to day life for a lot of people you might not know people that are successful you might share this with your friends and family or even their your husband and they think you're crazy or you know I don't understand they're skeptical and when you're here you feel like you're a part of the family like everyone's got the same goal as you they have similar stories as you and you feel like yeah this works now I'm gonna go back home and I'm gonna like take more action and it just it just makes it more real versus when you just kind of watch a video or or whatever it's just you know it's just kind of disconnect a little bit a little bit of disassociation versus actually being here so that's that's powerful for me it's such and you are such an inspiration and I hope like if I can inspire even just one person to take action you know you you don't have much loose you have so much to gain you know like think about if I wouldn't have taken this course you know a few years ago the amount of times I've happening able to go to the zoo with my kids or make them breakfast or do what I want to do with them like I can you can't get those years back you know so I'm like so appreciative of people like you and and this community and I try to pay it forward as much as I possibly can awesome well tell me about your two boys you mentioned that you bear the launch preneur stew so share that because that's going to be an another blessing oh my gosh this is such a big deal for me okay so you know if people want to go to university that's totally cool right but for me like I've noticed a trend where you know people spend like 150 200 300 thousand dollars in debt and they're young they get out of college and they're trying to find like an entry-level thing right I don't want that for my boys I want my boys to have whatever type of future they want so three years ago we actually introduced them to the business so these kids they're now 7 and 10 so they were 4 & 7 when we started and they actually went through the whole process that's how simple it is it's like my if you go talk to my son right now he can literally find you like 10 opportunities on Amazon all he does is watches the videos he calls make McCleary Uncle Mike it's like I'm watching Uncle Mike videos so he'll just like watch the videos he'll like find different products and you know they wanted to do it lemony this is how it actually started so they wanted to make a lemonade stand right and I was like okay tell me about your business plan and they're like yeah you know we're gonna sell it for 50 cents and this and that I'm like cool so how could you turn that into a business on Amazon so they actually sell like lemons squeezers and lemons esters and lemon everything and it's all like lemon brand and um it's very cute so I mean it's not like they're not killing it on Amazon which I because they actually control their entire business make money and all the money goes back into their business so by the time they're 18 they're gonna have this like thriving brand right and they are understanding marketing they understand finance they understand negotiation they understand how like so many topics that they don't show anybody in school there's they make mommy's so proud yeah yeah so that's really how simple yeah yeah in fact my son you're gonna hear this webdigs so we went to this last amazing selling machine event and my little boy he was like nine back then and he was watching a presenter and he comes up to me and he's like mom you're in the wrong subcategory on one of your products like are you kidding me he fixed it and I started like selling about you know what are your thirty for a day just from that little switch so yeah so just being gas or my kids see on through my pride and joy and I love that I'm like not just a mom you know and inspiring them through what I do but they're now learning the business themselves and teaching their friends in school was amazing I mean that's the future the young generation I mean what you know think the kids are the future they have different opportunities than what we had when we were younger you know like for you at that stage your life you know as a corporate job of what to pursue you didn't know that this even existed and you know we're just at the infancy of this and taking advantage of it and hopefully you guys are and you know we are these people that here that are but you know the younger generation this is like selling online is now a career path it's it's and and the earlier that you can start I mean the better so it's great that they're already getting into it I'm sure they're gonna be extremely successful by the time they're like 18 years old I sure hope so and I could only imagine if I would have done this 10 years before you know like I'm in my mid-30s if I would have found this in my 20s yeah oh yeah we all we all wish that we start earlier they said the best time to have planted a tree was 20 years ago the second best time is right now yeah awesome well thank you so much for taking the time so much no really thank you for what you do you inspire so many people to break out of their fear and actually like move forward and I think that that's really important so sorry just one last thing like if if you guys feel like there's something you want to accomplish and you somehow have these ideas like just think of like okay what would happen if I were to try what would happen if I gave this a chance versus what would happen if I don't you know and I was sitting there at three and a half years ago and if I would have heard my friends story of him quitting and whatever and not you know pursued that there's a lot of things I wouldn't have done you know I wouldn't be sitting here with such a great fabulous person and said thank you thank you how can people learn more about you and your China trip well then go to Athena magic comm and sign up there and they can reach out to know twice a year right and just roots to so we bring 50 people at a time I haven't even released the next day and it's starting to fill up which is amazing cool so yeah if you guys are on my list then I'll make sure to notify you guys when there's an upcoming trip awesome well thank you again so much and thank you guys for watching hopefully you guys enjoyed hearing Athena's story and we'll look forward to seeing you again in the next video take care hey so let's say thanks again for watching this video and if you want to get started to build your own online business on Amazon then I'd love to give you some free video training that I put together that shares with you more about this process and more in-depth step-by-step how you can get started to build your own online business on Amazon to create whatever kind of internet lifestyle that you want for yourself so to get access to this free video training all you got to do is just go to WWF mastery comm /fb a ok project life mastery comm /fb FBA as in fifth element by Amazon and also have a link in the description of this video as well that you can click on head on over to that page all you got to do is just put in your name and your email address and then check your email inbox and then right away I'll send you some valuable videos and resources to help you get started learn more about this and guide you in that right direction and it'll get a few more emails from me over the next few weeks I just don't want to overwhelm you too much right away but I'm not gonna spam you or anything like that I want to make sure that I provide some awesome high quality free content that can help you build your own online business on Amazon so thanks again for watching and I'll talk to you again soon take care you
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 87,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: athena severi amazon, amazon fba success stories, sellercon orlando 2018, work from home, amazing selling machine, entrepreneur, freedom, challenges, amazon suppliers, goals, personal why, mindset, mentors, athena magic, how she quit her job, sourcing products from china, inspirational story, mompreneur, positive mindset, amazon fba, selling on amazon, 9 to 5 job, canton fair, innovation, chinese manufacturers in china, life changing opportunity, relationship building, quit your job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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